CNN 10 - January 10, 2024
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- 创建于 2024年1月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年1月14日
- 发布于 2024年1月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
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Antony Blinken`s High-Stakes Trip in the Middle East Continues; How to Stay Healthy and Warm During the Wild Winter Weather Sweeping Across the Country; A Day in the Life on Mars.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up lovely people and happy hump day, Wednesday is #YourWordWednesday. So be on the lookout to see if your vocab
hump day ph. 駝峰日(指星期三)
on the lookout 密切注意着
word made it into today`s show. Let`s go.
To the Middle East where U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is back in Israel for critical talks with top Israeli government officials. Blinken,
and the Biden administration are looking to keep their steady balancing act of keeping pressure on Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu`s government to
balancing act 平衡的做法,平衡措施
curb its offensive and reduced harm to civilians in Gaza while also giving support for Israel`s decision to continue its military operation on Hamas
terrorists. Blinken has now made five visits to Israel since the October 7th Hamas attack.
Another U.S. concern in the Middle East is the escalating tension with Iran as proxy groups target U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria and international
proxy [ˋprɑksɪ]n. 代理人; 代理权; 代表权
ships in the Red Sea. CNN`s Becky Anderson has more on Blinken`s latest trip as he looks to de-escalate a possible wider war in the Middle East.
de-escalate [diˋɛskə͵let] v. 缩小规模,范围等
BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken shuttling around the region on his fourth trip as Israel`s war in Gaza escalates
shuttle [ˋʃʌt!] v. 短程穿梭般往返
tension around the Middle East. Jordan`s King Abdullah warning on Sunday of catastrophic consequences of the continuing war in Gaza.
From Jordan, Blinken went to Qatar, which has been instrumental in negotiating for the release of hostages held in Gaza. Qatar`s Prime
instrumental [͵ɪnstrəˋmɛnt!] adj. 有帮助的
Minister saying the recent killing of the Senior Hamas official by Israel could impact hostage negotiations.
killed is something that can affect such a complicated process. Yet we are not giving up. We are moving forward.
ANDERSON: Well, that killing of a senior Hamas official inside Beirut and Lebanon, just one of the flashpoints escalating tensions since Blinken`s
Beirut [beˋrut] n. 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩首都)
Lebanon [ˋlɛbənən] n. 黎巴嫩(地中海东岸的共和国)
flashpoint [ˋflæʃ͵pɔɪnt] n.(愤怒、战斗行动等的)爆发点
last visit. The Americans also killing Iran-back militia in Iraq, after an attack on a U.S. air base and the Iranian-back Houthis continue to
militia [məˋlɪʃə] n. 民兵部隊
interrupt international shipping in the Red Sea last month. The U.S. announcing an international effort to deter Houthi attacks, but in this
deter [dɪˋtɝ] v. 威慑
region where I am very few countries willing to join that coalition to counter those threats.
From Qatar, Blinken came here to Abu Dhabi meeting with the UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed. The trip also includes Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, and
the West Bank where officials say there will be tough conversations. But if Blinken`s past visits are any indication and with no sign of an end to
Israel`s assault on Gaza, his presence may not be enough to calm the region.
WIRE: Let`s go now to the powerful winter storm that moves fast across the Central and Eastern United States this week. The storm prediction center
said more than 40 million people were under severe storm watch Tuesday with warning spanning nearly every type of winter weather. Let`s go to Mandy
Gaither to hear a few tips on how to stay healthy and safe during all this wild winter weather.
MANDY GAITHER, REPORTER: From frigid air to ice and snow, cold temperatures can take a toll on our bodies.
