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The Oldest American Ever to Scale Mount Everest 银发族征服圣母峰








Climbing for Bill Burke, is not about setting records but about listening to his heart 对比尔.柏克来说,登山的目的并不在于创纪录,而在于倾听自己内心的声音


Bill Burke, 67, has always had an adventurous spirit, but comparatively few opportunities for adventure. He married his wife, Sharon, 47 years ago, shortly after they both graduated from high school. They had their first child, Lisa, while Burke was in college, and their second, Lori, was born when he was at Stanford Law School.



Life zoomed. The Burke family had two more children, Danny and Amy, and Burke’s career as a corporate attorney blossomed.



A new passion  新的爱好


In the mid ’90s, Burke worked at a law firm in Asia. There, after climbing in country parks near Hong Kong and twice getting to the top of Japan’s Mt. Fuji, he discovered a new passion – mountain climbing.



“I’ve always been up for adventure,” Burke says, “and for challenging and pushing myself, to see how I can perform under stress.”



But Burke didn’t pursue serious mountaineering until he was nearly retired. His kids were no longer little; his career no longer needed building; his income was no longer a huge issue.



“I wondered what the big mountains would be like.”



His first successful high-altitude climb was Mount McKinley, in 2002. McKinley is one of the more difficult mountains on Earth, and Burke climbed it at age 60, older than most serious climbers.



He was hooked. “It was really a great feeling because I realized after I finished the mountain, this was something I was capable of doing.”



In 2003, Burke climbed the Aconcagua in Argentina’s Andes Mountain Range. In 2004, he reached the apex of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. A year later came Mount Elbrus in Russia. After that it was Vinson Massif in Antarctica, Mount Kosciuszko in Australia and Indonesia’s Carstensz Pyramid.




More Information

listen to one’s heart 倾听自己的心;倾听自己的心声

comparatively [kəmˋpærətɪvlɪ] adv. 相比较地; 对比地

zoom [zum] v. 迅速前进 to move about rapidly; swoop

attorney [əˋtɝnɪ] n.【美】律师

blossom [ˋblɑsəm] v. 兴旺

serious [ˋsɪrɪəs] adj. 认真的;不是开玩笑的;当真的

mountaineering [͵maʊntəˋnɪrɪŋ] n. 登山,爬山;登山运动

build [bɪld] v. 增长,扩大

hooked [hʊkt] adj. 着迷的,入迷的









Mount Everest  圣母峰


As he approached 65, Burke embarked on something truly big. In 2007, he made it to the southeast ridge of Mount Everest, about 300 vertical feet from the summit. But, abandoned by his Sherpa, a mentally and physically exhausted Burke had to make a choice: Should he continue up, alone, to complete the ascent? Or should he be prudent and start down the mountain, failing to reach his goal? It was, literally, a life or death decision. He chose to head home. Life was too precious; his family was waiting.



In 2008, Burke tried again to summit Everest, but a pulmonary edema – a lung malady often caused by breathing at high altitude – prevented him from even reaching base camp.



Then, in late March of this year, Burke again left home for Everest.



Along with his new Sherpa, Mingma, Burke trekked up and down the mountain for eight weeks. They dealt with storms, witnessed an avalanche that killed another Sherpa, and sometimes camped for days, alone in a tent, until it was safe to move on.



When it was time for a final drive to the summit, Burke and Mingma knew there was a cyclone in the Bay of Bengal, something that would soon turn the weather on Everest lethal. Still, he felt confident.



On May 23, at about 8:30 a.m., Burke reached the summit, dropped to his knees and thanked God. The wind was so intense that he couldn’t take off his oxygen mask or goggles. Burke took photos and, after 30 minutes, began the dangerous trek back.



Life after Everest  征服圣母峰之后


Burke is planning other adventures. Maybe he’ll hike the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada. Or climb the highest mountain in each state in the U.S.



“I just find it exhilarating and refreshing and cathartic to be in the mountains,” Burke says.



by Ellyn Pak


More Information

ridge [rɪdʒ] n. 山脉; 屋脊,山脊

Sherpa [ˋʃɛrpə] n. 雪巴人

pulmonary [ˋpʌlmə͵nɛrɪ] adj. 肺的;肺病的

edema [iˋdimə] n.【医】浮肿;水肿

avalanche [ˋæv!͵æntʃ] n. 雪崩

drive [draɪv] n. 干劲 a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end

Bengal [bɛŋˋgɔl] n. 孟加拉国

goggles [ˋgɑglz] n. 护目镜;蛙镜

crest [krɛst] n. 顶点;山顶;浪峰

exhilarating [ɪgˋzɪlə͵retɪŋ] 令人振奋的;使人高兴的



Vocabulary Focus

scale [skel] v. 攀登 to climb up a steep surface, such as a wall or the side of a mountain, often using special equipment

be up for 打算;准备 to be interested in or eager to participate in an activity

apex [ˋepɛks] n. 顶,顶点 the highest point of a shape or object

prudent [ˋprudnt] adj. 审慎的,小心的 avoiding unnecessary risks; careful

malady [ˋmælədɪ] n. 病,疾病 a disease

lethal [ˋliθəl] adj. 致命的 able to cause death; extremely dangerous

cathartic [kəˋθɑrtɪk] adj. 净化的 releasing strong emotion, which helps you to understand those emotions


Mt McKinley Climb


Climbing Mt. Fuji Fujisan


Aconcagua Summit 2010 - Extreme 22,841ft




Climbing Mt Elbrus, Russia - 5642m - One of the 7 Summits


more videos

Vinson Massif - Expedition to the top of the bottom of the world

Mt Kosciuszko Climb to the Top

Carstensz Pyramid Glacier expedition 2011

Bill Burke 2012 Mt. Everest Video










当前位置:首頁 英語教材試聽 Advanced English The Oldest American Ever to Scale Mount Everest 银发族征服圣母峰