CNN 10 - April 2, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年4月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年4月07日
- 发布于 2024年4月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:488
Half a Million California Fast Food Workers Will Now Earn $20 Per Hour; Cleanup, Underway for the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore; Colorado Released Wolves to Balance Its Ecosystem. But Some Ranchers Aren`t Happy.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, friends. Let`s get our energy up, up, up and take some time on this terrific Tuesday to give a shoutout to all the
teachers out there who are uplifting, informing and inspiring us every day. So be sure to give your teacher a handshake, a high five, a fist bump. Let
them know, I see you.
I`m Coy. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news. Rise up.
We start by taking you out to California where many fast-food workers just got a pay raise. That`s because of a new law that went into effect on
Monday, one that requires all fast-food restaurants to pay their employees at least $20 per hour.
There are more than half a million fast food workers in California and many of them aren`t teenagers working an after-school job. They`re adults
looking to keep a roof over their heads and food on their tables. And just this week, many of them just got a 25% pay bump.
a roof over one’s head: a place to live
pay bump 薪水的增加,但也有可能增加奖金,股票或福利
But not everyone is ready to order a happy meal after hearing this news. Many of these chain restaurants, they`re not owned by the larger
corporation, they`re owned by franchisees. So they`re more like small businesses. And these franchise store owners, they`re worried that the
franchisee [͵fræntʃaɪˋzi] n. 特许经营者
increase in pay will make it too expensive to run their business, meaning they`ll have to maybe lay some people off or stop plans to open new stores
or even close some of their existing stores.
But some researchers are questioning those fears around pay increases. They state that over the past decade, California doubled its minimum wage,
ending up at the current $16 per hour. And during that time, the data shows that the increase in pay did not lead to a lot of layoffs or a slowdown in
the pace of hiring.
However, companies like Jack in the Box, Starbucks, McDonald`s and Chipotle say they`re going to raise prices in a state that`s already one of the most
expensive places to live in the country.
All right, next we take you out onto the Patapsco River to see the remnants of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. As you may remember, last
Tuesday in the early morning hours, a freight ship crashed into a pillar of the famed bridge, causing it to collapse. Officials say that a group of six
freight [fret] n.【英】(船运的)货物;【美】(水上,陆上,空中运输的)货物
famed [femd] adj. 有名的;著名的
men working an overnight shift fixing potholes died when it collapsed. Gloria Pazmino has more on what`s next for the city of Baltimore.
overnight [ˋovɚˋnaɪt] n. 通宵;整夜
pothole [ˋpɑt͵hol] n.【地】壶洞;道路上的洞坑;坑洞
GLORIA PAZMINO, CNN BALTIMORE, MARYLAND: So you can see we have been able to get extremely up close to the wreckage of the Dali and we`re starting to
up close 在非常近的范围内
really get an appreciation and a sense of just how massive this job is going to be.
appreciation [ə͵priʃɪˋeʃən] n. 正确评价,鉴识
You`re looking at 4,000 tons of steel and concrete that are sitting on top of that bow. That is going to be the most complicated part of this
bow [baʊ] n. 船头
operation. Moving all of that debris and taking it off the ship so that they can begin this cleanup process and then there`s everything that`s
laying below the surface. The part that we can`t see.
There is more metal, more concrete, more debris in the water and that`s going to be critical because they have to be able to make that safe for the
divers whose mission it is to get back into the water and continue searching to attempt to recover the bodies of those who were lost.
But as we`re sitting here, you know, now finally being able to really see it and get up close to it, you really just get a sense of the enormity of
enormity [ɪˋnɔrmətɪ] n. 巨大;严重性;深远影响
the job at hand.
But all the officials here have told us that they are confident that they`re going to be able to get it done. They`re working together, have all
of the technology necessary and they`re going step by step, taking a meticulous approach to make sure that they get it right and that eventually
meticulous [məˋtɪkjələs] adj. 小心翼翼的;严密的;一丝不苟的
they can reopen the port. They can start rebuilding and that this important symbol for the City of Baltimore, and the City of Baltimore and the State
of Maryland can get cleaned up and the people here can start getting back to normal.
I`m Gloria Pazmino, CNN.
WIRE: Pop quiz hotshot. Which animal is often depicted as a villain in children`s stories and can be heard from more than five miles away? A lion,
villain [ˋvɪlən] n. 坏人,恶棍
a wolf, a dolphin, or a snake?
