CNN 10 - March 21, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年3月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年3月24日
- 发布于 2024年3月22日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:467
Japan Ends 17-Year Run of Negative Interest Rates; Appeals Court Again Blocks Texas from Arresting and Deporting Migrants; How to Save Plants from Unexpected Spring Freezes; Dorothy`s Ruby Slippers from "The Wizard of Oz" Were Stolen. Nineteen Years Later, They`re Finally Back Home.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news. I`m Coy Wire. Happy Friday Eve. It`s Thursday, March 21st. And
we`re going to start today with the latest on the border security battle brewing between the Biden administration and the State of Texas.
You may remember that back in December, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 4, more often referred to as SB4. This made entering
Texas illegally a state crime and gave state judges the authority to issue deportation orders.
deportation [͵diporˋteʃən] n. 驱逐出境;放逐
Border security and immigration enforcement are areas the federal government handles. So the law has been paused as the U.S. court system determines
determine [dɪˋtɝmɪn] v. 判决,裁定
if this state law is constitutional or not.
constitutional [͵kɑnstəˋtjuʃən!] adj. 符合宪法的;有宪法权力的
Already, there have been multiple rulings and appeals about whether the law should take effect while those legal decisions are decided. And those
arguments made their way to the Supreme Court earlier this week. Those justices allowed Texas to start enforcing this law, even as some legal
cases were waiting to take place.
But just hours later, a federal appeals court placed this measure back on hold while their hearing gets underway. That`s quite the rigmarole,
rigmarole [ˋrɪgmə͵rol] adj. 无聊的;冗长的
lengthy, complicated procedure, right?
So to simplify things a bit, let`s go to our Rosa Flores, who explains more on what both sides are arguing with this measure. And after watching her
report, take a minute, consider, discuss, do you think our immigration laws here in the United States need reconsideration? And what are the pros and
cons to this bill?
ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: SB4 creates a state crime for the illegal entry into Texas or an individual`s, quote, "Illegal presence" in the
state, and gives local law enforcement the power to arrest and judges the power to remove violators.
violator [ˋvaɪə͵letɚ] n. 违背者;亵渎者;侵犯者
BRANDON JUDD, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL: It`s going to cause a drop in illegal immigration through the State of Texas. And that`s
going to be a huge benefit to border patrol agents. It`s going to be a huge benefit to those individuals that want border security.
FLORES: Human rights groups warn it will lead to the racial profiling of Latinos who make up 40% of the state`s population.
racial profiling 种族形象定性(指警察因肤色或种族而怀疑人犯罪); 种族貌相判定
FERNANDO GARCIA, BNHR: We`re fighting against racism, xenophobia and white supremacy.
xenophobia [͵zɛnəˋfobɪə] n.. 对外国(人)的无理仇视(或畏惧)
white supremacy 白人至上论
FLORES: This new state crime will mostly be adjudicated in county courts.
adjudicate [əˋdʒudɪ͵ket] v.【律】判决;宣告
clog [klɑg] v. 塞满;阻塞,堵塞[(+up/with)];阻碍,妨碍
FLORES: Adam Haynes from the Texas Conference of Urban Counties lobbied against SB4 on behalf of these 34 Democratic and Republican-led counties
and says that the 6,000 to 7,000 county jail beds across the state could fill up in days.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Senate Bill 4 is finally passed.
FLORES: The law, which was passed by the Republican-led Texas legislature and signed by Republican Governor Greg Abbott last year, did not include funding.
DAVID STOUT, EL PASO COUNTY COMMISSIONER: We`re going to be lots of negative impacts, lots more racial profiling.
FLORES: El Paso County Commissioner David Stout estimates a new jail in his county could cost $250 million to build and $40 to $50 million annually to operate.
County Commissioner 被授予多项行政管理和执行职责的县官员, 但其主要管理财政事务、警察规范、公司经营等。有时地方法律还赋予其有限的审判权
STOUT: This will be the single largest unfunded mandate that we have seen.
mandate [ˋmændet] n. 命令,指令
FLORES: Stout led the charge in his county to sue Texas over SB4 and says he`s in talks with the district attorney and local law enforcement about
lead the charge 带头(冲锋)
interpreting the law narrowly to lessen its impact on county resources.
narrowly [ˋnærolɪ] adv. 严密地;仔细地
(On camera): Are you hoping that local police and the sheriff`s office focus on violent crime and not on targeting migrants?
STOUT: Yes, I mean, that`s I think, what they typically do.
GOV. GREG ABBOTT, (R) TEXAS: Senate Bill 4 --
FLORES: Abbott maintains Texas has constitutional authority to enforce SB4 and that it will not lead to racial profiling.
ABBOTT: Officers understand, and that is wrong to profile.