DR. CHRISTOPHER BAZZOLI, EMERGENCY MEDICINE, CLEVELAND CLINIC: We shunt blood flow to the central kind of core of our body in an attempt to stay warm.
shunt [ʃʌnt] v. 把……轉至另一地方; 来回运行
GAITHER: Dr. Christopher Bazzoli is an emergency physician at Cleveland Clinic. He says this time of year doctors not only see rises in E.R. visits
for respiratory viruses, as more people seek refuge inside from the cold, but also frostbite and hypothermia. Bazzoli says, what you wear can help
refuge [ˋrɛfjudʒ] n. 庇护; 避难所
frostbite [ˋfrɔst͵baɪt] n. 冻伤,冻疮
hypothermia [͵haɪpəˋθɝmɪə] n. 体温过低
keep you safe, protect the parts of your body most vulnerable to frostbite like toes fingers, nose, and ears by dressing in warm, dry clothing.
BAZZOLI: Lots of layers and especially the layers close to your skin. You want to have breathable fabrics if possible especially if you`re engaging
fabric [ˋfæbrɪk] n. 织物,织品;布料
in an activity.
GAITHER: Bazzoli says a sudden change in temperature and humidity can also irritate certain medical conditions like asthma. He says to make sure you
irritate [ˋɪrə͵tet] v. 使..發炎; 使..疼痛
have enough medicine on hand, and if you use an electric medical device, make sure you have a way to back it up if the power goes out, he says, to
also be aware of how you heat your home.
BAZZOLI: We don`t want to run any engine-operated equipment or gas or propane-powered heating devices indoors because of the risk of carbon monoxide.
propane [ˋpropen] n.【化】丙烷
WIRE: Ten second trivia. How many earth years does it take for Neptune, the eighth planet in our solar system to complete one full orbit around the sun?
Neptune [ˋnɛptjun] n.【天】海王星
15 years, 29, 84, or 165?
NASA says it takes 165 earth years for Neptune to complete a circuit around the sun. That`s a long time to wait between birthdays, man.
All right, because we feel this show can be a bit much at times. We like to give you some space, space news, and we`re going to rock it out, not two
weeks into the New Year and we have already some stellar news, including the discovery of a taradiddle about the color of Neptune. Our Jeremy Roth has more.
taradiddle [tærә 'did!] n. 谎话; 微不足道的谎话
JEREMY ROTH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Ah Neptune, why so blue? New evidence has revealed a colorful controversy involving a pair of comparable planets, and
that`s not all. This is a look at the planet`s Uranus and Neptune looking strikingly different as captured in 1989 by the Voyager 2 spacecraft. But a
Uranus [ˋjʊrənəs] n.【天】天王星
strikingly [ˋstraɪkɪŋlɪ] adv. 显著地
recent study by Oxford University found that those original images had actually been stretched and enhanced resulting in a, quote, "two
stretch [strɛtʃ] v. 曲解; 【口】夸大,夸张
artificially blue Neptune."
Now newly reprocessed, the images show the planet`s true colors, and that they actually look quite similar. Talk about a color correction. But that`s
not all, the study also used images of Uranus gathered over the years to figure out why the planet appears to change colors with the seasons. The
study says as the planet spins toward and away from the sun, a combo of varying gas and cloud coverage give way to a seemingly shifting hue. Now,
combo [ˋkɑmbo]n.【口】结合(物)
give way to 為…所代替; be replaced by
you know.
In other inner stellar news, we now have the most detailed look ever at Jupiter moon IO, courtesy of the closest ever fly by, by the spacecraft Juno.
Jupiter [ˋdʒupətɚ] n. 【天】木星
courtesy of 蒙……好主意;蒙……提供
Scientists say IO is the most volcanic body in the solar system and the new high-res images give an unprecedented look at the moon dappled with craggy
high-res 高解析的 (=high-resolution)
dappled [ˋdæp!d] adj. 有斑点的
craggy [ˋkrægɪ] adj. 峭壁多的;崎岖的
volcanic features. By the way, am I the only one that thinks IO looks like the lightsaber training orb thingy from star wars? I am. Okey dokey.
lightsaber [laɪtˋsɑbɚ] n. 光剑
orb [ɔrb] n. 球;球状物
thingy [ˈθɪŋi] n.【口】某某,那个人
okey dokey [ˋokɪˋdokɪ](OK的非正式说法)(=okay)
Well that`s 10 seconds. We`ll never get back.
