CNN 10 - January 12, 2024
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- 创建于 2024年1月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年1月15日
- 发布于 2024年1月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
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Boeing CEO Acknowledges "Mistake" Related To Terrifying Alaska Airlines Flight; Why Taiwan`s Elections Matter Around The World; 2023 Will Officially Be The Hottest Year On Record, Scientists Report.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up superstar. Happy Friday, Friyay. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, let`s rise up, finish this week strong.
We begin today with Boeing CEO, Dave Calhoun, acknowledging that his company made a mistake after an Alaska Airlines flight had to make an
emergency landing last week. That flight landed shortly after takeoff from Portland, Oregon after a door plug for the Boeing 737 Max 9, actually
plug [plʌg] n. 塞子,栓
detached and left a gaping hole on the side of the plane. Fortunately, none of the 177 passengers were seriously injured.
gaping [ˈgepɪŋ] adj. 张开的
Safety inspections are currently taking place on the grounded aircraft, but as CNN`s Ivan Rodriguez tell us questions are swirling over what mistake
swirl [swɝl] v. 翻腾(= churn)
Boeing is actually admitting to.
DAVE CALHOUN, BOEING CEO: We`re going to approach this, number one, acknowledging our mistake.
approach [əˋprotʃ] v. 着手处理,开始对付
IVAN RODRIGUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Boeing CEO, Dave Calhoun, acknowledging the company`s mistake on Tuesday. Following Friday`s emergency landing
after a panel blew out in flight in the side of a Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft. But according to top safety officials, it`s not clear what that
panel [ˋpæn!] n. 嵌板,镶板;壁板
mistake is.
JENNIFER HOMENDY, CHAIR, U.S. NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD: He stated that mistakes were made and I`d like to understand what mistakes
he`s referring to.
RODRIGUEZ: Jennifer Homendy, Chair of the NTSB says it`s imperative to find out what went wrong and why.
imperative [ɪmˋpɛrətɪv] adj. 必要的;紧急的;极重要的
HOMENDY: We know what broke. We need to understand how it broke.
RODRIGUEZ: A Boeing company source told CNN that Boeing believes the mistake is due to, quote, "The assembly that was built up through the
supply chain." This as the FAA grounded most Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft as officials investigate the cause of the detached door plug, an incident
passengers on that flight won`t soon forget.
KELLY BARTLETT, PASSENGER ON ALASKA AIRLINES 1282: It was just so scary when it happened, because you just hear that loud noise, and then the plane
filled with wind and the mask dropped and it was just something you don`t want to be experiencing on flight.
WIRE: Now, let`s turn to the small democratic island country of Taiwan, which will hold presidential and parliamentary elections this week. It`s an
election that will be closely watched around the world, particularly by its communist neighbor, China, and even here in the United States.
Now, there are a ton of specific details to this crucial election. So let`s head straight to our correspondent in the region Will Ripley, who explains
why this matters to those outside Taiwan`s borders.
WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: On Saturday, Taiwan votes for a new president term limits mean the current president Tsai, Ing-wen
has to step down after eight years in power, two presidential terms. There is a lot at stake in this election. It`s being closely watched by the
at stake 处于危急关头
Chinese Communist Party in Beijing and by U.S. lawmakers in Washington.
Beijing claims Taiwan as its own territory, despite having never controlled it. And it does not rule out the use of force to bring this island under its fold
fold [fold] n.家;(某人)所属的组织; your home or an organization where you feel you belong
at some point. Beijing openly loathe the ruling party, the DPP, and they`re framing this election as a stark choice between war and peace,
loathe [loð] v. 厌恶,憎恨
frame [frem] v. 给……装框子;构筑;建造;塑造
prosperity and decline.
From Taiwan`s perspective, the election will decide whether this island will continue to prioritize its relationship with the U.S. or perhaps
recalibrate that relationship and choose to mend ties with China. Given that Taiwan is the largest source of tension between China and the U.S.,
recalibrate [ˌrɪˋkælə͵bret] v. 重新调整(看法、期望等)
which happens to be the Island`s main international backer and arms supplier.
