Business Partners: A Help or a Hindrance? 生意伙伴:是助力还是阻力?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月04日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:323
Businesses with multiple owners are more likely to survive, but are they worth the potential problems? 数人合伙的企业存活的机率比较高,但真的值得为此而承受合伙做生意所可能带来的问题吗?
The business partnership between celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito and financier Jeffrey Chodorow ultimately turned into one high-profile, public food fight. The duo opened Manhattan restaurant Rocco’s on 22nd Street in happy times, but feuded on full display in lawsuits and on a television reality show.
名厨罗可.狄斯比利多与金融家杰弗利.乔多洛合伙开店,后来却闹得不可开交,而且搞到人尽皆知(译注:food fight原指大家互相乱丢食物混战,作者在此玩food的文字游戏,因该店为餐厅)。他们两人一起在曼哈顿第二十二街成立了罗可餐厅,结果却闹翻了,不但互相提告,也在真人实境的电视节目上彼此攻讦。
The legal beefs in 2004 included disagreements about company ownership and financial mismanagement. Tabloid newspapers gleefully picked up on the discord and frequently ran cheeky headlines such as “Reality Bite $” and “Tempers Boil at Restaurant.”
二00四年的法律争讼包括了两人对公司所有权的认知歧异,以及财务管理不当的指控。八卦小报见猎心喜而追踪报导这场争端,并且一再以头条标题大肆调侃两人,例如「张口互咬钱」及「怒火沸腾的餐厅」(译注:reality bites原指真相有时会伤人,或现实世界令人失望、不悦等,而tempers boil则指怒火上升)。
Few entrepreneurs face such public scrutiny, but partnership problems around in the small-business world, with counterparts often squaring off over seemingly everything from financial and advertising expenditures to how much to pay for office furniture. Yet a simple fact about business partnerships makes them extremely enticing: Businesses with multiple owners are more likely to survive longer than sole proprietorships, said economist Brian Headd.
True believers 忠实信徒
Barry Nalebuff, a Yale School of Management professor who co-found beverage company Honest Tea with former student Seth Goldman, is a believer. He says his partnership helped propel Honest Tea from $250,000 in sales in 1998 to $13.5 million by 2006.
“In business, the chance that you can find one person who can have all the skills needed – especially for a start-up – is almost zero.”
With a company comrade, there is always someone to brainstorm with, to share work duties and, of course, to help carry the financial burden.
“If you’ve got more than one owner, it means at least two people have pooled their capital to build this business,” says Roy Dunbar, CEO of technology company Network Solutions. “And if you have more capital, you have deeper pockets to weather storms.”
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hindrance [ˋhɪndrəns] n. 妨碍,障碍
financier [͵fɪnənˋsɪɚ] n. 财政家; 金融家
feud [fjud] n. 长期争斗;争吵
full display 充分发挥的
disagreement [͵dɪsəˋgrimənt] n. 意见不一
mismanagement [mɪsˋmænɪdʒmənt] n. 管理不善;处置失当
gleefully [ˋglifəlɪ] adv. 极快乐地,欢欣地
pick up on【美】【口】了解到; 注意到 to notice something
discord [ˋdɪskɔrd] n. 不和,争吵;不一致
cheeky [ˋtʃikɪ] adj. 〔尤指对师长〕厚脸皮的; 不敬的; 放肆的
reality bite 残酷的现实 The reality of the everyday world is not what we think or imagine it to be.(Human nature is changeful and frivolous, and human greed seems to have no limit.)
boil [bɔɪl] v. 使激动,使发怒
counterpart [ˋkaʊntɚ͵pɑrt] n. 与另一方面地位职务相当的人[物]
enticing [ɪnˋtaɪsɪŋ] adj. 有吸引力的; 迷人的; 有诱惑力的
proprietorship [prəˋpraɪətɚ͵ʃɪp] n. 所有权; 独资企业
sole proprietorship 独资企业 a business entity that is owned and operated by only one person
comrade [ˋkɑmræd] n. 伙伴; 同事; 战友 a friend or trusted companion that one has shared difficult experiences with
deep pocket【俚】财富;财源; 财力雄厚 having a lot of money
An agreement is a must 协议是必要条件
No matter what type of partnership is forged – brothers, cousins, college roommates – entrepreneurial experts offer up one steadfast piece of advice: create an agreement that details the ownership structure, financing and division of duties.
Despite the importance of having a clear road map, many new partners overlook that step. Even with a unified vision and partnership agreement, conflict is still likely.
