Create Your Own Economy 你也能创造「虚拟经济」
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年2月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:302
Why one lesson of this economic crisis may be that we have to change how we measure growth, production and success 从这次经济危机中,其实可以学到一个宝贵的功课,那就是我们必须改变过去衡量成长、产能和成功的模式(译注:指过去着重衡量实质的经济效益,是有形的实体经济,但作者强调,包括部落格文章、上传到YouTube的影片等,也能创造出抽象的虚拟经济)
More and more, “production” – that word my fellow economists have worked over for generations – has become interior to the human mind rather than set on a factory floor. A tweet may not look like much, but its value lies in the mental dimension. You use Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and other web services to construct a complex meld of stories, images, and feelings in your mind. No single bit seems weighty on its own, but the resulting blend is rich in joy, emotion, and suspense. This is a new form of drama, and it plays out inside us – with technological assistance – rather than on a public stage.
Online, you can literally create your own economy. By that, I mean you can build an ordered set of opportunities for prosperity and pleasure, analogous to a traditional economy but held in your head. There is no obvious monetary transaction, but you’re using your limited resources to get a better deal – the very essence of economics. In fact, “economics” comes from oikonomia, the ancient Greek word for household management, and the modern practice of economics is returning to that idea.
The traditional gauge of economic success is profit, but over time we’ll find that such statistics as measures of GDP tell us less and less about broader efforts to improve human well-being. Much of the web’s value is experienced at the personal level and does not show up in productivity numbers. Buying $2 worth of bananas boosts GDP; having $20 worth of fun on the web does not. And this effect is a big one. Each day more enjoyment, more social connection, and, indeed, more contemplation are produced on the web than had been imagined even 10 years ago.
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work over 充分研究; 彻底检查 to examine closely and thoroughly
weighty [ˋwetɪ] adj. 重大的,重要的
suspense [səˋspɛns] n. 悬疑
play out(戏剧性的事件)逐渐发生;(使)展开 to happen or turn out
ordered [ˋɔrdɚd] adj. 有条理的,整齐的
GDP (gross domestic product ) 国内生产毛额 the total value of goods and services produced by a country in one year
boost [bust] v. 提高;增加
But how do we measure those things? 如何计算无形的产出?
The question – and I don’t yet have a full answer – reflects the state of flux we’re in today. We’re going through a lot of adjustments, and not just in real estate and finance. Free stuff on the web has made this economic downturn more severe. For many of us, the web really is more fun than a trip to the store, which makes it easier for us to cut our spending. Although the iPhone has been earning lots for Apple, our spending on high-tech goodies does not make up for falling demand elsewhere. A PC and broadband cost something, but for those millions who have paid up, further exploration is essentially free.
Billions of people are rapidly becoming more knowledgeable and better connected to one another. Self-education has never been more fun, and that is because we are in control of that process like never before.
Someday we’ll gain the tools to measure these new benefits. Twitter’s value will lie not in its eventual market cap, but in the human connections it creates. My Twitter feed is a virtual meeting room with economists, aid workers, entrepreneurs, housewives, celebrities, and plain old friends. The web unites millions of diverse individuals, who interact and sometimes even meet up or marry. The world has a lot more of these connections, even if we’ve yet to see all of their implications – including the traditional financial ones of new businesses, employment, and revenue. And it may sound counterintuitive, but the more time you spend staring at your screen, the bigger that human capital dividend will be.
−by Tyler Cowen
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downturn [ˋdaʊntɝn] n.(经济)衰退,下降
goody [ˋgʊdɪ] n.【口】好吃的东西,糖果;吸引人的东西
make up 弥补; 补足 supplement
market cap【经】(股票等的)市值 (market capitalization) the total number of a company’s shares multiplied by the price per share, which gives an indication of what a company is worth on the open market
feed [fid] n. (信息的)输入
aid worker 援助人员 someone who works for an organization that brings food and other supplies to people in danger from wars, floods etc
implication [͵ɪmplɪˋkeʃən] n. 含意;言外之意;暗示
capital [ˋkæpət!] n. 资本,资金
dividend [ˋdɪvə͵dɛnd] n.【经】红利;股息
Vocabulary Focus
meld [mɛld] n. 合并;结合 the act of combining various objects into one
analogous [əˋnæləgəs] adj. 类似的;可比拟的[(+to/with)] making a comparison between things which have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea
essence [ˋɛsns] n. 本质,实质;要素 the basic meaning or importance of something
gauge [gedʒ] v. 测定;估计;判断 the process of measuring or making a judgment about something
contemplation [͵kɑntɛmˋpleʃən] n. 沉思,冥想 spending time thinking about something in a serious and quiet way
flux [flʌks] n. 不断的变动 continuous change
counterintuitive [ˌkaʊntɚɪnˋtjʊɪtɪv] adj. 反直觉的;违反直觉 describes something that does not happen in the way you would expect it to