Walter Cronkite 美国人最信任的主播
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年12月10日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:317
This trusted journalist set a standard for all who followed in his footsteps 华特.克朗凯这位备受信赖的主播,替有意追随他的脚步从事新闻业的后进,树立了良好典范
Walter Cronkite formed such a powerful bond with viewers that the CBS anchor came to be regarded as the most trusted man in America. He valued the title, gained in an opinion poll, but also accepted it with wry humor.
“About the highest compliment a journalist can have is to be trusted,” he said. “Once people say they trust you, you can’t do any more to be trusted.”
In a long and distinguished career, he did quite a lot to gain the public’s respect. His death in July at age 92 revived memories of another television era, before cable news channels, when watching the evening news was a national rite and an anchor commanded unswerving loyalty. Cronkite’s trademark was his parting words each night, “And that’s the way it is.”
A grand career 传奇性的新闻生涯
Cronkite’s career encompassed many of the greatest stories of the 20th century, from World War IIand President John Kennedy’s assassination to the Vietnam War and the U.S. space program. His tenure at CBS mirrored the growth and influence of television news. To many viewers, he was the consummate anchor who set the standard for all that followed him.
To younger viewers who never saw Cronkite as anchor from 1962 to 1981, he will probably be best known for one bit of oft-repeated footage. In announcing that President Kennedy had been assassinated in 1963, Cronkite removed his glasses and briefly seemed shaken.
Cronkite won acclaim for his enthusiasm in covering the U.S. space program. He said he took pleasure from that assignment and saw the conquest of space as perhaps the most significant story of the 20th century.
“He really did his homework extremely well and, of course, it showed up in his comments,” astronaut Alan Shepard once said.
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CBS 哥伦比亚广播公司 originally the abbreviation for Columbia Broadcasting System, an organization that broadcasts on television in the United States
anchor [ˋæŋkɚ] n.【美】(电台或电视台)新闻节目主播 a person who reports the news on television
opinion poll 民意测验
wry [raɪ] adj. 富于幽默的;(表情)哭笑不得的 drily humorous; sardonic
compliment [ˋkɑmpləmənt] n. 赞美的话;恭维
revive [rɪˋvaɪv] v. 回想起 to arouse
parting [ˋpɑrtɪŋ] adj. 离别的,临别的
assassination [ə͵sæsəˋneʃən] n. 暗杀;行刺 the act of killing someone well-known to many people
tenure [ˋtɛnjʊr] n. (重要职位的)任期,任职期间 the period of time when someone has an official position
mirror [ˋmɪrɚ] v. 反映,反射
oft-repeated ['ɔftrɪˋpitɪd] adj. 多次重复的
acclaim [əˋklem] n. 欢呼;喝采;称赞
take pleasure 享受; 感到很快乐
show up 显而易见 to reveal or be revealed clearly
Cronkite’s coverage of the Vietnam War was equally memorable and more influential. He said it evolved from “childish enthusiasm” to disillusionment. He closed “Report From Vietnam,” a 1968 documentary, with a commentary stating that the only way out for the United States was to negotiate. In a 1996 [CBS] special, Cronkite said that might have been egotistical. But President Lyndon Johnson saw Cronkite’s commentary as a turning point. “Lyndon Johnson looked at Walter’s report and said, ‘If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost the country,’” author Ward Just recalled in a PBS documentary. “Cronkite expressed what most Americans felt, but expressed it better.”
The new news 「新」新闻
In preparing for the “CBS at 75” special in 2003, Cronkite expressed frustration with some practices of television news today. The blending of news and entertainment worried him.
“What bothers me about cable is they attempt to entertain,” Cronkite said. He fretted that the news media weren’t doing more to combat the public’s ignorance.
“It’s the journalists’ job, should be our motto, to tell people what they need to know,” Cronkite said. “It is our job to determine what’s important in the daily news and make sure it’s communicated so people understand its important.”
The inside scoop 内幕消息
Cronkite was born in 1916 in Missouri. In a 1990 interview, he said he gained his most important lesson in a high school journalism class: “That’s the need to be fair, impartial and as factual as you can get.”
He attended the University of Texas at Austin from 1933 to 1935 and worked for Scripps-Howard Newspapers. From there, he went on to The Houston Post and radio announcing jobs.
He worked for United Press from 1937 to 1948 and was a European correspondent during World War II. He flew in Allied bombing raids over Germany and covered pivotal events, such as the Battle of the Bulge.
