CNN 10 - January 16, 2024
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- 创建于 2024年1月17日
- 最后更新于 2024年1月20日
- 发布于 2024年1月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
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Israel-Hamas War Passes Grim Milestone; Denmark`s King Frederik X Takes the Throne After Abdication of Queen; Large Portion of U.S. Faces Frigid Temperatures This Week.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello sunshine. It`s Tuesday, January 16th. Let`s make this a terrific teacher Tuesday. Shout out to all those inspiring,
uplifting and informing us. Go on and give a dap, handshake or high five. Let them know, we see you.
dap [dæp] n. 触拳(以示问候、庆祝或崇敬等)
Welcome to the best 10 minutes in news, where I give you the what, letting you decide what to think. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.
We start this week with a somber update and milestone regarding the ongoing war in the Middle East. It`s been 100 days since Hamas militants killed
somber [ˋsɑmbɚ] adj.昏暗的;阴沉的; 严峻的; 忧郁的
militant [ˋmɪlətənt] n. 好斗者;富有战斗性的人;激进分子
around 1200 people and took more than 200 people hostage. Israel subsequently began a military offensive into the Gaza Strip. And according
to the Hamas-run health ministry, more than 24,000 people in the region have been killed as a result. It`s important to note that CNN cannot
note [not] v. 留意,注意; 对……加注释
independently confirm those numbers due to the difficulty of reporting from the war zone.
Just last week, Israel defended itself from accusations of genocide in the United Nation`s court. And as Israel continues its military action there`s
mounting concern, the conflict could spread across the region. There`s a lot to unpack here. So let`s turn to CNN`s Jeremy Diamond, who helps
unpack [ʌnˋpæk] v. 解释; 说明
explain the latest in this conflict?
JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, 100 days after the October 7 terrorist attacks that sparked this Israel-Hamas war, Israel is facing
mounting international pressure as the death toll in Gaza reaches nearly 24,000 people killed, a majority of those women and children.
But amid that international pressure, the Israeli prime minister is defiant for his part. He says, nobody will stop us from continuing to
defiant [dɪˋfaɪənt] adj. 不接受批评的; 不接受不同意见的; 违抗的; 藐视的
carry out this war from destroying Hamas and securing the release of those more than 100 hostages still held hostage in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli
prime minister promising total victory and warning that this war will take many more months.
But it`s clear, amid those defiant comments, that there are still concerns that this war between Israel and Hamas could erupt into a broader regional
war. That`s as we look to the South in Yemen. Houthi rebels there are vowing to continue their attacks on that critical shipping lane in the Red Sea,
vow [vaʊ] v. 发誓,许愿;郑重宣告
following strikes by the United States and the United Kingdom, aimed directly at Houthi capabilities in Yemeni.
Yemeni [ˋjɛmənɪ] n. 也门人; adj. 也门的;也门人的
If you look to the North at the Israel-Lebanese border, there are continuing cross-border clashes between the Israeli military and Hezbollah.
Hezbollah [ˌhɛzbəˈlɑ] n. 真主党
An anti-tank missile fired by Hezbollah hitting a residential home in Northern Israel, killing a 76-year-old woman and her 40-year-old son.
The Israeli military, meanwhile, firing strikes in Southern Lebanon at Hezbollah targets. Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, says that only
a ceasefire in Gaza could see the end of those cross-border clashes.
Meanwhile, in Israel, as we hit this hundred-day mark, many people across the country are marking 100 days of captivity for those more than 100
captivity [kæpˋtɪvətɪ] n. 囚禁;被俘
hostages who still remain in captivity, held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
Tens of thousands of people flocking to what`s become known as Hostages Plaza in Tel Aviv, where a 24-hour rally was held to mark those hundred
days of captivity. Messages recorded by leaders across the world flowing in during that ceremony.
And as people mark those hundred days of captivity, we`re now learning that negotiators have struck a deal to allow for the entry of medication to the
Gaza Strip for some of those 40 hostages who are being held hostage who the Israeli government believes are in need of medication.
That medicine will be coming from Qatar, delivered to Egyptian officials, and then to members of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza.