WIRE: All right, let`s head to Japan now, which has the fourth largest economy in the world. And the island nation just did something that it
hasn`t done in 17 years, raised interest rates. According to the Bank of Japan, the short-term rates will now increase from minus 0.1% to around
zero to 0.1%.
This move will shift away from the country`s negative interest rate policy, which was initiated years ago to help stimulate a struggling economy. With
more on this move and the future of Japan`s economy, let`s turn now to our Hanako Montgomery, who`s in Tokyo.
HANAKO MONTGOMERY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A bit of background as to why Japan has finally ended negative interest rates. There are really
two key components. The first, we`re finally seeing inflation. The second, wages are finally going up. So right now, the rate of inflation in Japan is
hovering at about 2% for its core consumer prices. That includes everything besides food and fuel.
core consumer prices (index) 核心消费者物价指数(扣除了对物价较为敏感的能源及食物,因此能精准表达当前的物价水平)
Now, 2% is that magic number you want to see that indicates the economy is healthy and growing in the right direction. This is historic for Japan,
which has seen years and years of deflation. So at the same time, we are also seeing wages increase significantly.
deflation [dɪˋfleʃən] n. 通货紧缩
On Friday, Rengo, Japan`s largest labor union comprised of the country`s biggest companies, agreed to raise wages by 5.28%, the largest pay hike in
33 years.
Now, this is historic for Japanese workers in the country, because they haven`t seen their wages increase that much in comparison to the United
States, the U.K., Germany, other OECD countries, for example. It`s seen a lot of stagnant growth.
stagnant [ˋstægnənt] adj. 萧条的,不景气的; 停滞的
Now, these two key components are what indicated to the Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda that it was finally time to end negative interest
governor [ˋgʌvɚnɚ] n.(医院、学校等公共机构的)主管;董事;总裁
rates, which will now set the economic agenda for the months to come in Japan.
Now, in terms of a stronger yen, though we did see the price of the yen fall today. Experts did tell me that we might see a stronger yen in the
months to come riding on the back of higher interest rates.
Now, if we do see that, it would mean input prices do go down. Now, this is hugely significant for the country because Japan is a resource-poor nation.
It imports more than 90% of its fuel, of its gas, and about 60% of its food. So if input prices do go down, that means the cost of living in Japan
will also go down.
Now, for foreign tourists, however, it might mean that their next vacation to the country is just a bit more expensive. But again, this is a gradual
change that we might be seeing many, many months in the future.
WIRE: All right. Spring officially sprung this week. But Mother Nature said not so fast warm weather. Many states, especially in the eastern part of
the country, experienced this dip in temperatures, making it feel like we were still full throttle wintertime.
(at) full throttle [ˋθrɑt!] 油门大开地, 以全速
So if you or anyone you know were ready to leap into spring by maybe freshening up the garden, there might be some worry over how to protect
freshen up 使…变得焕然一新
those precious flowers and veggies. Well, we`ve got you covered. Our meteorologist Elisa Raffa has some tips from some of the pros, some seasoned farmers.
ELISA RAFFA, CNN METEOROLOGIST: We`re at that time of year where cold snaps can still happen, but things are blooming. Winter is our fastest warming season.
cold snap 寒流; 乍寒,骤冷
Spring winds up springing sooner. So that means that growing season in some places is as much as two to four weeks longer. So you might have to
protect those plants in the cold, just like these farmers. We`re at a strawberry farm where you can see the farmers here have covered these
strawberries with row coverst to keep those strawberries protected from frost forming on their leaves. And the blankets also help trap some of that heat.
frost [frɑst] n. 霜
Now, while you might not have acres and acres of strawberry farms at home, you can still use some of the same practices to protect your own plants.
You can use things like bedsheets, blankets, burlap, and cheesecloth all to protect your own flowers and vegetables in your garden.
burlap [ˋbɝlæp] n. 粗麻布
cheesecloth [ˋtʃiz͵klɔθ] n. 包干酪的纱布; 薄纱棉布
WIRE: Ten second trivia. Which of these iconic movies is based on a book?
Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Wizard of Oz, Singin` in the Rain, or Toy Story?
wizard [ˋwɪzɚd] n. 男巫;术士
If you said, The Wizard of Oz, you are correct. The book is actually called The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and it`s written by American author L. Frank Baum.
The fairy tale published in the year 1900, nearly 40 years before the movie starring Judy Garland premiered.
premiere [prɪˋmjɛr] v. 初次上演
Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore. Today`s story, getting a 10 out of 10, takes us to Minnesota, where FBI agents closed the loop on a stolen
close the loop: To follow up on some outstanding task, activity, or issue to ensure that it is completed, resolved, or on track. 把事情做完,沟通清楚,洞补起来
collector`s item that was from the set of MGM`s iconic 1939 movie, The Wizard of Oz.
