CNN 10 - May 2, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年5月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月16日
- 发布于 2023年5月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:574
May Day Protest Erupts In Paris As France Seethes About A Hike In The Retirement Age; Coronation Of King Charles III; Sleepy Anteater That Just Won`t Get Out of Bed Wins Over The Internet.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Come on in. Come on in. Terrific Tuesday to you. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news.
Yesterday May 1, as you know, was May Day in many countries around the world, commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers in
May Day: the first day of May, a holiday in many countries. It traditionally celebrates spring but now it is often used to honor workers.
the labor movement, much like Labor Day here in the U.S.
But in France yesterday, the holiday turned ugly in Paris as police battled in Workers Union organized protests, with people raging against President
Emmanuel Macron`s decision to raise the retirement age last month. The looming decision has been fought persistently and violently for several
looming [ˋlumɪŋ] adj. (of an event) seemingly about to happen and regarded as ominous or worrying.
months. In January strikes in cities all across France disrupted train services, planes, schools and businesses across France, as more than 1
million people protested at once.
But nothing has stopped French leaders from officially signing into law the very unpopular change to France`s pension system. The country`s
Constitutional Council, which is similar to the Supreme Court here in the U.S. approved raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 last month. Some of
France`s most powerful unions say they`re going to keep fighting. For his part French President Emmanuel Macron believes the current system relying
on the working population to pay for a growing age group of retirees is no longer fit for purpose. And it is worth noting that this new higher pension
age will still keep France well below the norm in Europe and in many other developed economies.
These protests are nothing new to the French though. Our Melissa Bell reports to us from Paris about the long history of protests and strikes in
MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Whether it`s over a million protesters on the streets against pension reform, or demonstrations against
infrastructure planning, pesticide bans, or the rise in the cost of living, France is no stranger to protests, and strike action.
no stranger to 熟悉,对…毫不陌生
In fact, the country consistently ranks amongst those most affected by industrial action in Europe. And for national rail workers alone, there
hasn`t been a single year without some kind of strike action since 1947.
So why do the French protest and strike so much? The origins of the spirits of protests here in France go right back to the French Revolution. And
we`ve had a reminder of that historical threads, the Cacerolazo, the protests with pots and pans, of which we`ve seen a resurgence that goes
thread [θrɛd] n. 脉络; 头绪,思路
Cacerolazo [kəθeɾoˈlɑθo] n. 敲锅打铁; 敲锅游行
pots and pans 锅碗瓢盆
resurgence [rɪˋsɝdʒəns] n. 复活;复苏;再起;再现
right back to medieval times. We saw it again in the 1830s in a revolution that led to the abdication of Charles X. There is also of course, the
abdication [͵æbdɪˋkeʃən] n. 放弃;退位;辞职
question of the famous "Droits acquis" these are rights that have been acquired hard won, and that the French don`t want to give up.
France does seem to protest more readily and often than many other countries. And that goes back to that social pact that was created after
readily [ˋrɛdɪlɪ] adv. 心甘情愿地;轻而易举地
World War II. The French are very attached to it and will take to the streets to protect whatever part of it they feel is under assault. There is
attached [əˋtætʃt] adj. 依恋的; 喜爱
also a history of very strong trade unions in this country, and the historical facts that protests can have an effect on the politics of the time.
trade union 工会
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
Talking royalty now, at which of these British landmarks would you see the crowning of a king or queen?
Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, or St Paul`s Cathedral?
Westminster Abbey has been the coronation location for every single British monarch since the year 1066.
Westminster [ˋwɛstmɪnstɚ] Abbey 西敏寺
coronation [͵kɔrəˋneʃən] n. 加冕典礼
monarch [ˋmɑnɚk] n. 君主;最高统治者
It`s a pretty big deal happening in Westminster Abbey this weekend as King Charles III will officially be crowned on Saturday. According to Buckingham
Palace and expected 3000 guests will attend the coronation versus the 8000 who gathered for the late Queen Elizabeth crowning.
