Mastering the Interview 掌握面试技巧
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:315
Job interviews are crucial, so take the time to prepare and practice 求职面试非常重要,所以一定要花时间好好准备、多多练习才行
Jobs are scarce and competition is fierce. Nailing the interview is key to separating yourself from the pack and landing that next job. Making sure you’re ready for the big day is important.
“Never go into an interview winging it,” said Kristin Mortensen, who is a career coach in Sacramento, California. People who do “often regret that decision.”
加州沙加缅度的职涯顾问(译注:或译就业顾问、职涯教练)克里斯廷.莫坦森表示,「参加面试绝对不可以只靠临场反应,」(译注:wing it指临场反应、即兴发挥),而这么做的人「通常都会后悔」。
And many who think they’re ready fall short. Experts such as Jess Bushey, a marketing director for a Sacramento employment agency, have seen it all too often.
而有许多认为自己已经准备好了的人,其实还未臻理想(译注:fall short指不符合标准或要求)。沙加缅度一家职业介绍所的营销主任洁西.布谢等专家都异口同声表示,上述情形屡见不鲜。
Some job seekers “think they know what they’re going to say, but they haven’t articulates it out loud,” Bushey said. “Preparation. People still don’t do enough of it.”
Do’s and don’ts 面试的注意事项及禁忌
1, Practice, practice, practice 练习、练习、再练习
When rehearsing, avoid buzzwords and empty phrases, Mortensen said. Trouble comes when “you feel that it’s somebody else’s words you’re regurgitating,” she said. “You come up with what to say.”
Bushey said she is often surprised how little interviewees know about their own work histories. “You want to know that résumé inside and out,” she said.
Beyond prior job experience and dates, Bushey tells prospects to prepare three universal examples of how they overcome challenges at work. “You want to cite examples – a difficult coworker or a project. …. It’s an employer’s market, and you need to stand out for the right reason.”
2, Arrive in a timely manner 适时抵达面试场所
Being a few minutes early is fine. More than that is awkward – and a little rude.
“The biggest [thing] that sets interviewers off is definitely when you’re more than 10 minutes early,” Bushey said.
The reason? Staffs are busier than ever. More anxious, too. Waiting in the lobby makes staffers uneasy and doesn’t respect the interviewer’s time, she said.
More Information
nail [nel] v. 成功获得; 顺利通过【口】抓住,捕获 to perform successfully or have noteworthy success in
wing it 即兴表演;临时发挥 to say or do something without preparation, forethought, or sufficient information or experience; improvise
fall short 达不到标准(或要求) to lack something
do’s and don’ts 应做的和不应做的; 注意事项
rehearse [rɪˋhɝs] n. 排练,排演
buzzword [ˋbʌzwɝd] n. 同伴间的通用语, 装模作样的专门语
prospect [ˋprɑspɛkt] n.【美】可能成为主顾的人;有希望的候选人
stand out 突出, 显着 to be conspicuous, distinctive, or prominent
3, Keep it businesslike 公事公办,别太随便
Even if the interview’s going great, don’t let down your guard. Be cordial, be professional, be polite and be engaged.
“If you’ve built a strong rapport, keep on task,” Bushey said. “Do not overshare. Don’t get too comfortable.”
4, Hold the attitude 态度要保持不卑不亢
Learn about the company by checking business websites like Hoover’s and Manta, Bushey said. Show the interviewer that you’ve studied the company, but don’t be boastful about it.
“You can’t be too prepared, but you can be too cocky,” Bushey said.
5, Keep your chin up 打起精神
Searching for a new job is tough, discouraging work, but a prospective new employer doesn’t need to know that. If there are gaps in your résumé, tell the interviewer about what you’ve done in the interim. Are you volunteering? Maybe you’ve taken classes or joined a networking group.
“You don’t want to give off a sense of desperation,” Bushey said. “You want to have good posture and good eye contact. Be relaxed and be open.”
Most important, stay calm and confident.
6, Review the interview 检讨面试情形
OK, it’s the end of the day, and you’ve gotten out of the interview in one piece. What now? Breathe and debrief, Mortensen said. The results will help build your database for the next interview.
“Leave a notebook in the car. Take 10 to 15 minutes to decompress. Then remember what the questions were and what your responses were. It’s a list that you create and grow for other interviews.”
7, Keep the faith 保持信心
People get nervous, especially before an interview, but Bushey offers these reassuring words: “Know everything will be fine. Nothing bad will happen. The interviewer’s just as nervous as you are.”
-by Darrell Smith
More Information
businesslike [ˋbɪznɪs͵laɪk] adj. 认真的;有目的的
let down one’s guard 掉以轻心 to relax and stop looking out for danger
engaged [ɪnˋgedʒd] adj. 热中参与的; 投入的 voluntarily committed or personally involved
overshare 过度分享 to offer inappropriate disclosure concerning one's personal life/thought to others
boastful [ˋbostfəl] adj. 自吹自擂的
keep one’s chin up 打起精神,振作起来, 不气馁 this expression is used to tell someone to have confidence
interim [ˋɪntərɪm] n. 间歇;过渡期间 the time between two particular periods or events
give off 发出, 发散 to send forth; emit
in one piece (指人)无恙, 平安, (尤指)脱险; 完整无损 not injured or damaged
debrief [dɪˋbrif] v. 执行任务的情况汇报 to make or (of his superiors) to elicit a report after a mission or event; to provide detailed information about an event after it has ended
reassuring [͵riəˋʃʊrɪŋ] adj. 安慰的;鼓气的; 令人放心的,令人欣慰的
Vocabulary Focus
pack [pæk] n.(常贬)一伙,一帮 a group of people with common interests
articulate [ɑrˋtɪkjə͵let] v. 明确有力地表达 to express in words
regurgitate [rɪˋgɝdʒə͵tet] v. 依样复述 to repeat something you have heard without thinking about it
set off 使…发怒 to cause someone to suddenly become annoyed or angry
cordial [ˋkɔrdʒəl] adj. 热忱的,友好的;衷心的;真挚的 friendly, but formal and polite
rapport [ræˋport] n. 融洽关系 a good understanding of someone and an ability to communicate well with him or her
cocky [ˋkɑkɪ] adj. 骄傲的;太过自信的 confident in a way that is unpleasant and sometimes rude (informal)
decompress [͵dikəmˋprɛs] v. 使解除压力;使减压 to relax (informal)
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