CNN 10 - February 8, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年2月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年2月11日
- 发布于 2024年2月09日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:384
What to Know About Trump and the 14th Amendment`s "Insurrectionist Ban"; The Impact AI-Generated Deepfakes Could Have on Elections; A Thousand Years in a Single Photograph.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up, sunshine. It`s time to shine. I`m Coy Wire. Pumped to be here with you this Thursday, happy Friday Eve. We are at
Super Bowl Radio Row where more than 6,000 credentialed media for more than 20 countries are here to report on the first ever Super Bowl in Las Vegas, Nevada.
credentialed [krɪˋdɛnʃəld] adj. 经认证的
Now, speaking of Nevada, this state, as well as the Virgin Islands will be holding Republican Party caucuses today. Now, there was a Nevada GOP
primary on Tuesday, but Republicans have chosen to award their delegates through today`s caucuses.
Former President Donald Trump is currently in the lead for his party`s nomination. And his biggest fight may not be on the campaign trail during
the Republican primaries, but in the courtroom.
Earlier this week, a federal appeals court said that Trump is not immune from prosecution for federal election subversion charges.
subversion [səbˋvɝʃən] n. 颠覆;覆灭
This ruling is a blow to Trump`s argument that his actions in 2020 were part of his official duties as president and are therefore protected
from criminal trials.
Trump faces four counts in the election subversion case, which includes conspiring to defraud the United States and to obstruct an official proceeding.
count [kaʊnt] n.【律】(被控告的)罪状
defraud [dɪˋfrɔd] v. 诈取,诈骗
obstruct [əbˋstrʌkt] v. 妨碍,阻扰,阻止
proceeding [prəˋsidɪŋ] n. 行动;活动;行为
He has pleaded not guilty. Now, the timing of this trial will be up to the Supreme Court. Trump`s defense team hopes to delay his
timing [ˋtaɪmɪŋ] n. 时间的选择(或安排)
criminal cases until after the 2024 election.
Now, speaking of the Supreme Court, that leads us to another legal fight for Trump. Today, the nation`s highest court will hear oral arguments on
whether states can remove Trump from election ballots.
Last year Colorado`s State Supreme Court ruled Trump is constitutionally ineligible to run in 2024 because of the 14th Amendment`s ban on insurrectionists
ineligible [ɪnˋɛlɪdʒəb!] adj. 无被选资格的;不适任的
insurrectionist [͵ɪnsəˋrɛkʃənɪst] n. 造反者;叛乱者
holding office covers his conduct on January 6th, 2021. And they aren`t the only state looking to remove the former president from
election ballots. The last time the Supreme Court was at the center of a presidential election battle was back in 2000 where their ruling delivered
the presidency to Republican George W. Bush by halting a Florida vote recount.
There`s a lot to unpack with these cases, but let`s turn now to our Legal Analyst, Elie Honig who looks at what the Supreme Court justices will and
won`t be deciding in the Trump ballot eligibility case.
ELIE HONIG, CNN SENIOR LEGAL ANALYST: Don`t expect the Supreme Court to decide whether Donald Trump did or did not engage in insurrection. I`ll
insurrection [͵ɪnsəˋrɛkʃən] n. 造反;叛乱
explain why in a moment.
You probably know by now that the 14th Amendment says that anyone who is engaged in insurrection cannot hold office. And that Colorado has
disqualified Donald Trump from its ballot under that provision.
provision [prəˋvɪʒən] n. 规定;条款
Now, here`s what the Supreme Court will be asking about. Donald Trump`s team will argue that while the 14th Amendment does specify certain offices,
senators, representatives, and others, it actually says nothing specifically about the president. Colorado is going to counter that. Yes,
but the 14th Amendment actually does say it applies to officers of the United States. This will be a close call. It`ll come down to how the
close call 侥幸的脱险; 幸免于难
justices choose to interpret those words in the constitution.
Watch for Trump`s team to argue that it`s up to Congress and not the individual states to decide whether and how to apply the 14th Amendment.
Colorado will argue that the states have the power to enforce the 14th Amendment.
The problem here is if the Supreme Court allows the states to make these decisions on their own, we could end up in a situation where major party
candidates are kicked off the ballot in some states, but not others.
So how about the big question? Did Donald Trump engage in insurrection? Of course, Colorado claims he did. And Donald Trump says he did not. But don`t
expect the justices to go too deep into this question. First, that`s just not what the Supreme Court does. They don`t hold trials and they don`t find facts.
Second, they don`t need to decide this question. The Supreme Court always likes to rule as narrowly as possible. And the Supreme Court tries to base
narrowly [ˋnærolɪ] adv. 严密地;仔细地; in a narrow manner; not allowing for exceptions
its rulings on procedural and constitutional issues like the ones we just talked about. However, this case comes out, we will see history in the making.
procedural [proˋsidʒərəl] adj. 程序的
history in the making 正在写下的历史
Now, I got to go.