Wolf is your answer here. They`ve created havoc in "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," "Little Red Riding Hood," and "The Three Little Pigs," just to name a few.
to name a few 略举几例
Owooooo, sorry, just getting reintroduced to my inner wolf. And that`s a lot like what`s happening in Colorado, where people voted to reintroduce
wolves back into their state. That`s the first time ever in the country`s history that a state has voted on this kind of ballot initiative.
ballot [ˋbælət] n.(尤指无记名的)投票
initiative [ɪˋnɪʃətɪv] n. 倡议;新措施
But as Lucy Kafanov shows us, after the vote passed by a slim margin, some folks in the more rural parts of the state weren`t exactly howling with joy.
KELLY MURPHY, ANIMAL CARE SUPERVISOR, COLORADO WOLF AND WILDLIFE: Humans adapting with wolves is going to be the biggest obstacle that we`re going
to be dealing with.
LUCY KAFANOV, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): After being nearly eradicated from Colorado about 80 years ago, wolves are officially back in the state.
Thanks to the first ever voter-mandated reintroduction of endangered wolves in U.S. history, these wolves, captured in Oregon, were set free in
mandated [mænˋdetɪd] adj.(法律、条文)规定的
Colorado`s wilderness last December.
KAFANOV (on camera): You are hungry. I never thought I`d be able to get so close to a wolf.
MURPHY: She`s a very special ambassador.
KAFANOV (voice-over): Kelly Murphy, the Animal Care Supervisor at the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center, is one of the advocates who`s helped
bring wolves back to the state.
(On camera): Obviously, this is not an interaction we`d ever have in the wild.
MURPHY: Right. Absolutely. If you see a wolf in the wild, our advice is to take a picture and consider yourself lucky because it`s probably never
going to happen again.
KAFANOV (voice-over): Some two million gray wolves once roamed freely throughout North America. But when European settlers arrived, they brought
their old-world myths and hatred of wolves with them. By the 1940s, wolves were nearly wiped out.
old-world [ˋold͵wɝld] adj. 从前的
wipe out 彻底消灭或摧毁某事物
MURPHY: There`s so many myths and misconceptions that are surrounding wolves. Sometimes it`s difficult to understand that they`re not exactly true.
misconception [͵mɪskənˋsɛpʃən] n. 错误观念
KAFANOV: As an apex predator at the top of the food chain, they help keep certain animal populations in check, which in turn helps plants, trees and
apex [ˋepɛks] n. 顶点;尖端
keep in check: to keep (something) under control
other wildlife thrive.
MURPHY: They are critical to maintaining the balance of our ecosystems, and that means that it`s a more productive landscape for ranchers to also graze their cattle.
graze [grez] v.(牛,羊等)吃草;放牧
KAFANOV (on camera): So what did the wolf do to this specific cow?
DON GITTLESON, RANCHER: So he got ahold of her by the throat and then he got ahold of her by the hind leg. It`s healed a lot.
get ahold of: to take hold of something firmly
ahold [əˋhold] n. 抓(常與of連用)
KAFANOV (voice-over): Don Gittleson was fending off wolf incursions on his ranch in northern Colorado long before the ballot initiative.
fend [fɛnd] v. 抵挡,击退;避开[(+off)]
incursion [ɪnˋkɝʃən] n. 侵略;入侵
GITTLESON: We`ve had wolves here for several years.
KAFANOV: They`ve been coming from neighboring Wyoming, which reintroduced wolves in the 90s.
GITTLESON: To me, this is my home. To them, this is their home. And they`re not just going to leave.
See these marks in the snow here?
KAFANOV (on camera): Are those the wolf tracks?
GITTLESON: That`s the last time they came through.
KAFANOV (voice-over): In Colorado, the wolf reintroduction proposition barely passed, with most of the votes in favor of reintroduction coming
from urban areas like Denver and Boulder.
GITTLESON: People have very strong opinions about wolves, and it doesn`t matter what side they`re on.
KAFANOV (voice-over): But here in rural Colorado, there`s no confusing which side they`re on. The state compensates ranchers for livestock
attacks. But because it`s illegal to hunt wolves in Colorado, Don has had to get creative, using donkeys.