How China responds to the result of this election will be a big test. Can Beijing and D.C. manage tensions or will they move closer to confrontation
or even conflict? Why does this matter beyond the confines of Taiwan? Well, the location, of course, it`s important strategically for both China and
confine [ˋkɑnfaɪn] n. 边界,边缘;区域,范围
the United States being right there on the first island chain.
Taiwan is the world`s number one manufacturer of semiconductors. Those priceless chips that power all of our tech and the supply chain
disruptions for any cross-strait conflict would be catastrophic around the world. And from the U.S. perspective, Taiwan is a democracy and this
Island`s leaders have said that this election and this overall clash between China, the U.S. and Taiwan over democracy versus authoritarianism
clash [klæʃ] n. 冲突;不协调
authoritarianism [ə͵θɔrəˋtɛrɪənɪzəm] n. 独裁主义
could actually define the future of the free world.
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
In what year did scientists first theorize that burning fossil fuels would raise the Earth`s average temperature?
theorize [ˋθɪə͵raɪz] v. 建立理论(或学说)
1855, 1896, 1930 or 1964?
If you said 1896, put your hands up. According to Scientific American that`s when a Swedish scientist first argued that burning fossil fuels such
argue [ˋɑrgjʊ] v. 主张,认为
as coal could add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere leading to a rise in Earth`s average temperature.
2023 was the hottest year on record with the latest data showing that global warming hit 1.48 degrees Celsius. We are now extremely close to the
warming limit that nearly 200 countries sought to avoid when the Paris agreement was signed in 2015. Our Bill Weir explains what this latest
report means.
BILL WEIR, CNN CHIEF CLIMATE CORRESPONDENT: 2023 has a lot of people felt it around the world, just was undeniable. Not only did it break previous
records, the hottest year ever in 2016, shattered them, obliterated them. Most Northern latitudes, you can see on the map there, up in Canada, there
shatter [ˋʃætɚ] vt. 粉碎,砸碎;使破灭
obliterate [əˋblɪtə͵ret] v. 消灭;忘掉,忘却
latitude [ˋlætə͵tjud] n. 纬度;纬度地区
are a good three or four degrees of warming, warming much faster than the rest of the world. So it is not even if we look at the global surface
good [gʊd] adj. 真正的; genuine; real
temperatures going back 57 years, it goes back to 1967. My birth year, this is my life and temperature graphs here. And 2023, you can see how that bar
on the right is so much higher than anywhere else.
Usually these records are broken by just hundredths of a degree because you`re talking about so much area, so much mass, so much time, but `23 was,
oh, deadly special in so many ways. And then as we look at the -- the, through the year as the temperatures bounced around that 1.5 line there, we
dipped above in March, came back down. But as you can see the temperatures around the world hit that 1.5 threshold and stayed there for most of the back end
back end 後端; 尾部;後期
of the year. Even going above two degrees of global warming for a couple of days in November, that has never happened before for the first
time ever. You can lay 2023`s calendar over a calendar of `19 or 1850 to 1900. And every day was a full degree warmer than those before.
WIRE: All right, let`s end this show on a high note, today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, a singing surgeon named Aicha N`doye, singing to her
patients in France because she says a soothing voice can help soothe the mind.
soothing [ˋsuðɪŋ] adj. 慰藉的;使人宽心的
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At this hospital in the French city of Bordeaux, patients experience in the operating room may not be typical. Surgeon Aicha
N`doye soothe patients with singing. She started doing it as an intern and a moment of desperation.
intern [ɪnˋtɝn] n. 实习医师
desperation [͵dɛspəˋreʃən] n. 绝望;不顾一切,拼命
AICHA N`DOYE, OBSTETRIC GYNECOLOGIST (through translation): We couldn`t get a patient to go to sleep, because she was totally agitated and wouldn`t
agitated [ˋædʒə͵tetɪd] adj. 激动的; 焦躁不安的
let herself be perfused. And so, as I was washing my hands, I thought maybe I`d try something. The last option we had was for me to sing. Wel, I sang
perfuse [pɚˋfjuz] v.【医】灌注
to the patient, which kind of captured her attention, so I was able to infuse her at the same time and put her to sleep. And since then, I`ve made
it an integral part of my work.
integral [ˋɪntəgrəl] adj. 构成整体所必需的,不可缺的
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aicha says that she hopes to inspire other surgeons to try her technique as there are many benefits for both patients and doctors.
