CNN 10 - April 3, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年4月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年4月05日
- 发布于 2024年4月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:471
How to Watch the Upcoming Eclipse Without Damaging Your Eyes; As Cocoa Prices Soar This Easter, Chocolatiers Consider Alternatives; MIT Students Engineering Ways to Make Clean Drinking Water More Accessible Around the World.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, friends. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, and it`s #YourWordWednesday. So remember to keep an ear out to see if your
vocab word helped us write today`s show.
We begin today with the much-anticipated solar eclipse. On Monday, millions of Americans will witness one of the world`s most extraordinary events as
the moon passes between Earth and the sun.
For the lucky ones, right in the heart of the action, in the so-called path of totality, you`re in for a treat that lasts up to four minutes, according
totality [toˋtælɪtɪ] n.【天】全食(的时间)
to NASA. For those outside of the direct path, a crescent-shaped partial eclipse will be the main event, weather permitting, of course.
Now, when you`re watching from wherever you`re watching, remember, there`s no peeking at the solar eclipse without your shades on. And I`m not talking
shade [ʃed] n. 遮光物,遮太阳的东西
about your usual sunglasses. It`s best to use specialized solar eclipse glasses or watch through a handheld solar viewer.
solar viewer 太阳观测器(也称为太阳观察眼镜或日食眼镜)
Joseph Galbo with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has more.
JOSEPH GALBO, U.S. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION: If you are thinking about watching the solar eclipse, but you don`t have eclipse glasses, do
not try to use your regular sunglasses. Don`t do it. Your sunglasses can`t handle it.
Definitely don`t stare at the eclipse without any sort of protection. If you stare at the eclipse with your naked eye, you`re going to injure your
eyes pretty badly. If you don`t have solar eclipse glasses, create a solar eclipse pinhole projector. It`s just a way of watching the shadow of the
pinhole projector 针孔投影盒
eclipse move across the sun. You just need a few simple things. This is a cereal box.
We turned it inside out for legal reasons, but if you do turn it inside out, you can decorate it, and that`s super fun. You need a marker or a
pencil, some tape, a pushpin or a paper clip, some aluminum foil, a pair of scissors, and some printer paper. First step, trace the box onto a piece of paper.
pushpin [ˋpʊʃ͵pɪn] n. 有大头的图钉
paper clip 紙夾,迴紋針,曲別針
foil [fɔɪl] n. 箔,金属薄片
printer paper 打印纸
trace [tres] v. 描绘;勾出……的轮廓
Step two, cut out your tracing. Take the piece of paper and place it at the bottom of the box. You want to line the bottom of the box with a white
sheet of paper, because what you`re actually going to be seeing is the shadow of the moon moving across the front of the sun, and the brighter the
reflection of that screen, the better you`ll be able to see the shadow.
Next, you want to cut the tabs off the sides of the box. You`re going to cut these flaps on the box about a third of the way, this way and this way.
tab [tæb] n. 凸出部
flap [flæp] n.(袋)盖;(帽)边;(信封的)盖口
You want to do this to both sides. It should look like this.
Next, you want to tape the center of the box. Get a sheet of aluminum foil and fold it. And then, place it on one side of the box, fold it over to
create a nice screen. And you`re going to want to tape it on every single side. With your paperclip or your pushpin, you`re going to want to create a
hole in the center of the aluminum foil.
Now your pinhole projector is ready, so you can head outside, make sure the sun is behind you, hold the projector up to your eye, and then look for
sunlight to come into the projector. Once it has, just hold it in place, and you can watch the eclipse.
WIRE: Ten second trivia. Which ice cream flavor is the most popular among American consumers?
Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, or cookies and cream?
Can we not say all of the above? Sure, why not? Well, America`s favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate, though, according to the International Dairy
dairy [ˋdɛrɪ] adj. 牛奶制的;乳品的
Foods Association.
Cocoa is the main ingredient that makes chocolate possible. And West Africa is home to 70% of it, did you know? But poor climate and crop diseases have
cocoa [ˋkoko] n. 可可粉;可可茶
tightened the supply in the region and caused prices to skyrocket.
