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CNN 10 - April 3, 2023

A Multi-State Tornado Outbreak; Trump Will Be Arraigned on Tuesday.

COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up, everyone? I`m Coy Wire, coming to you from Houston, Texas, today. Rise up.

I am here covering all the action at this year`s final four and the college basketball national championship game. I am so grateful to be here with you

to help you jump start your week right here on CNN 10.

Now we do start today with some tragic news for our lead story. The communities in the South and Midwest regions of the United States were hit

by severe tornadoes, more than 50 preliminary tornado reports were recorded Friday in at least seven states and communities across the country faced

absolute devastation this weekend. Neighborhoods were leveled with homes and businesses destroyed, the roofs of buildings were torn off by wind and

as of Sunday, when we recorded our show, 27 people have been reported dead.

And the threat of more tornadoes had shifted to the southern plains where nearly 13 million people in north Texas, including the Dallas-Fort Worth

area face an enhanced risk for severe weather. The latest destructive weather across the South and Midwest comes just a week after a severe

tornado walloped up the southeast, killing at least another 26 people and destroying much of Rolling Fork, Mississippi.

wallop [ˋwɑləp] v.【口】痛打;击溃

In addition, storms have also knocked out power to these struggling communities. When we recorded our show Sunday, more than 30,000 customers

in Arkansas remain impacted by power outages, with hundreds of thousands more without power across the south and northeast, including 120,000 in

Pennsylvania, 73,000 in Ohio.

The governors of Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and Arkansas have all declared emergency or disaster declarations in their states to provide immediate

assistance to impacted counties. President Joe Biden has also issued a major disaster declaration for Arkansas.

We`ll hear now from CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam who`s currently in Wynne, Arkansas, assessing the damage.


DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: We are in badly devastated Wynne, Arkansas, where electrical vehicles and companies are on the scene, trying

to assess the initial damage here that the mayor described has literally split his town in half. And we are standing directly in that path from this

devastating tornado.

I want you to see behind me, this is a home, that is a living room and that`s somebody`s piano. There`s no music being played there today. This

house has been vacated. There have been injuries.

vacate [ˋveket] v. 空出;搬出

Overnight, there were active search and recovery efforts taking place. We`ve walked around this area. The Wynne high school here in Arkansas, home

to the Yellowjackets, their home football field was decimated by this tornado and I want you to see it from the air because you can notice the

decimate [ˋdɛsə͵met] v. 大量毁灭;重挫

kind of indiscriminate nature of a tornado and how its path of destruction is very concentrated.

indiscriminate [͵ɪndɪˋskrɪmənɪt] adj. 不加区别的,无差别的

It`s literally like peeling back the skin off of an orange, took the artificial turf and ripped it off of their home field. But on the other

peel [pil] v. 削去……的皮

peel back 剥掉

artificial turf 人工草坪

side of the football field, it was left untouched so were some homes, but the areas where it hit hardest of course completely devastated and we have

seen just the true nature of how incredible Mother Nature can be.

It is a scary morning as we get first light and get an idea of just how bad this tornado really was.


WIRE: Former President Donald Trump is expected to appear in a New York courtroom tomorrow, following a formal criminal charge late last week by a

Manhattan grand jury. The charges include more than 30 counts related to business fraud, but the specific details of the indictment have not been

indictment [ɪnˋdaɪtmənt] n. 控告,告發;起訴[C][U];起訴書

made public. This is the first time in U.S. history that a current or former president has been criminally charged.

But did you know that Ulysses S. Grant was once arrested for speeding. That`s right, speeding on his horse-drawn carriage all the way back in


Now, in response to the charges, the former president has maintained his innocence and claims that the charges are politically motivated. The

unprecedented nature of bringing a former U.S. president in for criminal charges has activated a complex choreographed security effort in the city

choreographed [ˋkɔrɪəgræft] adj. 刻意安排的;精心设计的

of New York.

