Simplicity for Sale 吃得简单最健康
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:299
This year’s marketing trend steers consumers toward the bare essentials 今年的营销趋势使消费者对原汁原味趋之若骛(译注:steer toward指驶向、引导…使朝向;bare essential指基本要素,引申为原汁原味,即食物的原味,不添加其他成份)
“Simple is better.” 「简单就是好」
This could be 2010’s most powerful marketing mantra. If 2009’s hottest sales pitch was all about buying stuff on the cheap, 2010 marketing will increasingly stress less as more, as in fewer parts, additives or ingredients.
This may be more marketing magic than reality. How can a product made by Kraft, Campbell’s or Dreyer’s be made to sound as simple healthy as something made fresh in your kitchen?
What’s Not in your food? 你的食物里「没有」什么料?
“One way to spin this is talk about how few ingredients your product contains,” said Tom Vierhile, researcher at Datamonitor.
Companies that offer products with the fewest number of ingredients compared with rivals stand to win big in 2010, says Lynn Dornblaser, trends guru at Mintel.
Consumers these days not only want to know what’s in the stuff they eat and drink – they want to know what’s not. In a nation bedeviled by food scares and mounting worries about the healthiness of a plethora of things commonly used in processed foods, folks increasingly are demanding cleaner food labels: no artificial food colorings, no chemical additives (such as MSG) and no chemical preservatives (such as BHA).
‘Simple’ sells 「简单」就大卖
The new marketing code word being used to boast about fewer ingredients: simple. From 2005 to 2008, there’s been a 64.7 percent increase in new products using the words “simple” or “simply” in the product or brand name, reports Datamonitor.
“The food business has always been ingenious at turning any criticism into a new way to sell food to us,” says Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. The book popularized the notion of buying only foods with five or fewer ingredients. “As soon as you stress fewer ingredients, you’re implying that the food is healthy.”
More Information
pitch [pɪtʃ] n.【口】叫卖,推销
additive [ˋædətɪv] n. 添加剂;添加物 an artificial substance added to food to give it taste or color
spin [spɪn] v. 编造,虚构(故事等)
stand to 可能获得 to be likely to
win big 赢很大 to experience serendipity
guru [ˋgʊru] n.【口】宗师;权威;大师
coloring [ˋkʌlərɪŋ] n. 着色剂;色素
MSG (monosodium glutamate) 味精(又称麸胺酸钠) a chemical which is sometimes added to food to improve the taste
BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) 丁基羟基茴香醚(一种抗氧化剂) a waxy solid used to preserve fats and oils, especially in foods
code word(有委婉作用的)代称;代名词
manifesto [͵mænəˋfɛsto] n. 宣言;告示
popularize [ˋpɑpjələ͵raɪz] v. 宣传
imply [ɪmˋplaɪ] v. 暗指;暗示;意味着[+(that)]
Healthy eating or marketing ploy? 健康饮食或是营销伎俩?
New York University nutrition professor Marion Nestle has long advised folks to eat mostly minimally processed food: items with ingredients as close to raw – and in their natural state – as is safe. Typically, that also means fewer ingredients. “Any trend towards less processing is good,” she says.
But fewer ingredients in high-sugar, high-salt or high-fat items such as ice cream, cookies or chips isn’t what she had in mind. When it comes to healthy eating, she is talking about five ingredients in a loaf of bread – not a box of cookies. Simplifying such snack foods “is savvy marketing that consumers are buying right into,” Nestle says.
Haagen-Dazs takes the lead 哈根达斯引领潮流
Perhaps that’s why Häagen-Dazs launched an ice cream line marketed as simply “Five,” for its five ingredients – milk, cream, sugar, eggs, and one natural flavor, such as mint.
Early in 2008, Ching-Yee Hu, a brand manager at the company, observed a consumer focus group meeting. A panelist mentioned that when he shopped recently, he found himself comparing a bag of potato chips that had 20 ingredients with a bag that had three. He said the bag with the short list was the obvious choice.
“’As he told this story, I could see all the other consumers in the room nodding their heads in agreement. And I wondered: Why can’t we bring ice cream down to the bare minimum?” Hu recalls.
The line rolled out in March with seven flavors. Häagen-Dazs also opted to list the ingredients on the front of the package. Although executives won’t detail sales, the line already accounts for 10 percent of the brand’s business, says Gulbin Hoeberechts, brand director.
That suits Joel Vancil, a big fan of Five. “If you’re going to eat ice cream, it might as well not contain all the junk that’s usually in ice cream,” he says.
−by H. Darr Beiser
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ploy [plɔɪ] n.【口】计谋;计划
when it comes to 当涉及...时, 谈到...时
panelist [ˋpæn!ɪst] n. 参加座谈会者
buy into 【俚】接受;同意;相信 to believe in, especially wholeheartedly or uncritically
bare [bɛr] adj. 刚好够的 just sufficient; mere
junk [dʒʌŋk] n. 废物;垃圾
Vocabulary Focus
mantra [ˋmæntrə] n. 真言;(印度教、大乘佛教中的)祈祷文 a word or phrase that is often repeated and which sometimes expresses a belief
bedevil [bɪˋdɛv!] v. 使痛苦, 使苦恼 to confuse, annoy or cause problems or difficulties for someone or something
plethora [ˋplɛθərə] n. 过多 a very large amount of something, especially a larger amount than is needed or wanted
processed food 加工过的食品 food that has been treated with chemicals that preserve it or give it extra taste or color
ingenious [ɪnˋdʒinjəs] adj. 别出心裁的; 足智多谋的 very clever and skillful
savvy [ˋsævɪ] adj. 精明的 shrewd and smart
roll out 推出; 推出市场 to produce a new product or service, and get it ready for the public to buy