CNN 10 - October 17, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年10月17日
- 最后更新于 2023年10月21日
- 发布于 2023年10月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:492
Situation in Israel and Gaza; A simple Question Leads to a Korean History Lesson; Girl Gets Paid More Than 4,000 Bucks a Week to Play the Card Game, UNO.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, sunshine. Terrific Tuesday to you. I`m Coy Wire. Thank you for spending part of your day with us right here on CNN 10,
the best 10 minutes in news.
Today, we`re going to be covering a bunch of topics from the situation in Israel and Gaza to the Korean War. We`ll also learn about a girl who gets
paid more than 4,000 bucks a week to play the card game, UNO. That, and more right here on today`s show.
We start with the latest on the war between Israel and Hamas. In Gaza, residents have been leaving their homes and evacuating south. Experts say
conditions there have deteriorated dangerously with serious shortages of clean water and food. That`s as tens of thousands of Palestinians attempt
to flee crippling airstrikes and an impending Israeli ground defensive. And the world is not just watching and waiting, but reacting.
crippling [ˋkrɪplɪŋ] adj. 严重损害身体的;极有害的;有严重后果的
impending [ɪmˋpɛndɪŋ] adj. 即将发生的;逼近的
While many are coming out in solidarity for Israel, others around the world are showing support for the Palestinians in Gaza. These protests are
solidarity [͵sɑləˋdærətɪ] n. 团结;团结一致
happening in U.S. cities, including Washington, D.C., Chicago, New York. And in Europe, including London and Frankfurt, stretches all the way to
Sydney, Istanbul, and South Africa.
Now, it`s difficult for me to report on and watch something of this magnitude and maybe it is for you too. So on Thursday`s episode, we`re
going to give you a behind the scenes, look at how we, here at CNN, report on what we`re seeing, and we`re even going to offer you some tools, for
managing this type of distressing news.
To help us out, we`ll have a very special guest and we cannot wait for you to see just for you here on CNN 10, where we tell you the what, letting you
decide what to think.
Next up, do you ever wonder about the past lives of your parents or maybe even your grandparents? Well, my friend, CNN Anchor, Amara Walker, decided
to find out. She tells us how she got her father to share his childhood experiences during the Korean War. She says it changed her perception of
her entire family history and her heritage.
heritage [ˋhɛrətɪdʒ] n. 命中注定的东西;命运
History lesson of the day, the Korean War began on June 25th, 1950, the North Korean people`s army wanted to militarily conquer South Korea and
therefore unified Korea under their communist regime. It was also the first war that the United Nations played a part in. In fact, when asked to send
unify [ˋjunə͵faɪ] v. 成一体,统一
military aid to South Korea, 16 countries sent troops and 41 sent equipment or aid. And Americans who participated in the action actually accounted for
90% of those troops. It was a three year bloody and brutal struggle that left millions from both countries dead, and created a refugee crisis that
swept up Amara Walker`s family. Here`s more.
AMARA WALKER, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: During the Korean War, it was from 1950 to 1953, the communists were abducting young boys into the
communist army. My father remembers the conversation that his mother had with his brothers, and she told them to go escape into the local mountains
and to hide there until the war was over.
No one knew if they were going to see their loved ones again. There was so much more to learn about his history. We all want to know where we come
from, right? Technically, I can say I`m North Korean.
I grew up in Southern California and I really knew nothing about my roots. My childhood, I guess, was pretty normal. For an immigrant family, my
father owned a gardening business. He moved to America in 1974 and he never had a chance to ever go on vacation. I said, hey, what`s your bucket list
bucket list 遗愿清单;人生目标列表(指一个人在有生之年想要做的事情和想要取得的成就的清单)
vacation? And he is like, well, I`ve been on YouTube a lot. And I`ve been looking a lot at Alaska. Oh, then let`s do it.
We were on this beautiful train ride through Denali National Forest. It was a glass car. This is a horrible photo. But this was inside the train. And I
just randomly asked, hey dad. So tell me about the war. He kind of was taken aback. I obviously don`t think he was expecting that question from me.
take someone aback 使(某人)大吃一惊
He just started telling me, he was eight or nine years old. It was pure chaos. He said, Amara, I was running for my safety, for my life in the
middle of this war while bombs were flying and I was barefooted. Didn`t even have shoes.
My dad escaped down towards Seoul. That`s a long journey from what is now North Korea. His most vivid memory was being hungry as a child at night.
Like the noise, his tummy would make. I don`t think I had ever seen my father cry until that moment. You know, he was probably holding in all that
tummy [ˋtʌmɪ] n.【儿】肚子,胃
pain, that he never talked about with anyone else until Alaska.
That was really a pivotal moment in my life. I understand my father so much more now. You know, we -- I used to always be like, dad, you don`t ever
pivotal [ˋpɪvət!] adj. 关键的; 重要的
talk you`re -- you always look so stern. You`re always working, working, working. You always have a goal. And now I know why. He was able to leave,
stern [stɝn] adj. 严格的,严厉的;严峻的
come to America and build a life for himself and set up his children to succeed. He`s a survivor. I will tell my children when they`re of age,
of age 成年
their roots. So if you want to learn more about yourself, ask questions.
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
What board game was patented on December 31, 1935?
patent [ˋpætnt] v. 给予……专利权;取得……的专利权
Monopoly, Scrabble, Candy Land, or Chutes and Ladders?
If you said Monopoly, you are correct. Although the rules had been created much earlier in 1903 by a woman named Elizabeth Magie. That`s a story that
had been lost for decades until recently.
Now, ever since games and puzzles have been big business. And for one lucky player, the game UNO has also meant a big paycheck for her. She`s earning
paycheck [ˋpe͵tʃɛk] n. 付薪水的支票;薪津
thousands of dollars each month to play the game she loves.
