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The Zappos Philosophy (Zappos网络帝国的生意经)








This online retail company sets an example with a different kind of business model  这家网络零售企业以与众不同的商业模式树立典范


Shortly after moving to Las Vegas from San Francisco in 2004, Zappos received a call from the FBI’s local field office. “They were asking us if they could access our photo archive,” says development director Brent Cromley. Turned out the online shoe retailer obsessively shoots each model it sells from seven vantage points, resulting in the largest image database of shoe soles on earth – an invaluable tool for Feds tracking criminals. It also allowed Zappos to do what it does best: combine far-reaching service and the focused application of technology to win another happy customer.



Zappos has made a habit of going to extremes. It gives free shipping on all purchases. It has a 365-day return policy, and new employees are actually offered a $2,000 bonus to quit after a four-week paid training program. “It’s best to know early on if an employee doesn’t buy into the vision or the culture,” says CEO Tony Hsieh. “It just makes economic sense.”

Zappos对于挑战极限早就习以为常了,不但所有售出产品后的三百六十五天都可以退换,此外,新进员工接受四周给薪培训后,公司居然还愿意付两千美元的离职奖金给那些自愿拿钱走人的新人。」如果想及早看出员工对公司的愿景或文化是不是买账(译注:buy into指全心全意地接受),用给钱来试探他们的忠诚度,就是最好的办法,」执行长谢家华(译注:为华裔美国人,父母原本来自台湾)表示,「这种做法从经济的眼光来看,其实是很合算的。」


Attention to detail  重视细节


In less than 10 years, Hsieh has grown Zappos into a billion-dollar-a-year retailer. The company’s offerings now include handbags, apparel, sunglasses, watches, even electronics, and along the way, it has built a cult following through its meticulous attention to each sale. “In March of 2003, we made a decision to be about customer service,” says Hsieh. “We view any expense that enhances the customer experience as a marketing cost because it generates more repeat customers through word of mouth.” Indeed, Zappos spends a tiny percentage of its budget on advertising – around $18 million last year – and instead relies on repeat sales for around 75 percent of its revenues. “Not any one thing makes the difference,” says Hsieh. “But the combo of free shipping both ways, surprise upgrades overnight service, the 365-day return policy, staffing our call center 24/7: The whole package is what builds our reputation and brand.”







More Information

archive [ˋɑrkaɪv] n. 数据库; 档案

invaluable [ɪnˋvæljəb!] adj. 非常贵重的,无价的;无法估价的

far-reaching [ˋfɑrˋritʃɪŋ] adj. 深远的;广泛的

early on 在初期; 开始后不久

along the way 一路走来; 随着时间的推移; 一路上 during the time that something is happening or that you are doing something

cult following 狂热的追随 the admiration that is felt by a particular group for a film, book, band, etc

cult [kʌlt] n. (对人、思想、事物等的)狂热崇拜,迷信;狂热

meticulous [məˋtɪkjələs] adj. 非常仔细的; 非常注意细节的; 周密的; 一丝不苟的

instead [ɪnˋstɛd] adv. 反而,却 on the contrary

combo [ˋkɑmbo] n.【美】【口】结合(物)










Tech expertise pays off  科技长才派上用场


Hsieh, a 35-year-old Harvard grad, sold his web-advertising company, Link Exchange, to Microsoft for $265 million in 1998. Today, technology expertise – including a sophisticated computer management system built in-house – allows Zappos to live up to its customer-centric standards.



“From a tech standpoint, we have a warehouse management system, an inventory system, an e-commerce system,” says Cromley. “If something gets returned four years later – and it happens – we can scan it in and know who bought it and if it was returned three times before. The whole history of the item is kept in the system.”



This system tracks inventory to such a degree that users can see when there are only, say, three pairs of size-12 Clarks Desert Boots available in the color “sand”. For employees, it automatically sends daily e-mail reminders to call a customer back, coordinates the warehouse robot system, and produces reports that can specifically assess the impact on profit margins when putting a particular item on sale.



New media, good example  新媒体,良好典范


Hsieh is quick to embrace new media. Last year, he started using Twitter, and he encourages his staff to do the same. Last November, the company even used Twitter to publish its explanation for why it was laying off 8 percent of its staff. In the current economy, the reasons were clear enough, but what stood out was the way Zappos handled the event. Fired employees were given up to three months’ severance. As Hsieh put it on Twitter: “We expect that it will actually increase, not decrease, our costs for 2008, but we feel this is the right thing to do for our employees”



-from “The World’s Most Innovative Companies,” compiled by the Fast Company staff






More Information

in-house [ˋɪn͵haʊs] adv. 独力设计、制造而不假外力地 conducted within, coming from, or being within an organization or group

lay off 解雇; 停止使用

stand out 突出, 显着 to be conspicuous, distinctive, or prominent

severance [ˋsɛvərəns] n. 离职金 severance pay; money that an employer might want to provide for an employee who is leaving their employ






Vocabulary Focus

obsessively [əbˋsɛsɪvlɪ] adv. 过分(到不正常程序)地 behaving or doing something in an excessive manner

vantage point(便于观察的)有利位置; 有利视角  a position that provides a broad perspective of something; viewpoint

go to extremes 做得过分, 采取极端措施; 无所不用其极 to do something to the largest degree

buy into 接受(某事); 相信(某事) to completely believe in a set of ideas

upgrade [ˋʌpˋgred] n. 升级;提高品级(或标准)the act of exchanging one thing for something of better quality

sophisticated [səˋfɪstɪ͵ketɪd] adj. 复杂的,精密的,高度发展的 complicated or made with great skill

live up to 不辜负; 符合 for something to turn out to be as good as it was originally expected to be

profit margin 利润之百分比;利润率 profits that can be made in a business after the costs have been subtracted



The Zappos Family on Nightline









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