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turning point 转折点,转折点,转机;关键时刻
PBS 美国公共电视网 the abbreviation for Public Broadcasting Service, a U.S. organization that broadcasts generally educational television programs paid for by the people who watch, rather than from advertising
ignorance [ˋɪgnərəns] n. 无知,不学无术;愚昧
motto [ˋmɑto] n. 座右铭;格言
scoop [skup] n.【美】【口】新闻的抢先报导;独家新闻;最新内幕消息
factual [ˋfæktʃʊəl] adj.(根据)事实的;真实的
correspondent [͵kɔrɪˋspɑndənt] n. 通讯记者;特派员
allied [əˋlaɪd] adj.(第二次世界大战中)同盟国的
raid [red] n. 突然袭击;侵袭
In 1985, as London marked the 40th anniversary of victory, Cronkite recalled how the war had shaped him and continued to haunt him.
“It was exciting, and I hated it simultaneously,” Cronkite said. “It’s part of the mixed emotions of war that I suppose we all carry with us for the rest of our lives. Looking back, you remember the camaraderie, the friendships and the good times [….] and are inclined to forget the sheer terror of many hours of bombing and the rest of the horrors of war and losing friends in combat.”
He returned to radio work in the United States in 1948 and jumped to CBS in 1950. He worked as a Washington and New York correspondent before graduating to anchor in 1962. He covered presidents From Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan and gained kudos for long hours of anchoring political conventions starting in 1952.
Through all the years logged at CBS, he became known by the nickname Uncle Walter; a steady figure through tumultuous times.
Looking back 回顾一生
A Reporter’s Life, his autobiography, appeared in 1996. In it, he praised his wife, Betsy. “I attributed the longevity of our marriage to Betsy’s extraordinary, keen sense of humor, which saw us over many bumps (mostly of my making), and her tolerance, even support, for the uncertain schedule and wanderings of a newsman.”
In 2003, Cronkite readily assessed his career achievements.
“I’m proud of becoming a newspaperman in the first place,” he said. “I’m proud of being a reasonably successful war correspondent with difficult assignments in World War II. I’m proud of being a pioneering newsperson in television. Along with leadership at CBS, I was able to help in setting standards that are still looked up to today.”
And that’s the way it will always be.
-by Hal Boedeker
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haunt [hɔnt] v.(思想,回忆等)萦绕在……心头;使困扰
simultaneously [saɪməlˋtenɪəslɪ] adv. 同时地
camaraderie [͵kɑməˋrɑdərɪ] n.【法】同志间的友爱和忠诚 a feeling of friendliness towards people with whom you work or share an experience
inclined [ɪnˋklaɪnd] adj. 愿意…的; 有…意向的
kudos [ˋkjudɑs] n.【口】名声;威信 the fame and public admiration that a person receives as a result of a particular achievement or position in society
log [lɔg] v. 累积,积聚 to spend or accumulate (time)
autobiography [͵ɔtəbaɪˋɑgrəfɪ] n. 自传
keen [kin] adj. 敏锐的,敏捷的
see [si] v. 护送; 陪伴 to accompany or escort
wandering [ˋwɑndərɪŋ] n.(常复数)流浪
newsman [ˋnjuzmən] n. 新闻记者
in the first place 首先, 第一 in the beginning
reasonably [ˋriznəblɪ] adv. 相当地,适度地
look up to 敬佩; 尊敬 to admire
Vocabulary Focus
rite [raɪt] n. 习俗, 惯例 a traditional or established practice
unswerving [ʌnˋswɝvɪŋ] adj. 坚定的;不渝的 always strong; never weakening, especially of trust or a belief
encompass [ɪnˋkʌmpəs] v. 包含 to include several things, especially different things
consummate [ˋkɑnsə͵met] adj. 完美的;圆满的 perfect, or complete in every way
conquest [ˋkɑŋkwɛst] n. 征服;克服;占领 successful entry into and control over a new area or situation
disillusionment [͵dɪsɪˋluʒənmənt] n. 醒悟;理想破灭 disappointment caused by learning the unpleasant truth about something one originally had a good opinion of
egotistical [ˌigoˈtɪstɪkl] adj. 自我本位的;任性的;自负的 considering oneself better or more important than other people
fret [frɛt] v. 苦恼;烦躁;发愁 to worry or be unhappy about something
impartial [ɪmˋpɑrʃəl] adj. 不偏不倚的,公正的,无偏见的 able to judge or consider something fairly without allowing your own interest to influence you
pivotal [ˋpɪvət!] adj. 中枢的;重要的 influential in causing change in the flow of events
tumultuous [tjuˋmʌltʃʊəs] adj. 骚乱的,骚动的;混乱的 full of confusion, change or uncertainty
longevity [lɑnˋdʒɛvətɪ] n. 长命,长寿 the state of living for a long time
Walter Cronkite announces death of JFK
1968 King Assassination Report (CBS News)
Walter Cronkite And The Lunar Landing (CBS News)
Cronkite's Final Broadcasts