CNN 10 - October 12, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年10月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月21日
- 发布于 2023年10月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:448
Conflict in Israel and Gaza as Destruction and Casualties Continue; Africa`s Second Longest River.
NATASHA CHEN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi everyone. I`m Natasha Chen, filling in for Coy today. I`m so grateful to be back with all of you for
another exciting day of CNN 10. Coy will be back tomorrow.
We`re going to continue with our coverage of the conflict in Israel and Gaza. The current situation can feel very confusing at times, and the
conflict dates back many decades. Reminder that we have a full explainer of what`s going on in Israel and Gaza from our show on Monday. But for now
here`s the latest news.
At the time we recorded our show, at least 1200 people had been killed in Israel. And up to 150 hostages are believed to be held in Gaza. In a speech
on Tuesday, President Biden called the Hamas attack, an act of sheer evil and confirmed 14 Americans were killed with others being held captive.
Israel is also hammering Gaza with airstrikes hitting hundreds of targets, reducing neighborhoods to rubble and killing at least 1055 people.
reduce [rɪˋdjus]v. 使..化为,使..变为[(+to)]
According to Palestinian officials, a humanitarian crisis is swiftly unfolding in Gaza with hundreds of thousands displaced and many cutoff from
displaced [dɪsˋplest] adj. 背井离乡的,流离失所的
cutoff [ˋkʌt͵ɔf] n. 切断供应; 中断供应
food and electricity.
Next, we`ll hear from CNN`s Jon Sarlin, who will detail why Hamas` most recent attack is considered unprecedented by many.
JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Scale of this, the brutality is truly unprecedented.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Completely unprecedented attack.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is completely unprecedented.
JON SARLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is not new. In fact, it`s been going on since before Israel`s
founding in 1948. So why is Hamas` latest attack on Israel so unprecedented? First, the surprise of the attack. On October 7th, Hamas
launched a barrage of rockets towards Israel. While gunmen entered Israel from Gaza. Israel has not seen this kind of infiltration of military bases,
towns, kibbutzim in its 75-year history.
kibbutz [kɪˋbʊts] n. 基布兹(以色列的合作农场)(名词复数:kibbutzim)
The country is known for having one of the world`s most impressive armed forces, a premier intelligence agency and sophisticated border security.
premier [prɪˋmɪɚ] adj. 最重要的
But this attack seemed to catch them off guard.
Second, the intensity of the attack. Israel Defense Forces have said that more than 5,000 rockets have been launched from the Gaza Strip since
October 7th. To put that into context in 2021, during the 11-day war with Hamas, some 4,300 rockets were fired.
context [ˋkɑntɛkst] n.(事件的)来龙去脉,背景
Following Saturday`s attack, Israel has formally declared war on Hamas. The first such declaration in 50 years, setting the stage for a major military
operation in Gaza. Israeli forces are battling militants in Southern Israel and have been pounding Gaza with airstrikes. By the conflicts` third day,
over 900 people were killed in Israel while authorities in Gaza said over 680 people have been killed in the Palestinian enclave.
Lastly, the hostage situation. Hamas says it is holding more than a hundred hostages in Gaza. The group claims that this includes high ranking army
officers, but it also includes women. The elderly and children. Hamas says the hostages are now being held in locations across Gaza, which could
complicate Israel`s response to the militant groups attack.
CHEN: Ten second trivia.
What is Africa`s largest river by volume?
Nile, Chobe, Congo, or Volta?
Though the Nile river is much longer, the Congo river holds Africa`s record for amount of water flowing through it. The Kasai river in Angola is
Angola [æŋˋgolə] n. 安哥拉
Africa`s second largest river by volume and flows directly into the largest, which we just mentioned, the Congo. Supplying tens of millions of
people with fresh water. But until recent years, huge portions of it had never been documented by science, as part of Rolex`s Perpetual Planet Initiative,
Explorer Steve Boyes has embarked on a series of expeditions to discover and protect these river systems and the wildlife that depends on
STEVE BOYES, EXPLORER, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY: The Eastern portion of the Angola Highlands water tower was previously known as the "terra do fim
do mundo," the land at the end of the earth by the first Portuguese explorers was the farthest place from anywhere, and it is.
All we have is satellite imagery to look at and try and prepare ourselves for what we are going to do that day. But we are the first people to
document these river systems. And when I say document, we are establishing early 21st Century river baselines, ecological and hydrologic baselines.
baseline [ˋbeslaɪn] n. 基线;底线
hydrologic [ˌhaɪdrəˈlɑdʒɪk] adj. 水文学的
I`m Dr. Steve Boyes, I`m a National Geographic Explorer and the project leader of the Great Spine of Africa series of expeditions. I`ve never
wanted to be anything else other than an Explorer, and a conservationist.
I gave up writing my master`s dissertation and for the next decade, my entire world was the Okavango Delta. I couldn`t think of anything else, I
dissertation [͵dɪsɚˋteʃən] n.(博士学位)论文;(专题)论文
never wanted to leave. So I went all the universities in the states around the world to advocate for the Okavango Delta to become a world heritage
site, UNESCO.
And that happened, but within three months, we were Angola. I kind of broken out of that. That`s -- you know, it has to become a UNESCO world
heritage site. And we went up to the sources. We were the first group to do so. We were told by all of the top scientists, geologists, hydrologists,
hydrologist [haɪˋdrɑlədʒɪst] n. 水文學家
that these were seasonally flooded wetlands. And when we get there, we find an ancient crystal-clear acidic source lake.
