CNN 10 - April 10, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年4月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年4月14日
- 发布于 2024年4月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:424
Why the U.S.-Japan Summit is a Historic Turning Point Between Long- Time Allies; CSU`s Tropical Forecast Predicts `Extremely Active` Hurricane Season.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up friends? I`m Coy here in Arizona where UConn was crowned NCAA champions in men`s basketball. So congratulations to
crown [kraʊn] v. 为……加冠;为……加冕,立……为王
the Huskies and we have to give a huge shout out to South Carolina who rocked it out in the women`s tournament. Rise Up.
Today is #YourWordWednesday so listen to see if your vocab word made it into this show.
First up we start in our nation`s capital Washington D.C. where President Joe Biden is prepping for an important meeting with the leader of Japan,
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The main issue on the agenda, strengthening the military alliance between the U.S. and Japan. Japan is widely
considered the most important ally for the U.S. in Asia. The U.S. has military bases all over Japan and coming out of this summit, the U.S. and
Japan will change some rules that Biden and Kishida say will help the two countries work together better.
Japan and the U.S. are also discussing how to better design and possibly produce military and defense hardware together. Why do the countries want
to strengthen their bond? Well, they face many of the same threats, chief amongst them, China. The U.S. and Japan say they`re concerned about China
and Russia recently strengthening their relationship and that China has expanded its military presence in the Asia pacific region, which could
potentially endanger Taiwan.
You may remember last week we talked about how China says it owns Taiwan, but Taiwan sees itself as independent. That has caused tension in the
region. And Taiwan is only 62 miles from Japan`s southern coast. North Korea`s nuclear arsenal, the war in Ukraine and the war in Gaza are also
arsenal [ˋɑrsnəl] n. 军械库;兵工厂;储藏的武器
major concerns for both countries.
HANAKO MONTGOMERY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The world at a historic turning point, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida tells me ahead of his
turning point 转折点,转折点,转机;关键时刻
summit with U.S. President Joe Biden this week. The longtime partners will upgrade their defense relationship to the next level in the backdrop of
mounting international security challenges.
FUMIO KISHIDA, JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER (through translator): In our neighborhood, there are countries that are developing ballistic missiles
ballistic [bəˋlɪstɪk] adj. 弹道的
and nuclear weapons and others that are building up the defense capabilities in an opaque way. Also, there is a unilateral attempt to
opaque [oˋpek] adj. 不透明的
unilateral [͵junəˋlætərəl] adj. 单边的;单方面的
change the status quo by force in both the East China Sea and South China Sea.
status quo 现状
MONTGOMERY: Kishida says soaring geopolitical tensions forced Japan long a pacifist country to change its defense posture, moves not seen since World
pacifist [ˋpæsəfɪst] n. & adj. 和平主义者(的)
War II. Under his leadership, Japan plans to boost its defense spending to 2% of its GDP by 2027 and purchase weapons, including U.S. made Tomahawk cruise missiles
tomahawk [ˋtɑmə͵hɔk] n.(美洲土著人用的)战斧
acquiring counter-strike capabilities for the first time in decades.
(On camera): So if Japan has a security pact with the United States, why does it need counterstrike capabilities?
pact [pækt] n. 契约;协定;条约
KISHIDA (through translator): Missile related technology is evolving year by year. As missiles become more sophisticated, Japan must constantly
consider what kind of technology is needed to protect the lives and livelihood of its citizens.
MONTGOMERY: Following the U.S.-Japan summit, the two nations will convene with the Philippines, the first trilateral meeting of its kind to address
convene [kənˋvin] v. 召集(会议)
trilateral [ˋtraɪˋlætərəl] adj. 三边的; 三方的
rising security threats from North Korea weapons testing and aggression in the South China Sea.
The U.S. and Japan, an enduring bond confronts its pivotal moment as a volatile world seeks to unravel their global sway. Hanako Montgomery, CNN Tokyo.
enduring [ɪnˋdjʊrɪŋ] adj. 持久的;耐久的
unravel [ʌnˋræv!] v. 阐明;弄清;解决
sway [swe] n. 支配;統治;影響;權勢
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
Which one of these categories is considered a worst-case scenario when it comes to hurricanes? Category 3, Category 1, Category 5, or Category 4?
hurricane [ˋhɝɪ͵ken] n. 飓风,暴风雨
Correct answer is Category 5. Meteorologists use a scale called the Saffir- Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale to classify hurricanes into categories one through five. Categories three to five are considered major hurricanes, but
a category five is catastrophic.
