CNN 10 - April 5, 2024
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- 创建于 2024年4月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月27日
- 发布于 2024年4月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
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The Latest Eclipse Forecast Throwing A Curveball At Eclipse Watchers; Artists Are Raising Concerns About AI`s Threat To The Music Industry.
throw someone a curveball: 给(某人)出难题;使(某人)惊讶
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello and happy Friday, Friyay. I`m Coy Wire. Welcome back to CNN 10. And welcome to Phoenix, Arizona. I`m here for the
Men`s NCAA Basketball Championship and the Final Four, which tip off this weekend. My goodness, it is beautiful here. Love this place.
tip off: (of a sports match) to begin; to put the ball in play by throwing it up between two opponents
All right, we`ve got three more days before the solar eclipse happens and there`s a lot of anticipation building for this awe-inspiring moment, in
awe-inspiring [ˋɔɪn͵spaɪərɪŋ] adj. 令人起敬畏心的;令人惊叹的
large part because a total solar eclipse like this one won`t be visible again in the United States until the year 2044.
How old will you be 20 years from now? During the solar eclipse on April 8th, more than 30 million people in the U.S. who are located along the path
of totality will potentially have their view of the sun completely blocked by the moon, but location and weather are key. Our Kristin Fisher has more
totality [toˋtælɪtɪ] n.【天】全食(的时间)
on this celestial spectacle that many of us will get to experience.
KRISTIN FISHER, CNN SPACE AND DEFENSE CORRESPONDENT: A total solar eclipse like this one will not be visible from the United States again until 2044,
so 20 years from now. That`s why we`re seeing so many people scrambling to try to find the best weather and get in position to see this on Monday.
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 争夺,抢夺[+to-v]
There are a few other things that make this eclipse really unique and the first is the length of time for totality. That`s the moment when the moon
completely blocks out the sun and that`s when day will literally turn to night, so dark that the stars come out, nocturnal animals come out. That is
nocturnal [nɑkˋtɝn!] adj. 夜间活动的
how dark it gets and so that moment of totality for this eclipse is much longer than it was in previous eclipses. At the longest point it`ll be
about four minutes and 30 seconds, so that`s a good amount of time to really get to soak in the power of nature in our solar system.
Another really unique thing about this eclipse is the fact that it just happens to coincide with a period of peak activity on the surface of the
sun, so during that moment of totality things like solar flares or coronal mass ejections are much more likely than in previous eclipses and could
solar flare【天】日晕;耀斑; 闪焰
coronal mass ejection 日冕巨量喷发
just make for some really cool viewing. But of course with any eclipse, but this one in particular, the weather is always a factor and unfortunately
it`s not looking like it`s going to cooperate in large parts of the United States along this path of totality. Texas and Arkansas, really the weather
not looking great there, but places like southern Missouri and Indianapolis and upstate New York and New England, the weather`s looking pretty good there.
Indianapolis [͵ɪndɪənˋæp!ɪs] n. 印第安纳波里(美国印第安纳州首府)
upstate [ˋʌpˋstet] adj.(尤指美国边远地区)向(或在)州的北部(的)
So as always before an eclipse, the eclipse chasers, the diehards are trying to find that best weather viewing condition so that they can see
diehard [ˋdaɪ͵hɑrd] n. 死硬派;顽固分子
this eclipse because again, if you don`t see this one it`s going to be 20 years before you get to see something like this if you live in the United
States. Kristin Fisher, CNN, Washington.
WIRE: Pop quiz, hot shot.
Which one of these artists has won the most Grammys? Taylor Swift, Shakira, Beyonce or Stevie Wonder?
Queen B, Beyonce is the correct answer here. She`s the most awarded artist in Grammy history with a record 32 wins.
Queen B: Queen B一词来自 Queen Bee,就是指蜂巢中的女王蜂,也叫“母蜂”、“蜂后”; a woman who has authority or is in a dominant or favored position over her peers.
Music is an art and it`s so important to so many of us, right? But what happens when artificial intelligence replicates or replaces our beloved
artists` voices? It might be a good topic of discussion for you and your friends. Does AI change the way you perceive the songs and voices you love?
perceive [pɚˋsiv] v. 察觉;感知
How does it change the music industry? Who all does it impact? Is AI a threat to the music industry or what good might it bring?
More than 200 artists including Billie Eilish, Stevie Wonder, Jon Bon Jovi, Katy Perry and more say yes, artificial intelligence is a threat to the
music industry. In an open letter organized by the nonprofit Artist Rights Alliance, these artists are asking AI developers, tech companies, music
platforms and digital music services to stop the use of artificial intelligence, saying that it devalues the rights of human artists. CNN`s
devalue [ˌdiˈvælju] v. 使…贬值; 使…下跌
Entertainment Correspondent Elizabeth Wagmeister has more on the artists` growing concerns.
ELIZABETH WAGMEISTER, CNN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT: This is the biggest show of support that we have seen from A-listers against AI, which of
A-lister 一线明星,名人
course is a growing concern in Hollywood and beyond. Stars like Katy Perry, Stevie Wonder, Jon Bon Jovi, also the estates of Frank Sinatra and Bob Marley
estate [ɪsˋtet] n. 遗产
are calling to stop AI from replacing human artists. They say that voice cloning will essentially take away work and take away compensation
from singers, songwriters, rights holders.
Now, this is not an issue that is going away anytime soon, right? The technology is here to stay. And now what`s going to happen in Hollywood is
here to stay 普遍认可, 成为风尚
what do we do with it? How do you protect these artists? We do see some legislation happening. This is an issue that is going to Congress.
