How to Succeed at Work 职场达人的成功秘诀
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年1月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:289
Advice from a business coach on how to make positive changes in your working environment 商业教练教你如何在工作环境中做出正面的改变
Get the big picture, then master your tasks 找出大方向,掌握工作诀窍
- Question: I have so many tasks on my plate that I often don’t know what to do first. The e-mail flow is so heavy that I don’t know how to organize it so that I can determine my next actions, let alone find time to answer them all. How can I get out of these trees so I can see the forest? 问题:我手边的工作堆积如山,害我经常不知该从何着手。电子邮件流量多到让我不知该如何理出头绪,以决定接下来该采取哪些行动,更别说是挪出时间来回复所有的信件了。我该如何走出见树不见林的困扰,以便达到见林的目标?
- Answer: Once you know that your forest looks like, you’ll be able to see which trees fit. You’ll then be able to get organized and take action. Outline the big picture of your job. Write down your top tasks and major responsibilities so you’re clear about what you should be doing. List the time-eaters that are outside your scope, too. 回答:一旦你先看到全貌之后,便能先见林再见树,就会知道究竟哪些树才是适合这座树林的。接着你就会懂得井然有序地规划工作,并着手采取行动。先描绘出你工作的大方向,并把最重要的任务及主要职责都写下来,就能让你一目了然地清楚知道你的应做事项有哪些。此外,也列出那些很花时间但却超出你职责范围之外的事项。
Then, gain focus by getting your e-mail under control. Assess which e-mails are necessary for your core accountabilities. Realistically, many are probably unrelated and could be deleted unread.
Just like clearing clutter from a room helps you feel lighter, getting your work life in order will give you new energy. If you have hundreds of e-mails waiting, pare them by sorting by sender. Delete those that are information only, including newsletters and status updates for non-core projects.
Create a system to organize the keepers based on your personal style. If you like a detailed filing system, replicate that in e-mail; use broad categories if they work better for you. Decide on an approach to track e-mails that need responses, perhaps creating a separate folder or using “action needed” flags. Then, file your remaining e-mails into your news system.
Some simple steps can help maintain your system. Decide what time of day you’ll review e-mails, and plan your work. Be disciplined about deleting unneeded e-mails unread and getting off unproductive distribution lists.
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big picture(事情的)主要部分;重点
get out of trees so (you) can see the forest (原句是can't see the forest for the trees见树不见林) 走出「见树不见林」的困境,以窥全貌 to see the big picture (forest) and NOT just to see the details; to try to get a general idea of a situation that is hard to understand because of being involved with the details
outline [ˋaʊt͵laɪn] v. 画出……的轮廓
time-eater 很花时间的事物 things that need to take a lot of time to be done
accountability [ə͵kaʊntəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 有责任,有义务
realistically [ ˌrɪəˈlɪstɪklɪ ] adv. 实际地; 现实地; 基本上 basically
clutter [ˋklʌtɚ] n. 凌乱,杂乱;散乱的东西
newsletter [ˋnjuzˋlɛtɚ] n. (某组织定期发送的)内部通讯
file [faɪl] v. 把……归档
disciplined [ˋdɪsəplɪnd] adj. 纪律严明的; 训练有素的
To understand what the boss wants, understand the boss 想要了解主管要的究竟是什么,先了解主管本人
- Question: My boss isn’t very clear in his expectations for me, so I often feel like I’m falling short and not doing what I should be doing. How can I make this better? 问题:主管都不说清楚他究竟对我有何期望,所以我常觉得工作表现未达到要求,且没做到应做事项。我该如何改善这个状况?
- Answer: Understanding and communication are the keys to improving your situation, and it’s up to you to take the lead. 回答:彼此了解与沟通是改善此状况的关键,且主动权操之在你。
Start by reminding yourself that both you and your boss want you to be successful at your job. Then, focus on gaining a deeper understanding of what you need to be successful, as well as insights into how his mind works.
Take a recent task that your boss assigned, using it as an example to analyze your styles. Think about what he told you, other information that would’ve helped you, the frequency of progress checks and the clarity of the goal. Consider how you each gave or received information. Remember, this isn’t about one way being better or worse – it’s about gaining understanding.
Build on your insights by creating a plan to be more effective in working with your boss. Try meeting with him to discuss your ideas for setting clear expectations.
When a new task is assigned, take the lead in how you seek information about his expectations. If he’s more linear than you are, suggest walking through the task from start to finish. If you’re more of a planner while he tends to go with the flow, offer to plan out the task. Generally, use your insights about his style to frame his expectations and increase his comfort with the steps you’re taking to do your work – while you also get what you need.
