CNN 10 - March 28, 2024
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- 创建于 2024年3月28日
- 最后更新于 2024年3月31日
- 发布于 2024年3月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
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Julian Assange Staves Off Extradition to U.S. for Now, U.K. Court Rules; Both Local and Foreign Citizens Try to Leave Haiti Due to Gang Violence; Historic Renovation of Notre Dame Cathedral.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up, sunshine? It`s time to shine. Welcome to Thursday. Happy Friday Eve. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10.
And today we are going to start about news about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The Australian citizen rocketed into public notoriety as a
notoriety [͵notəˋraɪətɪ] n. 恶名昭彰;声名狼藉
political refugee fighting to escape extradition back to America.
extradition [͵ɛkstrəˋdɪʃən] n. 引渡
Assange faces charges of espionage after publishing classified U.S. military materials starting in 2010. The WikiLeaks founder previously
espionage [ˋɛspɪənɑʒ] n. 谍报;间谍活动
described his findings to CNN as, quote, "compelling evidence of war crimes," unquote, committed by a U.S.-led coalition in Iraqi government forces.
But U.S. officials say Assange put lives at risk by publishing those secret military documents. Free speech advocates, though, argue extraditing
extradite [ˋɛkstrə͵daɪt] vt. 引渡(逃犯等)
Assange could cause a chilling effect in the press.
chilling effect 寒蝉效应
The controversial figure has remained in London`s Belmarsh prison for five years and was confined as a political refugee in the Ecuadorian embassy in
Ecuadorian [ɛkwəˋdorɪən] adj. 厄瓜多(人)的
the British capital for seven years before that. U.K. courts say they could agree to turn Assange over to the U.S. if certain protections and
assurances are put into place. CNN`s Nada Bashir breaks down the latest updates on Assange`s case. But we want you to think about this story. And
put into place 落实到位
as you hear it, what do you think? Is Julian Assange a journalist, a criminal, a refugee, or a hero, as some feel?
It`s a controversial question that has created sharp divisions around the world. So as you listen and discuss amongst each other, remember to be
respectful and focus on the facts.
NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER: Now the high court in London on Tuesday ruled that the WikiLeaks founder cannot be immediately extradited to the United
States. Instead, American authorities must first offer assurances about his treatment including over his First Amendment rights and protection from the
assurance [əˋʃʊrəns] n. 保证
death penalty.
Now, they`ve been given three weeks to do so. If the U.S. fails to give these assurances, Assange would be allowed to appeal his extradition at a
appeal [əˋpil] v.【律】上诉
further hearing in May.
If however, the U.S. does provide the requested assurances, there will be a further hearing to decide if those assurances are satisfactory and to make
a final decision on leave to appeal.
Now, in the event that the appeal is denied, Assange`s legal team has also vowed to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights which could also halt
his removal to the U.S.
This is a battle which Assange has fought for the last five years from London`s Belmarsh prison. And of course, for seven years before that, while
being holed up as a political refugee at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
He is of course, being pursued by the U.S. authorities for what they say is the endangerment of lives by publishing confidential military records
supplied by former army intelligence analyst, Chelsea Manning in 2010 and 2011.
Speaking outside the high court, Assange`s wife, Stella described her husband as a political prisoner and also called on the Biden administration
to drop the case entirely.
WIRE: Next, let`s turn to Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, where city streets remain a battleground between gangs and national police. Conditions
in Haiti continue to deteriorate, with civilians fleeing the ongoing gang violence and political instability. A series of chartered flights have
chartered [ˋtʃɑrtɚd] adj. 包租的
returned some American citizens back to the states, but not everyone who`s in danger can just get up and leave.
CNN`s David Culver reveals what U.S. and other international citizens face as they try to make their way out of the country.
