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CNN 10 每日头条新闻 November, 2021

Caribbean Island Nation Officially Becomes A Republic; Football Team Whose Players Are Deaf Arrives At A Championship; Man Builds A Massive "Nerf" Gun.    2021/11/30

Barbados 结束作为英联邦王国的一员成正式为共和国; CSDR Cubs 聋哑美式足球球队打入冠军赛成全场焦点; 男子自行制作超级大型玩具枪 Nerf Gun


Scientists Identify New Variant of COVID-19; In-Person Black Friday Shopping Falls Short of Pre-Pandemic Levels; Examining What Happens to Return Goods.    2021/11/29

南非发现新的 COVID-19 变种病毒; Black Friday 购物人潮比疫情前下降 28%; 零售业者如何处理在线购物发生的退货? 11个月大女娃还没完全学会走路前却学会溜滑雪板


Major Pollution Concerns In India And Pakistan; Full-Self Driving Vehicle Is Tested; Female Crab Migration On Christmas Island.    2021/11/23

Pakistan Lahore 空气污然专题报导; Tesla 自动驾驶系统测试报导; 印度洋圣诞岛螃蟹年度大迁徙


Reports On Future Of California`s Giant Sequoias; Unique Science Experiment; Auction Record Set By A Copy Of The U.S. Constitution.     2021/11/22

加州内华达山脉巨型红杉专题报导; NASA 新实验 DART(Double Asteroid Redirection Test); 美国宪法少见的复制版以43.2 million 美元拍卖价卖出


Drug Overdose Deaths In The U.S.; Usain Bolt`s Work With Olympic Sports Group; A Phone That Allows Dogs To "Call" Their Owners.    2021/11/19

美国最近一年期间有超过100,000死于药物过量; 国际特殊奥林匹克举办期间专访 Usain Bolt; 英研究人员训练家犬使用科技产品联络其饲主


Air Pollution Problem In India; Sunflower Stars Have Dramatically Decreased Along The Pacific Coast Of North America.    2021/11/18

印度空污问题专题报导; 北美太平洋海岸向日葵海星因 wasting syndrome 而数量遽减


Heavy Rainfall Causes Several Problems In Northwest United States; Migrant Crisis In Europe; Controversial Satellite Strike.     2021/11/17

洪水侵袭美西加州与华盛顿州; 白俄罗斯与波兰边境爆发难民危机; Cairo 大学教授将废弃口罩加入混凝土内以解决废弃口罩泛滥问题; 俄罗斯摧毁人造卫星所造成的碎片恐对国际太空站造成威胁; 新增三位航天员入列航天员名人堂


U.S. State With The Highest Gas Prices; City With The Highest Inflation Rate; Gym That Digitally Enhances Its Workouts.    2021/11/16

加州汽油价格高于美国其他各州; Atlanta 通膨率為 7.9% 高于美国其他城市; 虚拟实境装置让在健身房运动更带劲


Pros And Cons Of Cryptocurrencies; Concerns About Christmas Tree Availability; Famous Spruce Has Arrived In New York City.    2021/11/15

加密货币利弊分析; 圣诞树供应链报导; 85岁的欧洲云杉将成为今年纽约洛克斐勒中心的圣诞节主角


A Look At Veterans Day Events; Report On New Technology In Sports; Centenarian`s Race Claims World Record.     2021/11/12

拜登总统于美国退伍军人纪念日至阿灵顿国家公墓献花致敬; 新创公司 Jingletek 将芯片植入棒球及其他球类藉此分析选手的表现; 105岁 Julia Hawkins 以一分三秒完成一百公尺短跑的世界纪录


Visiting The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier On This Veterans Day; Report On Inflation In America; Breakup Of A Historic Business.    2021/11/11

美国退伍军人纪念日由来与阿灵顿国家公墓仪队表演报导; 美国最新通膨数据报告; 美國通用电气  GE 將分拆為三家公司


Challenges Grow At Belarus` Borders With E.U. Countries; Conservationist Works To Reconnect Forest Fragments In Brazil; A Castle Goes Up For Sale.    2021/11/10

Belarus 与欧盟邻国因處理难民问题而互相指控对方; Laury Cullen 终生致力于恢复巴西大西洋沿岸森林; Connecticut 州占地18,000平方呎城堡求售


Memorial and Investigation Follow Concert Tragedy in Texas; A Bubble Barrier Helps Keep Plastic Out of the Sea; A Loose Moose Covers Serious Yardage.    2021/11/9

Texas Houston Astroworld Festival 发生群众踩踏事件造成多人死亡; Amsterdam Bubble Barrier 系统防止塑料垃圾流入大海并加以回收处理; 走失麋鹿误闯美式足球场


$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President`s Desk; Latest Jobs Report Shows Addition Of 531,000 New Jobs; U.S. Falls Back From Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time.     2021/11/8

参众两院通过 1.2兆美元基础建设法案; 因疫情减缓政府刺激方案及年底假期将近等多项因素就业人数明显回升; 美国于本月第一个周日将日光节约时间调回标准时间


Atrocities Reported in Ethiopia`s Civil War; Organization Helps Train America`s Future Factory Workers; Three Trick-Or Treaters Do Something Sweet.    2021/11/5

Ethiopia 内战引发多起暴行; Creator`s Wanted 方案协助训练劳工提升专业技能以填补工厂职缺; 三位小学五年级生万圣节给糖而非讨糖


U.S. Government Promotes Vaccines For Younger Kids; Thanksgiving Grocery Bills Could Set Records; Machine In India Could Clean Air.     2021/11/4

Pfizer 和 BioNTech 推出 5-12 岁可施打的新冠疫苗; Virginia, New Jersey 兩州长改选; 今年感恩节大餐恐让民众荷包大失血; 印度 Vidyut Mohan 发明小型可携式农作废弃物处理器以期降低燃烧稻梗所造成的空气污染; 航天员在太空站历时四个月成功种出辣椒


Disruptions In U.S. Airline Travel; China`s Tight COVID Restrictions; A Robot Cook; Show Of The Northern Lights.     2021/11/3

美航空公司因机师与机组人员短缺而取消航班; 上海 Disneyland 乐园因一名新冠患者入园而封锁整个园区; 越来越多连锁餐厅利用机器人在厨房工作; 北极光是如何产生的?


Glasgow, Scotland Hosts United Nations Climate Summit; Two U.S. State Elections Garner Nationwide Attention; Introduction Of The Top 10 CNN Heroes Of 2021.     2021/11/2

苏格兰 Glasgow 主办第26届联合国气候高峰会; 美国 Virginia, New Jersey 两州州长选举吸引全国注意; 第15届获 CNN提名的前10名英雄人物


Special Edition of Deep Sea Explorers Going to the Deepest Part of the Pacific Ocean.    2021/11/1

目前已知地球最深的海底: 挑战者深渊 (Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench, the Pacific Ocean) 专辑报导





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