CNN 10 - April 19, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年4月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月28日
- 发布于 2024年4月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:453
Indonesia Evacuating Thousands After Volcano Erupts, Causing Tsunami Threat; Once a Lush Mexican Lake, Now Dry Land.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What`s up, sunshine? Happy Friday, Fri-yay. I am pumped to finish this week strong with you, fuel our minds one more time
fuel [ˋfjʊəl] v. 给……加油;激起;刺激
before we head into the weekend.
I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. We begin today in Indonesia, where officials issued a tsunami warning and ordered hundreds of residents to evacuate
after a remote island volcano erupted several times, shooting fiery lava thousands of feet into the sky.
fiery [ˋfaɪərɪ] adj. 火的;火一般的;燃烧般的
Mount Ruang, a 2,400-foot volcano has erupted at least five times since Tuesday night. Authorities say recent earthquakes in the area triggered the
eruptions, which are getting bigger over time, spewing large clouds of hot gray ash into the air. Officials fear these multiple eruptions could cause
the volcano to partially collapse into the sea, causing a tsunami, as it did in the year 1871.
About 800 villagers who live on Ruang Island have evacuated to a neighboring island. 270 million people live in Indonesia, an archipelago or
a series of islands with 120 active volcanoes. That`s more than any other part of the world.
The Southeast Asian nation is situated along the Ring of Fire, a 25,000- mile stretch of seismic fault lines that curve around the Pacific Ocean.
fault [fɔlt] n.【地】断层
Next, we head to Venezuela, where for a brief moment, there was a glimmer of hope that the country`s authoritarian leader, Nicolas Maduro, would
glimmer [ˋglɪmɚ] n. 闪烁的微光
allow free and fair elections to happen in the South American nation. But after signing a pledge in Barbados last year to allow for legitimate
Barbados [bɑrˋbedos] n. 巴贝多(拉丁美洲国家)
elections in his country, Maduro`s government has put up roadblocks, halting the march of democracy.
roadblock [ˋrod͵blɑk] n. 路障;障碍物
Stefano Pozzebon has more on how the United States is responding.
STEFANO POZZEBON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): There is a new vibe in Caracas these days, nightlife has returned after years of economic collapse.
Caracas [kəˋrɑkəs] n. 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)
RAFAEL BRAUMANN, GERMAN TOURIST (through translation): This show is wild.
POZZEBON: The U.S. dollar has replaced local believers. And this year, Venezuela`s economy is poised to grow more than Argentina, Brazil and
believer [bɪˋlivɚ] n. 信徒;信教者
poised [pɔɪzd] adj. 泰然自若的
Colombia according to the IMF. Only one person seems to remain unmovable.
unmovable [ˌʌnˈmuvəbəl] adj. 不改变的,坚定不移的(= immovable)
As a new presidential election looms, Nicolas Maduro seems all but assured to cement his position even further. On Wednesday, the U.S. announced the reimposition
loom [lum] v. 隐约地出现
all but 差不多, 几乎
assured [əˋʃʊrd] adj. 自信的;确信的
imposition [͵ɪmpəˋzɪʃən] n. 强加; 惩罚
of economic sanctions against the Venezuelan oil industry after last minute negotiations collapsed.
The sanctions were lifted in October when representatives of the government and the opposition signed an agreement that paved the way to free and fair
elections. But since then, that deal was broken several times. The opposition candidate, Maria Corina Machado, has been barred from running.
bar [bɑr] v. 阻挡,阻挠; 防止,禁止
Her replacement, Corina Yoris, was also blocked by electoral authorities.
Political activists have been detained including members of Machado`s team. Notably the U.S. maintained a special license for U.S. major Chevron, who
detain [dɪˋten] v. 拘留,扣留
Chevron [ˋʃɛvrɑn] n. 雪佛龙(跨國能源公司)
has been operating since 2022. And U.S. officials told CNN they will keep engaging with Maduro despite the reaction.
NICOLAS MADURO, VENZUELAN PRESIDENT (through translation): If you want to hurt us, you`ll get hurt. We will grow with or without a license. We are
not a Yankee colony, nobody will stop us.