WIRE: Now, as this election season heats up, there is another complicated issue that could affect political outcomes. AI generated deepfakes, a
deepfake [ˋdip͵fek] n. 深度伪造
deepfake refers to audio or video that has been created using artificial intelligence. And these deepfakes can look and sound realistic. There are
tools that can detect these hoaxes, but we`re still playing catch up, if you will. CNN`s Donie O`Sullivan, investigates one mayoral election that
hoax [hoks] n. 骗局;玩笑;恶作剧
catch up 赶上,追上
may have been affected by the misuse of this technology.
DONIE O`SULLIVAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: When Democrat Paul Vallas ran in a contentious race last year for Chicago mayor, he faced an unprecedented
contentious [kənˋtɛnʃəs] adj. 有异议的;引起争论的
attack, a deepfake creative using artificial intelligence.
AI-GENERATED FAKE AUDIO: We need to stop defunding the police and start re-funding them.
defund [dɪˈfʌnd] v. 停止为…提供资金
O`SULLIVAN: So you`ve never actually heard the --
O`SULLIVAN: Oh, wow. Well I`m going to play it for you.
VALLAS: No, no, no, no, no. You don`t need to. It`s only -- only aggravate me.
aggravate [ˋægrə͵vet] v.【口】激怒;使恼火
O`SULLIVAN: OK. This deepfake audio of you played into this idea that, you know, you weren`t Democrat enough for the Democratic Party. That you`re too
pro-police, which was a line of attack --
O`SULLIVAN: -- against you.
VALLAS: Yeah. Well, clearly, you know, look, Chicago is a very, very, very, very blue city. And they were trying to portray me as some -- some far hard
right Conservative Republican, being able to throw mud against the wall like that, put you in a position where you have to deny it or damage has
still been done. And there is some damage that`s not reparable.
reparable [ˋrɛpərəb!] adj. 可补偿的;可挽回的
It`s clear based on the result tonight that the city is deeply divided.
O`SULLIVAN: Vallas lost the election by four points. He says he doesn`t know the full effect the deepfake had on the race.
The account that shared the deepfake of you was called Chicago Lake Front News.
O`SULLIVAN: Doesn`t exist.
VALLAS: Yeah, it doesn`t exist. Yeah.
O`SULLIVAN: So it was very clearly set up for the purpose to character assassinate you.
set up 建立或开创某事物
character assassinate 毁谤..名誉
O`SULLIVAN: And this was a close race?
VALLAS: And this was a really close race.
O`SULLIVAN: Digital forensics expert Hany Farid says AI deepfakes are no longer a hypothetical problem, but an actual threat to elections.
forensics [fəˋrɛnsɪks] n. 鉴识技术,取证技术
hypothetical [͵haɪpəˋθɛtɪk!] adj. 假设的;假定的
AI-GENERATED FAKE AUDIO: 17 or 18 civilians in their career and nobody would bat an eye.
not bat an eye【口】不露声色; 处之泰然
HANY FARID, DIGITAL FORENSICS EXPERT, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY: So I make a lot of fakes because I`m in the business of detecting them. And
I can do that whole thing in about five minutes.
FARID: Almost anybody. Here`s why I think audio alone is in some ways a bigger threat. The most compelling deepfakes that I`ve seen are these so-
called hot mic deepfakes. You don`t see their mouth moving. You don`t see anything, but you hear the voice and it`s visceral. And it sounds like
hot mic 无意打开的话筒,热麦
visceral [ˋvɪsərəl] adj. 内脏的;出自内心深处的
you`re your eavesdropping on them. And I think that -- that those are really powerful.
eavesdropping [ˋivz͵drɑpɪŋ] n. 偷听
O`SULLIVAN: A CNN analysis shows that U.S. isn`t prepared to respond effectively. We ask election officials in all 50 states, how they`re
preparing for deepfakes, 33 responded, but less than half of those cited specific actions to handle AI threats.
FARID: I don`t think we`re ready. I mean, we are still struggling with the last 10 years of the nonsense that has been social media and the lies
and the conspiracies that are propagated. It`s -- it`s hard to look at that and say, well, the injection of jet fuel into that is not going to have any
propagate [ˋprɑpə͵get] v. 传播;使普及
impact. Of course it will.
O`SULLIVAN: They talk to a lot of people on the left, liberals. And there is at times a bit of smugness there, which says, well, it`s the Trump
smugness [ˈsmʌgnɪs] n. 沾沾自喜
supporters who fall for online misinformation.
fall for【俚】受...的骗, 上...的当; 对...信以为真;【俚】对...倾心, 迷恋
VALLAS: Right, right.
O`SULLIVAN: We`re also susceptible to this, are we?
susceptible [səˋsɛptəb!] adj. 易受……影响的; 敏感的
VALLAS: Yeah. We`re also susceptible to it and we all do it. When I say we all do it, I`m saying within every group, there are people who will do it.