GITTLESON: They bite and they bite hard.
KAFANOV (voice-over): Longhorns, and shooting blanks. As for fencing?
blank [blæŋk] n.(无弹头的)空弹
(On camera): It`s a pretty big place to put a fence around.
fence [fɛns] n. 栅栏;篱笆
GITTLESON: Yeah, a 8-foot chain-link fence to keep the wolves out. I have moose, I have mule deer, I have elk, and I have antelope that cross this
chain-link fence 铁丝网栅栏
mule deer【动】北美黑尾鹿
elk [ɛlk] n.【动】驼鹿;麋
antelope [ˋænt!op] n. 羚羊
country to migrate back and forth. And I would absolutely stop them from doing that. And I`m not willing to do that.
KAFANOV (on camera): You care about this landscape.
GITTLESON: So you don`t manage things one species at a time.
MURPHY: We don`t want to just leave it to the ranchers to deal with that on their own. There are a lot of organizations and NGOs that are willing to
help implement those non-lethal measures because at the end of the day, ranchers and wolf advocates want the same thing. We all want clean air,
clean spaces and healthy environment and ecosystem. And I think that wolves are a very key element into making that happen.
WIRE: Today`s story, getting a 10 out of 10, we`re headed to an elementary school in Nevada where a teacher took a very different and delicious
delicious [dɪˋlɪʃəs] adj. 妙的,有趣的
approach to teaching kids about math and physics. After collecting nearly 1,000 unopened boxes of cereal donated by parents, Roger Becker had his
fifth-grade students line them up and knock them down. Look at him go.
All right, superstars, tomorrow is #YourWordWednesday, where your word can make it into the show and boost our vocabulary. Follow me @Coywire on
Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok.
Submit your unique vocab words in the comment sections of our most recent posts, along with your name, school, city, state and your teacher`s name if
you`d like. And we`ll shout out a winner in tomorrow`s show.
Today`s shout out goes to Pickens High School in Jasper, Georgia. Go Dragons.
And this shout out goes to Oliver W. Winch Middle School in South Glenn`s Falls, New York. We see you, Bulldogs. We hope you and everyone watching
around the world have a wonderful one.
I`m Coy. And we are CNN 10.
a roof over one’s head: a place to live
pay bump 薪水的增加,但也有可能增加奖金,股票或福利
franchisee [͵fræntʃaɪˋzi] n. 特许经营者
freight [fret] n.【英】(船运的)货物;【美】(水上,陆上,空中运输的)货物
famed [femd] adj. 有名的;著名的
overnight [ˋovɚˋnaɪt] n. 通宵;整夜
pothole [ˋpɑt͵hol] n.【地】壶洞;道路上的洞坑;坑洞
up close 在非常近的范围内
appreciation [ə͵priʃɪˋeʃən] n. 正确评价,鉴识
bow [baʊ] n. 船头
enormity [ɪˋnɔrmətɪ] n. 巨大;严重性;深远影响
meticulous [məˋtɪkjələs] adj. 小心翼翼的;严密的;一丝不苟的
villain [ˋvɪlən] n. 坏人,恶棍
to name a few 略举几例
ballot [ˋbælət] n.(尤指无记名的)投票
initiative [ɪˋnɪʃətɪv] n. 倡议;新措施
mandated [mænˋdetɪd] adj.(法律、条文)规定的
old-world [ˋold͵wɝld] adj. 从前的
wipe out 彻底消灭或摧毁某事物
misconception [͵mɪskənˋsɛpʃən] n. 错误观念
apex [ˋepɛks] n. 顶点;尖端
keep in check: to keep (something) under control
graze [grez] v.(牛,羊等)吃草;放牧
get ahold of: to take hold of something firmly
ahold [əˋhold] n. 抓(常與 of 連用)
fend [fɛnd] v. 抵挡,击退;避开[(+off)]
incursion [ɪnˋkɝʃən] n. 侵略;入侵
blank [blæŋk] n.(无弹头的)空弹
fence [fɛns] n. 栅栏;篱笆
chain-link fence 铁丝网栅栏
mule deer【动】北美黑尾鹿
elk [ɛlk] n.【动】驼鹿;麋
antelope [ˋænt!op] n. 羚羊
delicious [dɪˋlɪʃəs] adj. 妙的,有趣的