WIRE: More international news now from one of the oldest monarchies in the world, thousands gathered in the Danish Capital of Copenhagen on Sunday to
monarchy [ˋmɑnɚkɪ] n. 君主政治,君主政体
Copenhagen [ˈkopənˌhegən] or [͵kopənˋhegən] n. 哥本哈根
celebrate their new king, Frederik X. His mother Queen Margrethe II decided to step down, abdicate the throne after 52 years. She was Europe`s
abdicate [ˋæbdə͵ket] vt. 正式放弃(权力等);退(位)
longest reigning Monarch since the new era for Denmark. For King Frederik X and his wife, the new queen who now lays claim to a historic first.
lay claim to 称是, 称得上
MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR AND REPORTER: The new queen of Denmark is actually from a country, almost 9,000 miles away. Queen Mary is the first ever
Australian-born queen of any monarchy in history. Her husband, King Frederik X became king of Denmark on Sunday after his mother, Queen
Margrethe II officially left the throne.
Margrethe`s abdication announcement came during her annual New Year`s message and was a shock to many.
abdication [͵æbdəˋkeʃən] n. 逊位, 弃权, 辞职
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`re just like what, cancel New Year`s eve.
FOSTER: But it also meant that a new page in the fairy tale like romance between the now King and Queen of Denmark was about to be written. It all
started over two decades ago in an unusual spot. This pub in Sydney, she was an Australian sales executive and he was in town for the 2000 Olympics.
And the story goes that at first she didn`t know he was a Prince. Four years later, the couple got married in a lavish ceremony at Copenhagen cathedral,
lavish [ˋlævɪʃ] adj. 奢华的,豪华的
cathedral [kəˋθidrəl] n. 大教堂;主教座堂
and she became the crown princess. Denmark since embraced Mary, who`s been praised for her poise and commitment to social causes.
poise [pɔɪz] n. 自信;(头部,身体等的)姿势,姿态
QUEEN MARGRETHE II: I feel very confident in her and I think we`ve got a -- a -- a very good relationship indeed.
FOSTER: Last year, rumors of an alleged romance between the then Prince Frederik and actress Genoveva Casanova rocks the Royal family. Casanova
rock [rɑk] v. 使震惊;使震动;惊吓
denied the claims and the Royal house never commented. Now, more than two decades after they met the King and Queen are stepping into their new role.
And although Danish Royals have a limited power under the country`s constitution, they will play an important ambassadorial role.
ambassadorial [æm͵bæsəˋdorɪəl] adj. 大使的;使节的
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
Before Queen Margrethe II, when was the last time a Monarch abdicated the throne in Denmark?
52 years ago, 160 years, 452 years, or 878 years ago?
If you said 878, ding, ding, ding, you are correct. The only other Danish Monarch to voluntarily step down was King Eric III in the year 1146 entered to monastery.
monastery [ˋmɑnəs͵tɛrɪ] n.(男子的)修道院;僧院
Let`s turn now to the United States where we`re in the heart of the winter season. And Mother Nature is in full force pushing an Arctic blast across
in full force 用全力;发挥充分威力
the country. 41 states started the week with weather advisories watches or warnings, and at least four declared emergencies because of the frigid
watch [wɑtʃ] n. 警戒,注意
warning [ˋwɔrnɪŋ] n. 警告;告诫;警报
Get this, South Dakota is expected to endure wind chills as low as minus 45 degrees Fahrenheit. That can cause frostbite in as little as five minutes.
wind chill【气】风寒指数
But the cold weather is also affecting southern states. That region will see impactful snow and ice for the first time this winter. And this frigid
impactful [ˈɪmpæktfəl] adj. 有影响力的
feel will not go away as more than 75% of the U.S. population will experience temperatures below freezing for the rest of the week.
Now, when it`s colder than a polar bear`s toenails outside, it can be annoying, even downright painful for a lot of us. But there are plenty of adrenaline junkies
toenail [ˋto͵nel] n. 脚趾甲
downright [ˋdaʊn͵raɪt] adj. 十足的;直截了当的
adrenaline junkie 寻求刺激的人
out there who embrace the burrr, maybe doing a polar bear plunge into icy waters sometimes for charity, sometimes just for fun. But
nobody knows how to embrace a polar bear plunge better than actual polar bears. Check this out.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Forget the guy in the bear suit, the shivering humans and their polar bear plunge. This is the real
thing. Two polar bear twins born at the Toledo Ohio Zoo once fascinated by their own feet are now performing feats of diving skill. With young fans,
urging them on.
