In-Flight Internet Takes Off 空中上网服务起飞
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年1月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:316
Travelers can now enjoy Internet access as they fly the skies 旅客如今可以在机上翱翔天际时,也同时享受到上网服务
According to official lore at Illinois-based Aircell, the company’s founder first sketched his own idea for an airplane telephone system on a napkin while sitting in a Texas barbecue restaurant in 1991.
In August, Aircell chief executive Jack Blumenstein sat in a terminal at John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport, monitoring several American Airlines flights equipped not with in-flight telephones, but broadband Internet access. The company built the Wi-Fi systems for American, which recently launched Internet service onboard the carrier’s 15 Boeing 767-200 aircraft.
Paving the way 为未来铺路
The departure of the San Francisco, Los Angeles and Miami-bound flights from New York marked a key milestone for Aircell, which opened its local facilities less than two years ago to build the technology for Wi-Fi on commercial planes and won an exclusive license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2006.
“This is a very transformative step and in many ways mind-boggling,” Blumenstein said in a phone interview from JFK, where he was preparing to board one of the afternoon flights.
While the skies are slowly opening to Internet connectivity, cell phone usage is still banned by the FCC. Airline executives also say that U.S. customers, unlike many of their European counterparts, want to keep airplanes a cell phone-free zone. Aircell’s Wi-Fi service blocks the use of Voice over Internet Protocol applications.
Market research does indicate demand for web access, especially on longer flights. A January [2008] report by Forrester Research showed that 41 percent of passengers were interested in using the Internet during flights between two and four hours, with that percentage rising to 55 percent when the flight goes over four hours.
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lore [lor] n.(有关某一学科的)全部知识;传说 traditional knowledge and stories about a subject
sketch [skɛtʃ] v. 草拟;概略地叙述
carrier [ˋkærɪɚ] n. 从事运输业的人(或公司)
transformative [͵trænsˋfɔrmətɪv] adj. 变化的
mind-boggling [ˋmaɪndˋbɑg!ɪŋ] adj. 令人极为惊讶的 intellectually or emotionally overwhelming
Voice over Internet Protocol 网络电话(技术) technology that sends voice information over Internet connections in digital form
Expanding the market 拓展市场
Aircell’s in-flight Wi-Fi service is called Gogo and costs $12.95 for flights over three hours. American Airlines has the system installed on just 15 flights for now, all of which fly coast-to-coast routes. Doug Backelin, the carrier’s manager of in-flight communications and technology, said the company [would] evaluate customer feedback over three to six months before deciding whether to expand Gogo across its domestic fleet.
“It’s a turbulent time for the airlines, with oil prices such as they are,” Backelin said. “But we’ve been working on this for years …. even with the current price of oil, we think it’s going to be a very economically justifiable solution.”
The Aircell system that turns airplanes into moving Wi-Fi hotspots weighs about 150 pounds, which Backelin said was “not extravagant.” Three antennas on the aircraft search for the best signal from 92 ground-based towers in the continental U.S. Aircell built about 10 of these towers and leases the rest. Meanwhile, back on the plane, passengers can access the wireless network with their laptops, BlackBerrys and personal data assistants.
The future of in-flight Internet 空中上网的未来
Blumenstein said Aircell’s capabilities are evolving in tandem with developments in the cellular industry, which is now investing in fourth-generation (4G) networks that will allow speedier transmission of heavy data traffic. The next generation of networks is expected to spur growth in multimedia features on mobile phones, with consumers streaming video or playing graphics-intensive games on their handsets. For Gogo users, the advent of 4G networks could mean watching live HDTV in the air, Blumenstein said.
We are riding that curve, and it’s one of the fastest technology curves the world has ever seen.
−by William Wong
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hotspot 【电脑】热点(在文件中一个可以提供超链接的位置)an area that is covered by a wireless network, making Internet access available
extravagant [ɪkˋstrævəgənt] adj. 奢侈的;浪费的; 过度的,过分的
continental U.S. 美国除阿拉斯加外位居美洲大陆的四十八个州 a term that refers to the 48 states located on the North America continent, excluding Alaska
antenna [ænˋtɛnə] n. 【无】【美】天线
tandem [ˋtændəm] n. 联合作业; 双人自行车
spur [spɝ] v. 激励;鼓舞
advent [ˋædvɛnt] n. 出现;到来
ride the curve 善加利用新兴科技的流行趋势 to take advantage of fast rise in demand for new technology as it becomes more and more popular
curve [kɝv] n. (趋势)曲线 a trend derived from or as if from such a graph
Vocabulary Focus
broadband [ˋbrɔdˋbænd] n.(电子信号的)宽频传输 describing a system that enables many messages or large amounts of information to be sent at the same time and very quickly between computers or other electronic devices
pave the way (for) 为……铺路 to make preparations, which will make it possible for something to happen in the future
milestone [ˋmaɪl͵ston] n. 里程碑 an important event in the development or history of something
turbulent [ˋtɝbjələnt] adj. 动荡的;混乱的 involving a lot of sudden changes
justifiable [ˋdʒʌstə͵faɪəb!] adj. 有理由的; 正当的; 入情入理; 说得过去 being a good reason for something
in tandem 协力地; 一前一后地 at the same time
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