CNN`s Shimon Prokupecz is in Manhattan as the city prepares for Tuesday`s arraignment.

arraignment [əˋrenmənt] n.【律】传讯;提讯


SHIMON PROKUPECZ, CNN SENIOR CRIME AND JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): With an unprecedented indictment comes immense security challenges. The

NYPD, along with court officers U.S. marshals and the United States secret service are running through logistics of how Tuesday`s historic arraignment

marshal [ˋmɑrʃəl] n.【美】联邦法院执行官;市司法官;警官局长;消防队长

run through 排练; 迅速看一遍, 浏览; 复查

logistics [loˋdʒɪstɪks] n. 后勤;物流

of the former president will go down.

Law enforcement sources telling CNN officials are conducting a dry run of Trump`s movements including his motorcade route to the courthouse in

dry run 排练;演习;摹拟演习

motorcade [ˋmotɚ͵ked] n. 汽车行列;车队

downtown Manhattan where he is expected to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon. How he will get inside the courtroom flanked by Secret Service and what

arraign [əˋren] v.【律】传讯;提讯

flank [flæŋk] v. 掩护……的翼侧

will the arrest process look like. Will he be treated like any other defendant?

defendant [dɪˋfɛndənt] n.【律】被告

The former president expected to be fingerprinted and photographed for a mug shot. It`s a massive effort starting when Trump arrives by plane

mug shot【俚】(嫌犯档案)面部照片

Monday, securing Trump Tower, the court and the motorcade route.

KENNETH COREY, FORMER NYPD CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT: In this case though where you have a former president and certainly a president with as large a

following as former President Trump, there`s a lot of unique concerns that are going to come into play. I think that the bigger unknown here is going

to come in the form of protests or potential protests.

PROKUPECZ: Officials are also bracing for protests after Trump urged his supporters to protest his arrest when news of the indictment reportedly


So far, the mayor`s office says there are no credible threats to the city and out of an abundance of caution, every member of the NYPD, some 35,000

credible [ˋkrɛdəb!] adj. 可信的;可靠的

officers, are reporting for duty in uniform and prepared for mobilization.

COREY: The challenge for the NYPD is going to be protecting everybody`s First Amendment right, allowing everybody to have their voice heard and to

do so in a way that keeps the peace.


WIRE: Next, we`re catching up with Nelly Cheboi who was named CNN Hero of the Year. Her non-profit organization TechLit has gained widespread

recognition for its efforts to upcycle old computers and provide tech education to rural communities in Kenya. We`ll delve into Nelly`s

upcycle [ˋʌp͵saɪk!] v. 升级改造

delve [dɛlv] v. 探究,钻研;搜索[(+into)]

experiences since winning the award and here firsthand what it meant to achieve such a momentous victory.




NELLY CHEBOI, CNN HERO OF THE YEAR: You can only imagine like how crazy it was when I was named the CNN Hero of the Year. I thought I was like, I`m

about to fall down. I look at the audience. You know, it was my mom screaming back at me.

Like most women that come before her, they die in poverty like that`s all they know -- poverty. I don`t think it can get any bigger than that.

It was really heartwarming to see that the work was bigger than me now.

WILLIAM RUTO, KENYAN PRESIDENT: We also congratulate Nelly Cheboi.

CHEBOI: The president of Kenya congratulated me, talked about TechLit, which has become a household name in Kenya. Everyone knows that we are

teaching kids computer skills.

What I`m really excited about is the future in Kenya and in the rest of the continent where kids are going to be learning about the tech world.

Let`s start with him.

There`s hope like poverty has an expiration date, right?

When you were growing up in poverty, you think of yourself as less than. I knew just how powerful the kids celebrating this award was, I wanted to

turn that into like hey, yes, this can happen for you, too. Yes.


WIRE: Ten-second trivia:

Who invented the game of basketball?

Jerry West, James Naismith, Abner Doubleday or Walter Camp?

On December 21st, 1891, PE instructor James Naismith using a soccer ball and two peach baskets created what was called a new game of ball.


