Sharing Digital Photos 数码相片的好管家
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年2月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:276
Websites for uploading your memories on a shoestring 只要花少少的钱,就能把自己的回忆上传留存的网站
While the days of the portable photo book are over, people have difficulty seeking out photos, regardless of ease. Here are some creative ways to display your photos for next to nothing.
Use basic software to make a video photo collage. Windows Movie Maker offers a free download that makes it a cinch to add photos and/or videos with music, titles, and audio. If you own a Mac, use iMovie to do the same. Burning to a disc with a printable label will only cost you around $3 per DVD.
利用基本软件来制作影像相片拼贴成品。Windows Movie Maker提供可免费下载版本,让你能轻而易举地帮相片和/或影像添加配乐、标题和声音;而如果你的计算机是麦金塔的,也可以改用iMovie办到。如果再把成品刻录到贴了印有主题卷标的光盘片上,所制成的DVD每片只要花三美元左右。
Shutterfly now offers free, customizable sites for you to upload your pictures easily and allows viewers to order prints. You can enroll specific family members and friends to your site to avoid stalkers. The baby templates are really fun and inviting. Flicker is another great spot for photo organization with editing and sharing capabilities.
If you have a big extended family who keeps in touch, check out It’s basically a Facebookish app with more options to keeping the relatives in the know. The basic service is free and the next level is $24.95 per year, which works out to just over $2 per month. You’ll get 100MB per member of monthly uploads, unlimited storage, and some fun themes to choose from. On you can add discussion boards, files, photos, videos, family trees, and voice messages.
Any of the options above will get images out to those all-too-interested aunts and uncles without having loads of hard copies to tote around. Streamline the memories with these free options.
上面所有选择都能让你把影像和一些对相片太过感兴趣的叔叔阿姨们分享,而不必再背着一大堆印出来的相片跑来跑去了(译注:all-too-interested指太过感兴趣,在这里是幽默的说法,指这些亲戚未免也太过好奇了,一头热地想争睹某些照片;而tote around则指携带某个东西,例如学生携带书包等等。这里的情况是指,某家族发生了人生大事,例如婴儿诞生了,因此住在各地的亲戚都非常想看看婴儿的照片,但由于大家散居各地,因此上传到网站就可以方便大家欣赏,甚至可以付费给网站来印出纸本的相片,就可以省去背着相片簿四处跑亲戚家给他们看的麻烦)。你也不妨改用这些免费的选项,把回忆变得更精简吧!
−by Ashley Grimmaldo
More Information
shoestring [ˋʃu͵strɪŋ] n.【口】小额资本
portable [ˋportəb!] adj. 便于携带的,手提式的;轻便的
regardless of 不管;不论;无论
next to nothing 微乎其微;差不多等于零 very little (money)
video photo collage 影像相片拼贴 pictures, slides, videos, and music all woven together into a video that tells a story through images
collage [kəˋlɑʒ] n. 美术拼贴
enroll [ɪnˋrol] v. 把……记入名册,登记(名字等)
stalker [ˋstɔkɚ] n. 跟踪者(本文引申为偷窥者) someone who follows a person, or gathers information about them, usually intending to hurt them
template [ˋtɛmplɪt] n.【计算机】模板
inviting [ɪnˋvaɪtɪŋ] adj. 吸引人的;诱人的
work out (to) 总计为 to reach a total
family tree 家谱 a drawing that shows all the members of a family, especially over a long period of time, and how they are related to each other
tote [tot] v. 携带; 搬运 carry with difficulty
Vocabulary Focus
on a shoestring 小本经营地 to do something using very little money
cinch [sɪntʃ] n.【俚】简单的事情;有把握的事情 something that is very easy or certain to be done or happen; an easy task
in the know 知道实情, 掌握内幕 to have information about something or to be up-to-date; having information possessed only by a small group of people
streamline [ˋstrim͵laɪn] v. 使有效率;使简化 to change something so that it works better, especially by simplifying it