CNN 10 - November 2, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年11月03日
- 最后更新于 2023年11月06日
- 发布于 2023年11月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:456
Holiday Shoppers Undeterred By Inflation; NASA Reaches A Milestone
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, beautiful people. Happy Friday eve. It`s Thursday, November 2nd. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10, where we tell you the
what, letting you decide what to think.
I`ve got some great stories for you today. But first let`s talk about the holidays. Halloween is over. People are getting into the spirit -- the
spirit of spending the holidays are an important time for retailers. Many of them rely on spending in November and December for as much as 1/5 of
their annual sales or more.
And according to a new survey from Deloitte, holiday spending may bounce back big time and even surpassed pre-pandemic levels. Even though shoppers
big time 很大程度上,非常
face ongoing inflation, and some are paying off student loans for the first time in years, shoppers are expected to drop an average of about $1,600 for
pay off 偿清债务
holiday-related purchases. That`s 14 percent more than last year.
But the survey says many consumers are expecting to receive half as many gifts as they did a few years ago, due to rising costs. The majority of
people who responded to the survey also said they do their shopping after Thanksgiving to make the most of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.
But let`s all remember that we don`t need to stress this holiday season. The focus should be on family, friends, and loved ones. We can buy a new
watch, but we can`t buy time. We can buy a whole house, but we can`t buy a home.
This holiday season isn`t about the gifts we receive or the money we spend. It`s about the moments we make.
Now, pop quiz, hot shot, ten-second trivia, which of these names has not been used for a NASA mission. Euclid Galileo, Kepler or Ptolemy?
Ptolemy [ˋtɑləmɪ] n. 托勒密
Ptolemy was an Egyptian astronomer, mathematician and geographer born around 100 A.D., but his name has not been used for any NASA missions.
geographer [dʒɪˋɑgrəfɚ] n. 地理学家
"Lucy, I`m home," a famous line from the 1950 sitcom "I Love Lucy". Lucy is also the name of another NASA mission, but this Lucy is far from home. The
sitcom [ˋsɪt͵kɑm] abbr. = situation comedy 情境喜劇
mission launched in October of 2021, but yesterday, Lucy reached its first target, an ancient asteroid called Dinkinesh. From a distance of about 265
asteroid [ˋæstə͵rɔɪd] n.【天】小行星
miles, Lucy gathered images and data about the asteroid, which has only ever appeared as a smudge in telescopes.
smudge [smʌdʒ] n.(擦拭后留下的)污迹,污痕
Lucy will be NASA`s first mission to fly past ancient asteroids around Jupiter left over from the early days of our solar system. It`s expected to
take 12 years total and cost a lot of money. The launch alone cost about $148 million. Lucy isn`t expected to reach its next target until April of
Here`s CNN`s Kristin Fisher with more details about this historic mission.
ANNOUNCER: Three, two, one, lift off Atlas V takes flight.
KRISTIN FISHER, CNN SPACE & DEFENSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The NASA spacecraft is on a 12-year mission covering 6.4 billion kilometers to fly
past eight ancient asteroids.
Lucy is the first mission to investigate the Trojan asteroid swarms, which are asteroid clusters along Jupiter`s orbital path. Armed with cameras, a
thermometer and an infrared imaging spectrometer, Lucy will collect the first high resolution images of these asteroids.
spectrometer [spɛkˋtrɑmətɚ] n. 分光计,光谱仪
The spacecraft gets her name from the Lucy fossil, an ancient human ancestor whose remains transform the study of hominid evolution. NASA hopes
hominid [ˋhɑmənɪd] adj. 人类及其祖先的
its Lucy transforms the understanding of the evolution of the solar system. After making a few fly-bys of Earth for a gravity slingshot boost, Lucy`s
slingshot [ˋslɪŋ͵ʃɑt] n.【美】弹弓
boost [bust] n. 推动;帮助;促进
expected to reach her first objective in the asteroid belt between Earth and Jupiter. She`ll then travel to the Trojan asteroids all named after the
heroes of Homer`s "Iliad".
Iliad [ˋɪlɪəd] n. 伊里亚特(歌咏Troy战争的叙事诗)
KEITH NO, PLANETARY ASTRONOMER, NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER: The power of what Lucy is able to do by having so many targets. We can construct all
these comparisons between all the different varieties and the diversity that we see in the Trojans, the unexpected diversity -- the different
colors, the different collision histories. It`s really a repository of fossils, as we like to say, of things that happened at the earliest stages
repository [rɪˋpɑzə͵torɪ] n.【罕】博物馆;陈列室
of solar system evolution.
FISHER: Is powered by two giant solar arrays. That`ll expand outward like Chinese folding fans. They`ll carry Lucy farther away from the sun than any
array [əˋre] n. 配置
other solar powered spacecraft.
Lucy will never return to Earth, but she won`t be the last to visit the asteroids. NASA plans to send more. China and Russia are teaming up on an
asteroid mission in 2024, and the UAE in 2028.
Kristin Fisher, CNN.
WIRE: Let`s return now from the stars up there to talk about the stars right here on this Earth, walking among us, the 10 finalists for this year,
CNN Heroes, which highlights everyday people doing extraordinary things. They`ve been announced.
You may remember some of them that we`ve met right here on this show. You can vote for your favorite hero online and we`ll announce the winner next
Here`s Anderson Cooper with 10 finalists for CNN Hero of the Year.
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: I`m Anderson Cooper all year long, we`ve been introducing you to inspiring people who are making the world a better
place. And at a time when we all could use more kindness, compassion, courage, we`re thrilled to announce the top 10 CNN heroes of 2023.
