CNN 10 - November 1, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年11月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月22日
- 发布于 2023年11月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:461
Why Millions of Venezuelan Residents Leaving the Country and Heading North; President Biden Puts Guardrails on Artificial Intelligence; A Coyote Outrun Police on an Airport Runway.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up sunshine. Hope you got more treats than tricks last night. Happy Halloween. This year is flying by it`s Wednesday,
November 1st. I swear it feels like just yesterday. It was October. It`s the start of a glorious Gauntlet of holidays. Let`s make it a wonderful time
gauntlet [ˋgɑntlɪt] n. 长手套; 防护手套
of the year. Shall we?
We start today with pop quiz, hot shot.
Ten second trivia.
Caracas is the capital of what South American nation?
Caracas [kəˋrɑkəs] n. 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)
Venezuela, Peru, Columbia, or Bolivia?
Caracas is the capital of Venezuela located in a valley within the Andes mountains.
Venezuela, where we take you now is once one of the wealthiest countries in South America. And did you know that it says on the world`s largest oil
reserves, but for the past 15 years or so, the economy has been in shambles and that has added to why many Venezuelan have been fleeing. In the U.S.
shamble [ˋʃæmb!] n. 摇晃的脚步
that has contributed to a migrant crisis.
In August alone, the Department of Homeland Security said, it encountered more than 55,000 migrants from Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua at the Mexico
border. So, what has happened to Venezuela`s economy and where does all of this leave everyday Venezuelans? CNN`s Stefano Pozzebon explains.
STEFANO POZZEBON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hundreds of thousands of migrants enter in the U.S. are from Venezuela. But this country`s economy collapsed
in 2014, almost a decade ago. So what is causing these latest spike right now?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Venezuelans are among the top nationalities of migrants arriving in the U.S.
Venezuelan [͵vɛnəˋzwilən] n. 委内瑞拉人
POZZEBON: Venezuela was once one of the richest countries in South America, but it never recovers since it enter recession in 2014. When the
price of oil and other commodities are plummeted in 2015, Venezuela`s revenues dried up almost overnight. And the entire country basically went
dry up【喻】(指资源或供应)耗尽, 枯竭
bankrupt. Inflation was rampant and most of everyday goods were impossible to find.
Since then, the socioeconomic crisis has not improved under the government of authoritarian leader Nicolas Maduro. And research shows then more than
socioeconomic [͵sosɪoikəˋnɑmɪk] adj. 社会经济的;社会经济性的
80% of the population here, still live below the poverty line. While they may not have all headed to the U.S. between 2014 and 2020, more than 4
million Venezuelans left the country, according to the United Nations.
Right now, more than 7.7 millions leave outside of Venezuela. And that is about 25% of the population. To give you an idea, it`s like if the entire
population of California and Texas left the U.S. in less than a decade.
In the last few years, a growing number has started moving north directly towards the U.S. southern border through the Darien Gap, a dense stretch of
jungle that connects the South America and Central America.
Social media has also played a significant role because more and more people are documenting their trip and posting it on the likes of Facebook,
WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok. Informal migrant networks and businesses that help people just at the beginning of the journey have also sped up the
pace of migration. More than 400,000 people have already crossed the jungle as of September this year. And the largest group are from Venezuela.
Currently, there are over half a million Venezuelan migrants in the U.S. This month, the White House has starting deporting Venezuela migrants who had
deport [dɪˋport] v. 驱逐(出境)
entered the country illegally, directly back here to Caracas.
Political change in Venezuela is not happening anytime soon, with most opposition candidates barred from running for election. And over 270 political
bar [bɑr] v. 封锁; 中止;禁止
prisoners are still behind bars. Countries in the region are saying that they`re looking for conservative solutions to handle this historic
migration flow. But as long as Venezuela remains in such dire straits, this emergency only seems destined to continue.
dire straits 困境; a state of extreme distress
WIRE: Now, we continue our coverage of AI, Artificial Intelligence. Developments in the world of AI are happening fast. The hope is that it can
spur innovation in health science and technology. The fear is that it might harm national security, replace human workers and upend entire industries.
upend [ʌpˋɛnd]v.(使)混乱
Monday President Biden unveiled an executive order to address concerns over safety. Executive Orders are signed into law by the president bypassing
bypass [ˋbaɪ͵pæs] v. 绕过
congressional approval. But they`re far less powerful than congressional laws because they can be challenged in court and canceled by future
presidents. Let`s turn to CNN`s Mike Valerio, to learn more about what this order contains.
MIKE VALERIO, CNN NEWSOURCE NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: So today matters because this is the first set of federal regulations governing artificial
intelligence that have been made. But there are still huge challenges ahead.
(Voice-over): Artificial intelligence technology is advancing rapidly. And the federal government is scrambling to keep up.
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 争抢; (乱糟糟地)争夺
JOE BIDEN, (D) U.S. PRESIDENT: I`m about to sign an executive order. The executive order, that is the most significant action any government
anywhere in the world has ever taken on AI safety, security and trust.
VALERIO: The White House unveiling, a sweeping new executive order Monday aimed at mitigating the risks of AI while also harnessing its potential.
sweeping [ˋswipɪŋ] adj. 广泛的;全面的;彻底的
BIDEN: To realize the promise of AI and avoid the risk, we need to govern this technology.
