CNN 10 - April 5, 2023
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- 创建于 2023年4月05日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月15日
- 发布于 2023年4月05日
- 作者:Mike Lee
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The Arrest And Arraignment Of Donald Trump; Inside The USS Mississippi.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, friends. Coy Wire here. So happy to be with you.
It is #YourWordWednesday. So, hit me up @CoyWire on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok and put your unique vocabulary word in the comment section of my
most recent post and we`ll pick and fun one to work into tomorrow`s show.
Last week`s word from @Makaela0426 was taradiddle. Meaning a petty little lie.
taradiddle [ˌtærəˋdɪd!] n. 小谎话; a trivial lie
Without further ado, let`s do what we do. CNN 10 starts right now.
ado [əˋdu] n. 纷扰,骚扰;忙乱;麻烦,费力
We start in New York City where former President Donald Trump was scheduled to appear in a courtroom yesterday, facing criminal charges. Last week, the
former president was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury. The charges include more than 30 counts related to business fraud. The Manhattan`s
indict [ɪnˋdaɪt] v.(尤指大陪审团)对……起诉[(+for/with)]
district attorney`s office has been investigating Trump`s alleged role in a hush money payment scheme, and subsequent cover-up dating back to the 2016
attorney [əˋtɝnɪ] n.【美】律师; 检察官
hush money 封口费
hush [hʌʃ] v. 使沉默,使安静
presidential campaign.
Throughout this legal process, though, Trump has maintained his innocence and has denied any wrongdoing. The former president also accuses Democrats
of targeting him politically with these charges. A recent CNN poll shows that 60 percent of Americans approve of the indictment. That same survey
indictment [ɪnˋdaɪtmənt] n. 控告,告發;起訴
says that most Americans, 76 percent, do believe that politics played at least some role in this indictment.
Prior to the court appearance yesterday, Trump`s legal team said the former president would voluntarily surrender and would look to challenge every
surrender [səˋrɛndɚ] v. 投降,自首
potential issue once the indictment was unsealed. This arraignment is historic. It was the first time a current or former U.S. president has been
unsealed [ʌnˋsild] adj. 未证实的; 未密封的
arraignment [əˋrenmənt] n.【律】传讯;提讯;控告
criminally charged.
We`ll take a look now at the events of the day.
MIKE VALERIO, CNN NEWSOURCE NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Former President Trump is now back in Florida, saying on Truth Social that he did nothing wrong
and nothing illegal, but prosecutors here in Lower Manhattan would certainly beg to differ, accusing him of engaging in a criminal conspiracy
beg to differ(禮貌的說法)难以苟同
conspiracy [kənˋspɪrəsɪ] n. 阴谋;谋叛
to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election.
integrity [ɪnˋtɛgrətɪ] n. 正直;廉正;诚实
(voice-over): Former President Donald Trump indicted and arraigned on 34 counts related to business fraud. Tuesday`s legal proceedings relatively
proceedings [prəˋsidɪŋz] n. 诉讼
short, but its impact on American history seismic, unprecedented. Trump is now the first ever former or sitting president to be criminally charged.
TODD BLANCHE, FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP`S ATTORNEY: He`s frustrated. He`s upset. But I tell you what? He`s motivated and it`s not going to stop
motivate [ˋmotə͵vet] v. 刺激;激发
him and it`s not going to slow him down, and it`s -- it`s exactly what he expected.
ALVIN BRAGG, MANHATTAN DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Thirty-four false statements made to cover up other crimes. These are felony crimes in New York state,
felony [ˋfɛlənɪ] n.【律】重罪
no matter who you are. We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct.
normalize [ˋnɔrm!͵aɪz] v. 使常态化;使合标准
VALERIO: Trump is already looking ahead towards a possible trial, posting Tuesday morning that it should be moved to Staten Island, because Manhattan
look ahead 考虑到将来
would be, quote, very unfair.
The security around the New York City courthouse was ramped up ahead of Tuesday`s arraignment, with overall peaceful crowds gathering before and
ramp up 加强;增强
against Trump.
The next step for Trump, back at home at Mar-a-Lago Tuesday night, where his lawyers have said they`ll dissect every charge in the now unsealed
dissect [dɪˋsɛkt] v. 仔细分析;细心研究
indictment and plan their defense.
