CNN 10 - September 15, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年9月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月19日
- 发布于 2023年9月15日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:637
Hurricane Lee; Mysterious Lights Captured In a Video Taken Before the Earthquake in Morocco; Artificial Intelligence and How Tech Leaders and Politicians Are Discussing the Challenges of Managing It.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up lovely people. Happy Friday, Friyay. Let`s unleash our full potential, take good vibes and lots of love into
this weekend. Make a feel-good Friday. Remember what is within influences what happens without.
I`m Coy. This is CNN 10. And we start with news on Hurricane Lee. On Thursday, this storm was already making quite a scene in Bermuda, whipping
make a scene 刷存在感; to create a loud, typically angry disturbance or display in public, such that it draws attention to those involved
up some serious winds. It looks like this hurricane is taking a Northern route and picking up the pace.
Lee is expected to bring some heavy rain, strong winds and coastal flooding, and it looks like it`s making its way all the way up towards New England
and Canada, and will likely stick around through the weekend.
stick around 逗留,停留
Hurricane Lee might only affect coastal areas, making landfall somewhere between Northeast Maine and Nova Scotia in Canada. Hurricane and tropical
Nova Scotia 新斯科细亚省(加拿大省名)
storm watches have already been issued for many coastal areas in new England.
We`re not entirely sure what to expect in terms of damage just yet, but we do know that conditions in the ocean like the atmosphere and super warm
water temperatures have been creating greater risk from increased storms this season,.
Let`s head to Morocco now where there`s a scientific mystery that if solved might be able to help us predict earthquakes before they happen. Video
taken before Friday`s 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Morocco captured mysterious lights in the nighttime sky. They`re called earthquake lights
and reports of these types of atmospheric illuminations actually date back to Ancient Greece would you believe.
illumination [ɪ͵ljuməˋneʃən] n. 光,照明
Experts say earthquake lights can appear in different forms and colors. They could be dancing across the sky or look like glowing floating spheres.
They could even appear as flickering flames creeping across the ground. Seismologists and scientists are trying to unlock the mysteries of these
illuminating outbursts. Some experts say that certain crystals in rocks generate electricity when they break during an earthquake.
outburst [ˋaʊt͵bɝst] n. 爆发; 突然发生
The hope is that one day we might be able to use these earthquake lights or the electric charge that causes them to help predict major earthquakes
before they happen.
NADA BASHIR, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Sheltering from the sweltering September heat, survivors of Morocco`s earthquake spend
another day coming to terms with a tragedy that has befallen this shaken community.
come to terms with 逐渐接受(常指所爱之人的死)
befall [bɪˋfɔl] v.(尤指不幸)降临于
Temporary shelters for those left homeless by the earthquake have been set up across this region. Many of the tents that you can see here have been
supplied either by the Moroccan government or by local organizations and charities. But the Moroccan government has also requested assistance from
request [rɪˋkwɛst] v. 要求,请求;请求给予
members of the international community. And we`ve seen these international teams on the ground providing support, not only on the search and rescue
front, but also with the humanitarian relief effort.
ROBERT NORMAN, UK INTERNATIONAL SEARCH AND RESCUE, COMMAND SUPPORT OFFICER: The immediate priorities for our team is always saving life, following on
from that where we can help medical assistance identify humanitarian needs. So that even when that rescue phase does close, we`ve provided all the
information we can to help humanitarian relief that will follow us.
BASHIR: Across the quake zone here in Morocco, there has also been an outpouring of support from the local community, with donations of food,
outpouring [ˋaʊt͵porɪŋ] n. 流出;流露
water, and medication.
The volunteers here tell us they still need more tents and crucially long-term support with the rebuild effort. The government says the reconstruction of homes lost in the disaster is a priority, but for so many
impacted families, there is no telling how long it`ll be before they have a real home to return to.
there is no telling 无法预料; 很难说
WIRE: Let`s talk now about the future of AI or artificial intelligence, the science of making machines that can think like humans while also
processing large amounts of data in ways that humans can`t. Some of the largest leaders in tech high profile CEOs and members of the Senate met
this week in Washington. Why? They were in deep conversation about the future of AI regulations. And they had some serious words of caution about
AI, including the potential impact on humanity, like potentially putting humans out of jobs or what might happen if it`s not used responsibly and
regulated correctly. But it wasn`t all doom and gloom. They also chatted about how AI could be a total game changer in a good way for our future
doom and gloom 前景暗淡,无望
society. To give us the low-down on all this AI drama, here`s CNN Tech Quiz, Brian Fung.
low-down [ˋloˋdaʊn] n. 真相
BRIAN FUNG, CNN REPORTER: There`s broad agreement that government should have some role in regulating AI, but there is still no consensus on how.