As a result, some chocolatiers are exploring cost-cutting alternatives. In this next segment, we visit a chocolate shop to learn about the surging
chocolatier [ˈtʃɑkələtɪr] n. 巧克力师; 巧克力店
prices firsthand.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For chocolatiers, the last several months have been nonstop.
nonstop [nɑnˋstɑp] adj. 不停的;不休息的
JOCELYN DUDUKE, CHEF AND OWNER OF JARDI CHOCOLATES: You get Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine`s Day, a little bit of break, Easter,
and now things kind of slow down a little bit.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jocelyn Duduke is the Owner and Chef of Jardi Chocolates. She`s tasked with making chocolate confections of different
confection [kənˋfɛkʃən] n. 西点;糖果
flavors, shapes, and colors. But this year, since the price of cocoa has gotten significantly more expensive, she`s rethinking the kind of treats
she makes and how she makes them, like this marshmallow chocolate bunny.
marshmallow [ˋmɑrʃ͵mælo] n. 棉花软糖
bunny [ˋbʌnɪ] n. 兔子;小兔子
DUDUKE: It`s a chocolate cookie with a vanilla bean marshmallow, and then it`s covered in milk chocolate. So for the, you know, 30 grams that you`re
vanilla [vəˋnɪlə] n. 香子兰;香草; adj.香草的;香草味的
getting, only 18 grams of that is chocolate, which means it`s a much lower ingredient cost for me, much lower labor for me as well, which means that I
can pass along those lower costs.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In January of 2023, Duduke was paying $13.50 a kilo for chocolate. This week, she`s paying $15.71 a kilo.
DUDUKE: That`s a 16% increase. The white chocolate, like I said, has gone up 35% in less than a year.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And with no end in sight for when prices could normalize, Duduke will have to continue finding creative ways to create
no end in sight 遥遥无期;不可指望
delicious chocolate while keeping her business afloat.
afloat [əˋflot] adj. 免于经济困难(或负债)的
WIRE: Could you imagine a world where every drop of water is precious? Well, for some, that future is now. UNICEF predicts that half of the
world`s population could be facing issues with water scarcity by next year.
The lack of clean drinking water could displace 700 million people by the year 2030. In this next segment, we`ll meet a group of astute and
astute [əˋstjut] adj. 敏锐的; 精明的
innovative MIT students who are engineering ways to make clean drinking water more accessible around the world. CNN`s Bill Weir has more.
engineer [͵ɛndʒəˋnɪr] v. 策划;设计;建造
BILL WEIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): On a planet of nearly 8 billion people, as aquifers are drained, reservoirs evaporate and sea levels rise.
aquifer [ˋækwəfɚ] n. 含水土层,地下蓄水层
Earth`s freshwater supply is getting dirtier, saltier, and scarcer. And while desalination keeps some wealthy nations alive, making saltwater sweet
desalination [di͵sæləˋneʃən] n.【化】去盐作用
demands the kind of energy and infrastructure that`s just out of reach for the most desperate societies.
YANG ZHONG, GRADUATE STUDENT, MIT: I really had a chance to teach in a rural area in China. I was really shocked to see that how struggling they
were to get some clean water. That journey was like two hours every day.
WEIR: So it`s no wonder that some of the most promising breakthroughs in water tech are coming from the melting pot laboratories of Boston, where
melting pot大熔爐(指許多不同的人及思想共存、融合的地方)
MIT`s Yang Zhong and Lenan Zhang invented a machine the size of a suitcase that mimics the circulation power of the ocean. Powered only by sunlight,
they say their prototype can desalinate six liters an hour at a cost cheaper than tap water.
ZHONG: So for a device that has the footprint of a solar panel, this will cost around like $150 to $200.
footprint [ˋfʊt͵prɪnt] n. 脚印,足迹
WEIR (on camera): Wow, that`s cheap. And then you don`t have to plug it in. It doesn`t need any external power source. It`s just the sun above it.
ZHONG: Yeah, just sun.
ZHANG: Natural sunlight.
WEIR: Welcome to the Carson Beach.
JUNGHYO YOON, FORMER RESEARCH SCIENTIST, MIT: Solar panel, battery, power desalination unit.
WEIR: Meanwhile, a Korean team from MIT came up with another potential game changer.
YOON: Just drinking. We just sent our most recent prototype to the U.S. Army that can produce 10 liters per hour of the drinking water with a
direct feed of the seawater.
feed [fid] n. 供给; 供应; the act or an instance of feeding
WEIR: Junghyo tells me his startup ICPWaterTech is just getting its first millions in investment. And after two students from India met as MIT lab
partners and set out to clean and recycle the dirtiest of industrial waste, their company Gradient is the first in the sector to be valued at $1
billion, a clean water unicorn.
unicorn [ˋjunɪ͵kɔrn] n. 独角兽(估值超过10亿美元的初创公司)
(On camera): It just strikes me that these ideas are the result of immigrants coming from developing places who see the problem in a much more
acute way than Americans do. Then mingling these ideas in a place like Boston at MIT, where the dreamers and the doers meet, it`s exciting to
mingle [ˋmɪŋg!] v. 使混合,使相混
think about the possibilities of that combination.
ZHONG: Yeah, we`re really fortunate to be here at MIT and in Boston because we are surrounded by a lot of resources. And right now, just like
sponge, learning all these things.
