CNN 10 - January 19, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年1月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年1月21日
- 发布于 2024年1月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:487
At Least 40 Dead From Barrage Of Winter Storms And Cold -- And There`s More On The Way; Pakistan Carries Out Military Strikes On Separatist Targets In Iran Following Deadly Attack On Its Own Soil By Tehran; Pay With The Palm Of Your Hand.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up superstar. It`s Friday, Friyay. Great job of taking this week by storm grinding and shining, maybe even having to power through
power through 保持顽强坚定直到最后
some tough moments, but rise up.
Here we go. Welcome to the best 10 minutes in news. Um, Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. And come on with me as we zip through an overview of some of the
latest news headlines.
Another round of snow and cold weather is expected to hit parts of the U.S. This, after a series of winter storms has already killed at least 40 people
across nine states since last week, potentially dangerous wind chills are also expected in the central U.S. once again. So please stay warm, stay
covered, and try to avoid any risk of frostbite and/or hypothermia. Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce
heat, normal body temperatures around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but hypothermia sets in when your body temp falls below 95.
set in (指雨、坏天气、传染等)开始并可能继续下去
And the South Asian nation of Pakistan, the fifth most populated nation in the world carried out a series of military strikes on what it said were
separatist militant hideouts inside Iran. The attack came a day after Iran said it used precision missile and drone strikes to destroy two bases of
militant [ˋmɪlətənt] n. 富有战斗性的人;激进分子
hideout [ˈhaɪdaʊt] n. 藏身之处;隐匿之处
another militant group in Pakistani territory. According to Reuters, both countries reported that civilians including children were killed during the
Reuters obtained this eyewitness video from Iran, with villagers standing among damaged buildings and says the location matches scenes of the
aftermath shown on Iranian TV.
Earlier this week, people gathered across Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan to protest Iran`s cross border strike. Hostilities between
Islamabad [ɪsˋlɑmə͵bɑd] n. 伊斯兰堡(巴基斯坦首都)
hostility [hɑsˋtɪlətɪ] n. 敌意,敌视;战争行动
Pakistan and Iran aren`t new, but Reuters calls the exchange of attacks this week, the highest profile cross border intrusion in recent years, this
profile [ˋprofaɪl] n. 大众的注意
high-profile 引人注目的,备受关注的
intrusion [ɪnˋtruʒən] n. 侵入;闯入
along with all of the other tension in the Middle East is raising great concern of a growing wider conflict. CNN`s Paula Hancocks is here to give
us a quick recap of all that`s happened and explain Iran`s web-like connection to the conflict in the Middle East.
recap [ˈriˌkæp] n. 重述要点
web-like 如蜘蛛网般的
PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: To understand the very real fears of a wider conflict in the Middle East, it`s useful to take a closer look at the
Axis of Resistance, the proxies and allies of Iran stretching from the red sea to the Mediterranean.
Axis of Resistance 抵抗轴心
This latest regional tension was sparked by the Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7th and Israel subsequent war in Gaza. The U.S. says Hamas is
funded, equipped, and sometimes trained by Iran. Although Tehran claims it was not involved in the October 7th attack, then Iran`s other proxies got
October 8th, Hezbollah in Lebanon, one of the most powerful forces in the region boasting some 100,000 fighters and links with the Lebanese
government fired missiles across the border into Northern Israel, which Israel`s military responded to this raised fears of a wider conflict.
Next, on the 19th of October, the Houthis rebels in Yemen launched missiles against Israel before moving their focus to commercial vessels in the Red
Sea causing global chaos in the shipping industry. U.S. and U.K. strikes against targets in Yemen have not stopped these continued attacks.
In Iraq, there are a number of Iran-backed militia groups that are increasingly active since the war in Gaza targeting U.S. troops in the
militia [mɪˋlɪʃə] n. 民兵组织; 民兵部队
country on a near daily basis, operating under umbrella group, the Islamic resistance in Iraq. They`re united in ideology, but splinted in operations,
splint [splɪnt] v. to support as if with splints
making them more challenging to target.
There is little to suggest that Iran wants direct conflict with Israel or the United States at this point, but the sheer number and reach of its
suggest [səˋdʒɛst] v. 暗示;间接表明;意味着
reach [ritʃ] n.(手、能力、智力、影响等)可及之范围
proxies, engaging the U.S. and its allies, inevitably sparks fears of an unintentional wider conflict.
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
What is the longest river in the world, according to the Guinness World Records?
The Missouri, The Nile, The Amazon, The Yangtze.
Some scientists debate this, but Guinness, Britannica, and U.S. government say The Nile is the longest river in the world, some 4,160 miles long.
If you could simply use the palm of your hand to pay for things, whether it`s groceries or hopping on a subway or bus, or even entering buildings
like an office or gym, would you do it? Well, a Chinese tech giant Tencent has launched a new biometric payment system designed to allow you to leave
biometric [͵baɪəˋmɛtrɪk] adj. 生物测定的;生物统计的
your keys, cash and credit cards at home. Our Marc Stewart has more from Beijing.
MARC STEWART, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: In a busy Beijing Metro station, time is of the essence and here on the Daxing airport express
time is of the essence(催促某人时用)时间是关键,时间很宝贵
line, passengers can ditch their smartphones instead paying for their ride like this. With the palm of their hand, this new biometric payment system
ditch [dɪtʃ] v.【俚】抛弃,丢弃
is part of a trial by Chinese tech giant Tencent for its Weixin pay users. The digital wallet and payment service is a sister app of WeChat and
users must opt in to use the contactless service.
opt in 选择参加; 主动选择加入
Infrared cameras analyze both a user`s palm print and a unique pattern of veins under their skin. Within seconds, the user is identified and a
identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v. 辨认; 验明
payment is made.