That`s the big takeaway from a day long summit on Capitol hill involving some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world.
takeaway [ˋtekə͵we] n. 重点
In the meeting, Bill Gates spoke of how AI could help end world hunger. Others talked about its potential to cure cancer. Elon Musk to the meeting
"may go down in history as being very important for the future of civilization." But questions are still swirling about how the US might approach
approach [əˋprotʃ] v. 着手处理,开始对付
AI regulation. Does the U.S. need a new federal agency to regulate AI? What about bans on AI and political advertising? How soon could
Congress come up with a comprehensive bill? Many of these questions are still unresolved after Gates, Musk, and others like Mark Zuckerberg descended
comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsɪv] adj. 广泛的;无所不包的;综合的
descend [dɪˋsɛnd] v. 突然袭击;突然拜访
on Washington to offer their views.
Meanwhile, officials in the meeting from the entertainment industry and labor and civil rights groups called for protecting workers, writers, and
minorities from some of the harms that AI could cause. Senators coming out of the meeting said most everyone agreed, the United States should remain a
leader in AI development while also trying to protect people. But outside of the meeting room, some lawmakers took issue with how the sessions were
closed to the public.
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
What family-based TV show first aired in 1969, featuring an opening sequence with a 3x3 grid of cast members looking around at each other?
sequence [ˋsikwəns] n.(电影中描述同一主题的)连续镜头
Family Ties, Family Matters, The Brady Bunch or All In The family?
The Brady Bunch, that`s the way to correctly answer this question.
Here`s the story of the home better known as the Brady Bunch House. It`s in studio city, California, the iconic house sold this week for 3.2 million.
The inside was designed by HGTV a few years ago to replicate the original sets used on the show. Pretty cool. It`s like stepping back in time, but
despite the nostalgia, the property actually sold for millions under the asking price.
nostalgia [nɑsˋtældʒɪə] n. 怀旧之情
asking price(尤指建筑物或地皮的)索价,要价
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The iconic Brady Bunch House just sold for a loss. Purchased in 2018, for 3.5 million, HGTV spent 1.9 million renovating it to
sell for(/at) a loss 蚀本廉售
replicate the sets from the hit TV sitcom. The updates were part of HGTV is a very Brady renovation series.
update [ˋʌpdet] n. 最新的情况
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One gigantic problem with the existing house was that it had no space for all the rooms that were on the Brady Bunch set.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just like stepping back in time.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s a strange kind of place between fiction and reality.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s the Brady`s home.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The 5,140-foot home was listed in May for 5.5 million, but sold for only 3.2 million. A portion of the proceeds will go to Turn Up, Fight Hunger,
CNN and HGTV share parent company Warner Brothers Discovery.
WIRE: All right, thanks to all of you out there for the shout out request on our CNN 10 YouTube comments section. Remember whenever our channel hits
800,000 subscribers and we`re close, my producer, Jeremy said I can do two shoutouts every show.
Today, much love to Dunwoody High School in Georgia, especially the girls flag football team, hitting the YouTube channel all the time. So great
meeting some of you this summer. Rise up, shine bright this weekend y`all remember you are more powerful than, you know. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10.
It`s been a blessing to spend this week with you.
make a scene 刷存在感; to create a loud, typically angry disturbance or display in public, such that it draws attention to those involved
stick around 逗留,停留
Nova Scotia 新斯科细亚省(加拿大省名)
illumination [ɪ͵ljuməˋneʃən] n. 光,照明
outburst [ˋaʊt͵bɝst] n. 爆发; 突然发生
come to terms with 逐渐接受(常指所爱之人的死)
befall [bɪˋfɔl] v.(尤指不幸)降临于
request [rɪˋkwɛst] v. 要求,请求;请求给予
outpouring [ˋaʊt͵porɪŋ] n. 流出;流露
there is no telling 无法预料; 很难说
doom and gloom 前景暗淡,无望
low-down [ˋloˋdaʊn] n. 真相
takeaway [ˋtekə͵we] n. 重点
approach [əˋprotʃ] v. 着手处理,开始对付
comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsɪv] adj. 广泛的;无所不包的;综合的
descend [dɪˋsɛnd] v. 突然袭击;突然拜访
sequence [ˋsikwəns] n.(电影中描述同一主题的)连续镜头
nostalgia [nɑsˋtældʒɪə] n. 怀旧之情
asking price(尤指建筑物或地皮的)索价,要价
sell for(/at) a loss 蚀本廉售
update [ˋʌpdet] n. 最新的情况