Finally, we leave you spaced out for the day of the life of Mars. O, technically it`s half a day, 12 hours on the red planet crammed into a trippy
space out 使…拉开间距
trippy [ˋtrɪpɪ] adj.(致幻药)引起幻觉的; 迷迷糊糊的;不清醒的
ten second time lapse. It comes courtesy of curiosity. The Rover that`s been there for more than 4,000 days that look just like this.
WIRE: Today`s story, getting a 10 out of 10, a perfect rescue by a e Ferocious Feline that saves a pup from a coyote attack. CNN`s Jeanne Moos has more.
feline [ˋfilaɪn] n. 猫科动物
coyote [kaɪˋoti] n.【动】(北美大草原的)郊狼,土狼
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Six-year-old Oakley has a lovable face. She can do spins in exchange for a treat. But when she went
out to do her business in the backyard of her Edmond, Oklahoma home, no amount of spinning would`ve saved her from the coyote that pounced, if the
do one’s business: to defecate or urinate
no amount of 即使再大(或再多)的…(也不); not even the maximum amount of something (would be sufficient to have an impact or cause something to happen).
pounce [paʊns] v. 猛扑,突然袭击
family cat hadn`t jumped in.
Is she a tough cat? Like, is she like a street cat? I mean, is she?
LANE DYER, DOG/CAT OWNER: Yeah, she`s -- she`s a, she`s a gangster.
MOOS: Lane Dyer says Binx is a stray that he and his family take care of.
stray [stre] n. 走失的家畜;离群的动物
DYER: Her and Oakley hit it off pretty good from the beginning.
hit it off 相处融洽; 相处得好, 合得来
MOOS: So when the first of two coyotes grabbed Oakley, it was Binx to the rescue taking on the intruders, scaring them away though not before Oakley
intruder [ɪnˋtrudɚ] n. 侵入者;闯入者
suffered wounds that had blood.
DYER: Spouting out of her chest, unfortunately.
spout [spaʊt] v. 喷出
MOOS: But with stitches and a splint, Oakley recovered a little over a month later.
splint [splɪnt] n. 薄木条
DYER: And so she yawns over the story of Binx saving her. Coyotes have become such a danger to small dogs that one owner created the coyote vest.
yawn [jɔn] v. 打着哈欠说
DYER: Done.
MOOS: With spikes protruding from a Kevlar vest and even --
protrude [proˋtrud] v. 伸出,突出
Kevlar 一种芳香聚酰胺类合成纤维
DYER: A set of coyote whiskers.
whisker [ˋhwɪskɚ] n. 细丝,似须物
MOOS: Nylon bristles that at least look intimidating, but who needs a coyote vest?
bristle [ˋbrɪs!] n.(动物的)短而硬的毛
intimidating [ɪnˋtɪmə͵detɪŋ] adj. 吓人的,令人生畏的
DYER: I think she`s shown that she`s not afraid of much.
MOOS: When the cat has your back.
WIRE: All right, thanks to Ms. Smith at Deering Middle School in West Warwick, Rhode Island for making us smarter today. Our #YourWordWednesday
winner with taradiddle, a noun, meaning a fib or petty lie. Well done.
fib [fɪb] n. 小谎;无伤大雅的谎言
petty [ˋpɛtɪ] adj. 小的,琐碎的;不重要的
Now, unfortunately, our visit to NASA Space Center here in Houston was pushed back due to weather delays for some of our crews. So I`m headed back
to studio.
But before I go, shout out time. This shout out goes to, the Judges in Mrs. Choyshin (ph) Class at Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in Bayside
neighborhood, Queens, New York. Class dismissed.