Next up, this coming hurricane season may be less than ideal. That`s according to Colorado State University. The school has been putting out
put out 出版, 發行
yearly forecast since 1995, and they say this year they`re predicting more hurricanes and major storms than ever coming out of the Atlantic Ocean.
The university says that from June through November, there could be 23 big storms, including 11 hurricanes and five category three or higher major
hurricanes. These storms are likely to hit the eastern part of the U.S. and the Caribbean.
In the typical season, there are 14 big storms, including seven hurricanes. A big reason for more hurricanes this year is a weather phenomenon known as La Nina,
La Nina【西】【气】反圣婴现象
which basically means that the temperature of the surface water is cooler than normal in a particular area, and certain wind patterns are
stronger in that same area. Unfortunately, that combination creates the ideal conditions for some major storms.
CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Well, indeed, our water temperatures here in the Atlantic are 3 to 5 degrees warmer than they should be at this time of
year, indicative of really late April, not early April. And so our hurricane season will likely start earlier than usually more active season
indicative [ɪnˋdɪkətɪv] adj. 暗示的[(+of)]
changing to La Nina. And I`ll tell you what that means in a second. And obviously the warm ocean temperatures from the record-breaking year of 2023
So Colorado State 23, 11, and 5. Those are the numbers for storms with names, hurricanes and majors.
Now, last year they had 13, 6, and 2, and it turned out to be 20, 7, and 3. So they`re not overestimating in April just in case. What they see is what
overestimate [͵ovɚˋɛstə͵met] v. 评价过高;估计过高
just in case 以防万一;以备不时之需
they get here in the warm temperatures with an early start, maybe a late end. That`s how we get to these numbers here.
Landfall anywhere across the U.S. is never a certainty. And even this year, with all of those storms in the water, we`re still only about 63% on
landfall [ˋlænd͵fɔl] n. 着陆;登陆
average right now, compared to what we should be in the 40s for any landfall hurricane for any given season. Of course, across the Gulf Coast
here to a 42% chance of something in the Gulf getting to major category. That doesn`t mean that storms aren`t going to landfall. It just means it
was a major storm making landfall there.
So what does La Nina do? Well, kind of the opposite of what El Nino did last year. El Nino made a lot of disturbances here. A lot of what we call shear
shear [ʃɪr] n. (风)切;【物】切变
in the atmosphere. Well, now the jet stream is going to be farther to the north, and that means that there`s going to be less shear. Less shear
down here means the storms aren`t going to be torn apart. If you have storms that aren`t torn apart, you`re going to get more storms to continue.
And so, therefore, more storms forming and more storms moving up toward the West.
WIRE: For our next story, we`re talking cameras. They`re everywhere. They`re on our phones, on our tablets, in our cars, on street corners. It`s
like there`s some Machiavellian plan out there to capture our every single move. And now we have the camera the size of a car. That`s right, the
Machiavellian [͵mækɪəˋvɛlɪən] adj. 马基雅弗利主义的,为夺取权力而不择手段的(尤指政治方面)狡猾的,詭計多端的
biggest digital camera ever. It`s called the LSST Camera. It has three billion pixels, a five-foot-wide optical lens, and it took scientists at
the SLAC National Accelerator Lab nearly two decades to build it.
The camera will be installed at an observatory in Chile, where it will take a series of photos of the southern skies. Each photo will take 15 seconds
observatory [əbˋzɝvə͵torɪ] n. 天文臺;氣象臺;瞭望臺;觀測所
Chile [ˋtʃɪlɪ] n. 智利(南美洲国家)
to snap. That may sound like a long time to take one photo, but it`s the best way to make sure the camera is capturing as much detailed information
in the deep, dark solar system as possible.
Then, every three days, scientists will take all those photos and stitch them together to make a huge, detailed image. Over the course of 10 years,
stitch [stɪtʃ] v. 联结,固定;装订
the camera will generate over 1000 of these large, detailed photos of the sky.
Scientists will then analyze and compare these images to understand how our galaxy was formed, how the universe is expanding and what exactly is dark matter,
dark matter 暗物质(天文学假像的一种不发射亦不吸收雷磁放射之物质,用来解释在宇宙中的重力作用)
which is a substance that scientists believe exists in outer space, but don`t know for sure.
Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, we go from photos of the sky to the animals that occupy it, birds. Well, in this case, parrots. Researchers
have been studying how parrots interact with touch screens. The reason? They may want to develop apps to entertain them. You see, parrots are very
smart creatures, and the concern is that if you keep them cooped up as pets, they could get bored. So what do people like to do if they get bored?
coop up 监禁;将……禁锢在狭小空间
coop [kup] v. 把……關在籠子(或欄舍等)中;把……拘禁起來[(+up/in)]
bored [bɔrd] adj. 感到无聊的; 感到厌烦的
Games, apps.
This is all coming from a recent paper written by researchers at Northeastern University`s Interact Animal Lab and the University of Glasgow`s
Animal Computer Interaction Lab. So if you get a Snapchat from Polly who wants a cracker, you`ll know why.
cracker [ˋkrækɚ] n.(淡或咸的)薄脆饼干
All right, superstars, congrats to Mr. Rosvalley`s class at Weston Middle in Weston, Connecticut, for submitting our vocab word of the day,
"Machiavellian," an adjective meaning to be cunning, scheming and unscrupulous. Great job, explorers. And thanks for watching our show every day.
cunning [ˋkʌnɪŋ] adj. 狡猾的,奸诈的
scheming [ˋskimɪŋ] adj. 慣耍陰謀的;詭計多端的
unscrupulous [ʌnˋskrupjələs] adj. 肆无忌惮的;不讲道德的;无耻的
For today`s shout out, we are showing some love to Forest Park Middle School in Franklin, Wisconsin. Wildcats, rise up.
And how about a shout out to Ida B. Wells Middle School in Washington, D.C. We see you wolves. Have an awesome day, everyone. And I`ll see you right
back here tomorrow on the 10.
crown [kraʊn] v. 为……加冠;为……加冕,立……为王
arsenal [ˋɑrsnəl] n. 军械库;兵工厂;储藏的武器
turning point 转折点,转折点,转机;关键时刻
ballistic [bəˋlɪstɪk] adj. 弹道的
opaque [oˋpek] adj. 不透明的
unilateral [͵junəˋlætərəl] adj. 单边的;单方面的
status quo 现状
pacifist [ˋpæsəfɪst] n. & adj. 和平主义者(的)
tomahawk [ˋtɑmə͵hɔk] n.(美洲土著人用的)战斧
pact [pækt] n. 契约;协定;条约
convene [kənˋvin] v. 召集(会议)
trilateral [ˋtraɪˋlætərəl] adj. 三边的; 三方的
enduring [ɪnˋdjʊrɪŋ] adj. 持久的;耐久的
unravel [ʌnˋræv!] v. 阐明;弄清;解决
sway [swe] n. 支配;統治;影響;權勢; influence or control
hurricane [ˋhɝɪ͵ken] n. 飓风,暴风雨
put out 出版, 發行
La Nina【西】【气】反圣婴现象
indicative [ɪnˋdɪkətɪv] adj. 暗示的[(+of)]
overestimate [͵ovɚˋɛstə͵met] v. 评价过高;估计过高
just in case 以防万一;以备不时之需
landfall [ˋlænd͵fɔl] n. 着陆;登陆
shear [ʃɪr] n. (风)切;【物】切变
Machiavellian [͵mækɪəˋvɛlɪən] adj. 马基雅弗利主义的,为夺取权力而不择手段的(尤指政治方面)狡猾的,詭計多端的
observatory [əbˋzɝvə͵torɪ] n. 天文臺;氣象臺;瞭望臺;觀測所
Chile [ˋtʃɪlɪ] n. 智利(南美洲国家)
stitch [stɪtʃ] v. 联结,固定;装订
dark matter 暗物质(天文学假像的一种不发射亦不吸收雷磁放射之物质,用来解释在宇宙中的重力作用)
coop up 监禁;将……禁锢在狭小空间
coop [kup] v. 把……關在籠子(或欄舍等)中;把……拘禁起來[(+up/in)]
bored [bɔrd] adj. 感到无聊的; 感到厌烦的
cracker [ˋkrækɚ] n.(淡或咸的)薄脆饼干
cunning [ˋkʌnɪŋ] adj. 狡猾的,奸诈的
scheming [ˋskimɪŋ] adj. 慣耍陰謀的;詭計多端的
unscrupulous [ʌnˋskrupjələs] adj. 肆无忌惮的;不讲道德的;无耻的