CNN 10 - May 10, 2024
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2024年5月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月12日
- 发布于 2024年5月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:686
Severe Weather Ravaging the United States, as Parts of the Country Endure a Devastating Tornado Streak; Inside a Ghost Town in Iceland Near an Active Volcano; Paris 2024 Olympic Flame Arrives in France.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello and happy Friday, Friyay. I`m Coy. Welcome to CNN 10.
Many of you closing out Teacher Appreciation Week, showing love to leaders like Ms. Rivera and Ms. McDaniel at Magoffin in El Paso, Texas, lifting up
lift up 振奋
all of your Lobos and us. And Ms. Fay and young Mr. Vincent at WJCC Schools in Virginia. Big heart hands for all of our educators out there. Keep
showing your teacher`s love, y`all.
All right. Time to get you your news for the day. And we do start with some of the scary weather happening out there. Tornadoes, hail, flash floods,
severe weather is rocking the United States. And there doesn`t seem to be an end in sight. In fact, there has been at least one tornado reported in
the U.S. every day since April 25th. That`s according to the Storm Prediction Center, a U.S. government group that tracks and forecasts severe weather.
On Wednesday in Tennessee, at least four powerful tornadoes tore through the Volunteer State.
Volunteer State: the nickname of Tennessee
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just heard. It was a roar. That`s all it was, was a roar. And it`s gone. We have farm animals and we don`t know where nothing`s at.
WIRE: The severe weather also brought flash floods, which led to water rescues and blocked roads north of Nashville. So far, strong storms across
flash flood 骤发的洪水,暴洪
Nashville [ˋnæʃvɪl] n. 那什维尔(美国田纳西州首府)
the central and southern U.S. have caused at least four deaths. This powerful tornado just pummeled Portage, Michigan earlier this week.
pummel [ˋpʌm!] v.(用拳头)连续击打;狠狠地击溃
You can see one tree toppled after the next. Luckily, no serious injuries reported in Portage. The Storm Prediction Center says April to June is the
topple [ˋtɑp!] v. 倒塌,倒下
most active time for tornadoes in the U.S. and May is often the busiest month.
In Brazil, more rain is expected today through Sunday. Torrential downpours have already caused catastrophic flooding in the southern part of the
downpour [ˋdaʊn͵por] n. 倾盆大雨,豪雨
country, affecting more than one million people. Tens of thousands of people have been rescued. More than 100 have been killed. McKenna Ewen has
more on the difficult times in Brazil.
MCKENNA EWEN, CNN DIGITAL PRODUCER: Video shows an airport tarmac in Rio Grande do Sul`s capital heavily flooded. This comes after heavy rains hit
tarmac [ˋtɑr͵mæk] v. 铺有柏油碎石的飞机跑道
the southern Brazilian state during the past week. The rains and consequent flooding in the region have caused a growing number of deaths and resulted
in many missing. The region has been increasingly hit by extreme weather events in the past few years. The climate crisis caused by the burning of
fossil fuels is making extreme weather events more intense and more frequent around the world.
WIRE: Next, we head to Iceland, a country of fewer than 400,000 people. It`s home to 32 active volcanoes. Now, living near a volcano may sound
scary, but for the folks in the small town of Grindavik, there hadn`t been an eruption for literally hundreds of years.
But as you will see in this report from CNN`s Laura Paddison, that is no longer the case.
KLARA HALLDORSDOTTIR, FORMER RESIDENT OF GRINDAVIK: It is incredibly deep. And there were huge cracks in that area, which they`ve filled up already.
And this is actually the same crack that goes through town as well, all the way to the crater area, basically.
PADDISON: And it`s actually perilously close to your house just there.
perilously [ˋpɛrɪləslɪ] adv. 充满危险地,危机四伏地
PADDISON (voice-over): This volcanic eruption just a few miles from the small town of Grindavik is the latest in a series of volcanic events to
rock the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland. Having laid dormant for eight centuries, the volcanic system here is reawakening, marking a new
dormant [ˋdɔrmənt] adj. 暂停活动的;静止的
reawaken [͵riəˋwekən] v. 被重新唤起
period of activity that could last tens or even hundreds of years.
For Grindavik`s 3,600 residents, that means dealing with lava flows, powerful earthquakes, destructive fissures and evacuations.
fissure [ˋfɪʃɚ] n.(尤指岩石上的)裂缝,裂隙
Klara Halldorsdottir and her family evacuated in November last year. And like many, she doesn`t plan to return.
HALLDORSDOTTIR: I was asking if he`s moved back, but he said, no, no, no, I`m not going to risk it.
PADDISON (on camera): Is he just visiting then?
HALLDORSDOTTIR: Picking up some stuff.
PADDISON: And so no one is really living in this part?
HALLDORSDOTTIR: No. Maybe there are about 30 people already living in Grindavik.
HALLDORSDOTTIR: But yeah, the rest of us aren`t that keen on that. And, you know, nobody knows what Mother Nature is going to do next.
keen [kin] adj. 渴望的,极想的[(+on)][+to-v]
PADDISON: So did lots of houses around here get damaged when this happened, right? I guess the ground must have moved quite a lot.