MICHAEL FRUSHOUR, CURATOR OF MAMMALS, TOLEDO ZOO: The kids think they`re involved in or were excited to be telling him to jump off the ledge there.
ledge [lɛdʒ]n. 岩架,岩石突出部
But he`s -- he`s going to do it anyway. And it just so happens. He loves doing it in front of the -- in front of the class.
MOOS: Kallik and Kallu, indigenous names, meaning lightning and thunder went from accidentally falling into the water to learning to swim using mom
as a raft to diving in the shallow pool. And now at the age of a year and two months doing the high dive off the cliff, even throwing a plastic toy
off the ledge and diving after it.
FRUSHOUR: They love it. They can`t get enough of it and they`ll come up right up to the glass.
MOOS: Something we can all get behind.
get behind 落後
WIRE: Some fun polar bear facts for you. They`re good at racing cars, because they`re always in pole position. They keep their money in snow
pole position(赛车等跑道的)最内侧第一排位置,最有利的位置
banks. The hats they wear are called ice caps, snow cap, and they catch their food with their "bear hands."
All right, we`ve got more important situations on our hands. Shout out time. This shout out goes to Scituate, Rhode Island Scituate High School,
go Spartans, rise up. And this shout out goes to, give me a minute, just a minute. Uh, yes. Oh yeah. The minute man at T.H. Bell Junior High in Ogden,
Utah. You rock.
Now don`t forget, tomorrow is #YourWordWednesday. Follow me @coywire on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok. Put your unique vocabulary word in the comment
section of my most recent post with your school, your teacher`s name, your mascot, and we`re going to choose one fun winner to work into tomorrow`s
show. Let`s go. See you tomorrow superstar. I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
dap [dæp] n. 触拳(以示问候、庆祝或崇敬等)
somber [ˋsɑmbɚ] adj. 昏暗的;阴沉的; 严峻的; 忧郁的
militant [ˋmɪlətənt] n. 好斗者;富有战斗性的人;激进分子
note [not] v. 留意,注意; 对……加注释
unpack [ʌnˋpæk] v. 解释; 说明
defiant [dɪˋfaɪənt] adj. 不接受批评的; 不接受不同意见的; 违抗的; 藐视的
vow [vaʊ] v. 发誓,许愿;郑重宣告
Yemeni [ˋjɛmənɪ] n. 也门人; adj. 也门的;也门人的
Hezbollah [ˌhɛzbəˈlɑ] n. 真主党
captivity [kæpˋtɪvətɪ] n. 囚禁;被俘
monarchy [ˋmɑnɚkɪ] n. 君主政治,君主政体
Copenhagen [ˈkopənˌhegən] or [͵kopənˋhegən] n. 哥本哈根
abdicate [ˋæbdə͵ket] vt. 正式放弃(权力等);退(位)
lay claim to 声称是, 称得上
abdication [͵æbdəˋkeʃən] n. 逊位, 弃权, 辞职
lavish [ˋlævɪʃ] adj. 奢华的,豪华的
cathedral [kəˋθidrəl] n. 大教堂;主教座堂
poise [pɔɪz] n. 自信;(头部,身体等的)姿势,姿态
rock [rɑk] v. 使震惊;使震动;惊吓
ambassadorial [æm͵bæsəˋdorɪəl] adj. 大使的;使节的
monastery [ˋmɑnəs͵tɛrɪ] n.(男子的)修道院;僧院
in full force 用全力;发挥充分威力
watch [wɑtʃ] n. 警戒,注意
warning [ˋwɔrnɪŋ] n. 警告;告诫;警报
wind chill【气】风寒指数
impactful [ˈɪmpæktfəl] adj. 有影响力的
toenail [ˋto͵nel] n. 脚趾甲
downright [ˋdaʊn͵raɪt] adj. 十足的;直截了当的
adrenaline junkie 寻求刺激的人
ledge [lɛdʒ] n. 岩架,岩石突出部
get behind 落後
pole position(赛车等跑道的)最内侧第一排位置,最有利的位置