CNN 10 - March 13, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年3月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月26日
- 发布于 2024年3月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:369
AI-Generated Disinformation Poses Threat of Misleading Voters in 2024 Election; Pencils Down, SAT Goes All Digital; First U.S. Sign Language Starbucks Opens in D.C.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, and wonderful Wednesday to you. I`m Coy Wire, bringing you best 10 minutes in news right here on CNN 10. It is Your
Word Wednesday, so listen to see if your word submission made it into today`s show.
We start with the year of the election, 2024. And not just here in the United States, many countries around the world are having their own
important national elections this year. Nations with people heading to the polls this year include some of the most powerful and wealthiest countries
in the world, as well as the most populous, like India, South Africa, Mexico, and in Europe, where the United Kingdom is leaning towards
populous [ˋpɑpjələs] adj. 人口众多的,人口稠密的
elections later this year.
And countries with hundreds of millions of voters will be headed to the polls to elect a new parliament for the European Union. One of the major
concerns with elections this year is advanced technology, particularly artificial intelligence and how it has the potential to persuade and even
mislead voters with disinformation. AI generated fake videos, deepfakes, could trick voters into believing they are watching and hearing a
disinformation [dɪs͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən] n. 任何在大众传播中散布、或公开宣布的不正确事项
presidential candidate, when in reality they are not.
Yesterday in the U.S., voters in Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi, and the State of Washington cast their ballots in their respective primaries. It`s
expected that both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will clinch their party`s nomination.
clinch [klɪntʃ] v. 在……中得胜;最终赢得
Let`s turn now to our Simon Cullen, who breaks down this crucial election year for several nations across the world.
SIMON CULLEN, CNN JOURNALIST: 2024 is an election year like none other.
DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We will turn the page forever on the miserable nightmare of the Biden presidency.
JOE BIDEN, (D) U.S. PRESIDENT: Donald Trump sees a different America, an American story of resentment, revenge and retribution.
resentment [rɪˋzɛntmənt] n. 愤慨,忿怒,怨恨
revenge [rɪˋvɛndʒ] n. 报仇;报复
retribution [͵rɛtrəˋbjuʃən] n. 报应;惩罚
CULLEN: While the U.S. presidential race might be the highest profile, it`s just one of dozens taking place internationally, covering more than
half the world`s population.
OLIVIA O`SULLIVAN, UK PROGRAMME DIRECTOR, CHATHAM HOUSE: Many countries, the health of their democracy itself will be being put to the test.
CULLEN: And the outcome has the potential to reshape international affairs on a scale rarely seen.
(On camera): While the results of some elections are all but guaranteed, others will be a genuine contest, meaning a relatively small shift in voter
support could affect the outcome. That amplifies the potential impact of disinformation.
And experts warn that risk is made even more significant by the fact that these elections are coinciding with a boom in artificial intelligence.
(On camera): That brings with it the prospect of deepfake content like this.
deepfake [ˋdip͵fek] n. 深度伪造,深伪
BIDEN: This is an AI generated video showing just how far technology has come in recent years.
CULLEN: Even Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared momentarily surprised when confronted by a computer-generated version of himself.
momentarily [ˋmomən͵tɛrəlɪ] adv. 短暂地
DARRELL M. WEST, SENIOR FELLOW, BROOKINGS INSTITUTION: People should be scared because the technology is enabling the creation of fake videos that
could be very persuasive with the ordinary voters. People are not going to be able to distinguish the fake videos from real ones.
CULLEN: Are governments ready for what`s coming down the line?
down the line 将来
WEST: Governments are not ready. There are literally n oguardrails in place.
guardrail [ˋgɑrd͵rel] n. 栏杆;护栏
CULLEN: That`s prompted dozens of technology companies to step in, signing an accord aimed at combating the misuse of artificial intelligence in elections.
misuse [mɪsˋjus] n. 误用;滥用
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Democracies depend on free and fair elections. Free and fair elections depend on trustworthy information and trustworthy
information depends on transparency about the nature and the provenance of that information.
provenance [ˋprɑvənəns] n. 起源;出处;由来
CULLEN: The accord requires the world`s leading tech companies to develop tools to help identify and label AI generated content. They`ve also agreed
on the need to respond more quickly when deceptive AI generated material spreads online. But even they concede the task ahead won`t be easy.
deceptive [dɪˋsɛptɪv] adj. 骗人的;虚伪的;欺诈的
concede [kənˋsid] v.(勉強)承認; (在結果明確前)承認……失敗
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are combating not just individuals, unfortunately, but well-resourced nation states, including one in particular.
CULLEN: Even though the Kremlin denies it, countless intelligence reports confirm Russia`s election interference efforts. But the Microsoft president
intelligence [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns] n. 情报;情报工作;情报机关
warns Russia`s level of sophistication is growing, fueled by advances in artificial intelligence.
sophistication [sə͵fɪstɪˋkeʃən] n. 搀假;窜改
WIRE: Pop quiz, hot shot. What does the standardized test used for college admissions in the U.S., the SAT, stand for? School Achievement Test,
Scholastic Aptitude Test, Standard Aptitude Trial, Study and Triumph.
Scholastic Aptitude Test 学术能力测验(=SAT)
scholastic [skəˋlæstɪk] adj. 学校的
aptitude [ˋæptə͵tjud] n. 天资,才能;颖悟
If you said Scholastic Aptitude Test, you are on your way to a perfect 1600, the highest score you can get on the SAT.
No need to bring your number two pencils to an SAT anymore because this college admissions test is now fully digital. Test takers still have to be
there in person and supervised, so no badinage with friends during the test.
supervise [ˋsupɚvaɪz] v. 監督;管理;指導
badinage [ˋbædənɑʒ] n.【法】玩笑
The SAT will be taken on a laptop or tablet and the exam will be shorter. Where it was three hours before, it`s now down to two. It will still be
based on a 1600-point scale and the results will come back sooner in a matter of days instead of weeks.