VALERIO: According to the Biden administration, the order will require all AI developers to share results of their safety tests with the federal
government. Before they`re released to the public, compel companies to notify the government if an AI model in development poses national
security, economic, or health risks, ease immigration barriers for skilled workers to study and stay in the U.S., establish standards to prevent AI
production of dangerous biological materials, and develop best practices to minimize the risks of AI displacing human workers. Among a number of other
key concerns, Harvard`s Bruce Schneier says getting AI regulation right, is critical.
BRUCE SCHNEIER, HARVARD KENNEDY SCHOOL: They`re not freewheeling technology, they`re more like pharmaceuticals. You get them wrong and
freewheeling [friˋhwilɪŋ] adj.【口】无禁忌,无约束的;随心所欲的
people die.
VALERIO: He says, AI has the potential to transform the way we live and work for the better. If the technology is kept in check.
SCHNEIER: This is going in the beginning of a very long and national process, but it`s to start, it`s an important start.
VALERIO: Now, just one more important point to stress, this is an executive order. This is not a law governing artificial intelligence. The
Congress is hosting ongoing hearings through the rest of the year to talk with experts and figure out the best ways to create legislation, to put up guardrails
guardrail [ˋgɑrd͵rel] n. 栏杆;护栏
for artificial intelligence. That`s latest here in Los Angeles, I`m Mike Valerio.
WIRE: Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, a coyote trying to absquatulate from an airport. Police on the prowl for a coyote and its howl
coyote [kaɪˋot] n.【动】(北美大草原的)郊狼,土狼
absquatulate [æbˋskwɑtʃə͵let]n.【口】逃走,溜脱,开小差
on the prowl 小心而悄悄的移动; 徘徊
at an airport in LA on the runway, dodging planes. Who would win the race of this wild and frantic chase of a coyote on the loose. Here`s CNN`s Jeanne Moos.
on the loose 不受约束的,自由的
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: At least this coyote is smart enough to look before crossing a runway, turns out it was running
away from the airport police at Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles. A chopper from KCAL was stopping by to refuel when it captured the coyote chase.
We couldn`t tell if the police were beeping. What we do know there was no roadrunner in sight. We can`t tell you much of anything about the coyote
roadrunner [ˋrod͵rʌnɚ] n.(产于美国西南部和墨西哥的)走鹃鸟
that did not introduce itself.
introduce [͵ɪntrəˋdjus] v. 介绍,引见
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My name is Cayote, Wile E. Coyote.
MOOS: So our wily reporter can do is play comical chase music, and what the video roll. Coyote sightings here in the San Fernando Valley are so
common. There`s a Facebook page devoted to them with posts like, "Coyotes in my house. Two coyotes, just walking to my house through the garage. Dogs
scared them away."
It was the police vehicle`s mission to scare the airport coyote away. Unlike Wile E. Coyote, airport coyote did not end up flattened. A
flatten [ˋflætn] v. 变平坦
spokesperson for Van Nuys Airport told CNN we are happy to report that the coyote was able to find its way safely out. Ready for departure subject
subject [ˋsʌbdʒɪkt] adj. 以……为条件的;须经……的[+to]
only to its own, coyote control. Jeanne Moos CNN, New York.
WIRE: All right, congrats to @amani2626 from Prairie Trail in Olathe, Kansas. You are the winner of #YourWordWednesday for absquatulate, a verb
meaning to leave abruptly. Well done.
Before I absquatulate on up out of here, our first school shout out of November goes to, the Mavericks, the Mighty Mavericks in Mrs. Rams (ph)
maverick [ˋmævərɪk] n. 未烙印的小牛(或其他牲口);【口】不服从的人;持不同意见的人
class at United Middle School in Laredo, Texas. Thank you for the epic shout out on TikTok. And thanks to everyone who submitted vocab words.
You`re making us smarter, words, use them. I`m Coy Wire. And we are CNN 10.
gauntlet [ˋgɑntlɪt] n. 长手套; 防护手套
Caracas [kəˋrɑkəs] n. 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)
shamble [ˋʃæmb!] n. 摇晃的脚步
Venezuelan [͵vɛnəˋzwilən] n. 委内瑞拉人
dry up【喻】(指资源或供应)耗尽, 枯竭
socioeconomic [͵sosɪoikəˋnɑmɪk] adj. 社会经济的;社会经济性的
deport [dɪˋport] v. 驱逐(出境)
bar [bɑr] v. 封锁; 中止;禁止
dire straits 困境; a state of extreme distress
upend [ʌpˋɛnd] v.(使)混乱
bypass [ˋbaɪ͵pæs] v. 绕过
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 争抢; (乱糟糟地)争夺
sweeping [ˋswipɪŋ] adj. 广泛的;全面的;彻底的
freewheeling [friˋhwilɪŋ] adj.【口】无禁忌,无约束的;随心所欲的
guardrail [ˋgɑrd͵rel] n. 栏杆;护栏
coyote [kaɪˋot] n.【动】(北美大草原的)郊狼,土狼
absquatulate [æbˋskwɑtʃə͵let] n.【口】逃走,溜脱,开小差
on the prowl 小心而悄悄的移动; 徘徊
on the loose 不受约束的,自由的
roadrunner [ˋrod͵rʌnɚ] n.(产于美国西南部和墨西哥的)走鹃鸟
introduce [͵ɪntrəˋdjus] v. 介绍,引见
flatten [ˋflætn] v. 变平坦
subject [ˋsʌbdʒɪkt] adj. 以……为条件的;须经……的[+to]
maverick [ˋmævərɪk] n. 未烙印的小牛(或其他牲口);【口】不服从的人;持不同意见的人