DAVID CULVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The challenge for U.S. citizens trying to leave Port-au-Prince begins as soon as they start driving to the U.S.
embassy. Getting there involves driving through either gang-controlled or gang-contested territories. It`s dangerous and it`s unpredictable.
contest [kənˋtɛst] v. 争夺
In armored vehicles, we saw that firsthand, and yet this is the only way out for some. The airport is shut down and many feel trapped.
In recent days, the U.S. embassy began evacuating citizens who could make it to the embassy. Managing the safety of those evacuations is regional
security officer, Steve Strickland.
How does Haiti, how does Port-au-Prince today compare to your past 19 years?
STEVE STRICKLAND, U.S. DIPLOMATIC SECURITY SERVICE, SUPERVISORY SPECIAL AGENT: There is nothing like Port-au-Prince. The security situations here
are nothing like anything I have experienced before. I`ve spent time in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, in Africa, and the unique circumstances here,
I`ve not seen a parallel to those in any other security environment that I`ve served.
parallel [ˋpærə͵lɛl] n. 类似的人(或事物),可相比拟的人(或事物)
CULVER: Amid these challenges, there are some who fear Americans are being abandoned in this gang field war zone.
STRICKLAND: The truth of the matter is, literally on a daily basis, there are phone calls that we are engaged with at the highest levels of U.S.
government, where the number one topic is safety and security. How do we help get our U.S. citizens out of the country to a safe place?
CULVER: Launching these evacuation flights from the capital is a critical first step.
Jenny Gilliam (ph) and her five-year-old son, Conrad registered a few days ago. She has had to leave behind her mom and other loved ones so as to get
back to their home in New York.
Getting to the embassy is terrifying. It is a potentially deadly commute. Some who had confirmed their spots canceled last-minute either emotionally
terrifying [ˋtɛrə͵faɪɪŋ] adj. 可怕的
commute [kəˋmjut] n. 上下班往返; 往返于工作地点与家之间; 通勤
unable to leave behind loved ones or just unable to get to the embassy safely.
So is there an option to go from here and go pick them up? Is that even in reality?
STRICKLAND: It just really isn`t unfortunately. The security resources that we have are stretched so thin, the ability to do that is really a non-starter.
stretch too thin 指一个人或组织在时间、精力或资源上过度分散,无法有效应对所有任务或责任
non-starter [͵nɑnˋstɑrtɚ] n. 不可能成功的人(或构想); 不切实际的想法
We just don`t have that capacity to do it. We`d love to do it. It is just simply an impossibility, unfortunately.
CULVER: With some seats unclaimed at the last minute, our team as U.S. citizens is able to travel out with them and chronicle their journey.
unclaimed [ʌnˋklemd] adj. 无人领取的;物主不明的
chronicle [ˋkrɑnɪk!] v. 记录;记述
We board in gang-controlled territory on a patch of land that`s secured and surrounded by a robust and reassuring American military presence. We take
off for the Dominican Republic.
There are a lot of mixed emotions for those who get out: Gratitude and relief for getting here safely, as well as guilt and fear for those still
in Port-au-Prince, knowing that what is happening on the other side of this border is getting worse with each passing hour.
WIRE: Pop quiz, hot shot. How long did it originally take to build the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris?
Around 10 years, around 50 years, nearly 100, nearly 200 years.
If you said nearly 200 years, you are correct. Construction on the famous Parisian landmark began during the reign of King Louis VII in the year 1163
and was mostly completed by 1345.
Back in 2019, a raging fire torched the historic Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Many were in shock to see the Parisian landmark engulfed in flames
torch [tɔrtʃ] v. 放火烧,纵火烧(建筑物或其他大型物体)
engulf [ɪnˋgʌlf] v. 吞没
and feared that it would take decades to restore. Especially since this effort would be both intricate and expensive with estimates to rebuild the
cathedral costing more than $760 million.
But with generous donations from around the world and nearly 500 craftspeople working rigorously the past five years, the renovation is said
rigorously [ˋrɪgərəslɪ] adv. 严密地,缜密地; 严谨地
to be 90% complete.
