Miep Gies 抢救安妮日记的女子
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年6月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:338
This courageous woman played a pivotal role in introducing the poignant diary of Anne Frank to the world 辛酸的安妮日记之所以能传诸于世,梅普.吉丝这位勇敢的女性扮演了关键性的角色
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl has been translated into more than 67 languages and tens of millions of copies have been sold since its publication in 1947. For millions of young people, Anne’s story is their initial exposure to the Holocaust.
The famous words from Anne’s closing passage – “I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart” – have inspired hope and tolerance for the generations after World War II that tried to grasp the horror of the annihilation of millions of Jews caught in Adolf Hitler’s mania.
Yet Anne’s story might never have surfaced were it not for Miep Gies, a Christian, who said in her 90s that she felt no fear when she risked her life to protect and bring provisions to the Frank family during World War II.
Saved diary, lost friend 救回日记,失去朋友
After the war, Gies enjoyed modest fame for her part in keeping Anne Frank and her family alive while they hid from the Nazis and for rescuing Anne’s writings in the hope of returning them to Anne after the war. Anne, almost 16, and her sister Margot, 19, both died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen a few weeks before the camp was liberated.
On what would have been Anne Frank’s 75th birthday, Gies, then 96, told People magazine: “I have written many things about her. But, after all this time, it is still extremely painful that Anne didn’t live – that none of them did.”
Miep’s story 梅普的故事
Miep Gies was born in Vienna in 1909, just five years before World War Ibegan in Europe. The war caused widespread food shortages and, like many, young Gies became sick from malnourishment.
At 11, Gies was sent to the Netherlands by her worried parents. Her new family eventually moved from a small town to the bustling city of Amsterdam.
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poignant [ˋpɔɪnənt] adj. 辛酸的,惨痛的
Holocaust [ˋhɑlə͵kɔst] n.(二次大战时纳粹对犹太人的)大屠杀 the killing of millions of Jews and others by the Nazi before and during the Second World War
at heart 本质上, 实际上; 心里, 内心是 in one's deepest feelings; fundamentally
grasp [græsp] v. 领会,理解
provision [prəˋvɪʒən] n. 食物;粮食;给养
modest [ˋmɑdɪst] adj. 不太大(或多)的
for one’s part 至于某人; 对某人来说
typhus [ˋtaɪfəs] n.【医】斑疹伤寒 an infectious disease spread by small insects that live on the body, causing a high temperature, severe pains in the head and purple spots on the body
mal- [mæl] pref. 表示坏,恶,不良
Amsterdam [ˋæmstɚ͵dæm] n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰宪法上规定之首都,但实际上的首都是海牙,为政府所在地)
In 1933, Gies took an office job with Otto Frank, whose firm specialized in pectin and spices. Frank had recently left Germany because of Hitler’s anti-Jewish policies.
On May 10, 1940, the Germans entered the Netherlands. Within four days, the country was in Hitler’s hands, and things began a slow spiral into despair. In the spring of 1942, Otto Frank confided to Gies that he and his wife and two daughters were “planning to go under – to go into hiding” upstairs at his offices.
“Miep, are you willing to take on the responsibility of taking care of us while we are in hiding?” Frank asked Gies.
“Of course,” she replied.
After the war, when questioned about this almost casual response, she explained that she knew instantly that if she refused, she “could foresee many sleepless nights” because “remorse and regret can be worse than losing your life.”
In hiding 藏匿时期
That summer, on a rainy Monday, the Franks officially disappeared behind a bookcase into the upstairs rooms they would occupy for the next 25 months.
For the next two years, Gies and her husband used pluck and illegal ration cards to provide food and other supplies to the upstairs prisoners.
During the day, the family barely moved, fearful that the slightest sound would reveal their presence to the other workers downstairs.
“Because I was a lifeline, I felt myself to be a kind of hunter,” Gies said, “ever hunting for my always-hungry brood.” Many quietly helped – a butcher, a baker, a greengrocer.
During the family’s confinement, everyone was aware that Anne was writing in the diary that her father had given her for her 13th birthday, a few weeks before the Franks went into hiding.
Anne, who desperately wanted to become a writer, had begun her diary with girlish entries. But after going into hiding she became a more serious writer.