King Charles became king following the death of his mother in September. Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 70 years, having become queen at the age of
King Charles is expected to sit upon his coronation chair, which has been used by monarchs for more than 700 years. But listen to this, his crown is
estimated to be worth more than $4 million. And it`s all blinged-out with gold, rubies, sapphires, garnet and more. It weighs more than five pounds,
bling [blɪŋ] v. 打扮得珠光宝气;使闪亮华丽
blinged-out 富有贵气的, 珠光宝气的; wearing or embellished with flashy jewelry or features
sapphire [ˋsæfaɪr] n. 蓝宝石
garnet [ˋgɑrnɪt] n. 石榴石(深红色宝石)
making the phrase heavy is the head that wears the crown quite literal. Max Foster is in London with more.
MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Not since 1953 that we had a glimpse of this sacred moment. The crowning of a monarch, Queen Elizabeth, then
just 27 thrust to the throne after her father`s untimely death. Her coronation was designed to introduce the young queen to the world and give
thrust [θrʌst] v. 用力推
untimely [ʌnˋtaɪmlɪ] adj. 过早的;不适时的;不合时宜的
a morale boost to post-war Britain. 70 years on, and amidst a cost-of-living crisis, King Charles` coronation will have many of the same traditions incorporated, albeit slightly toned down. Up to 2800 guests in
cost-of-living 生活费用; the amount of money that a person needs to live
albeit [ɔlˋbiɪt] conj.【书】尽管,虽然
tone down 降低调子, 使柔和, 缓和
Westminster Abbey, CNN understands, versus the 8000, who gathered for the late queens.
ELIZABETH NORTON, ROYAL HISTORIAN: The King has actually ruffled some feathers by not inviting many members of the ancient nobility, including
ruffle [ˋrʌf!] v. 触怒,使生气
nobility [noˋbɪlətɪ] n. 贵族(阶层)
some of the Dukes, in fact. But instead, actually the King has invited members of the community, so charitable workers, for example.
FOSTER: A sign perhaps that Charles wants to make the monarchy more accessible, though much of the pomp and ceremony will of course remain. The
pomp [pɑmp] n.(典礼等的)盛况
coronation is first and foremost a religious ceremony. It culminates in the King`s anointing with holy oil, which has been consecrated in Jerusalem.
anoint [əˋnɔɪnt] v.(宗教仪式上)抹油使神圣化
consecrated [ˋkɑnsə͵kretɪd] adj. 被奉为神圣的
NORTON: It`s seen as symbolizing the king`s commitment to God because, of course, he`s a very religious man himself. He`s now the head of the church,
and it`s a sacred moment.
FOSTER: His wife, Camilla, will also be anointed and crowned. Charles` sons, William and Harry, will be there. Although Harry`s wife Meghan will
remain at home in California with their two young children. It remains to be seen what role Harry will play in proceedings now that he`s set back
set back 使...倒退
from his senior role duties.
For many in Britain, the coronation is about more than just another public holiday. There`ll be street parties up and down the U.K. and 1000s will
come here to Buckingham Palace to witness the famous balcony moment to see for the first time the newly crowned king and queen.
(Voice-over): Many more will line the streets for the coronation procession, just as they did for Queen Elizabeth seven decades ago. The
procession [prəˋsɛʃən] n. 游行
King and Queen will travel in this gilded carriage accompanied by a huge military procession. Nighttime rehearsals spotted in the streets of London
gild [gɪld] v. 把……镀金;给……涂上金色(或金箔)
as the Capitol gears up for a moment in history. Max Foster, CNN London.
WIRE: Did you know giant anteaters can get up to eight feet long. But listen to this, their tongue is two feet long and they can flick it in and
anteater [ˋænt͵itɚ] n. 食蚁动物
giant anteater 大食蚁兽
flick [flɪk] v. 快速移动; 急速伸缩
out of their mouth 150 times per minute more than two times per second. But you can`t do that. Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10 is about a sweet
anteater named Eury in North Carolina and all she wants to do is catch some Z`s. Jeanne Moos has more.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: What is this thing and why is this keeper having such a hard time waking him up?
MOOS: Rob his ears.
RAUCH: Want to wake up?