There are people who will cross that line.
cross the line(行为)越过界限
O`SULLIVAN: A lot of Americans might think, oh, the risk of AI and all this sort of stuff. It`s in the future. It`s being overblown.
overblown [ˋovɚˋblon] adj. 浮夸的; 过分的; 夸张的; 过分渲染的
VALLAS: Yeah. I mean the future is now, the future is here. I won`t be the first and I won`t be the last, you know.
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
What year was the oldest surviving photograph taken?
1861, 1839, 1826 or 1818?
If you said 1826, put your hands up. According to how stuff works, it took French inventor Joseph Nicephore Niepce eight hours to produce the photo using his
primitive camera.
Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10. Can you imagine how life will change a thousand years from now? While a philosopher from the University of
Arizona created a camera to record the past for future generations and to prompt all of us to think about how we can influence the future a thousand
prompt [prɑmpt] vt. 促使;激勵;慫恿;引起,激起
years away. Here`s Jeremy Roth with more.
JEREMY ROTH, CNN REPORTER: Take a look at a camera that will be taking one single picture for 1000 years. It`s called the millennium camera and is an
ambitious project from an experimental philosopher at the University of Arizona. The special camera set up overlooking a Tucson area desert was
Tucson [ˋtu͵sɑn] n. 土桑市(美国亚利桑那州)
designed to take one extremely long exposure of the vista over the next 10 centuries.
The idea is not only to one day show how the environment changed over time, but also to inspire discussions now about actions that can be taken to
shape its future. But as far as the finished photo is concerned, it won`t be ready to view until the year 3023. So check back then, I guess.
WIRE: All right. Question for all of you. Why did the camera stop dreaming about a career in photography? It couldn`t remain focused.
All right, superstars. That`s it for today`s show. But it`s time for some shout outs St. Croix Central High School located on this island of St. Croix
in the U.S. Virgin Islands, rise up. We see you.
Next up, Coronado High School in Henderson, Nevada. Cougars, keep on being awesome. For all you sports fans out there, I`m interviewing The GOAT, Tom Brady
tomorrow. So send your questions to the comment section of my most recent post @coywire on social. And I`m going to pick one winner from a
viewer to ask Tom, and I`m going to say your name and school when I ask him.
All right, we`ll see you tomorrow, lovely people. I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
credentialed [krɪˋdɛnʃəld] adj. 经认证的
subversion [səbˋvɝʃən] n. 颠覆;覆灭
count [kaʊnt] n.【律】(被控告的)罪状
defraud [dɪˋfrɔd] v. 诈取,诈骗
obstruct [əbˋstrʌkt] v. 妨碍,阻扰,阻止
proceeding [prəˋsidɪŋ] n. 行动;活动;行为
timing [ˋtaɪmɪŋ] n. 时间的选择(或安排)
ineligible [ɪnˋɛlɪdʒəb!] adj. 无被选资格的;不适任的
insurrectionist [͵ɪnsəˋrɛkʃənɪst] n. 造反者;叛乱者
insurrection [͵ɪnsəˋrɛkʃən] n. 造反;叛乱
provision [prəˋvɪʒən] n. 规定;条款
close call 侥幸的脱险; 幸免于难
narrowly [ˋnærolɪ] adv. 严密地;仔细地; in a narrow manner; not allowing for exceptions
procedural [proˋsidʒərəl] adj. 程序的
history in the making 正在写下的历史
deepfake [ˋdip͵fek] n. 深度伪造
hoax [hoks] n. 骗局;玩笑;恶作剧
catch up 赶上, 追上
contentious [kənˋtɛnʃəs] adj. 有异议的;引起争论的
defund [dɪˈfʌnd] v. 停止为…提供资金
aggravate [ˋægrə͵vet] v.【口】激怒;使恼火
reparable [ˋrɛpərəb!] adj. 可补偿的;可挽回的
set up 建立或开创某事物
character assassinate 毁谤..名誉
forensics [fəˋrɛnsɪks] n. 鉴识技术,取证技术
hypothetical [͵haɪpəˋθɛtɪk!] adj. 假设的;假定的
not bat an eye【口】不露声色; 处之泰然
hot mic 无意打开的话筒,热麦
visceral [ˋvɪsərəl] adj. 内脏的;出自内心深处的
eavesdropping [ˋivz͵drɑpɪŋ] n. 偷听
propagate [ˋprɑpə͵get] v. 传播;使普及
smugness [ˈsmʌgnɪs] n. 沾沾自喜
fall for【俚】受...的骗, 上...的当; 对...信以为真;【俚】对...倾心, 迷恋
susceptible [səˋsɛptəb!] adj. 易受……影响的; 敏感的
cross the line(行为)越过界限
overblown [ˋovɚˋblon] adj. 浮夸的; 过分的; 夸张的; 过分渲染的
prompt [prɑmpt] vt. 促使;激勵;慫恿;引起,激起
Tucson [ˋtu͵sɑn] n. 土桑市(美国亚利桑那州)