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pectin [ˋpɛktɪn] n.【化】果胶 a chemical found in some fruits that helps to make liquid firm when making jam
despair [dɪˋspɛr] n. 绝望
confide [kənˋfaɪd] v. 透露,吐露[(+to)][+that]
go under 消失,不见 disappear; submerge
foresee [forˋsi] v. 预见;预知
ration card 配给卡 a card issued by a government allowing the holder to obtain limited amount of certain items
ration [ˋræʃən] n. 配给量,定量
lifeline [ˋlaɪf͵laɪn] n. 生命线;命脉; 救生索
brood [brud] n.(一个家庭的)所有孩子; 一伙(人)
butcher [ˋbʊtʃɚ] n. 肉贩,肉店老板
greengrocer [ˋgrin͵grosɚ] n.【英】蔬菜水果商,菜贩
girlish [ˋgɝlɪʃ] adj. 少女的,少女似的;女孩子气的
entry [ˋɛntrɪ] n. 记载事项,项目
Discovered! 被发现了!
After many months, there was good news on the war front in Europe, but the Netherlands was still in the grip of the Führer. On August 4, 1944, a man showed up at the office pointing a revolver at Gies and her fellow workers.
The secret hiding quarters had been betrayed and, as a grief-stricken Gies watched, the Franks were taken into custody by the Gestapo.
Gies, who was suspected of hiding them, escaped arrest only because one of the officers was a fellow Viennese and he let her go. After the officers left with their prisoners, Gies and some others found the hiding place ransacked. Fearing that the officers would return looking for valuables, Gies scanned the chaos and spotted Anne’s diary on the floor.
“I knew how precious [it] was to Anne,” Gies wrote.
Ten months later, the war was over. And finally, Otto Frank came back – the only survivor of the camps among his family and his friends in hiding.
The day Otto Frank heard the news about his daughter in a letter he received in his office, a shocked Gies reached into her desk and took out Anne’s unread diary and papers.
“I said, ‘Here is your daughter Anne’s legacy to you.’”
Living on 永存于世
Though reluctant to take credit for helping the Franks while they were in hiding, Gies was glad that she could help fulfill Anne’s life ambition of being immortalized through her writing.
“I could not save Anne’s life,” she said. “However, I did save her diary and by that I could help her most important dreams to come true.”
“She tells us that she wants to live on after her death. Now her diary makes her really [live] on in a most powerful way.”
In 1996, Gies was knighted by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. She passed away January 11, 2010, at the age of 100.
−by Claudia Luther
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(the) Führer 元首;德国独裁者(纳粹统治时期对希特勒的称呼) the title, which means “the leader,” used for Adolf Hitler
revolver [rɪˋvɑlvɚ] n. 左轮手枪
quarter [ˋkwɔrtɚ] n. 住处;军营
Gestapo [gəˋstɑpo] n.【德】盖世太保(纳粹德国的秘密警察) the secret police of the Nazi period in Germany from 1933-45, who used cruel methods and were involved in the killing of a very large number of people
Viennese [͵viəˋniz] n. 维也纳人
reach into 伸进…之中
take credit 居功
live on 继续活着; 活下来
knight [naɪt] v. 封……为爵士,授……以爵士位
Vocabulary Focus
annihilation [ə͵naɪəˋleʃən] n. 歼灭,消灭;毁灭 the total destruction of something or someone
liberate [ˋlɪbə͵ret] v. 解放,使获自由 to help someone or something to be free
bustling [ˋbʌs!ɪŋ] adj. 活跃的;奔忙的;忙乱的;熙攘的 full of busy activity
spiral [ˋspaɪrəl] n. 不断加剧的上升(或下降)a worsening situation that becomes difficult to control when one bad event causes another
remorse [rɪˋmɔrs] n. 痛悔;自责 a feeling of guilt and sadness about something one has done
pluck [plʌk] n. 勇气,意志 bravery and a strong wish to succeed
confinement [kənˋfaɪnmənt] n. 禁闭; 监禁; 关押 when a person is kept somewhere, usually by force
in the grip of (something) 受…的控制(或支配)to be experiencing something unpleasant that one has no control over
ransack [ˋrænsæk] v. 彻底搜索,仔细搜查 to search a place in a violent and careless way
chaos [ˋkeɑs] n. 混乱;杂乱的一团(或一堆等)a state of total confusion with no order
immortalize [ɪˋmɔrt!͵aɪz] v. 使永恒;使不灭;使不朽 to make someone so famous that they are remembered for a very long time
Anne Frank: The diary of a young girl (Book Trailer)
Anne Frank Pictures, Part 1
Anne Frank - A Life In Pictures