We just saw Tennessee was the first state to pass an act to bring some rights and protections to the artists. But we also have artists who
appreciate AI. Paul McCartney recently said that he actually loves the technology because last year the Beatles were able to release what he says
is their last song by taking a track that was recorded by John Lennon decades ago and using it for a new song.
So again, very innovative technology, but can`t take away from the work and the bottom line for all of these artists.
bottom line 结果
WIRE: Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10 is going to a horse that has some serious rhythm. We`ve all heard of a rocking horse, right? But how
about a horse that is rocking? I`m talking about a headbanging rocker from Canada named Pretty, who`s got a serious penchant for metal. CNN`s Jeanne Moos has more.
headbanging [ˈhɛdˌbaŋɪŋ] n. 随着摇滚乐用力上下甩头
penchant [ˋpɛntʃənt] n. 强烈倾向;趣味;嗜好
AUTUMN PURDY, GROOM, BOGAR FARMS: Come on, party time.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: How does this Canadian racehorse named Pretty party? She`s a headbanger, but only to certain songs.
racehorse [ˋres͵hɔrs] n. 供赛马用的马
AUTUMN PURDY, GROOM, BOGAR FARMS: Metal was her like go-to headbanging music and she loves it.
MOOS: Her groom, Autumn Purdy, noticed the heavier the metal music, the more the horse would headbang.
groom [grum] n. 马夫
headbang [ˈhɛdˌbæŋ] v. to nod one's head violently to the beat of loud rock music; 随着摇滚乐用力上下甩头
PURDY: Yeah, I looked at my barn manager, I said, do you see what she`s doing? We turned the music off. She stopped.
MOOS: At Boger Farms in Ontario, they tested country music. She turned her butt to it, but her appetite for metal was obvious.
butt [bʌt] n. 臀部,屁股
(On camera): She feels like she`s sort of on beat.
beat [bit] n. 拍子;节奏
PURDY: She always is. It`s incredible. No matter what song we play, slow jams, she`s slow, heavy songs, she`s going with the beat.
MOOS: Sometimes she gets overexcited. Her online fans call her a rocking horse. Her groom plans to post weekly music reviews with ratings based on
headbanging intensity or lack thereof. This horse could sing. She`d probably sing herself. Horse.
thereof [ðɛrˋɑv] adv. 在其中; of or about the thing just mentioned
Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.
WIRE: Hilarious. Now it`s time for the main event. So it would behoove me to show some love to you, Muhlenberg South Middle School in Greenville, Kentucky.
Rock on, baby.
And to our friends at Central Aroostook High School in Mars Hill, Maine, giddy up. And thank you for subscribing to our CNN 10 YouTube channel and
giddy up(美国俚语)赶快!赶紧!
giddy [ˋgɪdɪ] adj. 晕眩的,眼花的;令人晕眩的,使人眼花的
for spending part of your day with us.
On Monday, we`re going to have a special edition of the show focused on Monday`s eclipse. And we`re going to also have a special live stream event
live stream 现场直播
as the total eclipse creeps across the North American continent. Have an awesome weekend, everyone.
Make someone smile. Remember, you are more powerful than you know. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10. It`s been a blessing to spend this week with you.
throw someone a curveball: 给(某人)出难题;使(某人)惊讶
tip off: (of a sports match) to begin; to put the ball in play by throwing it up between two opponents
awe-inspiring [ˋɔɪn͵spaɪərɪŋ] adj. 令人起敬畏心的;令人惊叹的
totality [toˋtælɪtɪ] n.【天】全食(的时间)
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 争夺,抢夺[+to-v]
nocturnal [nɑkˋtɝn!] adj. 夜间活动的
solar flare【天】日晕;耀斑; 闪焰
coronal mass ejection 日冕巨量喷发
Indianapolis [͵ɪndɪənˋæp!ɪs] n. 印第安纳波里(美国印第安纳州首府)
upstate [ˋʌpˋstet] adj.(尤指美国边远地区)向(或在)州的北部(的)
diehard [ˋdaɪ͵hɑrd] n. 死硬派;顽固分子
Queen B: Queen B一词来自 Queen Bee,就是指蜂巢中的女王蜂,也叫“母蜂”、“蜂后”; a woman who has authority or is in a dominant or favored position over her peers.
perceive [pɚˋsiv] v. 察觉;感知
devalue [ˌdiˈvælju] v. 使…贬值; 使…下跌
A-lister 一线明星,名人
estate [ɪsˋtet] n. 遗产
here to stay 普遍认可, 成为风尚
bottom line 结果
headbanging [ˈhɛdˌbaŋɪŋ] n. 随着摇滚乐用力上下甩头
penchant [ˋpɛntʃənt] n. 强烈倾向;趣味;嗜好
racehorse [ˋres͵hɔrs] n. 供赛马用的马
groom [grum] n. 马夫
headbang [ˈhɛdˌbæŋ] v. to nod one's head violently to the beat of loud rock music; 随着摇滚乐用力上下甩头
butt [bʌt] n. 臀部,屁股
beat [bit] n. 拍子;节奏
thereof [ðɛrˋɑv] adv. 在其中; of or about the thing just mentioned
giddy up(美国俚语)赶快!赶紧!
giddy [ˋgɪdɪ] adj. 晕眩的,眼花的;令人晕眩的,使人眼花的
live stream 现场直播