Online Fair Trade 在线公平贸易平台
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年6月10日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:337
A new partnership between eBay and an unusual social enterprise aims to give the world’s artisans access to a bigger market – and a fair share of the revenue eBay和一家独特的社会事业携手合作,旨在让全球手工艺者能触及更广大的市场──同时也能获得公平适当的收入
In 2004, Robert Chatwani, an eBay marketing executive, visited India with his family, saw some women making jewelry in a market, and had a brainstorm. “I bought some on consignment, and a small team at eBay put them up on the site just to see what would happen,” he says. “Seven hundred dollars’ worth of products sold for $1,200 in just a few weeks.”
Inspired, Chatwani got eBay’s blessing to build a business around socially positive, “fair-trade” imports. The company launched a new partnership and online marketplace that promises to sell more fair-trade goods than have ever been sold in one place. EBay is trying to do for the mothers of Asia, Africa and Latin America what it did for their U.S. counterparts, with a goal of penetrating a gifts market worth $65 billion each year. Those numbers sound tantalizing, yet can a big brand help small businesses grow without undermining their fair-trade values?
Connecting the world 全球心手相连
Between 2004 and 2006, Chatwani did some serious moonlighting, studying how to structure eBay’s newest enterprise. He talked to the World Bank. He met with NGOs. He made field visits to villages in rural India.
He says he found “a lot of players focused on supply [but] … the big void we felt was somebody driving large-scale consumer demand.” Then he met a social entrepreneur named Priya Haji, who had founded a group called World of Good, which focused on just that.
On a trip abroad in 2004, Haji conceived the idea of connecting the artisans she met, most of them women, with the American market. Along with one of her best friends from business school, Siddharth Sangvhi, she started World of Good to market fair-trade products through displays at stores. She still has an undergraduate’s wide-eyed intensity: “We’re trying to get consumerism to be a force for good.”
More Information
on consignment 以寄售的方式(货物售出后始行付款) on the understanding that payment will be made for goods only after they have been sold
consignment [kənˋsaɪnmənt] n. 委托;交付
blessing [ˋblɛsɪŋ] n. 同意,允许
fair-trade [ˋfɛrˋtred] n. 公平贸易; adj. 按公平规则进行贸易的 a movement to encourage fair prices and reasonable conditions for producers in developing countries
moonlight [ˋmun͵laɪt] v.【口】做兼職 to work at an additional job, sometimes without telling your main employer
moonlighting [ˋmun͵laɪtɪŋ] n. 兼差
NGO 非政府组织 abbreviation for a nongovernmental organization
void [vɔɪd] n. 空间; 空隙, 空处
“Fair trade” has typically meant commodities such as coffee, tea or chocolate with the TransFair USA label, guaranteeing minimum prices for farmers. But for handicrafts, fair-trade standards are looser. Groups such as Novica and Ten Thousand Villages work oversea to ensure improved labor conditions and fair prices, with more of the proceeds going to local craftspeople. World of Good shares the goal of raising artisan income, but rather than monitor production itself, it markets other organizations’ fair-trade products.
The pros and cons 正反意见 by eBay, its new online superstore, is its biggest platform yet. The point, of course, is to sell more goods made by small-time artisans, and for Haji, eBay is a fine place to do that.
But the question of scale is challenging. At one World of Good presentation I attended, a staffer from another development nonprofit asked whether suddenly upping the number of orders to a cottage producer might lead her to press her children into service – a truly perverse consequence.
International Fair Trade Association president Paul Myers counts himself among Haji’s fans. Yet he says he’s “not sure” about World of Good linking up with such a large company while leaving its monitoring to third parties such as Novica.
“One of the concerns some people have about the World of Good/eBay relationship is that it’s going to give eBay an opportunity to unintentionally put the fair-trade label on things that aren’t fair trade,” he says. As World of Good listings mingle with others on eBay, a halo effect could extend to the larger company.
But Haji believes she must think big. If fair trade is actually going to pull more people out of poverty, she argues, World of Good must reach beyond the elite, affluent shopper. “If we don’t let in Joe American, … who has never traveled internationally, but who … would like to think about things he buys differently, this can’t grow.”
−by Anya Kamenetz
More Information
TransFair USA 美国公平贸易组织认证标章 a certification that ensures fairness guidelines, including the guarantee that producers of goods will be paid a fair price
loose [lus] adj. 松的; 宽的; 松散的
proceeds [ˋprosidz] n. 收益,收入
the pros and cons 赞成和反对的理由
small-time [ˋsmɔlˋtaɪm] adj. 小规模的, 三流的, 卑贱不足取的 insignificant or unimportant; minor
count [kaʊnt] v. 认为;看作[(+as/among)]
mingle [ˋmɪŋg!] v. 使混合,使相混 [(+with/together)]
halo effect 光环效应 the transfer of positive feelings about a product or person to another, possibly unrelated, person or thing
halo [ˋhelo] n.(基督及圣徒像头部的)光环
Joe American 一般的美国人 US and Canadian a man or fellow; the ordinary person in the United States
Vocabulary Focus
artisan [ˋɑrtəzn] n. 工匠;技工 a person who does skilled work with his hands
counterpart [ˋkaʊntɚ͵pɑrt] n. 对应的人(或物)a person or thing which has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization
penetrate [ˋpɛnə͵tret] v. 扩散于;渗透入 to move into or through something
tantalizing [ˋtænt!͵aɪzɪŋ] adj. 逗引的; 诱人的 attracting someone by offering or suggesting something that is unlikely to be provided or is not enough
wide-eyed [ˋwaɪdˋaɪd] adj. 天真的 too willing to believe and admire what you see or are told
commodity [kəˋmɑdətɪ] n. 商品;日用品 a substance or product that can be traded, bought or sold
perverse [pɚˋvɝs] adj. 违反常情的; 错误的; 不正当的,有悖常情的 having the effect of being, or intended to be, the opposite of what is ordinarily expected or considered reasonable
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