“If you think about the phases of a relationship, there’s going to be a honeymoon phase – and that’s something to be enjoyed,” says Katherine Crowley, a psychotherapist who runs workplace-issues consultancy K Squared Enterprises with business partner Kathi Elster. “But the second phase is something called ‘conflict and negotiation.’ That’s where you work out your differences and find the common ground upon which you run the company.”
Work and romance 工作与爱情
William Holzhauer and Tammy Rimes, who are married and co-own Hacienda de las Rosas Winery in San Diego, are working to capitalize on each person’s strengths and interests. Holzhauer manages wine production, while Rimes handles more of the event planning.
But they also contend with an issue that many business partners don’t face: how to balance work and romance.
“Being married partners, we will have specific business meetings where we just talk about business,” Rimes says. To keep things even, they have outings, such as a movie and dinner date night, when shop talk is forbidden. On those nights, “We’re under [an] agreement where we don’t talk about the business.”
With the demands of running a winery and a retail store, Rimes’ second job as a consultant, and raising three children, the two are stretched.
While they’re still figuring out some work/home life balance issues, one priority exists: keeping the marriage healthy. “We made a conscious decision that the marriage is more important than the partnership to us,” she says.
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offer up 贡献 present as an act of worship
steadfast [ˋstɛd͵fæst] adj. 坚定的,不动摇的
consultancy [kənˋsʌltənsɪ] n. 咨询公司,顾问服务公司
work out 解决
outing [ˋaʊtɪŋ] n. 远足;郊游;短途旅游
shop talk 在工作地点外谈论本行之事(引申为谈公事) talk about your business that only others in the same business can understand
stretch [strɛtʃ] v. 耗尽,竭尽
conscious [ˋkɑnʃəs] adj. (决定、行动等)有意的,刻意的
Relatively speaking 相对而言
Just as spousal collaboration has its challenges, so does a partnership between family, longtime friends and acquaintances.
Kai and Charles Huang, who shared bunk beds as children and later went on to launch the billion-dollar-generating video game hit Guitar Hero, brought their own family dynamics into their business. The two often argued as children and had no problem doing the same in the workplace.
“We get into disagreements, and sometimes we’ll just start yelling at each other,” Kai says. “We’re totally comfortable with that.”
What they didn’t realize initially was that some of their employees weren’t as at ease. “We had one employee tell us many years later that every time we argued that it was like Mommy and Daddy arguing.”
Even though they’ve spent decades bickering they’ve also formed a strong bond – which helps them be better business partners, Charles says.
“We walked into the business knowing how each other thinks and what the other is likely to do,” he says. “We trust each other.”
Adjusting for unexpected events 调整适应意外状况
Unexpected life turns also tax business agreements. Candace Sandy and Dawn Marie Daniels of New York City, friends since high school, informally outlined the goals and division of duties for their book-publishing venture. But once a few tough, personal troubles surfaced, they struggled.
When they were ramping up the business, Daniels’ mother had to undergo ovarian cancer treatments.
“We did have an understanding [of partnership duties], but when tragedy strikes, you kind of have to start switching roles,” Sandy says.
Getting through those tough times is a rite of passage for business owners, says K Squared’s Elster.
“When things are good, it’s exciting and easy,” she says. “But hardship is the great test of a partnership. How you work it through [shows] the strength or weakness of the partnership.”
−by Laura Petrecca
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spousal [ˋspaʊz!] adj. 结婚的
disagreement [͵dɪsəˋgrimənt] n. 意见不一
at ease 安逸,自由自在;自然 free from pain, trouble, or anxiety
bickering [ˋbɪkərɪŋ] n. 争吵
walk into〔意外地〕撞着〔某物〕; 出乎意料陷入某境地(尤指因不慎) to meet with unwittingly
outline [ˋaʊt͵laɪn] v. 画出……的轮廓,画……的略图
ramp up [动词短语] 加强,加大 bolster or strengthen
Vocabulary Focus
beef [bif] n.【美】【俚】抱怨,牢骚 a complaint
scrutiny [ˋskrutnɪ] n. 详细的检查;仔细的观察 the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it
square off 摆好打斗的架势; 准备迎战 to prepare to fight, compete or argue with someone; to oppose someone directly
pool [pul] v.(为共同目的)合出(资金,物资,想法等)to collect something such as money or resources in order for it to be used by several different people or groups; to accumulate in a body part
road map 准则;指示;说明 a plan for achieving something
capitalize on 利用… to use a situation in order to achieve something good for oneself
contend with 对付 to have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation
relatively speaking 相对来说,相比较而言 said when judging one thing in comparison with other things
tax [tæks] v. 使 .. 负重担;使..受压力 to be difficult for someone
rite of passage 人生大事及其庆祝仪式 a particular event that represents the beginning of an important, new stage of life
Guitar Hero