CNN 10 - March 7, 2024
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- 创建于 2024年3月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年3月10日
- 发布于 2024年3月08日
- 作者:Mike Lee
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CNN Captures Video Of Dramatic Chinese Confrontation With U.S. Ally; CNN Rides With Haitian Police Fighting To Dethrone Gang Leaders
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up, sunshine? Welcome to CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news.
Happy Friday Eve. It`s Thursday, March 7th.
Let`s make it a random thought Thursday, shall we? Did you know that the name for a group of squids is shoal, but shouldn`t the collective noun for squid be squad? Much better.
squid [skwɪd] n.【动】乌贼
shoal [ʃol] n. 鱼群
squad [skwɑd] n. 小队,小组
I love my squad, my CNN 10 family. Hope you`re having a wonderful day.
We start by heading to one of the most contested regions in the world, the South China Sea. This area of the Pacific Ocean is home to Asia`s main
shipping lane with more than $3 trillion in trade passing through every year. That`s according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
For decades. China has expressed a claim of authority over a bulk of the sea, but neighboring countries have continually disputed this claim. The
Philippines even brought its case to an international tribunal, which in 2016 ruled that China had no legal basis to its claim. China refuses to
tribunal [traɪˋbjun!] n. 法庭
accept this ruling.
So why is this important to the rest of the world?
Well, Philippines is a mutual defense ally of the United States, for example. So ongoing tensions in the South China Sea raised concerns about a
potential global conflict arising from these disputed waters.
CNN recently embedded with the Philippine Coast Guard and witnessed a confrontation with Chinese ships here. CNN`s Ivan Watson with more.
embed [ɪmˋbɛd] v. (记者)随军采访; to assign (a journalist) to travel with a military unit during an armed conflict
IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It is just after sunrise. And as you may see, there is a large
Chinese coast guard ship directly in front of this Philippines coast guard vessel. And we`ve been watching this over the course of the last hour.
These are supposed to be international waterways with free passage.
I`m aboard this Philippines coast guard ship that was part of a convoy of four vessels that were headed towards a place called the Second Thomas Shoal
convoy [ˋkɑnvɔɪ] n. 护航(或护卫)舰队
shoal [ʃol] n. 一片浅水;浅水处;浅滩;沙洲
and before dawn all of a sudden, these Philippine ships were swarmed by much larger and many more Chinese ships they`re more off to our port bow.
swarm [swɔrm] v. 挤满
port bow 左舷艏
port [port] n.(船,飞机的)左舷
bow [baʊ] n. 船头,艄
These are not marked like the Chinese coast guard ships, but they`re clearly operating with them and operating in very close proximity to this
Philippines coast guard ship. In fact, I`ve seen them in the past cutting this off.
And what they`ve succeeded in doing, is not only pretty much stopping our ship in its tracks, but it has separated this ship from the other boats in the
Philippines convoy, which included two small resupply vessels that were trying to get to the Second Thomas Shoal.
Now part of what is at play here is a territorial dispute. That shoal the Philippines claims is part of its economic exclusion zone. China, though,
economic exclusion zone 专属经济水域
it is much further geographically from this area claims it for itself and clearly tries to stop Philippine ships from getting to it.
We`re completely encircled by a fleet of Chinese ships, at least 14 that I`ve counted. And moments ago, the Chinese coast guard ships were blasting
blast [blæst] v. 轰击
a Philippines resupply vessel with water cannons. It is clearly by swarming this ship, a show of force, a show of intimidation, and it is physically
water cannon 镇暴水枪
stopping vessels from another country from being able to move forward through this international waterway.
WIRE: Pop quiz hot shot. Which country became the second independent nation in the Americas after the United States?
Mexico, Haiti, Canada, or Puerto Rico?
If you said Haiti, you are correct. Between 1791 and 1804, freed and enslaved Africans waged the Haitian Revolution, resulting in an independent
enslaved [ɪnˋslevd] adj. 被奴役的
wage [wedʒ] v.进行,从事
country free from French rule.
Our next story takes us to Haiti. The United Nations has tracked waves of crime and unrest across the country ever since the assassination of its
track [træk] v. 跟踪;追踪
former President Jovenel Moise back in 2021. Ever since, societal conditions in the Caribbean country have deteriorated, with anti-government
protests increasing and many Haitians calling for a general election to install new leadership.
But Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who came to power after a power-sharing agreement was brokered in 2022 says he can`t step down until the country is
secure enough to hold an election. Meanwhile, gangs control nearly 80 percent of Port-au-Prince, Haiti`s capital, and are fighting for more
control according to the U.N.
A recent surge of coordinated attacks featured armed groups burning down police stations and freeing prisoners while the prime minister traveled out
of the country. These latest attacks prompted Haiti`s government to declare a state of emergency as 15,000 people were forced to flee their homes,
adding to the more than 300,000 people already displaced by gang violence. This is just a brief high-level view of what`s going on in Haiti.
high-level [ˋhaɪˋlɛv!] adj. 在高空的
So let`s go to our David Culver who has witnessed this situation firsthand.
CULVER: It`s as close as we can get driving, so we layer up and walk.
layer up: to wear (clothing) in layers ; it means to have more than one clothing on
Oh, yeah. You can already smell it. Look at people still making their commute as tires are burning right in the middle of this street here.
(voice-over): No police barricade, no firefighters, most seemingly unfazed. These flames have been burning for several hours. Haiti has been engulfed
barricade [ˋbærə͵ked] n. 路障,街垒;栅栏
unfazed [ʌnˈfezd] adj. 不受干扰的;不担忧的;不为所动的
engulf [ɪnˋgʌlf] v. 吞没;卷入
in turmoil for years.
We don`t have a home to live them. We don`t have food to eat. That`s what they`re shouting.
