CNN 10 - April 16, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年4月17日
- 最后更新于 2024年4月21日
- 发布于 2024年4月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:504
Why the Four-Day Workweek Could Be Here to Stay; How Astronauts Today Benefitting from the 2003 Columbia Shuttle Disaster.
ISABEL ROSALES, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hey there everyone, I`m Isabel Rosales, subbing in today for Coy. I hope you`re having a tremendous Tuesday and
sub in 临时代替他人做…; to act as a substitute for someone or something
don`t forget to submit your #YourWordWednesday before tomorrow`s show.
First up, let me ask you all a question. What do you think about having every Friday off forever? Well, that`s what some CEOs are considering for
their employees in the U.S. It is called a four-day workweek and some business leaders are thinking about implementing it to help their employees
workweek [ˋwɝk͵wik] n. 一星期工作时间
with burnout or the feeling that some people have that they are overworked and ready to basically give up.
burnout [ˋbɝn͵aʊt] n. 极度劳累; 疲劳过度
overworked [͵ovɚˋwɚkt] adj. 工作过度的
Almost a third of large U.S. companies are experimenting with either a four-day or a four-and-a-half-day workweek. That is according to a recent KPMG
survey of CEOs. The concerns here are obvious. If people work fewer hours, will they still accomplish the same amount of work?
Well, last year, 61 companies in the U.K. participated in the world`s largest trial of a four-day workweek ever. And a year later, 90% are still
using a shortened workweek and half have said that they are making that change permanent. These companies say that the new schedules have benefited
their ability to recruit new talent and has helped improve people`s mental health without sacrificing productivity.
But a four-day workweek may not be the right choice for every industry. For example, in the health care sector, where hospitals are having trouble
finding enough nurses and doctors to fill open job roles, some employers may not be able to afford to give everyone Fridays off.
Next up, we take a look at an infamous day in space travel, February 1st, 2003, when NASA`s Columbia shuttle broke apart as it fell back to Earth,
infamous [ˋɪnfəməs] adj. 声名狼藉的,不名誉的
killing all seven astronauts on board. The disaster fundamentally changed the way NASA balanced its approach to safety and innovation.
Before the Columbia launch, some engineers were concerned about the shuttle`s safety, but sadly and catastrophically, they were ignored by management.
catastrophically [͵kætəˋstrɑfɪklɪ] adv. 灾难性地
Now, NASA requires what it calls safety days for its engineers, which means that they have to stop working on their usual tasks just to brainstorm
brainstorm [ˋbren͵stɔrm] v. 进行头脑风暴; 自由讨论,集思广益
ideas about how to make the program safer.
CNN`s Kristin Fisher has more about how astronauts today are benefiting from the insights learned from one of the darkest days in space
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hydraulic return instrumentations.
instrumentation [͵ɪnstrəmɛnˋteʃən] n. 测试设备; 控制仪器; the set of instruments that are used to operate a machine
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, sir. There`s not
KRISTIN FISHER, CNN SPACE AND DEFENSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Most NASA astronauts know exactly where they were and what they were doing when the
Columbia space shuttle disintegrated over Texas, killing all seven astronauts on board.
disintegrate [dɪsˋɪntəgret] v. 碎裂;瓦解
WOODY HOBURG, NASA ASTRONAUT: I was actually in high school. And I was -- I was actually in the shower.
STEPHEN BOWEN, NASA ASTRONAUT: I don`t usually turn on the TV to watch landings with my family, but that day I did. And after a couple of minutes,
I kind of shooed them, said, hey, you guys go outside and play. And it was clear something was not right.
shoo [ʃu] v. 用嘘声赶走,吓走
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Crew six astronauts and cosmonauts return home to earth.
FISHER: NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg returned to Earth in September after spending 186 days in space. Bowen, the commander of NASA`s
crew six mission to the International Space Station knew the Columbia crew. He worked the recovery operations and he was at NASA when the agency
determined that it was a well-known problem with pieces of foam falling from the external tank and striking the shuttle at launch, that ultimately
foam [fom] n. 泡沫橡皮;泡沫塑料
led to Columbia`s demise.
demise [dɪˋmaɪz] n. 死亡;终止
BOWEN: That -- that moment really, really hit home
FISHER: Since then, Bowen has been to space four times, including three shuttle flights.