SANTANA: Yes, yes.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is 22-year-old Litzy Santana. She just graduated from college a few months ago and now Mattel is paying her to play its new
game, UNO Quatro, with strangers on the streets of New York.
SANTANA: You just won UNO Quatro, yay.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Her salary, $4,444 a week for only four hours per day. That`s almost $278 an hour.
SANTANA: My job responsibilities as Chief UNO Player include one, having fun.
I don`t think you guys are going to beat me.
SANTANA: That`s game.
Number two, explaining the games, the rules of UNO Quatro and then playing some UNO Quatro and hopefully winning a lot.
JARED WATSON, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MARKETING, NYU: So Chief UNO Player as a campaign is quite fascinating. Everyone says, wow, that is so much money.
It`s irrational to pay an individual that much to play this game. On the flip side, not only will they have the firm generated content, they`ll also
have multitudes of -- of consumer generated content all for the low price of about $18,000.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Litzy isn`t an influencer or a household name. She doesn`t have thousands of followers, but she landed the job anyways. Thanks
to an open call audition on You Guessed It TikTok.
audition [ɔˋdɪʃən] n. 试镜
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You like playing UNO, you liked making money.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s a tactic on the part of companies like Mattel to draw on younger customers on social media.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, and you should probably be friendly and have really good vibes. Because you`re going to be challenging Randalls to play with
WATSON: When we think about an influencer, traditionally, we think about someone who has an organic following.
influencer [ˋɪnflʊənsɚ] n. 网红
organic [ɔrˋgænɪk] adj.(粉丝成长方面依靠自身努力而不是靠花钱雇用或其他工具)以有机方式的; 构成整体所必需的
SANTANA: And why should I be the first Chief UNO Player? Let me try make a launch real quick.
WATSON: The Chief UNO Player, they were not selected due to their role as an influencer, given that they were given a title from this company,
they`re given credibility.
credibility [͵krɛdəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 信誉
SANTANA: Here to tell you and give you the ultimate scoop on how to win UNO Quatro every single --
scoop [skup] n. 抢先报导的新闻; 独家新闻; current information; news
WATSON: Consumers are increasingly skeptical of brands in the marketplace, but having this intermediary, whether it`s an influencer, a creator,
intermediary [͵ɪntɚˋmidɪ͵ɛrɪ] n. 中间物;媒介物
consumers develop what are called parasocial relationships. They treat it like a real relationship. They say this person won`t lie to me. I trust this person.
parasocial 準社会
SANTANA: 1, 2, 3, 4. Awesome. Love it. Thank you guys.
WIRE: Finally, we`re traveling to the New York Comic Con known for its detailed and extensive costumes. It`s not uncommon to see fans cosplaying
cosplay [ˋkɑsˌple] n. 角色扮演(由 costume 和 play 缩合而成,指利用服装、饰品、道具以及化妆来扮演动漫、电影或游戏中的角色)
all around New York City. The New York Comic Con is an annual New York City fan convention dedicated to all things, comics. That includes everything
from graphic novels to anime, popular media and even video games. The convention was first held in 2006 and its north America`s most attended fan convention.
graphic novel 漫画小说(多数以图画表示,也配合文字)
anime [ˈænəˌme ] n. 动漫画; (日本的)动画片
attended [əˋtɛndɪd] adj. 有许多人出席的
Today`s special shout out is going to Mr. Hawk`s class at William Cook in Richmond, B.C., Canada. We hear you watch us every day as part of your
morning routine. And then write in journals about the core values of caring for yourselves, caring for each other and your community. That is
And I want to give a shout out to all the educators out there with some teacher time Tuesday. Thank you for inspiring, uplifting and caring for all
of us. Students, give your teacher a handshake, high five or fist bump today and let them know, we see you. I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
crippling [ˋkrɪplɪŋ] adj. 严重损害身体的;极有害的;有严重后果的
impending [ɪmˋpɛndɪŋ] adj. 即将发生的;逼近的
solidarity [͵sɑləˋdærətɪ] n. 团结;团结一致
heritage [ˋhɛrətɪdʒ] n. 命中注定的东西;命运
unify [ˋjunə͵faɪ] v. 成一体,统一
bucket list 遗愿清单;人生目标列表(指一个人在有生之年想要做的事情和想要取得的成就的清单)
take someone aback 使(某人)大吃一惊
tummy [ˋtʌmɪ] n.【儿】肚子,胃
pivotal [ˋpɪvət!] adj. 关键的; 重要的
stern [stɝn] adj. 严格的,严厉的;严峻的
of age 成年
patent [ˋpætnt] v. 给予……专利权;取得……的专利权
paycheck [ˋpe͵tʃɛk] n. 付薪水的支票;薪津
audition [ɔˋdɪʃən] n. 试镜
influencer [ˋɪnflʊənsɚ] n. 网红; 影响者
organic [ɔrˋgænɪk] adj.(粉丝成长方面依靠自身努力而不是靠花钱雇用或其他工具)以有机方式的; 构成整体所必需的
credibility [͵krɛdəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 信誉
scoop [skup] n. 抢先报导的新闻; 独家新闻; current information; news
intermediary [͵ɪntɚˋmidɪ͵ɛrɪ] n. 中间物;媒介物
parasocial 準社会
cosplay [ˋkɑsˌple] n. 角色扮演(由costume和play缩合而成,指利用服装、饰品、道具以及化妆来扮演动漫、电影或游戏中的角色)
graphic novel 漫画小说(多数以图画表示,也配合文字)
anime [ˈænəˌme ] n. 动漫画; (日本的)动画片
attended [əˋtɛndɪd] adj. 有许多人出席的