Many here now fear their country is on the brink of exploding.
Does it feel safe right now?
CULVER: No, no, no.
SAMEDI: No, it does. It doesn`t seem. My country is broken right now.
CULVER: These folks blame the current government and Prime Minister Ariel Henry, appointed following the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in
appoint [əˋpɔɪnt] v. 委派职务
2021. They want Henry to go, but he says he`s not yet ready to step down.
This as panicked street shootouts like this one have become a near daily occurrence. It`s often a clash between police and the gangs, which have
essentially taken Haiti hostage.
Many residents now living behind barricades.
This is not the gangs doing this the folks that live in these neighborhoods who are putting these up to prevent gangs from coming in and kidnapping.
Using whatever might stop or slow the kidnappers, efforts to protect families and preserve innocence.
kidnapper [ˋkɪdnæpɚ] n. 绑票者;拐子
preserve [prɪˋzɝv] v. 保护;维护
In recent months, gangs have seized more and more control over this country, including the roads leading to Port-au-Prince. Officials estimate
that gangs now control as much as 80 percent of the capital, even the U.S. embassy and international airport are mostly surrounded by rival gang territories.
It`s led the Haitian national police to create an undercover unit. We go with them to the front lines.
CAITLIN HU, CNN SENIOR EDITOR: This unit actually goes into gang areas, looks for gang members and fights them.
And you can see they`re getting ready?
CULVER: Yes. Our drivers all geared up now, ready for potential gunfire to come our way.
gear up 作好准备
Stay away from the windows as we come in here. They described this as the last defensive point. And beyond here is what they consider to be their
front lines.
From here, you can see the battlefield, no signs of any suspected gang members for now.
Police are not the only ones trying to gain the upper hand here. In a fractured state, alternatives to the gangs and government surface.
upper hand 上风;优势;支配
We`re headed to meet a commander of B-SAP, Haiti`s armed environmental protection agency that has splintered from the Henry government, challenging its legitimacy.
splinter [ˋsplɪntɚ] v. 分裂
legitimacy [lɪˋdʒɪtəməsɪ] n. 合法(性);正统(性)
We pulled up to a gated compound. The man in the purple shirt leads us in. He then changes into his BSAP uniform. It`s the commander. He`s in hiding
pull up (使)停下来
from police.
His message echoes the anti-government protester. He flexes B-SAP`s strength in numbers and its potential to help bring stability. But when it comes to
flex one`s strength 显示..实力,显示..力量
his own family --
You mentioned you have four kids. What do you think their future is in this country?
He fears their future is best-served leaving Haiti.
best-served 最有利…(when leaving Haiti)
The question that no doubt people in the U.S. will ask is, well, why should we help?
JEAN-MARTIN BAUER, WFP HAITI DIRECTOR: Well, there are two reasons why you need to help. First of all, there -- on humanitarian grounds. But then
there`s also your own self-interest in the U.S. So the longer you wait to act on Haiti, the more migrants there will be on your southern border. It`s
that simple.
WIRE: For today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, they see me roll, and tumbleweeds taking over the city of Eagle Mountain in Utah. Look at this.
tumbleweed [ˋtʌmb!͵wid] n.【植】风滚草;丝石竹
It looks like a scene you might see in Fortnite.
Blizzards and high winds in the western U.S. have prompted tumbleweeds to swarm roads, houses, vehicles, local authorities are calling this windstorm
windstorm [ˋwɪnd͵stɔrm] n. 暴风
a tumble-mageddon.
Thanks for rolling with me today. Let`s take some great energy into the day and finish up strong tomorrow.
I want to show some love today. Redwood Valley Middle School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota, keep soaring to great heights, Cardinals.
And this shout-out goes to the Chargers at Pearl City High school on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Aloha.
Have an awesome day, y`all. I`m Coy Wire and I`ll see you tomorrow.
squid [skwɪd] n.【动】乌贼
shoal [ʃol] n. 鱼群
squad [skwɑd] n. 小队,小组
tribunal [traɪˋbjun!] n. 法庭
embed [ɪmˋbɛd] v. (记者)随军采访; to assign (a journalist) to travel with a military unit during an armed conflict
convoy [ˋkɑnvɔɪ] n. 护航(或护卫)舰队
shoal [ʃol] n. 一片浅水;浅水处;浅滩;沙洲
swarm [swɔrm] v. 挤满
port bow 左舷艏
port [port] n.(船,飞机的)左舷
bow [baʊ] n. 船头,艄
economic exclusion zone 专属经济水域
blast [blæst] v. 轰击
water cannon 镇暴水枪
enslaved [ɪnˋslevd] adj. 被奴役的
wage [wedʒ] v. 进行,从事
track [træk] v. 跟踪;追踪
high-level [ˋhaɪˋlɛv!] adj. 在高空的
layer up: to wear (clothing) in layers ; it means to have more than one clothing on
barricade [ˋbærə͵ked] n. 路障,街垒;栅栏
unfazed [ʌnˈfezd] adj. 不受干扰的;不担忧的;不为所动的
engulf [ɪnˋgʌlf] v. 吞没;卷入
appoint [əˋpɔɪnt] v. 委派职务
kidnapper [ˋkɪdnæpɚ] n. 绑票者;拐子
preserve [prɪˋzɝv] v. 保护;维护
gear up 作好准备
upper hand 上风;优势;支配
splinter [ˋsplɪntɚ] v. 分裂
legitimacy [lɪˋdʒɪtəməsɪ] n. 合法(性);正统(性)
pull up (使)停下来
flex one`s strength 显示..实力,显示..力量
best-served 最有利…(when leaving Haiti)
tumbleweed [ˋtʌmb!͵wid] n.【植】风滚草;丝石竹
windstorm [ˋwɪnd͵stɔrm] n. 暴风