BOWEN: Safety over the past 21 years, I think we`ve worked at it, but as a continuous process.
FISHER: When Bowen, Hoburg and two others attempted to launch for the first time in February 2023, on a SpaceX Falcon IX rocket and Crew Dragon
capsule, they scrubbed with just two minutes left on the clock due to an issue with igniter fluid.
scrub [skrʌb] v.【口】取消,中止; 【俚】废除
igniter [ɪgˋnaɪtɚ] n. 點火裝置,點火器
BOWEN: We later learned that it was actually a NASA person in the room who had made the call not to do that. And I looking back at it and thinking
about that willingness to say no, to stop, to say, we don`t need to launch today. We really appreciated that and that -- that`s an example of where
we`ve moved a little bit past, hopefully, the things that have gotten us in trouble in the past.
FISHER: Now, NASA is attempting to return astronauts to the moon for the first time since the Apollo program. In January, the agency announced a 10-
month delay to the first crewed Artemis mission, citing safety concerns. One area of concern, the Orion spacecraft heat shield. The same protective tiles
tile [taɪl] n. 瓦片; 瓷磚
that were damaged on Columbia.
BOWEN: You know, it was the heat shield for Columbia, but that`s not necessarily the next thing that`s going to get us, you know? It might be
something else that we haven`t thought of.
HOBURG: There is inherent risks in everything we do. And so we have to find ways to make sure that we understand what the risks are and mitigate
inherent [ɪnˋhɪrənt] adj. 内在的;固有的,与生俱来的
mitigate [ˋmɪtə͵get] v. 减轻
them, but then actually go fly.
FISHER: Kristin Fisher, CNN, Washington.
ROSALES: All right, quiz time. You`ve got 10 seconds. What is the biggest museum in the world?
Is it the Louvre Museum in France, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Vatican Museums at the Vatican or Tokyo National Museum in Japan?
The answer is the Louvre Museum in Paris. It covers more than 780,000 square feet and is home to about 38,000 pieces of art.
And this next report, we`re going to take you to a museum where you can actually touch the art. That`s right. Mercer Labs Museum of Art and Technology
in New York City is not your typical museum with velvet ropes and strict security guards. Nope. At this museum, the visitors are actually
velvet [ˋvɛlvɪt] n. 天鹅绒,丝绒
encouraged to come in and interact with the exhibits. That is because the Mercer Museum houses what is called experiential or immersive art.
house [haʊs] v. 為…提供空間
immersive [ɪˈmɝsɪv] adj. 沈浸式的;身历其境的;呈三维虚拟现实的
And as you`ll see in this report, it is easy to get lost in all the magic of it.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We redesigned this place 50 times until we find the right layout and the right energy and the right message behind every step
layout [ˋle͵aʊt] n. 安排;设计;布局
and everywhere you go in the space.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Each room touches your sense in a different way. The whole goal is for people to really walk through, experience those things,
the sight, the smell, the touch, the feel.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The main hall, we have 26 projectors, so this room can be transformed to anything we want. You can see a film in 360. You can
experience sound in a completely new way.
Coming in, you are part of the installation, you`re part of the art by walking in the space. I try to create a space that you`re standing there
installation [͵ɪnstəˋleʃən] n. 装置,设备
and you don`t know where is the ceiling, you know, where is the sky and where is the floor.
We encourage people to come and touch the work and experience everything. You can touch everything. That`s the difference between what we are doing
right here and other museums as well.
I feel like today people need a little escape. I try to do something that can give hope.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Roy has about 50,000 pieces of content that he hasn`t released yet, so I think he has enough to keep this place exciting for --
for the next thousand years.
