CNN 10 - May 5, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年5月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月16日
- 发布于 2023年5月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:594
Alleged Drone Attack in Kremlin; King Charles III`s Coronation.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello lovely people. It`s Friday, Friyay, hope the fourth was with you yesterday, wishing you a happy Cinco de Mayo today.
I do want to apologize though, I forgot about Your Word Wednesday, reporting from Miami everything was a bit higgledy-piggledy. So today I
higgledy-piggledy [ˋhɪg!dɪˋpɪg!dɪ] adj. 乱七八糟的;混乱的
promised to work something you posted on my social media into this show.
I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. And we start with the alleged drone attack on Russia`s Kremlin. The Kremlin is a complex located in the center of Moscow,
Kremlin [ˋkrɛmlɪn] n. 克里姆林宫
and it`s often used to refer to the Russian government.
Check out this video, appearing to show two drones flying towards the Kremlin early Wednesday morning, exploding on its dome. Russia claims
Ukraine sent the drones to kill Russian President Vladimir Putin. They say nobody was killed or injured in the alleged attack. And the Kremlin
spokesperson says Putin wasn`t in the building. Here`s Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, responding to these allegations.
VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: We don`t attack Putin or Moscow. We fight on our territory. We`re defending our villages and cities. We
don`t have, you know, enough weapon for this.
WIRE: Now, Russia then claimed that the United States was involved in the attack. But on CNN, John Kirby, the Coordinator for Strategic
Communications at the National Security Council in the White House, denied U.S. involvement and accused President Putin spokesperson of lying.
JOHN KIRBY, NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR: I would just tell you Mr. Peskov`s lying. I mean, it`s obviously a ludicrous claim.
ludicrous [ˋludɪkrəs] adj. 滑稽的;荒唐可笑的
The United States had nothing to do with this. We don`t even know what happened here. Kaitlan. But I can assure you, the United States had no role
in it whatsoever.
WIRE: U.S. officials have also said they were still assessing this incident and had no information about who might have been responsible if
there was an attack.
Ten second trivia.
Charles III is now the King of the United Kingdom. But who`s next in line for the throne?
Prince Harry, Prince William, Prince George or Princess Charlotte?
Prince William, the eldest son of King Charles is on deck to be the next king.
on deck 在值勤; 准备就绪
Earlier in the week, we told you about the big event happening this Saturday at Westminster Abbey in London, the coronation of King Charles III
and his wife Camilla, Queen Consort. Charles III has been the heir to the British throne for 70 years but ever since his Mother Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Consort 王后
consort [ˋkɑnsɔrt] n.(尤指国王、女王的)配偶
passed away in September. Preparation for this historic event has been in overdrive expect lots of pomp and circumstance and his highly anticipated tradition.
in overdrive: in a state of intense activity
overdrive [ˋovɚˋdraɪv] n. 超速挡; 加倍努力
pomp [pɑmp] n.(典礼等的)盛况
circumstance [ˋsɝkəm͵stæns] n. 仪式;排场
But things have changed quite a bit since Queen Elizabeth`s coronation way back in 1950s, the new leader of the British monarchy is facing a
completely different Britain and with changes in societal demographics, minority ethnic groups rising and more religious diversity in the nation.
Questions have been raised about the relevance of the monarchy in today`s modern U.K. Our Bianca Nobilo has more for us from London.
relevance [ˋrɛləvəns] n. 相关性;实用性
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And heavier indeed for the revellers who welcome Britain`s coronation here in Piccadilly.
reveller [ˋrɛvəlɚ] n. 纵酒狂欢者;寻欢作乐的人
BIANCA NOBILO, CNN CORRESPONDENT & ANCHOR: The longest interlude between two coronations in British history. Decades of demographic, religious and
interlude [ˋɪntɚ͵lud] n. 间歇; 幕间表演
societal change, raising questions about the relevance of the monarchy today, 1953 was full of post-war joie de vivre and excitement about a new
joie de vivre 生活之乐;人生的极大乐趣
young queen.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`ve come to seek work in Britain.
NOBILO: Despite waves of historic migration, Britain in the 1950s was overwhelmingly white, Christian and divided along class lines in society
and the halls of power. Today, three of the four great offices of state including the Prime Minister are from minority backgrounds, 20% of the
the corridors/halls of power: places where people talk about issues and make important decisions especially about political matters
population today are from ethnic minority backgrounds too and rising, many from countries subject to exploitation in the former British Empire.
exploitation [͵ɛksplɔɪˋteʃən] n. 剥削
BIDISHA MAMATA, COLUMNIST: The monarchy itself has to find a respectful and humble place for itself without pretending that it doesn`t have all of
its privilege, all of its history and all of its baggage.