Our Richard Quest gives us a peek inside as it`s expected to reopen to the public this December.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A fire breaking out at the historic cathedral of Notre-Dame.
RICHARD QUEST, CNN ANCHOR, QUEST MEAN BUSINESS: More people come to Notre-Dame than the Eiffel Tower. You and I in our lifetime have seen projects like this taking 20 years. What percentage of completion do you think you
are at now?
JOST: We have finished the roofs, the spire. We have cleaned all the inside, all these woods. We have cleaned the paintings. It`s important that
we cannot identify what has been rebuilt because it`s the same stones and the same type of work, which is the respect we owe to the monument.
owe [o] v. 应给予;应该做[(+to)
President Macron said we will do it in five years for 2024. And we are doing it. And we do it perfectly.
WIRE: Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, strong. Something you have to see. The Louisiana High School Power Lifting State Championships, Senior
senior [ˋsinjɚ] n.【美】四年级生的;【英】高年级生的
Dwayne Coleman representing Solomon, shattering the state high school record for squat. Moving 900 pounds. That`s about the weight of a full-
squat [skwɑt] n. 蹲坐;蹲伏
grown cow. Look at the bar bending and watch this.
Coleman smooth with it. Then racking the weight and walking away like it was no big deal. That was a really big deal. Incredible stuff and
rack [ræk] v. 把……放在架子上
congratulations to Dwayne. That took a lot of determination and dedication.
All right. To all you powerful people, I hope this show lifted you up today. Let`s get a shout out to Plant City High School in Plant City, Florida.
Raiders, rise up.
And let`s head all the way to Amman, Jordan to shout out Mrs. Gilbert`s class at the American Community School. We are so grateful, so happy that
Amman [ɑˈmɑn] n. 安曼(约旦王国首都)
you join us from so far away. Have an awesome day, everyone.
Let`s do it again tomorrow. Same time, same place, shall we? We`ll finish this week strong.
I`m Coy and we are CNN 10.
notoriety [͵notəˋraɪətɪ] n. 恶名昭彰;声名狼藉
extradition [͵ɛkstrəˋdɪʃən] n. 引渡
espionage [ˋɛspɪənɑʒ] n. 谍报;间谍活动
extradite [ˋɛkstrə͵daɪt] vt. 引渡(逃犯等)
chilling effect 寒蝉效应
Ecuadorian [ɛkwəˋdorɪən] adj. 厄瓜多(人)的
put into place 落实到位
assurance [əˋʃʊrəns] n. 保证
appeal [əˋpil] v.【律】上诉
chartered [ˋtʃɑrtɚd] adj. 包租的
contest [kənˋtɛst] v. 争夺
parallel [ˋpærə͵lɛl] n. 类似的人(或事物),可相比拟的人(或事物)
terrifying [ˋtɛrə͵faɪɪŋ] adj. 可怕的
commute [kəˋmjut] n. 上下班往返; 往返于工作地点与家之间; 通勤
stretch too thin 指一个人或组织在时间、精力或资源上过度分散,无法有效应对所有任务或责任
non-starter [͵nɑnˋstɑrtɚ] n. 不可能成功的人(或构想); 不切实际的想法
unclaimed [ʌnˋklemd] adj. 无人领取的;物主不明的
chronicle [ˋkrɑnɪk!] v. 记录;记述
torch [tɔrtʃ] v. 放火烧,纵火烧(建筑物或其他大型物体)
engulf [ɪnˋgʌlf] v. 吞没
rigorously [ˋrɪgərəslɪ] adv. 严密地,缜密地; 严谨地
owe [o] v. 应给予;应该做[(+to)
senior [ˋsinjɚ] n.【美】四年级生的;【英】高年级生的
squat [skwɑt] n. 蹲坐;蹲伏
rack [ræk] v. 把……放在架子上
Amman [ɑˈmɑn] n. 安曼(约旦王国首都)