Yankee [ˋjæŋkɪ] n. 美国北方各州的人,美国北方佬
POZZEBON: Renewed sanctions could hurt Venezuela`s recent economic growth, its forecasts and push more Venezuelans to seek better fortunes abroad.
renewed [rɪˋnjud] adj. 重新的,再度的
Venezuelan migrants are already reaching the U.S. southern border in record numbers. There are over 7.7 million worldwide according to the U.N. One
reason for last year`s detent was to bring those numbers down, particularly during an election year in the U.S.
detent [dɪˋtɛnt] n.(机械上的)止动装置; (Mechanical Engineering) the locking piece of a mechanism
LAURA DIB, VENEZUELA PROGRAM DIRECTOR, WOLA: I do think that the engagement is indeed a better policy than maximum pressure and isolation that led
engagement [ɪnˋgedʒmənt] n. 积极的政治介入; 订(婚)约
Maduro to further deepen his relationship with governments like China, Russia, Iran and Turkey. But rather I think that it`s a proof that, of
course, the U.S. and the international community and, of course, the opposition in Venezuela is dealing with an authoritarian government.
deal [dil] v. 处理,对付
POZZEBON: With opposition in Caracas is scrambling to rally around any viable candidate to challenge Maduro, experts worry this week`s fallout
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 争夺,抢夺
rally [ˋrælɪ] vi.(重新)集合,重整;团结[(+round)]
fallout [ˋfɔl͵aʊt] n.(政治)余波;附带结果
will only bring the Venezuelan struggle for democracy closer to its end. And the music will fade once again in Caracas. Stefano Pozzebon, CNN, Bogota.
fade [fed] v. 逐渐消失; 褪去
Bogota 哥伦比亚首都
WIRE: Pop quiz, hot shot. Which one of these days is known as Mexican Independence Day? May 5th, September 16th, October 12th, July 4th.
If you said September 16th, you are correct. It`s not Cinco de Mayo, which celebrates Mexico`s victory over French invaders in 1862. Mexico actually
declared its independence on September 16th, 1810 after activist and priest Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla urged the Mexican people to take up arms
priest [prist] n. (基督教)牧师;(天主教)神父;神职人员
and fight for independence from Spain.
Today in central Mexico, a popular tourist destination, Lake Patzcuaro, is under threat. Environmental factors and water theft had led to the lake
water theft: illegal tapping of water supply systems
losing half of its volume since officials first noticed and began measuring its decreasing water levels. The local government says it formed a
commission to preserve the lake, and so far, that group has stopped the theft of nearly 160,000 gallons of water each day.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This video posted to social media shows that much of a popular lake in Mexico has dried up. Lake Patzcuaro, seen here in a
government tourism video, is a tourist destination in the western State of Michoacan. According to the local government, drought, deforestation, and
even water theft contributed to the lake levels dropping.
Michoacan has seen extreme drought for more than a year. The lake has lost over 50% of its volume since authorities started keeping track, according
to CNN affiliate Televisa.
WIRE: Up next, you might recognize this robot from viral videos jumping from scaffolding and making inverted flips. And now the company that makes
scaffolding [ˋskæf!dɪŋ] n. 脚手架
inverted [ɪnˋvɝtɪd] adj. 倒置的; 颠倒的
flip [flɪp] n.(跳水或体操时的)空翻
it, Boston Dynamics, has some big news to share. Our Jon Sarlin is on the story.
JON SARLIN, CNN DIGITAL PRODUCER: Boston Dynamics is retiring its most famous robot. In its farewell video, Boston Dynamics highlighted some of
Atlas`s most memorable spills. And demonstrated its impressive dexterity. Atlas, the hydraulic humanoid robot that leapt, crawled, and carried, has starred
spill [spɪl] n. 摔下,跌下
dexterity [dɛksˋtɛrətɪ] n.(手等)灵巧,熟练,敏捷
hydraulic [haɪˋdrɔlɪk] adj. 液压的
star [stɑr] v. 当明星,主演
in multiple demonstrations that have been viewed millions of times.
