Wireless Electricity Is Here 电力也无线化了
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年7月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:310
You’ve used the Internet without cables – now try recharging batteries without wires 你已经尝过不靠线路就能连结上网的滋味──如今你还可以试试不用电源就能帮电池充电的便利喔
After more than 100 years of dashed hopes, several companies are coming to market with technologies that can safely transmit power through the air. Until this development, the phrase “mobile electronics” has been a lie: How mobile is your phone if it shuts down after too long away from a plug? And how flexible is your business if your production area can’t shift because you can’t move the ceiling lights? But the world is about to be cured of its attachment disorder.
Inductive coupling 电感耦合(译注:或译感性耦合、磁感耦合)
The first wireless powering system to market is an inductive device. It looks like a mouse pad and can send power through the air, over a distance of up to a few inches. A powered coil inside that pad creates a magnetic field, which induces current to flow through a small secondary coil that’s built into any portable device, such as a flashlight, a phone or a BlackBerry. The electrical current that then flows in that secondary coil charges the device’s onboard rechargeable battery.
The practical benefit of this approach is huge. You can drop any number of devices on the charging pad, and they will recharge – wirelessly. No more tangle of power cables or jumble of charging stations. What’s more, because you are invisible to the magnetic fields created by the system, no electricity will flow into you if you stray between device and pad. Nor are there any exposed metal connections. And the pads are smart: Their built-in coils are driven by integrated circuits, which know if the device sitting on them is authorized to receive power, or if it needs power at all. So you won’t charge your car keys or overcharge your flashlight.
这种方式的实际效益极为庞大,随便把任何数量的装置放到充电垫上──就可以无线充电,从此不必再为纠结成团的电线或乱成一团的充电器烦心了。尤有甚者(译注:what’s more指重要性等同前者或更高的事实),由于人体对于该系统的磁场而言,宛如是隐形的存在,因此即使你不小心走到装置和垫子之间的区域,也不会有电流流到你身上,也不会有任何金属连线外露的问题。此外,垫子属于智能型产品;因为其内置的线圈是透过集成电路所驱动,后者会分辨出放在垫子上的装置是不是有权限可加以充电的产品,或是该装置究竟需不需要充电,如此一来,你就不用担心会不小心把汽车钥匙充电了,或是把手电筒充电过度等问题。
More Information
attachment disorder [əˋtætʃmənt] n. 依附失调症 a behavioral disorder in which a person has difficulty bonding with others and forming healthy relationships
inductive [ɪnˋdʌktɪv] adj.【电】感应的 referring to the process of electrical power going from one object to another without the objects touching
coil [kɔɪl] n.【电】线圈
flashlight [ˋflæʃ͵laɪt] n.【美】手电筒; (照相机等的)闪光灯
onboard [ˋɑnˋbord] adj. 内建的
tangle [ˋtæŋg!] adj. 乱糟糟的一团[S][(+of)]
jumble [ˋdʒʌmb!] n. 混乱;杂乱的一堆[S][(+of)]
stray [stre] v. 闲逛
integrated circuit 集成电路(IC); 积体电路 a very small electronic unit, which consists of many small parts, set on a piece of material that allows electricity to move through it more easily when its temperature increases
Radio-frequency harvesting 射频收集
The induction systems are only the beginning. Some of the most visually arresting examples of wireless electricity are based on what’s known as radio frequency, or RF. While less efficient, they work across distances of up to 85 feet. In these systems, electricity is transmitted across a room, then received by so-called power harvesters and translated back into low-voltage direct current. Imagine smoke detectors or clocks that never need their batteries replaced.
This technology is already being used by the U.S. Department of Defense. This year, it will be available to consumers in the form of a few small appliances and wireless sensors; down the road, it will appear in wireless boxes into which you can toss any and all of your electronics for recharging.