HALLDORSDOTTIR: It did, actually. The brown house, it`s completely ruined. And the black house here is sinking more and more. And the grey house is my
horse stable. And we used to keep our horses on this pasture.
stable [ˋsteb!] n. 马,马棚;畜舍
There are no pictures on the walls now, so it feels kind of like a house with no soul. For me and most of the people in Grindavik, having the
eruptions in 2021 and the following years so close by, it was fascinating. The earthquakes, of course, were the downside of it. But then it happened
so close to town. And that`s a totally different story.
PADDISON: And can you tell me a bit about what the community was like here?
HALLDORSDOTTIR: It`s a community of people who more or less know each other. And you would go to the grocery store and have a talk. And it was
like a close community. Now we`re spread out through various towns. And this is the feeling that we miss the most, I think.
PADDISON: Your kids, did they want to stay here or are they kind of --
HALLDORSDOTTIR: They still want to stay here. Yeah, it`s harder for them, definitely. This is where they grew up and they don`t know anything else.
And now we`re cooped up in a small apartment.
coop [kup] v. 把……关在笼子(或栏舍等)中;把……拘禁起来[(+up/in)]
I think Icelanders are quite tough. I mean, we live in a harsh nature. And we`ve always known that this was an active area, but nothing has happened
for 800 years. And the last time that there was an eruption so close to towns was in the Western Islands 51 years ago. It lasted for a few months,
but then it was over. And then you could start rebuilding the community. But here we don`t know when it`s going to end.
WIRE: Ten second trivia, which event`s motto translates to "faster, higher, stronger -- together"?
motto [ˋmɑto] n. 座右铭;格言
Super Bowl, World Cup, Olympics, or Nobel Prize.
If you said Olympics, you get a gold medal. The original Olympic motto was three Latin words, Citius, Altius, Fortius.
In 2021, the Olympic Committee added the word "together" at the end.
Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10. Ooh, la la, ah, oui oui. The Olympic torch has finally arrived in France ahead of the Paris Summer Games. An
estimated 150,000 people came to see it arrive at the port city of Marseille. The torch was lit a month ago at the ancient Olympia site in
Then it set sail for France on a 128-year-old boat. The French Air Force did a flyover and streaked the colors blue, white, and red across the sky
flyover [ˋflaɪ͵ovɚ] n. 低空编队飞行
streak [strik] v. 形成条纹; 在……上有条纹
to mirror the nation`s flag. Then the rapper Jul, a native of Marseille, took that torch and lit the cauldron.
rapper [ˋræpɚ] n. 嘻哈乐手;饶舌歌手
cauldron [ˈkɔldrən] n.(通常指架在火上的)大锅
For the next few months, the torch is going to crisscross France, ending up in Paris eventually, where it will light the Olympic cauldron on July 26,
crisscross [ˋkrɪs͵krɔs] v. 交叉; 使交叉成十字状
marking the start of the Summer Olympics with the Paralympics to follow.
I will be there covering the games for us this summer. You know what? Maybe I`ll be covering one of you doing your thing in the 2028 Games in L.A.
Hey, remember that Sunday is Mother`s Day. So if you haven`t gone out and picked some flowers or written a nice little note yet, do whatever you got
to do.
Shout out to Righetti High School in Santa Maria, California. Go Warriors. Thank you for making us part of your day.
And to the Panthers of Duncanville High School in Texas, we see you.
And Mrs. B, congratulations on your retirement. We wish you all the best in the next chapter.
All right. Cue the music, go out and make someone smile this weekend. Remember, you are more powerful than you know.
cue [kju] v. 把……插入演出
I`m Coy. This is CNN 10. It`s been a blessing to spend this week with you.
lift up 振奋
Volunteer State: the nickname of Tennessee
flash flood 骤发的洪水,暴洪
Nashville [ˋnæʃvɪl] n. 那什维尔(美国田纳西州首府)
pummel [ˋpʌm!] v.(用拳头)连续击打;狠狠地击溃
topple [ˋtɑp!] v. 倒塌,倒下
downpour [ˋdaʊn͵por] n. 倾盆大雨,豪雨
tarmac [ˋtɑr͵mæk] v. 铺有柏油碎石的飞机跑道
perilously [ˋpɛrɪləslɪ] adv. 充满危险地,危机四伏地
dormant [ˋdɔrmənt] adj. 暂停活动的;静止的
reawaken [͵riəˋwekən] v. 被重新唤起
fissure [ˋfɪʃɚ] n.(尤指岩石上的)裂缝,裂隙
keen [kin] adj. 渴望的,极想的[(+on)][+to-v]
stable [ˋsteb!] n. 马,马棚;畜舍
coop [kup] v. 把……关在笼子(或栏舍等)中;把……拘禁起来[(+up/in)]
motto [ˋmɑto] n. 座右铭;格言
flyover [ˋflaɪ͵ovɚ] n. 低空编队飞行
streak [strik] v. 形成条纹; 在……上有条纹
rapper [ˋræpɚ] n. 嘻哈乐手;饶舌歌手
cauldron [ˈkɔldrən] n.(通常指架在火上的)大锅
crisscross [ˋkrɪs͵krɔs] v. 交叉; 使交叉成十字状
cue [kju] v. 把……插入演出