ROSALES: And for today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, do you have a dog, and does your dog use their tongue to loudly lap up their water? In this
lap [læp] v. 舐,舐食[(+up)]
report from CNN`s Jeanne Moos, we meet one dog who takes diving into his doggie bowl to a whole new level.
doggie [ˋdɔgɪ] n. 【儿】狗;小狗
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Most dogs slurp, but 11-year- old Bella slurped her way to viral fame.
slurp [slɝp] v. 出声地吃(或喝)
DAWN VERCELLI, BELLA`S OWNER: She just like romped over and started slurping out of the -- the doggie bowl.
romp [rɑmp] v.(儿童等)蹦蹦跳跳,喧闹地玩耍
MOOS: California resident Dawn Vercelli was on an important work from home video call.
JESSICA VERCELLI, BELLA`S OWNER: And my mom told everyone to be quiet. And then she started slurping, but then she just kept going.
MOOS: Kept going so long that Dawn`s daughter Jessica started recording it.
J. VERCELLI: You`re hearing my dog.
MOOS: Commenters were in awe. Is it her first-time having water?
awe [ɔ] n. 敬畏; 惊奇,惊叹
J. VERCELLI: I know. I think she`s just woken up from a nap.
MOOS: The pit bull probably had a little dry mouth. Commenters had solutions.
pit bull 比特犬
Note -- remember to empty water dish before next meeting.
D. VERCELLI: Now, there is a good idea.
MOOS: Jeanne Moos, CNN.
J. VERCELLI: You`re hearing my dog.
MOOS: New York.
ROSALES: All right, superstars. Now it is time for the shout outs. Our first shout out goes to St. Johnsbury School in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. I
see you Catamounts.
catamount [ˋkætə͵maʊnt] n. 山猫、豹等野兽
And our next shout out goes to the Tigers at White River High School in White River, South Dakota.
Thank you all for tuning in. I`m Isabel Rosales. It was amazing spending this Tuesday with you. Coy will be back in tomorrow.
Make it a great day.
sub in 临时代替他人做…; to act as a substitute for someone or something
workweek [ˋwɝk͵wik] n. 一星期工作时间
burnout [ˋbɝn͵aʊt] n. 极度劳累; 疲劳过度
overworked [͵ovɚˋwɚkt] adj. 工作过度的
infamous [ˋɪnfəməs] adj. 声名狼藉的,不名誉的
catastrophically [͵kætəˋstrɑfɪklɪ] adv. 灾难性地
brainstorm [ˋbren͵stɔrm] v. 进行头脑风暴; 自由讨论,集思广益
instrumentation [͵ɪnstrəmɛnˋteʃən] n. 测试设备; 控制仪器; the set of instruments that are used to operate a machine
disintegrate [dɪsˋɪntəgret] v. 碎裂;瓦解
shoo [ʃu] v. 用嘘声赶走,吓走
foam [fom] n. 泡沫橡皮;泡沫塑料
demise [dɪˋmaɪz] n. 死亡;终止
scrub [skrʌb] v.【口】取消,中止; 【俚】废除
igniter [ɪgˋnaɪtɚ] n. 點火裝置,點火器
tile [taɪl] n. 瓦片; 瓷磚
inherent [ɪnˋhɪrənt] adj. 内在的;固有的,与生俱来的
mitigate [ˋmɪtə͵get] v. 减轻
velvet [ˋvɛlvɪt] n. 天鹅绒,丝绒
house [haʊs] v. 為…提供空間
immersive [ɪˈmɝsɪv] adj. 沈浸式的;身历其境的;呈三维虚拟现实的
layout [ˋle͵aʊt] n. 安排;设计;布局
installation [͵ɪnstəˋleʃən] n. 装置,设备
lap [læp] v. 舐,舐食[(+up)]
doggie [ˋdɔgɪ] n. 【儿】狗;小狗
slurp [slɝp] v. 出声地吃(或喝)
romp [rɑmp] v.(儿童等)蹦蹦跳跳,喧闹地玩耍
awe [ɔ] n. 敬畏; 惊奇,惊叹
pit bull 比特犬
catamount [ˋkætə͵maʊnt] n. 山猫、豹等野兽