WIRE: Today`s story getting a out of is from right here in Texas. We`ve had a ball covering what`s been called the wildest final four of all time,

women`s and men`s. Last night in the women`s championship game, it was LSU winning it all. They`ve been led all season by superstar Angel Reese and

their hall of fame coach, of course, Kim Mulkey, who has some of the most flamboyant fashion in all of sports. You go, Tigers! Congrats to LSU.

flamboyant [flæmˋbɔɪənt] adj. 艳丽的;浮夸的;浮华的;炫耀的

And tonight, right here in Houston in that stadium behind me, the men`s title game. It`ll be San Diego State and UConn playing for all the marbles.

all the marbles: everything; winner takes all; to take a great risk in the hope of a great gain

I caught up with the head coaches from each team and found out that they are both superstitious.


BRIAN DUTCHER, SAN DIEGO STATE MEN`S BASKETBALL COACH: I wear the same shoes, the same socks, you know, I`m -- I`m -- I`m trying to stay

consistent with what I`ve got on for every game. We`re on a win streak, I don`t want to change anything.

win streak 碰上连赢的运气; 连胜

WIRE: Same shoes, how long you`ve been wearing them?

DUTCHER: They`ve been through two Gatorade baths, two cutting down of nets.

WIRE: Is it true that you`ve been wearing a certain same sort of a clothing article for superstitious reasons?

DAN HURLEY, UCONN MEN`S BASKETBALL COACH: Yeah, I -- that`s definitely true, as well as the socks. But the socks are unremarkable, they`re just a

unremarkable [ˋʌnrɪˋmɑrkəb!] adj. 不显著的;不值得注意的

blue pair.

WIRE: But the same pair.

HURLEY: Same pair and I`ve gone back to an older pair of shoes that I won at Rhode Island when we -- when we won in the NCAA tournament there.


WIRE: Now, I`m not superstitious, but I am sometimes a little bit stitches. How about you? Any superstitions?

One thing we always do though because we believe it keeps the good mojo flowing is give a shout-out every show to show you some love.

mojo 个人魅力; 魔力;魔咒;好运;护身符

Today`s shout out is going to Rochester, Minnesota. Willow Creek Middle School, go Wildcats!

We see you we hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.

I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.























wallop [ˋwɑləp] v.【口】痛打;击溃

vacate [ˋveket] v. 空出;搬出

decimate [ˋdɛsə͵met] v. 大量毁灭;重挫

indiscriminate [͵ɪndɪˋskrɪmənɪt] adj. 不加区别的,无差别的

peel [pil] v. 削去……的皮

peel back 剥掉

artificial turf 人工草坪

indictment [ɪnˋdaɪtmənt] n. 控告,告發;起訴[C][U];起訴書

choreographed [ˋkɔrɪəgræft] adj. 刻意安排的;精心设计的

arraignment [əˋrenmənt] n.【律】传讯;提讯

marshal [ˋmɑrʃəl] n.【美】联邦法院执行官;市司法官;警官局长;消防队长

run through 排练; 迅速看一遍, 浏览; 复查

logistics [loˋdʒɪstɪks] n. 后勤;物流

dry run 排练;演习;摹拟演习

motorcade [ˋmotɚ͵ked] n. 汽车行列;车队

arraign [əˋren] v.【律】传讯;提讯

flank [flæŋk] v. 掩护……的翼侧

defendant [dɪˋfɛndənt] n.【律】被告

mug shot【俚】(嫌犯档案)面部照片

credible [ˋkrɛdəb!] adj. 可信的;可靠的

upcycle [ˋʌp͵saɪk!] v. 升级改造

delve [dɛlv] v. 探究,钻研;搜索[(+into)]

flamboyant [flæmˋbɔɪənt] adj. 艳丽的;浮夸的;浮华的;炫耀的

all the marbles: everything; winner takes all; to take a great risk in the hope of a great gain

win streak 碰上连赢的运气; 连胜

unremarkable [ˋʌnrɪˋmɑrkəb!] adj. 不显著的;不值得注意的

mojo [ˈmodʒo] n. 个人魅力; 魔力;魔咒;好运;护身符



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