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The Great Savannah Race 东非大草原








Every year on the plains of the Serengeti, an amazing and mysterious phenomenon takes place. Over one million animals gather and begin the largest land migration on earth. The majority of them are wildebeest, but they are often joined by zebras and gazelles. As they gather for the long journey, there are animals as far as the eye can see.




Animal Planet’s The Great Savannah Race gives you a ringside seat for this amazing migration. Two scientists and a veterinarian follow the animals as they make their long, perilous journey. By collaring some of the animals with high-tech GPS devices, the team is able to track the herd’s every move. The scientists also give names to the animals they have collared, and choose those they want to cheer on.




In the vicinity of the team’s camp, a group of elephants is taking an early morning drink. A bunch of zebras join in, counting on the safety provided by the huge animals. However, one zebra suddenly smells danger, for a lioness is on the prowl. When the lioness attacks, panic sets in. One Zebra gets separated from the others and goes into the water for safety. Not minding the water, the lioness attacks it. During the fierce battle, something unprecedented happens. The zebra attempts to drown the lioness, and in doing so, survives the attacks! While the zebra escapes, the lioness is left with nothing but injured pride.





migration: [maɪˋgreʃən](候鸟等的)迁徙 a group migrating together

perilous: [ˋpɛrələs]  危险的 full of or involving peril; dangerous

set in: 开始 to begin to happen or be apparent

unprecedented: [ʌnˋprɛsə͵dɛntɪd]  adj. 无先例的,空前的 having no previous example


More Information

savannah [səˋvænə] n. 大草原

Serengeti:  坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂平原

wildebeest [ˋwɪldɪ͵bist] n. 牛羚﹐角马〔产于南非〕

gazelle [gəˋzɛl] n. 瞪羚(一种羚羊)

collar: [ˋkɑlɚ] vt. 帮...戴颈圈 to put a collar on; furnish with a collar

vicinity: [vəˋsɪnətɪ] n. 附近地区 a nearby, surrounding, or adjoining region; a neighborhood

pride: [praɪd] n. 自尊心 a sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect



ringside seat: 靠近(拳击)台的观察席位  first row of seating; has an unobstructed view of a boxing or wrestling ring

cheer on: 鼓励 encourage

on the prowl: 在潜行中; 仔细搜索  actively looking for something






Soon, a rumbling starts up on the plains. The sound is the trampling of millions of hooves getting ready for migration. After the journey is underway, the animals carve a path across the plains, shaping the landscape as they move. Long gashes in the plains show the work of hooves on the land.




The way ahead is filled with danger. Just out of sight in the tall grass, lions are waiting. Hundreds of cheetahs and packs of hyenas also lie nearby, knowing they can rely on the migration for the fresh meat. The animals in the herd are always on the lookout, for they are aware of the hazard. At any sign of trouble, the slow walk of the herd will suddenly turn into a chaotic stampede for survival.




When the great herd reaches the Mara River, the animals must across through waters filled with deadly crocodiles. They gather nervously, waiting for the first member of the herd to take the plunge. The wait lasts for hours, as no animal wants to be the first one in. After a courageous one takes the plunge, though, instinct takes over. By the thousands, the animals scramble down the steep slopes and start swimming furiously for the opposite riverbank. Many will die in the chaotic crossing, either drowning or being eaten by the crocodiles. But despite the many perils and threats, life will continue triumphantly as year after year, the herd runs this incredible race.




by Joseph Schier



trampling: n. 践踏声 the sound of heavy treading or stomping

hazard: [ˋhæzɚd]  n. 危险 a possible source of danger

scramble:[ˋskræmb!] v. 仓促行动 to move or climb hurriedly, especially on the hands and knees

furiously:[ˋfjʊərɪəslɪ] adv. 猛然地 in a manner marked by extreme or violent energy


More Information

rumbling: [ˋrʌmb!ɪŋ] adj. 隆隆声的 n.隆隆声 a loud low dull continuous noise

hoof [huf]  n. 蹄

gash: [gæʃ]  n. 深长的切口(或伤口)along deep cut

cheetah [ˋtʃitə] n. 印度豹

hyena [haɪˋinə] n. 鬣狗,土狼

stampede: [stæmˋpid] n. 惊逃,乱窜 a mass impulsive action

triumphantly: [traɪˋʌmfəntlɪ] adv. 得意洋洋地 in a triumphant manner



start up: 开始 to begin; to begin running, as with an engine

out of sight: 在视野之外 impossible or nearly impossible to see

on the lookout: 注视着 watchful for someone or something.

take the plunge: 尝试冒险 to do something important or difficult that you have been thinking about doing for a long time

take over: 接管  to assume control, management, or responsibility




Reading Questions


1.  According to the article, which of the following is NOT true?

A.  More than a million animals gather to migrate on the Serengeti plains.

B.  The animals come upon many hazards during their journey.

C.  The animals immediately cross the Mara River once they reach it.

D.  If danger is sensed, the herd may start stampeding for survival.


2.  How does the zebra survive the attack by the lioness?

A.  It is protected by the elephants

B.  It attempts to kill the lioness.

C.  It finds safety in numbers.

D.  It plunges into the Mara River.


3.  Why have the scientists collared some of the animals?

A.  Because they want to get footage from the cameras that are attached.

B.  Because they want to find out why the rumbling starts.

C.  Because they want to protect the animals from crocodiles.

D.  Because they want to track the movements of the animals in the race.


4.  What can be inferred from this article?

A.  Many animals visibly changed the appearance of the Serengeti plains.

B.  More animals are killed by lions than by crocodiles.

C.  The scientists do not feel any personal connection to the animals they have collared.

D.  The animals are more afraid of hyenas than they are of crocodiles and lions.



come upon:  偶然发现或遇到 to find or meet someone or something, esp. unexpectedly



Huge Crocodile Eats Wildebeest in Serengeti


Zebra survives Lion attack



1. ( C )

2. ( B )

3. ( D )

4. ( A )



当前位置:首頁 英語教材試聽 Intermediate English The Great Savannah Race 东非大草原