CNN 10 - August 16, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年8月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月18日
- 发布于 2023年8月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:528
New Indictment For Former President Donald Trump; Power Lines Likely Caused Maui`s First Reported Fire; 3,000 Snails Travel 3,000 Miles In An Effort To Save A Species.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, from Los Angeles, lovely people, we`re halfway through to the week. We`re going to keep on grinding and shining
because that`s what we do. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.
And today is our first hashtag your word Wednesday of the season. Follow me at Coy Wire on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, and put your unique
vocabulary word in the comment section on my most recent post. And we`re going to choose one winner for tomorrow`s show.
On Instagram, my most recent post is about Jesse Billauer, championship surfer who`s overcoming incredible adversity in his life to become an
adversity [ədˋvɝsətɪ] n. 逆境;厄运
inspiration for people all around the world. I`m here in LA with my producer, Ryan Bergeron, dad of CNN tenor, Sylvie. What`s up Sylvie. We
tenor [ˋtɛnɚ] n.【音】男高音
can`t wait to share Jesse`s story with all of you soon.
Now to your news, late on Monday evening, former president Donald Trump was criminally charged for the fourth time this year in a sweeping indictment
sweeping [ˋswipɪŋ] adj. 广泛的;全面的
indictment [ɪnˋdaɪtmənt] n. 告发;起诉
from the State of Georgia. Let`s break it down. An indictment is another term used when a person is formally accused of committing a crime and it`s
one of the first moves made in our legal system before a case can go before a trial, an indictment is different from being convicted of a crime, and
it`s also not the same as receiving a guilty or not guilty verdict.
The former president is now facing 91 charges across four indictments. The indictment Monday night included 18 defendants in addition to Trump. And it
defendant [dɪˋfɛndənt] n.【律】被告
was the result of a long running investigation that started in early 2021. Monday`s charges concerned Trump and others conduct after the 2020 election
and say that Trump`s team allegedly misled state officials in Georgia, organized fake electors, harassed an election worker and breached election
breach [britʃ] v. 破坏,违反;侵害
equipment in rural Georgia county. Trump has denied all wrongdoing and his attorneys slammed the indictment saying that the grand jury presentation
was one-sided and called Monday`s events, shocking and absurd. This all comes at the same time that Trump is running for president in 2024. And he
one-sided [ˋwʌnˋsaɪdɪd] adj. 片面的;偏于一方的;不均衡的
is the current front runner for the Republican party.
We`ll keep you posted as this story unfolds right here on CNN 10.
Up next, we have more information on the devastation in Hawaii after wildfires ravaged the island of Maui. It`s still not known what started the
fires, but there`s been a renewed focus on the power lines that fell on the ground in the burned area. And the gust of winds that knocked them over.
Now, some locals are blaming Hawaiian electric for not shutting off power to high-risk areas. They say that could have prevented the deadly fire. The
fires have also brought tension in Maui between locals and tourism as residents and officials warn tourists against traveling to Maui especially
as many hotels are now needed to host evacuee and first responders. We`ll go now to our Chief Climate Correspondent, Bill Weir, who met with
dedicated individuals, bringing aid and resources to the region.
CHARLIE FLECK, MAUI RESIDENT: Me and Brittany will lead the front. We got right behind us. Just stay close.
BILL WEIR, CNN CHIEF CLIMATE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): When Charlie and Brittany Fleck saw pictures of the devastation on Lahaina, the couple from
Maui knew they had to do something.
C. FLECK: Come, come. We can give you cash. We got cash.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, we need ices right now.
B. FLECK: I think there`s a big ice truck.
C. FLECK: We got help on the way.
WEIR (voice-over): So they put out a plea on Facebook. And when thousands of dollars began rolling in, they began handing it out.
plea [pli] n. 请求,恳求
C. FLECK: Hey.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you so much.
C. FLECK: We`re coming for you.
C. FLECK: Aloha.
WEIR (voice-over): But that didn`t seem like enough, so they organized a caravan and sweet talked their way past red tape and checkpoints. And when
sweet talk【美】【口】甜言蜜语;花言巧语
red tape 繁文缛节, 官样文章, 拖拉费时的繁琐手续等
they finally saw what Lahaina looks like for the first time, they wept.
weep [wip] v. 哭泣,流泪
But just on the edge of the burn scars, we find an inspiring example of Hawaiian togetherness.
WEIR (on-camera): Cold towel, OK. That is Aloha hospitality.
WEIR (on-camera): Thank you.
KALEPA: There you go, man. Right there over your neck. Keep you nice and cool.
WEIR (voice-over): Archie Kalepa is a hall of fame surfer and lifeguard with Maui roots that go back nine generations.
lifeguard [ˋlaɪf͵gɑrd]n.【美】(海上或游泳池的)救生员
(on-camera): This is your actual house here or?
KALEPA: Yes, this is my actual home. And we was really lucky because our neighbors, they were here fighting the fire right at this corner. And the
fire department said, this is our last stand. We`re going to hold the line right here.
WEIR (voice-over): While there`s so much frustration over the official response so far, he says authorities deserve some understanding, given the
size of the disaster.
KALEPA: This right here is a crime scene. And so what people don`t understand is the government has to do due diligence before they start moving in.
due diligence 精准审核;尽职调查
WEIR (on-camera): So it`s a humanitarian response in the middle of a working crime scene.
KALEPA: Exactly.
WEIR (voice-over): But at another relief pod on a beach nearby, frustration has turned to anger.