From Washington, D.C., Yasmine Arrington grew up with a father who was in and out of prison. Today, her scholarship and mentorship program is helping
children of incarcerated parents succeed.
incarcerate [ɪnˋkɑrsə͵ret] v. 监禁; 禁闭
In Ghana, Osei Boateng`s mobile medical clinic is delivering essential healthcare to remote communities where hospitals are often hours away.
From Fayetteville, North Carolina, Stacey Buckner, and her converted off-road vehicle provides showers, laundry services and meals to local homeless vets.
off-road [ˋɔf͵rod] adj. 越野的
In the Florida Keys, Mike Goldberg recruits an army of recreational divers to help heal our oceans by transplanting coral and restoring dying reefs.
In Northern Montana, Tescha Hawley is providing a healthcare lifeline to her remote native American community. She offers free patient
transportation and fresh food to people on her reservation.
From New York City, former school teacher Alvin Arby`s innovative reading program is strengthening the literacy of African American boys in
neighborhood barbershops across the country.
From Burlington, Vermont, after his brother Kevin suffered a traumatic brain injury, Adam Pearce witnessed the healing power of yoga and
meditation. He now shares that power at transformative retreats for TBI patients and their caregivers.
retreat [rɪˋtrit] n. 隐退处;休养所
caregiver [ˈkɛrˌgɪvɚ] n. 受雇照顾孩子(或老弱病残者)的人
From Los Angeles, Estefania Rebellon uses buses transformed into mobile classrooms to provide education and stability to migrant children living in
stability [stəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 稳定,稳定性;安定
shelters along the U.S.-Mexico border.
In Detroit, the hit and run death of her 2-year-old son inspired Mama Shu to transform her neighborhood. By purchasing abandoned lots and providing
hit and run 交通肇事逃逸
lot [lɑt] n.(作特定用处的)一块地
needed services, she`s built a flourishing eco village.
flourishing [ˋflɝɪʃɪŋ] adj. 兴旺的; 繁荣的; 蓬勃发展的
And from San Diego, California, veterinarian, Dr. Kwane Stewart, brings free medical care to the pets of people who are experiencing homelessness
across the country.
Congratulations the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2023. Now, it`s time for you to help decide who will be this year`s CNN Hero of the Year, and receive
$100,000 to continue their life changing work. Go to right now to vote. And be sure to watch "CNN Heroes: An All Star Tribute", as we
tribute [ˋtrɪbjut] n. 赞扬,称赞
announce the winner and celebrate all of this year`s honorees live Sunday, December 10th.
honoree [ɑnəˋri] n. 领奖人;受勋人
WIRE: If I could, I`d give all 10 of those heroes, a perfect 10 out of 10, but for today`s story, getting a 10 out of 10 -- let`s head to Keota High
School in Oklahoma, where a Tiger`s cheerleader named Paisley got a great surprise. Her dad, Master Sergeant Dennis Clark, had been serving overseas
master sergeant [ˋsɑrdʒənt](美陆军、海军陆战队)士官长
for months, but little did Paisley know the mascot was a copycat dad in disguise. The reveal was perfect.
copycat [ˋkɑpɪ͵kæt] adj. 模仿的,仿效的;抄袭的
Paisley jumped into his paws. Crowd goes wild and Paisley cried, tears of joy. I`ve got a surprise for all of you. Looks like we`re right around
800,000 subscribers on our CNN 10 YouTube Channel. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
My executive producer said when that happens, we can start doing two shout- outs on every YouTube version of the show. Let`s go.
Today, we`re showing love too Nemo Vista Middle School, Center Ridge, Arkansas, go Red Hawks!
Let`s make this a great day. And tomorrow, we`re going to finish this week strong. I`m Coy and we are CNN 10.
big time 很大程度上,非常
pay off 偿清债务
Ptolemy [ˋtɑləmɪ] n. 托勒密
geographer [dʒɪˋɑgrəfɚ] n. 地理学家
sitcom [ˋsɪt͵kɑm] abbr. = situation comedy 情境喜劇
asteroid [ˋæstə͵rɔɪd] n.【天】小行星
smudge [smʌdʒ] n.(擦拭后留下的)污迹,污痕
spectrometer [spɛkˋtrɑmətɚ] n. 分光计,光谱仪
hominid [ˋhɑmənɪd] adj. 人类及其祖先的
slingshot [ˋslɪŋ͵ʃɑt] n.【美】弹弓
boost [bust] n. 推动;帮助;促进
Iliad [ˋɪlɪəd] n. 伊里亚特(歌咏Troy战争的叙事诗)
repository [rɪˋpɑzə͵torɪ] n.【罕】博物馆;陈列室
array [əˋre] n. 配置
incarcerate [ɪnˋkɑrsə͵ret] v. 监禁; 禁闭
off-road [ˋɔf͵rod] adj. 越野的
retreat [rɪˋtrit] n. 隐退处;休养所
caregiver [ˈkɛrˌgɪvɚ] n. 受雇照顾孩子(或老弱病残者)的人
stability [stəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 稳定,稳定性;安定
hit and run 交通肇事逃逸
lot [lɑt] n.(作特定用处的)一块地
flourishing [ˋflɝɪʃɪŋ] adj. 兴旺的; 繁荣的; 蓬勃发展的
tribute [ˋtrɪbjut] n. 赞扬,称赞
honoree [ɑnəˋri] n. 领奖人;受勋人
master sergeant [ˋsɑrdʒənt](美陆军、海军陆战队)士官长
copycat [ˋkɑpɪ͵kæt] adj. 模仿的,仿效的;抄袭的