Blogging or Advertising? 部落格乎?广告乎?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年6月21日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:310
Some endorsement deals blur the line between blogging and promotion 有些协议下的代言行为,混淆了部落格发文与营销的界线
Consumers researching a product online can find a trove of insightful reviews and revealing complaints. Or, they can get mired in a snake pit of fake blogs, paid testimonials and word-of-mouth campaigns engineered by marketers posing as consumers.
At the center of itall are bloggers, who find themselves being tugged in opposite directions by big business and federal regulators – with each side claiming the other threatens the vitality and independence of the medium.
A shifting line between content and advertising is nothing new. But the rules seem murkier online, perhaps because a generation of young consumers seems to have developed a knack for ignoring clearly marked ads and sponsored links.
“Claims that [are] clearly exuberant are pretty easily identified,” said Timothy Keane, the director of the Emerson Ethics Center at St. Louis University.
New trends in media equal new rules 媒体新趋势相当于新规定
As technology like TiVo and video on demand encourages the most desirable, upper-income demographic tune out traditional television commercials, marketers consider Internet marketing a priority. And that hasn’t escaped notice from federal regulators.
In late 2009, the Federal Trade Commission announced a reinterpretation of its product endorsement rules that, in part, targets bloggers and social media users who vouch for companies and products in exchange for payment.
The FTC said bloggers were within their rights to sell content – even favorable reviews – but that they have to disclose to readers that they’ve been compensated. If bloggers try to conceal paid endorsement deals, the commission could sue them.
To many, the commission’s stance smacked of big government control over commerce and free speech.
More Information
endorsement [ɪnˋdɔrsmənt] n. 赞同;支持
trove [trov] n. 收藏的东西 a collection of valuable items discovered or found
insightful [ˋɪn͵saɪtfəl] adj. 有深刻见解的
snake pit 恐怖和混乱的地方 a place of disorder and chaos
snake [snek] n. 奸险的人,卑劣的人
testimonial [͵tɛstəˋmonɪəl] n.(人、物、资格、品质等的)证明书;推荐书
pose [poz] v. 假装
tug [tʌg] v. 用力拉(或拖)
vitality [vaɪˋtælətɪ] n. 活力; 生命力
shifting [ˈʃɪftɪŋ] adj. 变化的; 变换的
murky [ˋmɝkɪ] adj. 含糊不清的; 难以理解的 describes a situation that is complicated and unclear
knack [næk] n. 本领;熟练技巧
exuberant [ɪgˋzjubərənt] adj. 热情洋溢的 enthusiastic
on demand 按需的; 随选的 at any time that you want or need something
desirable [dɪˋzaɪrəb!] adj. 中意的, 理想的, 希望的
tune out 不再参与, 脱身 to cease paying attention to anything at all
in part 在某种程度上;部分地 to some extent; partly
vouch [vaʊtʃ] v. 担保;保证;作证[(+for)]
favorable [ˋfevərəb!] adj. 赞同的;称赞的
smack [smæk] v. 略有特定滋味,稍带特定味道
Difficult to define 难以界定
Many bloggers bristled at the FTC’s broad definition of what should be disclosed to readers as compensation, which the commission has said could include sample merchandise or free services.
Karin McAnaney, who writes a blog that tracks coming specials at St. Louis-area restaurants, believes that anger is misplaced.
The advertisements that appear on McAnaney’s site – – are independently generated by Google. And McAnaney, a proponent of full disclosure by bloggers, intends to keep that way.
“Consumers should know whether that long blog post they are relying on …. is only a shill that may be glossing over any negatives of the product,” she said. Disclosing a relationship with a company “is no burden at all, but has the benefit of arming the reader with the proper knowledge.”
No need to panic 毋须恐慌
The FTC has tried to quell bloggers’ fears that the government will sue them over the occasional free meal, a free book or promotional swag.
“We’re not planning on investigating individual bloggers,” said Mary Engle, the FTC’s associate director of ad practices. “We work in a target-rich environment, so we’re going to focus on the worst violators.”
The commission, she insisted, is much more concerned with the proliferation of websites designed to look like personal blogs that are, in fact, created by marketers to kick-start buzz campaigns or give shady companies the false veneer of consumer satisfaction.
One thing is for certain, said Keane: Product endorsements by bloggers are here to stay. Blogging “meets the need for shallow and fast gratification,” he said. Consumers “can look at it quickly and move out. They assume everything in it is true and don’t do any vetting of reality.”
−by Matt Hathaway
More Information
misplaced [ˋmɪsplest] adj. 不合时宜的,不得体的
shill [ʃɪl] n.【美】【口】诱饵; 雇用的骗子 someone who pretends to be an interested customer, but is actually promoting a product for reasons of self-interest
gloss [glɔs] v. 掩盖;掩饰[(+over)]
arm [ɑrm] v. 提供,配备[(+with)] to provide with something that strengthens or protects
swag [swæg] n. 促销品; 宣传品 items given for free to promote something, and usually bearing a company’s logo
target-rich 目标丰富的
shady [ˋʃedɪ] adj.【口】可疑的;靠不住的;名声不好的
(be) here to stay【口】固定下来, 普遍认可, 成为风尚 to remain (in a particular position, place, state or condition)
gratification [͵grætəfəˋkeʃən] n. 满足;满意;喜悦
vetting [vɛtɪŋ] n. 数据检查[核对,核实]
Vocabulary Focus
mired [ˈmaɪəd] adj. 使……深陷泥潭的;陷于困境的 involved in a difficult situation, especially for a long period of time
smack of (something) 有…的味道, 有点像… to seem to display a certain quality, especially an unpleasant one
bristle [ˋbrɪs!] v. 发怒;准备格斗[(+up/at)] to react angrily
proponent [prəˋponənt] n. 提议人;拥护者a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action
gloss over 掩饰, 掩盖 to avoid discussing something; to hide under a deceptively attractive surface or appearance
quell [kwɛl] v. 镇压;平息;压制 to stop something unwanted from happening
veneer [vəˋnɪr] n. 虚饰 something that hides what is unpleasant or unwanted
vet [vɛt] v. 调查;检查 to study something to see that it is acceptable or accurate