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Countries: The Happiest Place on Earth 国家篇:世上最快乐的国家是…?






Which country is the happiest in the world?  下列何者是世界上最快乐的国家?

(A) Singapore  新加坡

(B) Denmark  丹麦

(C) Costa Rica  哥斯达黎加


According to the Happy Planet Index, Costa Rica was the happiest country in the world in 2012. There are several reasons why it's number one. First, it's a peaceful country. Unlike many other countries, Costa Rica doesn't have a military. Second, the land is very diverse. There are famous beaches, rainforests, and mountains. Finally, Costa Rica is home to more than 500,000 species. Although it's a small country, people there have the chance to experience so many interesting things!


答案是:(C) 哥斯达黎加。



by Melanie Chen


2012 最幸福国家排名

第二名: Vietnam [͵vjɛtˋnæm] 越南

第三名: Colombia [kəˋlʌmbɪə] 哥伦比亚

第四名: Belize [bɛˋliz] 贝里斯

第五名: El Salvador [ˌɛlˈsælvəˌdɔr]  萨尔瓦多

第六名: Jamaica [dʒəˋmekə] 牙买加



military [ˋmɪlə͵tɛrɪ] n. 军队

diverse [daɪˋvɝs] adj. 多种多样的

rainforest [ˋren͵fɑrɪst] n.(热带)雨林

species [ˋspiʃiz] n. 物种




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