And the judge in this case did not issue a gag order, meaning that the former president can talk about this matter, but the judge here in Lower
gag order(尤指禁止评论案件的)限制公开言论的命令,禁声令
gag [gæg] n. 言论箝制
Manhattan urged both sides -- the former president and the prosecution -- to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric.
inflammatory [ɪnˋflæmə͵torɪ] adj. 煽动性的
WIRE: Ten-second trivia:
What was the only U.S. battleship to get underway during Japan`s attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941?
get underway 启程;开始
USS California, West Virginia, Nevada or Oklahoma?
The USS Nevada was the only battleship to start moving though it was hit by a torpedo and multiple bombs.
torpedo [tɔrˋpido] n. 鱼雷;水雷
We`ll head to Pearl Harbor now for our next story. Last year, the U.S. announced a landmark submarine deal with Australia and the U.K. where
nuclear-powered submarines will be sent to Western Australia. These underwater warships will be strategically located there in case China,
which has the world`s largest navy, looks to possibly grow its presence in the Pacific region.
So how massive are these U.S. submarines?
Our Will Ripley gives us an exclusive look inside the USS Mississippi.
WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Our journey begins in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the bustling hub of the U.S.
Pacific fleet, covering almost half the world, 100 million square miles, 1,500 aircraft, and around 200 ships, including more than half of the
navy`s nuclear-powered submarines.
Today, we`re getting an exclusive look inside the USS Mississippi, one of the most powerful warships on the planet -- with a crew of around 140
Rear Admiral Jeff Jablon is commander of the Pacific fleet submarine force, facing new powerful threats in the hotly contested Indo-Pacific.
Rear Admiral 海军少将
hotly contested 竞争激烈的
The Mississippi is one of 49 fast attack submarines in the U.S. Naval fleet. The fleet also has 14 larger submarines carrying nuclear-armed
ballistic missiles. The U.S., U.K. and Australia`s newly announced AUKUS partnership will send nuclear-powered submarines to Perth, potentially
challenging China`s ambitions for the region.
Beijing now has the world`s largest navy, but U.S. submarines have the world`s most advanced technology, a key advantage in underwater warfare.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mississippi is ready to dive.
RIPLEY: The sub is capable of diving deep and fast, descending hundreds of feet in a matter of seconds.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Three hundred feet.
RIPLEY: At angles of up to 25 degrees, even standing up can be a challenge.
Traveling underwater makes the submarine almost impossible to detect, the nuclear reactor is so quiet, the sub submarine makes less noise than a
whale. In the dark depths of the ocean, there`s no light to navigate.
The team relies on highly sensitive sonar.
The USS Mississippi, like all of America`s nuclear submarines, can`t essentially sustain itself under the water for weeks or even months at a
time because of the nuclear reactor that powers them. They breathe recirculated air and purified water. The only thing that they need to
recirculate [ˌrɪˋsɝkjə͵let] v. 再循环
actually get resupplied with is food for the crew members and that means that they get used to spending a very long time not only without sunshine
and blue skies but also without regular communication or conversations with their families.
The food on submarines is surprisingly good, but spending months under water can be tough. No mobile phones allowed. Outside communication only
possible on emails.
At the back of the sub, Jack O`Brien works with a team of technical engineers.
Do you ever get bored on a sub?
JACK O`BRIEN, CREW MEMBER, USS MISSISSIPPI: No, no, that`s absolutely not. Every day I come in, thinking I know what I`m -- thinking I know exactly
what`s going to happen, what I got to do.
RIPLEY: Rear Admiral Jablon says deterrence is the key objective. Submarines like the USS Mississippi are constantly preparing for war, ready
deterrence [dɪˋtɝrəns] n. 威慑;威慑作用
at a moment`s notice for whatever the future holds.
WIRE: Our next story now takes us to Berkeley microbiology lab where we`re given a 10 out of 10 to a furry squirrel who learned how to ring a bell to
squirrel [ˋskwɝəl] n. 松鼠
get a treat. This video has gone viral on TikTok and shows us just how smart these bushy-tailed tree dwellers can be.
bushy [ˋbʊʃɪ] adj. 浓密的;多毛的
Our Jeanne Moos shows us how this little squirrel is treating an office building window like his very own fast food drive through.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): What does this California squirrel have in common with these humans?
Ringing for service can drive a person squirrely.
squirrely [ˋskwɝrəlɪ] adj.【俚】发疯的
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I heard this like incessant ringing noise, I was like what is going on, and my co-worker was like, oh, we taught the squirrel to
incessant [ɪnˋsɛsnt] adj. 不停的,连续的,持续不断的
noise [nɔɪz] n. 噪音,干扰
ring the bell.