NOBILO: Though crumbling slowly after the Second World War, Britain was still stratified along class lines in the 1950s.
stratified [ˋstrætə͵faɪd] adj. 形成阶层的;分为不同等级的
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The ermine tails denote rank, a duchess, for example, wears four rows.
ermine [ˋɝmən] n.【动】貂;扫雪鼬[C];貂皮
denote [dɪˋnot] n.(符号等)代表;意思是
NOBILO: Modern Britain is in many ways allergic to the idea of inherited privilege. Society at least strives to be egalitarian. But a recent poll
allergic [əˋlɝdʒɪk] adj. 对……极讨厌的
egalitarian [ɪ͵gælɪˋtɛrɪən] adj. 主张平等的;平等主义的
commissioned by the BBC, Britain`s National Broadcaster suggests that King Charles might have a problem appealing to young people, 38% of whom said
that they would support an elected head of state and indifference might be a problem too, 78% said they weren`t interested in the royal family.
indifference [ɪnˋdɪfərəns] n. 漠不关心;冷淡;不感兴趣
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it`s definitely time to rethink and I know a lot of people loved Queen Elizabeth. And I don`t think that same fondness
is there for King Charles.
NOBILO: The monarchs since the 16th century is also titular head of the Church of England. In 1953, the majority of the country was Christian.
titular [ˋtɪtʃəlɚ] adj. 有名无实的;(有)称号的;(有)头衔的
Today, it is half that with the number of non-religious and non-Christian faiths rising each year with multi-faith leaders playing a role in the
coronation for the first time.
King Charles, who has declared himself to be defender of all faiths was honored here at Britain`s largest mosque ahead of the coronation. So could
defender [dɪˋfɛndɚ] n. 守卫者;保护者
this be an opportunity for all communities in Britain to come together?
SABAH AHMEDI, IMAM: Within Islam, we`re taught that part of your faith is loyalty to your nation. And we also know that the coronation is part of the
history of this nation, and our citizens, we respect that history.
NOBILO: The coronation is a litmus test for how King Charles will be received by 2023 Britain and whether enthusiasm, apathy or opposition to
litmus test 试金石,立见分晓的检验办法
litmus [ˋlɪtməs] n.【化】石蕊
apathy [ˋæpəθɪ] n. 无感情;无兴趣,冷淡;漠不关心
the monarchy will shape his reign.
WIRE: The Met Gala, the annual fundraising gala benefiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art`s Costume Institute in New York City, has
gala [ˋgelə] n. 盛会
traditionally been timed to mark the opening of its annual fashion exhibition. Well, today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, the cockroach who
cockroach [ˋkɑk͵rotʃ] n. 蟑螂;油虫
crashed the red carpet. Jeanne Moos has more.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: With so many celebs at the Met Gala dressed up like designer Karl Lagerfeld`s cat, it`s a wonder a
cockroach dared to scurry up the red carpet.
scurry [ˋskɝɪ] v. 急匆匆地跑
MOOS: But there it was getting treated like a celebrity.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get a photo. Kevin gets a photo.
MOOS: Variety captured a Getty photographer blinding the roach with his flash, a roach that made people which called it The Surprise Star of the
roach [rotʃ] n.【主美】蟑螂
2023 Met Gala. Others called it best dressed. It arrived fashionably late, showing up before the last guest Rihanna. Naturally, someone had to ask
fashionably [ˋfæʃənəblɪ] adv. 随着流行;赶时髦地
about its outfit.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What are you wearing?
MOOS: But fashion was a subject this roach wouldn`t broach, it disappeared only to reappear on the banister. You`d think it was a rat instead of a
broach [brotʃ] v. 开始提及;引入;提出;开始讨论
banister [ˋbænɪstɚ] n.(常复数)栏杆
roach, the way the crowd reacted. Photographer Kevin Mazur at one point jokingly pretended to stomp on it.
stomp [stɑmp] v. 重踩,重踏
MOOS: Then accidentally kicked it around but that didn`t stop it. And then Variety tweeted out the alarming news. It is with deep sadness that we must
report the Met Gala cockroach was stepped on. And thus does a join other bug.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s coming from the health sector. Holy, I just swallow the bee.
MOOS: That have given their lives so very publicly.