GUO RIZEN, VICE GENERAL MANAGER, WEIXIN PAY INDUSTRY APPLICATION (through translator): We`re hoping that palm payments can save people to trouble of
carrying physical items like cards and keys so that our lives become more convenient.
STEWART: Here at Tencent headquarters in the Southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, the technology is used across the building from the cafeteria to
the gym.
Guo Rizen oversees the lab that began developing this technology in 2019. He says the double verification of palm prints and veins helps prevent
oversee [ˋovɚˋsi] v. 监视;监督;管理
identity theft.
RIZEN: With face scanning technology, people can look a lot like each other like twins, but with palm payments, even brothers and sisters who
look alike have unique palm prints and veins.
STEWART: Tencent began rolling out this tech in early 2023. It`s now being tested in convenience stores at Shenzhen University and in local gyms. The
co-founder of this gym chain says nearly 2000 members have registered to use the system.
XIA JINGLONG, CO-FOUNDER OF SUPERMONKEY (through translator): Before this, our users needed to enter a password to open the door and use their
smartphone to check in and make purchases. Now, they can just use their palm.
STEWART: Biometric payment systems are nothing new from fingerprint to facial recognition. These services have been around for years, including
palm scanning technology. In 2020, Amazon began rolling out this palm payment service at Whole Foods supermarkets in the U.S., but concerns have
been raised about biometric payment systems around data security and privacy, both in China and abroad.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you amass huge amounts of people`s most sensitive information, their biometric data, you`re creating a kind of honeypot,
amass [əˋmæs] v. 积累;堆积
honeypot [ˋhʌnɪpɑt] n. 蜜罐(英语:honeypot)是一个计算机术语;装蜜的罐子;极有吸引力的事物
which cyber criminals, uh, kind of lick their lips about that and really want to access.
lick one’s lips 垂涎欲滴地期待; to feel or show excitement because something good is expected to happen
STEWART: Tencent says security and privacy is their number one priority. Users` biometric data is stored on a cloud and is encrypted for security.
Tencent is working to improve this service and hopes to expand its reach. But the future of this tech lays firmly in the hands of the public.
WIRE: For today`s story, getting a 10 out of 10, a whole new meaning to great white shark when Iowa city got loads of snow last week, artist Carlos
Maldonado, well, he decided to make the most of the white stuff with his family creating this 20-foot-long great white shark. Mr. Carlos Maldonado
make the most of 充分利用
said that his kids originally wanted just a snowman, but six hours later, they had jaws.
Now, if they get more snow then Maldonado, say their next project is an octopus or a banana split. That`s one fantastic piece of art, snow joke, a
banana split 香蕉新地(冰淇淋);香蕉船冰淇淋
shark that doesn`t attack. Still get frostbite, though.
All right, you already know what time it is, shout out time. Today, we`re sending a whole bunch of love to the Wranglers in Mrs. Allen`s class at
Harmony Middle School in Harmony, Florida, rise up. And this shout out goes to The Columbus School in Medellin, Columbia, go Tigers.
Let`s go out and make this world a bit of a better place. Shall we? Even if it`s just making someone smile today. Remember you are more powerful than
you know. I`m Coy Wire. It`s been a blessing to spend this week with you.
power through 保持顽强坚定直到最后
set in (指雨、坏天气、传染等)开始并可能继续下去
militant [ˋmɪlətənt] n. 富有战斗性的人;激进分子
hideout [ˈhaɪdaʊt] n. 藏身之处;隐匿之处
Islamabad [ɪsˋlɑmə͵bɑd] n. 伊斯兰堡(巴基斯坦首都)
hostility [hɑsˋtɪlətɪ] n. 敌意,敌视;战争行动
profile [ˋprofaɪl] n. 大众的注意
high-profile 引人注目的,备受关注的
intrusion [ɪnˋtruʒən] n. 侵入;闯入
recap [ˈriˌkæp] n. 重述要点
web-like 如蜘蛛网般的
Axis of Resistance 抵抗轴心
militia [mɪˋlɪʃə] n. 民兵组织; 民兵部队
splint [splɪnt] v. to support as if with splints
suggest [səˋdʒɛst] v. 暗示;间接表明;意味着
reach [ritʃ] n.(手、能力、智力、影响等)可及之范围
biometric [͵baɪəˋmɛtrɪk] adj. 生物测定的;生物统计的
time is of the essence(催促某人时用)时间是关键,时间很宝贵
ditch [dɪtʃ] v.【俚】抛弃,丢弃
opt in 选择参加; 主动选择加入
identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v. 辨认; 验明
oversee [ˋovɚˋsi] v. 监视;监督;管理
amass [əˋmæs] v. 积累;堆积
honeypot [ˋhʌnɪpɑt] n. 蜜罐(英语:honeypot)是一个计算机术语; 装蜜的罐子;极有吸引力的事物
lick one’s lips 垂涎欲滴地期待; to feel or show excitement because something good is expected to happen
make the most of 充分利用
banana split 香蕉新地(冰淇淋);香蕉船冰淇淋
split [splɪt] n. 水果冰淇淋