ALIKA PENEKU, VOLUNTEER: Nobody came for help for us, you know what I mean, we rely on people like you guys that get compassion like we do. You know
what I mean? That willing to help us because, please, we need help. We need help. We need the next step. This is just the first inning. This is the
first inning of what we`re facing.
KALEPA: Tourism is our number one source of income. I would hope that our representatives, our politicians, our government would ask the people from
here, when can we open? They should not be telling us, oh, we want to open six months from now. The truth of the matter is, when you look at the
overall devastation, we are not going to be ready to allow people to see what we`re living through in six months.
WIRE: Ten second trivia. Which archipelago is said to have inspired a Shakespearean play and is nicknamed the shipwreck capital of the world?
Bermuda Canary Islands Seychelles or Galapagos Islands
Often considered to have inspired Shakespeare`s The Tempest, Bermuda is the correct answer here. And up next, we`re taking you to meet one doctor who
has bred over 100,000 snails that were thought to be extinct, Lesser Bermuda land snails, as the name suggests come from Bermuda, but a number of
environmental factors have caused the snails to be critically endangered. We`ll meet one man, whose mission is to reintroduce them back to the wild
and will join the snails as they take part in a 3000-mile journey from a zoo in the north of England, all the way to Bermuda.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In a small collection of shipping containers, just outside Chester Zoo in the U.K. Gerardo Garcia is looking after plethora of newts, frogs, salamanders, and snails.
newt [njut] n.【动】水螈
salamander [ˋsælə͵mændɚ] n.【动】蝾螈
As head of ectotherm he is in charge of almost 60% of the animals in the entire zoo, but often the creatures
ectotherm [ˈɛktəθɚm] n. 外温动物; 动物依外界方式(晒太阳,躲藏在阴凉处、水中)来调控体温的方式
that have almost zero scientific information known about them. Since 2013, Gerardo has carried out much of his field work in Bermuda with two native
species of snail, the Greater and Lesser Bermuda Land Snails.
Having grown up in the containers at Chester Zoo, the snails are now making the 3000-mile journey to Bermuda where wildlife ecologist, Mark Outerbridge
is waiting for them.
Bermuda`s biodiversity is -- has its roots, its origins with many other islands. So we`re talking about a relatively small land area and in
Bermuda`s case, a very small land area in the middle of the ocean. And unfortunately we have evidence that we have lost species in Bermuda. They
are -- they are extinct.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Starting with only 60 of those snails, Gerardo`s team has since bred and released more than a hundred thousand. One of the
biggest wildlife reintroductions in history. Now, he`s returning to one of the release sites, Trunk Island to check on their progress and work out if
the area will be suitable for releasing their smaller cousins.
GARCIA: Was it this the first spot?
TREVOR RAWSON, CONSERVATION MANAGER, TRUNK ISLAND: So this was the first spot we ever released the snails. We brought a bunch of Palm Fronds here
frond [frɑnd] n.(蕨类等的)叶
because we saw how much they were feeding off Palm Fronds in on ports island, sorry. So far so good. Let`s see if we can find any.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, I can see one right now.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I see one there.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A careful rummage with the fallen Palm leaves reveals a thriving community of the Greater Bermuda Land Snails and indicates a
rummage [ˋrʌmɪdʒ] n. 翻找,彻底搜查
perfect location to release the lesser snails.
GARCIA: Many people would ask why to bothered about our snails and, um, the question is, why we bothered about any other species that we have on the
planet? Every single one animal and plants, every single one has a role to play. You may, we don`t know, we may don`t understand, we may underestimate
the role, but everybody has a very important ecological role.
WIRE: And for today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, Thanksgiving only comes once a year, but soon rollercoaster enthusiasts may be able to get a dose
of Thanksgiving gravy whenever they want. That`s right. Check out the plans for this. Thanksgiving themed roller coaster at the Holiday World Amusement
Park in Indiana. The plans come complete with a jar of cranberries sauce. The ride called good gravy is set to open during the Park`s 2024 Season.
And now on my favorite part of the day, I want to give a special shout out to James Wood High School in Winchester, Virginia. Rise up, looking forward
to your submissions for your word Wednesday. So bring it baby. I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
adversity [ədˋvɝsətɪ] n. 逆境;厄运
tenor [ˋtɛnɚ] n.【音】男高音
sweeping [ˋswipɪŋ] adj. 广泛的;全面的
indictment [ɪnˋdaɪtmənt] n. 告发;起诉
defendant [dɪˋfɛndənt] n.【律】被告
breach [britʃ] v. 破坏,违反;侵害
one-sided [ˋwʌnˋsaɪdɪd] adj. 片面的;偏于一方的;不均衡的
plea [pli] n. 请求,恳求
sweet talk【美】【口】甜言蜜语;花言巧语
red tape 繁文缛节, 官样文章, 拖拉费时的繁琐手续等
weep [wip] v. 哭泣,流泪
lifeguard [ˋlaɪf͵gɑrd] n.【美】(海上或游泳池的)救生员
due diligence 精准审核;尽职调查
newt [njut] n.【动】水螈
salamander [ˋsælə͵mændɚ] n.【动】蝾螈
ectotherm [ˈɛktəθɚm] n. 外温动物; 动物依外界方式(晒太阳,躲藏在阴凉处、水中)来调控体温的方式
frond [frɑnd] n.(蕨类等的)叶
rummage [ˋrʌmɪdʒ] n. 翻找,彻底搜查