CNN 10 - September 13, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年9月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月19日
- 发布于 2023年9月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:464
Libya Terrible Storm Flooded Parts of the Country; Relief Efforts in Morocco.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up lovely people. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10. And it`s your CNN 10. Especially on a #YourWordWednesday. Follow me
@coywire on Insta, Snapchat, and TikTok. Put your unique vocabulary word in the comment section of my most recent post. And we`ll choose one fun one to
work into tomorrow. Show let`s go.
Now we do have to begin with some tough news out of Libya where around 5,300 people at least had died at the time of this recording, 10,000 more
believed to still be missing. And it`s the result of a terrible storm. The storm`s name is Daniel, and it dumped so much rain on Libya`s Northeast
that two dams collapse, sending water flowing into already inundated areas. And in some cases, washing whole neighborhoods away.
inundate [ˋɪnʌn͵det] v. 浸水;泛滥
The rain is a result of a very strong, low-pressure system that brought catastrophic flooding to Greece last week and moved into the Mediterranean
before developing into a tropical like cyclone known as a Medicane, which is a combination of the words Mediterranean and hurricane.
Medicane [ˋmɛdɪ͵ken] n. 地中海飓风
In addition, the collapse of two dams under the pressure of the flooding water sent even more water rushing toward these towns, creating more
catastrophic damage. Strong currents, also carrying debris and even vehicles adding to the damage. It looks like this storm is one of the
deadliest on record in north Africa.
In the wake of the tragedy, several countries have offered aid to Libya and rescue teams are scrambling to find survivors and assess the damage.
In the nation of Morocco, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck late Friday night. More than 2,900 people had died at the time of this recording and
rescuers continued to race against the clock to search through rubble for survivors. The quake is the strongest to hit Morocco`s center in more than
a century. The epicenter of the quake was in close proximity to many tourist areas and the economic center of Marrakesh.
Complicating the relief efforts is the nearby terrain of the Atlas Mountains, home to many isolated villages that have been devastated by this
NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER: It certainly has been a somewhat delayed effort where today in the village of Moulay Brahim. And you can see behind me just
how remote some of these villages are.
We are high up in the Atlas Mountains, and that has proven to be a real struggle for rescue teams. Many of these villages, many of the hardest hit
areas across Morocco are in these remote high up mountainous areas. And that has proven to be a real challenge for rescue teams.
Now, just yesterday, we were in another village further up, further south, and this is a village which has proven hugely difficult to reach. We spoke
to people there who have been impacted by the earthquake. They told us that the international rescue teams had only just made it to the village
yesterday, that they had been spending days digging through the rubble of their collapsed homes with their bare hands.
And they have, uh, only just begun to receive that humanitarian aid, have only just begun to see doctors and medical personnel on the ground there.
And of course it has been difficult to reach some of these areas. The roads have been blocked in some places because of the debris, because of damage
to the roads. But of course there is still a real sense of frustration among these residents in these remote villages, around that delayed
Many people on our living in temporary shelters, including in this village, you can see at the homes damage behind me, just further down the mountain,
many families living in tent shelters now.
WIRE: Let`s travel to Columbia in south America now where CNN Chief Climate Correspondent, Bill Weir has details on an innovative project to
preserve the cotton-top tamarin, acute monkey that is among the most endangered primates in the world. They`re only found in Northwestern,
tamarin [ˋtæmərɪn] n. 狨猴
Columbia and their tropical forest habitat is being destroyed.
BILL WEIR, CNN CHIEF CLIMATE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In one particular corner of one particular country, there lives a creature that exists
nowhere else in the world. This is Columbia and word is their unique species is adorable and elusive and critically endangered. A combination
elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以找到的
that can frustrate when trying to spot one, but trudging through a forest hot as a sauna, our odds are better than average. Thanks to people who know
frustrate [ˋfrʌs͵tret] v. 挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心
trudge [trʌdʒ] v. 跋涉,步履艰难地走
them really well.
ROSAMIRA GUILLEN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/ CO-FOUNDER, FOUNDATION PROYECTO TITI: They love the nature of the flowers and they stick their hair, you know,
their hair like in the flower like that, in their hair -- their facial hair.
WEIR: Rosamira Guillen started her career as a landscape architect. But when she was hired to help build a zoo, she met the animal that would
change her life and theirs, the cotton-top tamarin, a little monkey with a look right out of Dr. Seus.
(On camera): I can see why you fell in love with these little guys.
GUILLEN: Oh yeah. You know, how can you -- how can you not?
WEIR: When she learned that the illegal pet trade and slash and burn cattle ranching had driven them to the brink of extinction, her architect
slash [slæʃ] v. 猛砍,乱砍
mind shifted from building zoos to rebuilding forests, which is much more difficult than just dropping seeds and soil.