Remember those ruby red slippers that Dorothy clicks three times? Well, those shimmery shoes were swiped from their home, the Judy Garland Museum
slipper [ˋslɪpɚ] n.(尤指室内穿的)浅口便鞋,拖鞋
Dorothy [ˋdɔrəθɪ] n. 多萝西(女子名,涵义:上帝的赠礼)
shimmery [ˋʃɪmərɪ]adj. 微微发光亮的;闪烁的
swipe [swaɪp] v.【俚】偷窃,扒窃
in Grand Rapids, all the way back in 2005. The U.S. District Attorney`s Office of North Dakota says they were finally recovered during a sting operation
recover [rɪˋkʌvɚ] v. 重新找到
sting operation 卧底行动
in 2018, but the item`s owner, collector Michael Shaw, wasn`t reunited with the shoes until now. When Shaw finally saw the shoes, he
compared it to a reunion with a long-lost friend. They`re one of only four pairs known to be left from the historic film set, and the North Dakota
D.A. estimates these slippers are worth around 3.5 million bucks.
All right, superstars, we`re at the end of The Yellow Brick Road, the end of the show, but it is time to recognize some of you. First, we want to pay
some homage to the concept of think it, see it, and believe it if you want to achieve it. Every day dating back weeks and weeks and weeks, Mr.
Bartosh`s Social Studies class in Stewartville, Minnesota, wrote that on March 21st, they would get a shout out, and their persistence has manifested
manifest [ˋmænə͵fɛst] v. 表明,显示,表露
their destiny. Stewartville Middle School, rise up. And thank you for your dedication to CNN10. My team loves your passion.
And this shout out goes to my firebird friends at Chaparral High School in Scottsdale, Arizona. Keep blazing that trail and flying high. Maybe I`ll
see you when I`m out there during the final four. Oh, yeah. See you tomorrow, everyone. Let`s finish this week strong.
deportation [͵diporˋteʃən] n. 驱逐出境;放逐
determine [dɪˋtɝmɪn] v. 判决,裁定
constitutional [͵kɑnstəˋtjuʃən!] adj. 符合宪法的;有宪法权力的
rigmarole [ˋrɪgmə͵rol] adj. 无聊的;冗长的
violator [ˋvaɪə͵letɚ] n. 违背者;亵渎者;侵犯者
racial profiling 种族形象定性(指警察因肤色或种族而怀疑人犯罪); 种族貌相判定
xenophobia [͵zɛnəˋfobɪə] n.. 对外国(人)的无理仇视(或畏惧)
white supremacy 白人至上论
adjudicate [əˋdʒudɪ͵ket] v.【律】判决;宣告
clog [klɑg] v. 塞满;阻塞,堵塞[(+up/with)];阻碍,妨碍
County Commissioner 被授予多项行政管理和执行职责的县官员, 但其主要管理财政事务、警察规范、公司经营等。有时地方法律还赋予其有限的审判权
mandate [ˋmændet] n. 命令,指令
lead the charge 带头(冲锋)
narrowly [ˋnærolɪ] adv. 严密地;仔细地
core consumer price (index) 核心消费者物价(指数)(扣除了对物价较为敏感的能源及食物,因此能精准表达当前的物价水平)
deflation [dɪˋfleʃən] n. 通货紧缩
stagnant [ˋstægnənt] adj. 萧条的,不景气的; 停滞的
governor [ˋgʌvɚnɚ] n.(医院、学校等公共机构的)主管;董事;总裁
(at) full throttle [ˋθrɑt!] 油门大开地, 以全速
freshen up 使…变得焕然一新
cold snap 寒流; 乍寒,骤冷
frost [frɑst] n. 霜
burlap [ˋbɝlæp] n. 粗麻布
cheesecloth [ˋtʃiz͵klɔθ] n. 包干酪的纱布; 薄纱棉布
wizard [ˋwɪzɚd] n. 男巫;术士
premiere [prɪˋmjɛr] v. 初次上演
close the loop: To follow up on some outstanding task, activity, or issue to ensure that it is completed, resolved, or on track. 把事情做完,沟通清楚,洞补起来
slipper [ˋslɪpɚ] n.(尤指室内穿的)浅口便鞋,拖鞋
Dorothy [ˋdɔrəθɪ] n. 多萝西(女子名,涵义:上帝的赠礼)
shimmery [ˋʃɪmərɪ] adj. 微微发光亮的;闪烁的
swipe [swaɪp] v.【俚】偷窃,扒窃
recover [rɪˋkʌvɚ] v. 重新找到
sting operation 卧底行动
manifest [ˋmænə͵fɛst] v. 表明,显示,表露