ZHANG: Seawater is the most abundant resource covering the Earth, and solar is accessible everywhere. And then, like, why not, like, make some,
you know, like, combined? And then, like, it can be a very powerful tool. It`s more like an equitable resource to anyone, anywhere.
equitable [ˋɛkwɪtəb!] adj. 公平的;公正的
WIRE: Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10. Another domino effect of deliciousness. Yesterday, we saw some cereal boxes, but today`s is even cheddar.
cheddar [ˋtʃɛdɚ] n. 巧达起司;切达起司
These super cool kids in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, collected macaroni and cheese donations in an attempt to break a Guinness World Record. The
Saskatchewan [sæsˋkætʃə͵wɑn] n. 萨斯喀彻温省(位于加拿大中部,首府为里贾纳)
macaroni [͵mækəˋronɪ] n. 通心面,通心粉
record? The largest domino topple for a single served food item.
topple [ˋtɑp!] v. 倒塌,倒下(此處當n. = toppling)
The Canadian students worked with their neighbors to track down 7,000 boxes of mac and cheese. Then, Kraft Heinz Canada matched them for another 5,000.
match [mætʃ] v. (和…)相配
Guinness is currently reviewing the world record attempt. The real win? All of those boxes are now headed to the local food bank to help feed those in
need. That`s a really gouda story. So good, I can`t even bear it.
gouda [ˋgaʊdə] n. 高达起司
All right, congrats to Dr. Street`s class at the University of South Carolina for the #YourWordWednesday winner. Astute, an adjective meaning
having or showing shrewdness and an ability to notice and understand things clearly. Just like USC`s women`s hoops astute coach Dawn Staley.
shrewdness [ˋʃrudnɪs] n. 精明,机灵;敏锐
Today`s shout out goes to Greenland Central School in Greenland, New Hampshire. Rise up.
And this shout out goes to Northeast Magnet High School in Bel Aire, Kansas. We see you. Thanks for being with us. We`ll see you right back here
I`m Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
totality [toˋtælɪtɪ] n.【天】全食(的时间)
shade [ʃed] n. 遮光物,遮太阳的东西
solar viewer 太阳观测器(也称为太阳观察眼镜或日食眼镜)
pinhole projector 针孔投影盒
pushpin [ˋpʊʃ͵pɪn] n. 有大头的图钉
paper clip 紙夾,迴紋針,曲別針
foil [fɔɪl] n. 箔,金属薄片
printer paper 打印纸
trace [tres] v. 描绘;勾出……的轮廓
tab [tæb] n. 凸出部
flap [flæp] n.(袋)盖;(帽)边;(信封的)盖口
dairy [ˋdɛrɪ] adj. 牛奶制的;乳品的
cocoa [ˋkoko] n. 可可粉;可可茶
chocolatier [ˈtʃɑkələtɪr] n. 巧克力师; 巧克力店
nonstop [nɑnˋstɑp] adj. 不停的;不休息的
confection [kənˋfɛkʃən] n. 西点;糖果
marshmallow [ˋmɑrʃ͵mælo] n. 棉花软糖
bunny [ˋbʌnɪ] n. 兔子;小兔子
vanilla [vəˋnɪlə] n. 香子兰;香草; adj. 香草的;香草味的
no end in sight 遥遥无期;不可指望
afloat [əˋflot] adj. 免于经济困难(或负债)的
astute [əˋstjut] adj. 敏锐的; 精明的
engineer [͵ɛndʒəˋnɪr] v. 策划;设计;建造
aquifer [ˋækwəfɚ] n. 含水土层,地下蓄水层
desalination [di͵sæləˋneʃən] n.【化】去盐作用
melting pot 大熔爐(指許多不同的人及思想共存、融合的地方)
footprint [ˋfʊt͵prɪnt] n. 脚印,足迹
feed [fid] n. 供给; 供应; the act or an instance of feeding
unicorn [ˋjunɪ͵kɔrn] n. 独角兽(估值超过10亿美元的初创公司)
mingle [ˋmɪŋg!] v. 使混合,使相混
equitable [ˋɛkwɪtəb!] adj. 公平的;公正的
cheddar [ˋtʃɛdɚ] n. 巧达起司;切达起司
Saskatchewan [sæsˋkætʃə͵wɑn] n. 萨斯喀彻温省(位于加拿大中部,首府为里贾纳)
macaroni [͵mækəˋronɪ] n. 通心面,通心粉
topple [ˋtɑp!] v. 倒塌,倒下(此處當n. = toppling)
match [mætʃ] v. (和…)相配
gouda [ˋgaʊdə] n. 高达起司
shrewdness [ˋʃrudnɪs] n. 精明,机灵;敏锐