Magnetically coupled resonance 磁耦合共振
Invented by MIT’s Marin Soljacic (who has dubbed it WiTricity), the technique can power an entire room, assuming the room is filled with enabled devices. Though WiTricity uses two coils – one powered, one not – Soljacic’s coils don’t have to be close to each other to transfer energy. Instead, they depend on so-called magnetic resonance. Like acoustical resonance, which allows an opera singer to break a glass across the room by vibrating it with the correct frequency of her voice’s sound waves, magnetic resonance can launch an energetic response in something far away. In this case, the response is the flow of electricity out of the receiving coil and into the device to which it’s connected. The only caveat is that receiving coil must be properly “tuned” to match the powered coil.
Importantly, then, WiTricity doesn’t depend on line-of-sight. A powered coil in your basement could power the rest of the house wirelessly.
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radio frequency 射频; 无线电射频
harvester [ˋhɑrvɪstɚ] n. 收获机; 收集器
direct current 直流电 a flow of electricity that moves in one direction with constant strength
down the road 将来 in the future
magnetic resonance 磁共振 the absorption of certain radio and microwave radiation frequencies by atoms being placed in a magnetic field
acoustical [əˋkustɪk!] adj. 声的,声音的
A major market 主要市场
The market for wireless electricity has inventors and investors upbeat, even in a down market. “This is going to be so big I don’t think I can even get my arms around the market impact,” says Steve Anderson’s, the senior vice president for Texas Instruments’ Power Management group. Anderson’s crew is developing the integrated circuits that manage the power flow in wireless inductive power pads. “This is a huge step,” he says.
According to a 2006 Department of Energy study, more than 700 million power-supply devices (chargers, charging stands, transformers and the like) will be sold in the U.S. in 2010, a $6 billion market. Worldwide, the market runs to about $30 billion. “As far as we can tell,” says Andrew Fanara, the team leader for the EPA’s Energy Star Products Group, “there are at least two external power adapters in the world for every man, woman and child on the planet – about 12-to-15 billion of them.”
Neat and clean 整齐清洁
But wireless technology is not only neater (say good-bye to the power-strip Medusa under your office desk), it’s cleaner. The EPA says Americans purchase a total of 3 billion disposable dry-cell batteries every year (part of a worldwide market of about 15 billion) and then throw 2.8 billion of them into landfills. Wireless systems are designed for rechargeable batteries that can be reused hundreds of times before they become trash.
And according to WiPower, inductive charging systems work with about 80 to 90 percent efficiency – roughly the same as plugging directly into a wall socket. That blows away the industry average for wired chargers, around 40 percent. So wireless juice is not only less messy, it’s less hungry, too.
−by Paul Hochman
More Information
get one’s arms around something 充分了解.. to feel confident that one has a good understanding of something that is complicated; fully understand an issue or situation
stand [stænd] n. (供放置物品的) 架,台
transformer [trænsˋfɔrmɚ] n.【电】变压器
EPA 美国环境保护署(Environmental Protection Agency) a U.S. governmental group that establishes and enforces rules to protect the environment and control pollution
power adapter 电源转换器
Medusa [məˋdjusə] n.(希腊神话中)长有蛇发令人恐怖的女妖 from Greek mythology, a woman transformed into a creature with snakes for hair
socket [ˋsɑkɪt]n.【电】插座;插口
blow away 打败 to defeat decisively
juice [dʒus] n.【俚】电; 电力; 电流 electric current (informal)
Vocabulary Focus
dashed [dæʃt] adj.(希望或期望)破灭的 broken; destroyed
transmit [trænsˋmɪt] v. 传送,传达 to send out or carry signals, such as radio or television
harvest [ˋhɑrvɪst] v. 获得,得到 to gain, catch or take something for use
arresting [əˋrɛstɪŋ] adj. 引人注意的;醒目的;有趣的 attracting or catching someone’s attention
enabled [ɪnˋeb!d] adj. 启动的 provided with a particular type of technology or system needed to use with a particular device
caveat [ˋkevɪ͵æt] n. 警告; 事先声明; 注意事项 a warning to consider something before acting further
upbeat [ˋʌp͵bit] adj. 令人乐观的;欢快的 full of hope, happiness and good feelings
landfill [ˋlændfɪl] n. 垃圾填埋地 a place where garbage is buried
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