N`DOYE (through translation): When you fall asleep stressed, you consume more anesthetics. And as a result, with the singing they fall asleep more
anesthetic [͵ænəsˋθɛtɪk] n. 麻醉剂
calmly, and consume fewer "drugs." So it`s very beneficial for them.
What`s more, the surgeons and anesthesiologists sometimes don`t get on very well, but now we get on very well when we work together, so frankly it`s
anesthesiologist [͵ænəs͵θizɪˋɑlədʒɪst] n.【医】麻醉医师
get on 对付; 应付
great, it`s a very, very good atmosphere.
WIRE: Wow, that was beautiful from singing to patients, to singing some praises, a special shout out today to a school in a city, holding a special
place in my heart, Buffalo, New York. I lived and played there for six of my nine years in the NFL. Look at that face and look at that hair, baby.
The Bills are your AFC East champs starting their playoff run this weekend. So we are sending a whole lot of love and positive vibes to Buffalo, New
York, especially to City Honors School, rise up. We see you Max and Ms. Watalski (ph). And thank you, principal, Dr. Kresse.
And this shout out goes too Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca Middle School in Syracuse, Nebraska, keep rocking it Rockets.
All right, I`ll be seeing you on Tuesday because of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday weekend. So go on out and make someone smile this weekend.
Remember you are more powerful than you know. I`m Coy. It`s been a blessing to spend this week with you. And let go, Buffalo.
plug [plʌg] n. 塞子,栓
gaping [ˈgepɪŋ] adj. 张开的
swirl [swɝl] v. 翻腾(= churn)
approach [əˋprotʃ] v. 着手处理,开始对付
panel [ˋpæn!] n. 嵌板,镶板;壁板
imperative [ɪmˋpɛrətɪv] adj. 必要的;紧急的;极重要的
at stake 处于危急关头
fold [fold] n. 家;(某人)所属的组织; your home or an organization where you feel you belong
loathe [loð] v. 厌恶,憎恨
frame [frem] v. 给……装框子;构筑;建造;塑造
recalibrate [ˌrɪˋkælə͵bret] v. 重新调整(看法、期望等)
confine [ˋkɑnfaɪn] n. 边界,边缘;区域,范围
clash [klæʃ] n. 冲突;不协调
authoritarianism [ə͵θɔrəˋtɛrɪənɪzəm] n. 独裁主义
theorize [ˋθɪə͵raɪz] v. 建立理论(或学说)
argue [ˋɑrgjʊ] v. 主张,认为
shatter [ˋʃætɚ] vt. 粉碎,砸碎;使破灭
obliterate [əˋblɪtə͵ret] v. 消灭;忘掉,忘却
latitude [ˋlætə͵tjud] n. 纬度;纬度地区
good [gʊd] adj. 真正的; genuine; real
back end 後端; 尾部;後期
soothing [ˋsuðɪŋ] adj. 慰藉的;使人宽心的
intern [ɪnˋtɝn] n. 实习医师
desperation [͵dɛspəˋreʃən] n. 绝望;不顾一切,拼命
agitated [ˋædʒə͵tetɪd] adj. 激动的; 焦躁不安的
perfuse [pɚˋfjuz] v.【医】 灌注
integral [ˋɪntəgrəl] adj. 构成整体所必需的,不可缺的
anesthetic [͵ænəsˋθɛtɪk] n. 麻醉剂
anesthesiologist [͵ænəs͵θizɪˋɑlədʒɪst] n.【医】麻醉医师
get on 对付; 应付