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Less Stress No Mess! 战「痘」妙方-1






(Patricia shows up in the classroom with face covered with a mask.)  (派翠莎脸上戴着口罩出现在教室里。)


Brendan: Are you OK? Why are you covering your face with a mask?  妳还好吗?为什么妳脸上戴着口罩?


Patricia: Don't ask. I'm having the worst day.  别问,我今天糟透了!


Brendan: You should talk about it. Come on, I'm here for you.  妳应该说出来。说吧,我挺妳!


Patricia: OK fine. Look at my face!  好吧。看看我的脸!


Brendan: Oh my goodness! What happened?  喔我的天呀!怎么了?


Patricia: I'm not sure, but I look terrible.  我不确定,但我看起来很糟。


Brendan: Do you go to bed late? Staying up late and stress can cause pimples.  妳很晚睡吗?熬夜太晚还有压力都会造成青春痘。


Patricia: I can't help it. I have to study for my tests.  我也没办法啊,我必须为了考试苦读。


Brendan: Just try to relax and remember not to squeeze your pimples.  试着放轻松,还有记得不要去挤妳的痘痘。


Patricia: You're right. Perhaps I should stop doing that.  你说的对,也许我该停止挤痘痘了。


by Tiffany Hu


Word Power

mask [mæsk] n. 口罩

Doctors wear masks to protect themselves from getting ill.



fine [faɪn] adj. 可接受的

Mom said it was fine to eat ice cream after dinner.



stay up  熬夜

Michael stayed up all night to study for his test.



perhaps [pɚˋhæps] adv. 大概,或许

It's too late to watch a movie now, so perhaps next time.



More Information

stress [strɛs] n. 压力

pimple [ˋpɪmp!] n. 面疱

squeeze [skwiz] v. 挤,压




remember vs. forget:


remember + (not) to V  记得(别)去做

Remember to buy your dinner after school.




remember + Ving      记得做过

Did she remember sending the postcards?



forget + (not) to V      忘记(别)去做

I forgot to review my Chinese lessons.




forget + Ving          忘记做过

He forgot turning off the air condition.




当前位置:首頁 英语教材 入门英语课程 A+ Listening Classroom 英听练习室 Less Stress No Mess! 战「痘」妙方-1