And this shout out, goes to Mr. Webster`s Class at Summitvue Middle School in Caldwell, Idaho. Thank you for spending part of your day with us. See
you tomorrow lovely people. I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
hump day ph. 駝峰日(指星期三)
on the lookout 密切注意着
balancing act 平衡的做法,平衡措施
proxy [ˋprɑksɪ] n. 代理人; 代理权; 代表权
de-escalate [diˋɛskə͵let] v. 缩小规模,范围等
shuttle [ˋʃʌt!] v. 短程穿梭般往返
instrumental [͵ɪnstrəˋmɛnt!] adj. 有帮助的
Beirut [beˋrut] n. 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩首都)
Lebanon [ˋlɛbənən] n. 黎巴嫩(地中海东岸的共和国)
flashpoint [ˋflæʃ͵pɔɪnt] n.(愤怒、战斗行动等的)爆发点
militia [məˋlɪʃə] n. 民兵部隊
deter [dɪˋtɝ] v. 威慑
shunt [ʃʌnt] v. 把……轉至另一地方; 来回运行
refuge [ˋrɛfjudʒ] n. 庇护; 避难所
frostbite [ˋfrɔst͵baɪt] n. 冻伤,冻疮
hypothermia [͵haɪpəˋθɝmɪə] n. 体温过低
fabric [ˋfæbrɪk] n. 织物,织品;布料
irritate [ˋɪrə͵tet] v. 使..發炎; 使..疼痛
propane [ˋpropen] n.【化】丙烷
Neptune [ˋnɛptjun] n.【天】海王星
taradiddle [tærә 'did!] n. 谎话; 微不足道的谎话
Uranus [ˋjʊrənəs] n.【天】天王星
strikingly [ˋstraɪkɪŋlɪ] adv. 显著地
stretch [strɛtʃ] v. 曲解; 【口】夸大,夸张
combo [ˋkɑmbo] n.【口】结合(物)
give way to 為…所代替; be replaced by
Jupiter [ˋdʒupətɚ] n. 【天】木星
courtesy of 蒙……好主意;蒙……提供
high-res 高解析的 (=high-resolution)
dappled [ˋdæp!d] adj. 有斑点的
craggy [ˋkrægɪ] adj. 峭壁多的;崎岖的
lightsaber [laɪtˋsɑbɚ] n. 光剑
orb [ɔrb] n. 球;球状物
thingy [ˈθɪŋi] n.【口】某某,那个人
okey dokey [ˋokɪˋdokɪ](OK的非正式说法)(=okay)
space out 使…拉开间距
trippy [ˋtrɪpɪ] adj.(致幻药)引起幻觉的; 迷迷糊糊的;不清醒的
feline [ˋfilaɪn] n. 猫科动物
coyote [kaɪˋoti] n.【动】(北美大草原的)郊狼,土狼
do one’s business: to defecate or urinate
no amount of 即使再大(或再多)的…(也不); not even the maximum amount of something (would be sufficient to have an impact or cause something to happen).
pounce [paʊns] v. 猛扑,突然袭击
stray [stre] n. 走失的家畜;离群的动物
hit it off 相处融洽; 相处得好, 合得来
intruder [ɪnˋtrudɚ] n. 侵入者;闯入者
spout [spaʊt] v. 喷出
splint [splɪnt] n. 薄木条
yawn [jɔn] v. 打着哈欠说
protrude [proˋtrud] v. 伸出,突出
Kevlar 一种芳香聚酰胺类合成纤维
whisker [ˋhwɪskɚ] n. 细丝,似须物
bristle [ˋbrɪs!] n.(动物的)短而硬的毛
intimidating [ɪnˋtɪmə͵detɪŋ] adj. 吓人的,令人生畏的
fib [fɪb] n. 小谎;无伤大雅的谎言
petty [ˋpɛtɪ] adj. 小的,琐碎的;不重要的