MOOS: Grad students and researchers at this Berkeley microbiology lab enjoy feeding a squirrel who comes to their window ledge. But recently,
ledge [lɛdʒ] n. 壁架;架状突出物;岩架,岩石突出部
they trained the squirrel to ring the bell to get a treat.
MOOS: They named him Kluyver after a famous microbiologist Albert Kluyver.
Online posters were smitten though someone griped, he only gets one almond after all that?
smite [smaɪt] v. 使极度不安;折磨
gripe [graɪp] v.【口】诉苦,发牢骚
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think we don`t want the squirrel to rely on us as the main source of food.
MOOS: They trained Kluyver by making the bell ring whenever he begged and if he happened to strike the string waving his paws he got a knot. But the peanut gallery complained,
knot [nɑt] n.(绳等的)结
peanut gallery【美】【俚】(影剧院的)廉价后排座
lower the bell, jeez. So they not only lowered the string, they gave the squirrel a step stool mug.
stool [stul] n. 凳子;搁脚凳
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I lengthened the string. Yeah, I caved into the criticism a little bit.
cave [kev] v.【口】屈服,投降[(+in)][(+to)]
MOOS: In the immortal words of Lurch.
LURCH: You rang?
WIRE: Awesome sauce.
All right, now, we can`t finish this show without my favorite part. Thanks to everyone who subscribed to our CNN 10 YouTube Channel, like the lovely
folks from southern California. Schurr High School in Montebello you rock. Much love and many blessings.
Texas, you`ve been awesome. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Remember, submit those vocab words and remember to put the definition in there, too, please.
I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
taradiddle [ˌtærəˋdɪd!] n. 小谎话; a trivial lie
ado [əˋdu] n. 纷扰,骚扰;忙乱;麻烦,费力
indict [ɪnˋdaɪt] v.(尤指大陪审团)对……起诉[(+for/with)]
attorney [əˋtɝnɪ] n.【美】律师; 检察官
hush money 封口费
hush [hʌʃ] v. 使沉默,使安静
indictment [ɪnˋdaɪtmənt] n. 控告,告發;起訴
surrender [səˋrɛndɚ] v. 投降,自首
unsealed [ʌnˋsild] adj. 未证实的; 未密封的
arraignment [əˋrenmənt] n.【律】传讯;提讯;控告
beg to differ(禮貌的說法)难以苟同
conspiracy [kənˋspɪrəsɪ] n. 阴谋;谋叛
integrity [ɪnˋtɛgrətɪ] n. 正直;廉正;诚实
proceedings [prəˋsidɪŋz] n. 诉讼
motivate [ˋmotə͵vet] v. 刺激;激发
felony [ˋfɛlənɪ] n.【律】重罪
normalize [ˋnɔrm!͵aɪz] v. 使常态化;使合标准
look ahead 考虑到将来
ramp up 加强;增强
dissect [dɪˋsɛkt] v. 仔细分析;细心研究
gag order(尤指禁止评论案件的)限制公开言论的命令,禁声令
gag [gæg] n. 言论箝制
inflammatory [ɪnˋflæmə͵torɪ] adj. 煽动性的
get underway 启程;开始
torpedo [tɔrˋpido] n. 鱼雷;水雷
Rear Admiral 海军少将
hotly contested 竞争激烈的
recirculate [ˌrɪˋsɝkjə͵let] v. 再循环
deterrence [dɪˋtɝrəns] n. 威慑;威慑作用
squirrel [ˋskwɝəl] n. 松鼠
bushy [ˋbʊʃɪ] adj. 浓密的;多毛的
squirrely [ˋskwɝrəlɪ] adj.【俚】发疯的
incessant [ɪnˋsɛsnt] adj. 不停的,连续的,持续不断的
noise [nɔɪz] n. 噪音,干扰
ledge [lɛdʒ] n. 壁架;架状突出物;岩架,岩石突出部
smite [smaɪt] v. 使极度不安;折磨
gripe [graɪp] v.【口】诉苦,发牢骚
knot [nɑt] n.(绳等的)结
peanut gallery【美】【俚】(影剧院的)廉价后排座
stool [stul] n. 凳子;搁脚凳
cave [kev] v.【口】屈服,投降[(+in)][(+to)]