MOOS: We will remember you; you fleet-footed fashionista with panache smashed on the red carpet.
fleet-footed [ˋflit͵fʊtɪd] adj. 跑得很快的
fashionista [fæʃəˈnistə] n. 时尚达人
panache [pəˋnæʃ] n. 神气十足
smash [smæʃ] adj. 【口】轰动一时的,极为成功的
WIRE: Poor fella, rest in pieces. No time for melancholy though. It`s a fantastic Friday and today`s winners for Your Word Wednesday vocabulary
rest in pieces: the type of feeling when your mental health has an aesthetic for death but your “not dead” or “do not want” to die cause your resting in pieces
melancholy [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ] n. 忧郁;忧思,愁思
submissions are @Kara J. Cochran in Villa Madonna Academy. Melancholy, a noun or adjective meaning a feeling of pensive sadness. And Mr. Veces (ph)
pensive [ˋpɛnsɪv] adj. 沉思的;忧郁的;悲伤的;哀愁的
and Mrs. Schweitzer`s (ph) class at Bridge Valley, their word was Higgledy- piggledy, an adjunctive meeting involving confusion or disorder. Well done.
A special shout out is going to Jefferson High School in Sioux Falls, South Dakota today, we see you. This has been an awesome week and we`ve been
learning and laughing and uplifting each other. I want you to have an awesome weekend everyone to remember, you are more powerful than you know.
I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. It`s been a blessing to spend this week with you.
higgledy-piggledy [ˋhɪg!dɪˋpɪg!dɪ] adj. 乱七八糟的;混乱的
Kremlin [ˋkrɛmlən] n. 克里姆林宫
ludicrous [ˋludɪkrəs] adj. 滑稽的;荒唐可笑的
on deck 在值勤; 准备就绪
Queen Consort 王后
consort [ˋkɑnsɔrt] n.(尤指国王、女王的)配偶
in overdrive: in a state of intense activity
overdrive [ˋovɚˋdraɪv] n. 超速挡; 加倍努力
pomp [pɑmp] n.(典礼等的)盛况
circumstance [ˋsɝkəm͵stæns] n. 仪式;排场
relevance [ˋrɛləvəns] n. 相关性;实用性
reveller [ˋrɛvəlɚ] n. 纵酒狂欢者;寻欢作乐的人
interlude [ˋɪntɚ͵lud] n. 间歇; 幕间表演
joie de vivre 生活之乐;人生的极大乐趣
the corridors/halls of power: places where people talk about issues and make important decisions especially about political matters
exploitation [͵ɛksplɔɪˋteʃən] n. 剥削
stratified [ˋstrætə͵faɪd] adj. 形成阶层的;分为不同等级的
ermine [ˋɝmən] n.【动】貂;扫雪鼬[C];貂皮
denote [dɪˋnot] n.(符号等)代表;意思是
allergic [əˋlɝdʒɪk] adj. 对……极讨厌的
egalitarian [ɪ͵gælɪˋtɛrɪən] adj. 主张平等的;平等主义的
indifference [ɪnˋdɪfərəns] n. 漠不关心;冷淡;不感兴趣
titular [ˋtɪtʃəlɚ] adj. 有名无实的;(有)称号的;(有)头衔的
defender [dɪˋfɛndɚ] n. 守卫者;保护者
litmus test 试金石,立见分晓的检验办法
litmus [ˋlɪtməs] n.【化】石蕊
apathy [ˋæpəθɪ] n. 无感情;无兴趣,冷淡;漠不关心
gala [ˋgelə] n. 盛会
cockroach [ˋkɑk͵rotʃ] n. 蟑螂;油虫
scurry [ˋskɝɪ] v. 急匆匆地跑
roach [rotʃ] n.【主美】蟑螂
fashionably [ˋfæʃənəblɪ] adv. 随着流行;赶时髦地
broach [brotʃ] v. 开始提及;引入;提出;开始讨论
banister [ˋbænɪstɚ] n.(常复数)栏杆
stomp [stɑmp] v. 重踩,重踏
fleet-footed [ˋflit͵fʊtɪd] adj. 跑得很快的
fashionista [fæʃəˈnistə] n. 时尚达人
panache [pəˋnæʃ] n. 神气十足
smash [smæʃ] adj. 【口】轰动一时的,极为成功的
melancholy [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ] n. 忧郁;忧思,愁思
pensive [ˋpɛnsɪv] adj. 沉思的;忧郁的;悲伤的;哀愁的