We see that it`s surrounded and sustained by peatlands. And none of this is known to science. We crossed the entire Okavango River Basin, all the
peatland [ˈpitlænd] n. 泥炭地
way into the Kalahari Desert, beyond the Okavango Delta followed the water to its end. Exploring this entire water tower structure.
Kalahari Desert 喀拉哈里沙漠(非洲西南部)
Now, a water tower in this context, is not a wooden structure on top of a building in New York. It is a high-altitude, forested watershed, high
watershed [ˋwɑtɚ͵ʃɛd] n. 分水岭;流域
rainfall with high water storage capacity due to peatlands. It`s like a giant sponge. Now, that`s sponge is sustained by forests, protecting water
or creating rainfall, receiving rainfall and flushing it down into the peatlands that hold that water for thousands of years.
We`ve always wondered why Africa has the megafauna, why it has these great grand wildernesses, these great migrations. And it`s because these water
megafauna 巨型动物群
fauna [ˋfɔnə] n. 动物群
towers. Africa`s managed to weather these climatic oscillations that have happened naturally in the past through this water storage capacity that
oscillation [͵ɑsəˋleʃən] n. 动摇;波动
naturally exists in these high-altitude sources. So these water towers are keystone to our future. They`re unexplored, un-surveyed, scientifically
misunderstood most of the time. And that is what we urgently chasing after in the Great Spine of Africa series of expeditions. This starts with
exploration, discovery and science. We need to understand the flows of these rivers. We need to understand the importance of, and nature of those
sources. And then we work with local people who are already our guides, through all of our expeditions, to protect those landscapes into the
This new center of endemism is emerging, a large-scale water tower that wasn`t known, peatlands that weren`t known, source lakes that weren`t known
endemism [ˈɛndəˌmizəm] n. 特有现象;地方特殊性;地方性生长;特有分布
are being documented for the first time in the 21st Century. This is early 21st Century exploration in reality.
CHEN: Up next, we`re talking squash, not the vegetable, but the sport. The Los Angeles Olympic and Paralympic committee is proposing to add five new
squash [skwɑʃ] n. 回力球; 南瓜属植物;南瓜
sports in the 2028 games, including baseball, softball, cricket, lacrosse, flag football, and squash. If approved squash and flag football would make
lacrosse [ləˋkrɔs] n. 长曲棍球; 袋棍球
their Olympic debut. The flag football you may know is a non-contact version of American football, which replaces tackling with defensive
tackling [ˋtæklɪŋ] n. 阻截; 擒抱
players, removing the flag of the ball carrier and has been growing in popularity over the years.
The proposal to include these five sports into the 2028 Los Angeles games will be reviewed by the Olympic committee`s executive board in Mumbai India
review [rɪˋvju] v. 重新探讨;复审
on October 16th. So a lot could change before the Olympics in the next five years. The last time the Olympics were held in the United States was in
2002 when Salt Lake City, Utah hosted the winter games. We`ll keep you updated on all things Olympics headed into the 2024 and 2028 games.
And for today`s 10 out of 10, we`re giving you pumpkin to talk about Travis Kinger of Anoka, Minnesota won the 50th World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off
Weigh-Off 称重
in Half Moon Bay, California, with an enormous orange pumpkin that caused quite the hullabaloo. The gorgeous gourd weighed a whopping 2,749
hullabaloo [ˋhʌləbə͵lu] n. 喧闹
gourd [gord] n. 葫芦属植物
pounds, and appears to have set the world record for biggest gourd. Kinger grows his gourds in the pumpkin patch in his backyard, and he calls this
one, Michael Jordan, go big or gourd home.
And now onto my favorite part of the day, I want to give a special shout out to Mrs. Harris 7th Grade class at Discovery Charter School in San Jose, California.
We see you, and we hope you and everyone watching around the world has a wonderful day. I`m Natasha Chen. And it`s been a pleasure being
here with you these last couple of days.
reduce [rɪˋdjus] v. 使..化为,使..变为[(+to)]
displaced [dɪsˋplest] adj. 背井离乡的,流离失所的
cutoff [ˋkʌt͵ɔf] n. 切断供应; 中断供应
kibbutz [ kɪˋbʊts] n. 基布兹(以色列的合作农场)(名词复数:kibbutzim)
premier [prɪˋmɪɚ] adj. 最重要的
context [ˋkɑntɛkst] n.(事件的)来龙去脉,背景
Angola [æŋˋgolə] n. 安哥拉
baseline [ˋbeslaɪn] n. 基线;底线
hydrologic [ˌhaɪdrəˈlɑdʒɪk] adj. 水文学的
dissertation [͵dɪsɚˋteʃən] n.(博士学位)论文;(专题)论文
hydrologist [haɪˋdrɑlədʒɪst] n. 水文學家
peatland [ˈpitlænd] n. 泥炭地
Kalahari Desert 喀拉哈里沙漠(非洲西南部)
watershed [ˋwɑtɚ͵ʃɛd] n. 分水岭;流域
megafauna 巨型动物群
fauna [ˋfɔnə] n. 动物群
oscillation [͵ɑsəˋleʃən] n. 动摇;波动
endemism [ˈɛndəˌmizəm] n. 特有现象;地方特殊性;地方性生长;特有分布
squash [skwɑʃ] n. 回力球; 南瓜属植物;南瓜
lacrosse [ləˋkrɔs] n. 长曲棍球; 袋棍球
tackling [ˋtæklɪŋ] n. 阻截; 擒抱
review [rɪˋvju] v. 重新探讨;复审
weigh-off 称重
hullabaloo [ˋhʌləbə͵lu] n. 喧闹
gourd [gord] n. 葫芦属植物