But a concern for some, this digital version is also adaptive, meaning it will serve harder questions. The better you do, which some students say
adaptive [əˋdæptɪv] adj. 有适应性的; having an ability to change to suit different conditions
increases test anxiety and overthinking. These changes from the college board are an effort to make this standardized test more accessible to
overthinking [ˌovɚˈθɪŋkɪŋ] n. 过度考虑,想得太多
accessible [ækˋsɛsəb!] adj. 可(或易)使用的
students. As many colleges made it optional to submit standardized test scores, especially during the pandemic, more elite universities have
announced a shift in now requiring students to include these test scores with their applications.
But on the other side, some critics believe standardized tests can be a disadvantage for lower income students because they may have limited
resources to study and prepare for these tests.
For today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, we`re going to a Starbucks in Washington, D.C. that`s the only one of its kind in the U.S. It was
designed with the deaf and hard of hearing communities in mind. We`re going to experience this special coffee shop the same way its customers do with
no sound. If you`re not fluent in American sign language, don`t worry. We have subtitles.
sign language ph. 手語(法)
subtitle [ˋsʌb͵taɪt!] n. 说明或对白的字幕
MATTHEW GILSBACH, STORE MANAGER STARBUCKS: When you first walk in, you notice that there`s no music. It`s a highly visual store. People are
visual [ˋvɪʒuəl] adj. 视觉的;看得见的
signing all over the place.
There`s a large deaf community here in Washington, D.C. Starbucks` mission and values is to create an inclusive environment for everyone. And this is the first U.S. signing store.
inclusive [ɪnˋklusɪv] adj. 全包括的
On a daily basis, people come in and they want to learn how to sign their name, how to sign their beverage. You have a variety of options. You could
sign [saɪn] v. 打手势;示意
use a tech pad to write out your order. You could use a picture menu to point to a variety of core beverages. You could point to the coffee that
core beverage: the foundation of the drinks(coffee, tea, water, and soft drinks. ….)
you want if it`s drip, tall -- gesture. Different ways to communicate.
drip [drɪp] adj. 滴漏式的
When your order is finished, a monitor will show your name and we`ll point to that, "Hello, your drink is ready!" And hand that to you, creating that
For the past month, I`ve seen customers come in and they`ll write, "Thank you for opening this store." Other businesses out there need to see this
model. To see what it looks like, and be a profitable business with this model, with deaf people running the store.
WIRE: Absolutely awesome. Love -- all that love and positivity.
Congrats to Ali Polk and Ms. Gill and all the Warriors at Andrew Jackson Academy in Ehrhardt, South Carolina for today`s #YourWordWednesday winner,
badinage, a noun, meaning humorous or lighthearted conversation. Well done.
lighthearted [ˋlaɪtˋhɑrtɪd] adj. 轻松愉快的,无忧无虑的;随便的
Today`s shout out goes to some more Warriors at Wasatch Junior High School in Millcreek, Utah. We see you.
And this shout out goes to Victoria Fertitta Middle School in Las Vegas, Nevada. Keep on flying and soaring high, Firebirds. Rise up.
See you tomorrow, superstars. I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
populous [ˋpɑpjələs] adj. 人口众多的,人口稠密的
disinformation [dɪs͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən] n. 任何在大众传播中散布、或公开宣布的不正确事项
clinch [klɪntʃ] v. 在……中得胜;最终赢得
resentment [rɪˋzɛntmənt] n. 愤慨,忿怒,怨恨
revenge [rɪˋvɛndʒ] n. 报仇;报复
retribution [͵rɛtrəˋbjuʃən] n. 报应;惩罚
deepfake [ˋdip͵fek] n. 深度伪造,深伪
momentarily [ˋmomən͵tɛrəlɪ] adv. 短暂地
down the line 将来
guardrail [ˋgɑrd͵rel] n. 栏杆;护栏
misuse [mɪsˋjus] n. 误用;滥用
provenance [ˋprɑvənəns] n. 起源;出处;由来
deceptive [dɪˋsɛptɪv] adj. 骗人的;虚伪的;欺诈的
concede [kənˋsid] v. (勉強)承認; (在結果明確前)承認……失敗
intelligence [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns] n. 情报;情报工作;情报机关
sophistication [sə͵fɪstɪˋkeʃən] n. 搀假;窜改
Scholastic Aptitude Test 学术能力测验(=SAT)
scholastic [skəˋlæstɪk] adj. 学校的
aptitude [ˋæptə͵tjud] n. 天资,才能;颖悟
supervise [ˋsupɚvaɪz] v. 監督;管理;指導
badinage [ˋbædənɑʒ] n.【法】玩笑
adaptive [əˋdæptɪv] adj. 有适应性的; having an ability to change to suit different conditions
overthinking [ˌovɚˈθɪŋkɪŋ] n. 过度考虑,想得太多
accessible [ækˋsɛsəb!] adj. 可(或易)使用的
sign language ph. 手語(法)
subtitle [ˋsʌb͵taɪt!] n. 说明或对白的字幕
visual [ˋvɪʒuəl] adj. 视觉的;看得见的
inclusive [ɪnˋklusɪv] adj. 全包括的
sign [saɪn] v. 打手势;示意
core beverage: the foundation of the drinks (such as coffee, tea, water, and soft drinks. ….)
drip [drɪp] adj. 滴漏式的
lighthearted [ˋlaɪtˋhɑrtɪd] adj. 轻松愉快的,无忧无虑的;随便的