But Atlas`s retirement isn`t the end of the line for the robot. The company has announced a new version of Atlas that is fully electric. The new Atlas
is noticeably more trim, and the company says it`s stronger and has an increased range of motion.
trim [trɪm] adj. 苗条的
WIRE: Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, is coming to us from Butte, Montana, where Viola, the elephant has had it with the circus life. She
viola [vɪˋolə] n. 中提琴
have had it 受够了;to be exhausted, defeated, disgusted, bored, ready to quit, etc
decided to take a detour through the streets of town, eventually grabbing some lunch behind a nearby business. The city says the handlers eventually tracked her down
detour [ˋditʊr] n. 绕道;绕行的路
track (someone) down 追踪到;追查到
and loaded her back into the trailer. Viola is now back with the circus and no one was injured.
All right, superstars, it is time to show some love. We are giving a shout out today to Mr. Snow`s class at Fort Branch Community School in Indiana.
It is a great day to be a twig, isn`t it? Rise up.
And to the Panthers at Payne Junior High School in Queen Creek, Arizona, we see you. Let`s close this week out strong. Remember to make someone smile
this weekend. You are more powerful than you know.
I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. It`s been a blessing to spend this week with you.
fuel [ˋfjʊəl] v. 给……加油;激起;刺激
fiery [ˋfaɪərɪ] adj. 火的;火一般的;燃烧般的
fault [fɔlt] n.【地】断层
glimmer [ˋglɪmɚ] n. 闪烁的微光
Barbados [bɑrˋbedos] n. 巴贝多(拉丁美洲国家)
roadblock [ˋrod͵blɑk] n. 路障;障碍物
Caracas [kəˋrɑkəs] n. 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)
believer [bɪˋlivɚ] n. 信徒;信教者
poised [pɔɪzd] adj. 泰然自若的
unmovable [ˌʌnˈmuvəbəl] adj. 不改变的,坚定不移的(= immovable)
loom [lum] v. 隐约地出现
all but 差不多, 几乎
assured [əˋʃʊrd] adj. 自信的;确信的
imposition [͵ɪmpəˋzɪʃən] n. 强加; 惩罚
bar [bɑr] v. 阻挡,阻挠; 防止,禁止
detain [dɪˋten] v. 拘留,扣留
Chevron [ˋʃɛvrɑn] n. 雪佛龙(跨國能源公司)
Yankee [ˋjæŋkɪ] n. 美国北方各州的人,美国北方佬
renewed [rɪˋnjud] adj. 重新的,再度的
detent [ dɪˋtɛnt] n.(机械上的)止动装置; (Mechanical Engineering) the locking piece of a mechanism
engagement [ɪnˋgedʒmənt] n. 积极的政治介入; 订(婚)约
deal [dil] v. 处理,对付
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 争夺,抢夺
rally [ˋrælɪ] vi.(重新)集合,重整;团结[(+round)]
fallout [ˋfɔl͵aʊt] n.(政治)余波;附带结果
fade [fed] v. 逐渐消失; 褪去
Bogota 哥伦比亚首都
priest [prist] n. (基督教)牧师;(天主教)神父;神职人员
water theft: illegal tapping of water supply systems
scaffolding [ˋskæf!dɪŋ] n. 脚手架
inverted [ɪnˋvɝtɪd] adj. 倒置的; 颠倒的
flip [flɪp] n.(跳水或体操时的)空翻
spill [spɪl] n. 摔下,跌下
dexterity [dɛksˋtɛrətɪ] n.(手等)灵巧,熟练,敏捷
hydraulic [haɪˋdrɔlɪk] adj. 液压的
star [stɑr] v. 当明星,主演
trim [trɪm] adj. 苗条的
viola [vɪˋolə] n. 中提琴
have had it 受够了; to be exhausted, defeated, disgusted, bored, ready to quit, etc
detour [ˋditʊr] n. 绕道;绕行的路
track (someone) down 追踪到;追查到