MOOS: Give him his favorite treat avocado still he puts his paw over his ear. Eury, the 22-year-old giant anteater just covers his head with his
tail, a built-in blanket.
built-in 嵌入的;固定的; 内建的
RAUCH: This is an everyday thing for me is getting this boy out of bed is difficult.
MOOS: The Greensboro North Carolina Science Center captioned the video, "our sweet, forever teenager."
caption [ˋkæpʃən] v. 给…加标题; 给…加说明文字
RAUCH: Come on Eury. Come on.
MOOS: It went massively viral who doesn`t relate just five more minutes. What does he have to get up for? Is he late for something? Let him sleep.
But Eury named after the vacuum cleaner brand your Eureka needs to get up and take his meds mixed in avocado. 22 is ancient for an anteater. In the
wild they only live to about 14.
(On camera): Are anteaters dangerous? I bet they could disembowel you with their claws.
disembowel [͵dɪsɪmˋbaʊəl] v. 取出…的内脏
RAUCH: That is totally true. So, we actually don`t go in with Eury when he`s awake and walking around like this.
MOOS: Check out the claws on this itchy anteater in South America. No wonder keeper Kelly Rauch held Eury`s leg.
RAUCH: Don`t give me the claw.
MOOS: In case he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
WIRE: I feel bad for anteaters. They must be so lonely being that there`s no such thing as an uncle eater. All right, that`s about all we have time
for, for now. But first hello to all of our friends in Federal Way, Washington. We`re sending a huge shout out to Decatur High School, you
rock. Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN YouTube Channel. See you tomorrow, everyone.
I`m Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.
May Day: the first day of May, a holiday in many countries. It traditionally celebrates spring but now it is often used to honor workers.
looming [ˋlumɪŋ] adj. (of an event) seemingly about to happen and regarded as ominous or worrying.
no stranger to 熟悉,对…毫不陌生
thread [θrɛd] n. 脉络; 头绪,思路
Cacerolazo [kəθeɾoˈlɑθo] n. 敲锅打铁; 敲锅游行
pots and pans 锅碗瓢盆
resurgence [rɪˋsɝdʒəns] n. 复活;复苏;再起;再现
abdication [͵æbdɪˋkeʃən] n. 放弃;退位;辞职
readily [ˋrɛdɪlɪ] adv. 心甘情愿地;轻而易举地
attached [əˋtætʃt] adj. 依恋的; 喜爱
trade union 工会
Westminster [ˋwɛstmɪnstɚ] Abbey 西敏寺
coronation [͵kɔrəˋneʃən] n. 加冕典礼
monarch [ˋmɑnɚk] n. 君主;最高统治者
bling [blɪŋ] v. 打扮得珠光宝气;使闪亮华丽
blinged-out 富有贵气的, 珠光宝气的; wearing or embellished with flashy jewelry or features
sapphire [ˋsæfaɪr] n. 蓝宝石
garnet [ˋgɑrnɪt] n. 石榴石(深红色宝石)
thrust [θrʌst] v. 用力推
untimely [ʌnˋtaɪmlɪ] adj. 过早的;不适时的;不合时宜的
cost-of-living 生活费用; the amount of money that a person needs to live
albeit [ɔlˋbiɪt] conj.【书】尽管,虽然
tone down 降低调子, 使柔和, 缓和
ruffle [ˋrʌf!] v. 触怒,使生气
nobility [noˋbɪlətɪ] n. 贵族(阶层)
pomp [pɑmp] n.(典礼等的)盛况
anoint [əˋnɔɪnt] v.(宗教仪式上)抹油使神圣化
consecrated [ˋkɑnsə͵kretɪd] adj. 被奉为神圣的
set back 使...倒退
procession [prəˋsɛʃən] n. 游行
gild [gɪld] v. 把……镀金;给……涂上金色(或金箔)
anteater [ˋænt͵itɚ] n. 食蚁动物
giant anteater 大食蚁兽
flick [flɪk] v. 快速移动; 急速伸缩
built-in 嵌入的;固定的; 内建的
caption [ˋkæpʃən] v. 给…加标题; 给…加说明文字
disembowel [͵dɪsɪmˋbaʊəl] v. 取出…的内脏