GUILLEN: It may take a day to cut a hector forest, but to rebuild it, it takes about 20 years.
WEIR (voice-over): She`s learned that rewilding takes sweat, smarts, and human relations. Because in order to connect the TT`s fragmented habitat,
she would need land. And the cooperation of ranchers who do not share her love for these monkeys.
rancher [ˋræntʃɚ] n. 大农(或牧)场经营者
(On camera): Is it harder working with nature or human nature?
GUILLEN: Definitely human nature. oh, I would be happy to just hang out with the monkeys and in the forest.
Our goal is to get to a certain point with there`s enough for them to be stable and make it in the long term, right? Um, our fears is that, you
know, you always fear that you don`t get enough support to keep going.
While we save this beautiful forest for them, we`re saving the forest for many other animals, you know, so all by diversity.
WEIR: And a livable planet for us?
GUILLEN: And a livable planet for us. Exactly, because we get water, we get air, we get lots of resources and that`s -- that`s why we focus so much
on connecting people with nature, to appreciate it and -- and care for it and want to do something about it. With a little help, we can make it,
because we`ve got the experience, we`ve done it. And, uh, it works.
WIRE: Pop quiz, hot shot. Part of the Pacific Ocean, what body of water is located on the Southern curve of Alaska?
Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Beaufort Sea or Chukchi Sea?
All these waterways surround Alaska, but the Gulf of Alaska is your answer here.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This mysterious golden specimen was found during a deep-sea expedition in the Gulf of Alaska.
This is some sort of encrusting sponge.
encrust [ɪnˈkrʌst] v. 使在表面形成硬壳
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Uh, yeah. I don`t know what to make at that.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Scientist aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer say they discovered it about two miles below surface.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know what to think about this. It looks like we`re seeing in the chat, a dead sponge attachment, which kind of makes
sense why I didn`t even know where to start. It seems spongy, but now I`m seeing potential egg case, which I could see that as well.
spongy [ˋspʌndʒɪ] adj. 海绵状的
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dubbed the golden orb researchers say they have so far been unable to identify what it is, but confirm it is biological in origin.
orb [ɔrb] n. 球;球状物;天体,星球
origin [ˋɔrədʒɪn] n. 起源,源头
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, let`s give it a little tickle.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, soft. Soft derma layer. OK. Hmm, yeah.
derma [ˋdɝmə] n. 真皮;皮肤
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not sure if it`ll just fall apart. If I try to grab it.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It seems like it, it seems pretty delicate.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Scientists have taken it to a lab to learn more about it.
WIRE: How many of you have ever heard of bioluminescence? Well, check out these waves in Orange County, California, this naturally occurring
bioluminescence [͵baɪo͵luməˋnɛsəns] n. 生物体之发光
phenomenon occurs when water is churned up, like these waves causing a chemical reaction in light emitting organisms, like algae blooms. There
churn up 翻搅; 使…翻腾
aren`t many places in the world where you can see bioluminescence occurring naturally, and it doesn`t exclusively occur on beaches either. But whenever
you do, it`s quite the enlightening experience.
enlightening [ɪnˋlaɪtnɪŋ] adj. 啓迪的;使人增進知識的;使人獲得啟發的
Shout out to all of you, shine in bright, like my peeves at Oak Glen High School in New Cumberland, West Virginia. This is your moment. We see you.
Now submit those vocab words @coywire for your #YourWordWednesday, your word in tomorrow`s show right here on CNN 10.
inundate [ˋɪnʌn͵det] v. 浸水;泛滥
Medicane [ˋmɛdɪ͵ken] n. 地中海飓风
tamarin [ˋtæmərɪn] n. 狨猴
elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以找到的
frustrate [ˋfrʌs͵tret] v. 挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心
trudge [trʌdʒ] v. 跋涉,步履艰难地走
slash [slæʃ] v. 猛砍,乱砍
rancher [ˋræntʃɚ] n. 大农(或牧)场经营者
encrust [ɪnˈkrʌst] v. 使在表面形成硬壳
spongy [ˋspʌndʒɪ] adj. 海绵状的
orb [ɔrb] n. 球;球状物;天体,星球
origin [ˋɔrədʒɪn] n. 起源,源头
derma [ˋdɝmə] n. 真皮;皮肤
bioluminescence [͵baɪo͵luməˋnɛsəns] n. 生物体之发光
churn up 翻搅; 使…翻腾
enlightening [ɪnˋlaɪtnɪŋ] adj. 啓迪的;使人增進知識的;使人獲得啟發的