Even well-intentioned people can miss the mark when communicating about work expectations, especially under time pressure. Taking the time to understand how people operate and using that information to communicate effectively can ease this challenge and set you up for success.
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take the lead 带头 to become the leader, to advance into first place
build on 建立在…的基础上
linear [ˋlɪnɪɚ] adj. 直线的; 按部就班的; 通过单独的若干阶段来发展 continuing reasonably from one idea to the next
plan out 为...作准备; 策划, 筹划, 详细安排 to make thorough plans for something
well-intentioned [ˋwɛlɪnˋtɛnʃənd] adj. 好意的;善意的; 出于好意的
set someone up for 助某人建立(获得)… to help establish someone
You can share work and add skills without lowering standards 你可以在不降低工作水平的情况下,分派工作给他人,并提升自我技能
- Question: I find it hard to delegate tasks to others. A coworker told me I have “control issues.” My boss says I need to stop being a perfectionist. But I feel that I need to do it all myself to be sure it’s done correctly. Help! 问题:我发现自己很难分派工作给别人做。有位同事告诉我,我有「掌控欲」的问题。老板劝我不要变成完美主义者,但我觉得,如果想把事情办好,就得样样自己来。救救我吧!
- Answer: Perfectionism and control create a powerful, performance-limiting trap. Changing your approach to sharing work will open up more robust possibilities. 回答:完美主义及掌控欲会制造出一个强大的陷阱,且会局限工作绩效。改变你的工作模式,利用分工合作,将为你开启更多成功的契机。
Your first step is to explore the dynamics that lead you to maintain tight control. If errors have been costly in the past, then letting go of control may seem risky. But you can make strategic decisions on which work to delegate and how closely to maintain oversight.
Also, consider the benefits of successful delegation. You may have seen positive outcomes and high morale. Remind yourself of these examples when you’re trying to ease up on control. And be open to learning from someone else’s way of performing a task.
You may be more in your comfort zone with detail work and less comfortable with strategic thinking. Consider which aspects of your job are (at) a stretch and be clear about your strengths and development needs. Your goal is to become comfortable with knowing what you don’t know – and then to use this knowledge to grow.
Start safe. Choose someone you trust to do a good job, and do a final review of the work. Widen the net of people you’re comfortable with by delegating lower-risk tasks, gradually including more visible or complex tasks. To ensure that work quality is maintained, provide specific, actionable feedback while staying open to new or different solutions for accomplishing the task. And remember to express your appreciation.
Perfectionism can hold you and your organization back. However, you can maintain your high standards while increasing your contribution by building your skills and investing in others.
−by Liz Reyer
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dynamic [daɪˋnæmɪk] n. (引起改变或进步的)动力,活力
let go of 放开, 放走, 放松 to stop trying to control something
oversight [ˋovɚ͵saɪt] n. 监督;照管
ease up(在程度、速度、强度等上)缓和,减轻,减弱 to reduce the urgency with which one deals with something; to put less pressure on something
(at) a stretch 处于拉伸(或伸展、紧张、拉紧等)的状态 with some difficulty; by making a special effort
visible [ˋvɪzəb!] adj. 明显的; 确实的; 已有的,现有的
actionable [ˋækʃənəb!] adj. 可执行的
hold someone, something back 阻碍, 阻止, 阻挡; 控制, 限制 to restrain someone, something
Vocabulary Focus
have (a lot) on (one’s) plate 要做的工作太多了, 忙得不可开交 to have a lot of work to do or a lot of problems to deal with
scope [skop] n. 范围,领域 the range of matters considered or dealt with
pare [pɛr] v. 消减,缩减 to reduce something, especially by a large amount
keeper [ˋkipɚ] n. 必须留存的数据 something that is worth maintaining in your possession
fall short 达不到标准(或要求) to not reach a desired amount or standard
walk (somebody) through (something) 详细指引某人做某事情 to slowly and carefully show someone how to do something
go with the flow 顺其自然; 跟着感觉走 to deal with things in a laid-back, relaxed manner
frame [frem] v. 制定;设计;构想出; 塑造 to give structure to something
miss the mark 未达目的, 失败, 不恰当 to fail to reach the intended result
delegate [ˋdɛlə͵get] v. 委派;委托,授(权) to give a particular job or duty to someone else so that they do it for you
robust [rəˋbʌst] adj. 强健的;茁壮的;健全的 strong and unlikely to fail
comfort zone 舒适地带; 舒适区 (指的是一个人所表现的心理状态和习惯性的行为模式,人会在这种状态或模式中感到舒适。) an environment in which a person feels at ease as long as there is no drastic change; a situation where one feels safe or at ease