Cloud Computing 云端运算
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月30日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:297
Are you looking for some space online? The sky is the limit! 想在网络上遨游吗?你大可天马行空、毫无限制喔!
The prospects for “cloud computing” now seem a little less …. cloudy. Once a term confined to tech geeks and derided by critics as a marketing ploy, cloud computing today is arguably the hottest trend sweeping the information technology industry sector.
“It’s a real business that has grown in stature,” said Dan Grigsby, a prominent Minnesota software entrepreneur.
The company enStratus Networks (enStratus is derived from Latin words for “in the clouds”) was recently selected to present at the Under the Radar Conference, a prominent Silicon Valley event for tech start-ups. The Minneapolis-based company designs security applications for cloud computing.
「云中网络公司」(英文原名enStratus是拉丁文的「在云中」的意思)最近获选在「不引人注目会议」(译注:under the radar指不引人注目的、私下低调进行的、没有人注意到的)上发表感言,该会议是硅谷新创企业界的大事。这家明尼苏达州的公司专门设计云端运算的安全应用程序。
But what is it? 何为云端运算?
Cloud computing refers to a distribution-and-pricing model in which companies can purchase services such as software, bandwidth, server space and web applications over the Internet on an on-demand basis. For example, a retailer needing a little extra computing power during holiday shopping season can rent out additional server space from “clouds” like Amazon Web Services for that period.
The economic benefits are huge, experts say. By paying only for what you need when you need it, start-ups can quickly and cheaply scale up their business. And corporation don’t need to purchase heavy-duty infrastructure to manage their huge data flows.
“One of the important benefits [of cloud computing] is that the resources scale up and down in a flexible manner,” said Michael Gorman, managing director of Split Rock Partners, an early-stage venture capital firm based in Minnesota. “If a company has major peaks and valleys in their usage, they are able to accommodate the peaks without paying for full, peak capacity all the time. They only pay for what they use, and they get the benefit of never being out of capacity. For emerging companies, this can substantially reduce the costs associated with starting and running their business.”
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the sky is the limit 没有限制 something that you say which means there is no limit to what something or someone can achieve
prospect [ˋprɑspɛkt] n. 指望;预期;盼望的事物
ploy [plɔɪ] n.【口】计谋;计划
arguably [ˋɑrgjʊəblɪ] adv. 可以认为; 按理说 as can be shown by argument; possibly
present [prɪˋzɛnt] v. 展示;陈述
refer to 意指
on-demand 按需定制的; 随选的
rent out 出租, 租出 grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee
scale up 放大; 增加; 提高
heavy-duty [ˋhɛvɪˋdjutɪ] adj. 重型的,经得起损耗的
infrastructure [ˋɪnfrə͵strʌktʃɚ] n. 基础建设; 基础设施 the internal setup of a computer system that supports the processing of information
accommodate [əˋkɑmə͵det] v. 能容纳; 顾及;考虑到
Growing markets 市场成长可期
Could computing is nothing new. Some firms already sell supersmart software over the Internet that helps companies set prices and manage sales. But such services tended to focus on a specific niche.
What’s made cloud computing a reality is, the ubiquitous bookseller, experts say. The Seattle-based online retailer’s giant computers allowed big customers to scale up and generate meaningful cost savings.
Today, major Internet companies such as Google, IBM and Microsoft are diving into clouds. IDC, an IT market research firm, estimates global spending on cloud computing services will jump threefold to $42 billion in 2012.
Cartner Inc., another prominent research firm, predicts the cloud services market will grow from $46.4 billion today to $150.1 billion in 2013, an annual compound growth rate of 26.5 percent. The boom, Gartner says, will be led by business processing (advertising, e-commerce and payments processing), software-as-a-service and systems infrastructure (storage and backup services).
Technology for everyone 人人皆可享用的科技
Cloud computing also represents a big opportunity for start-ups, investors say. The company calls its core technology “key management,” software that protects access to a company’s data within a cloud.
The start-up’s software can also authorize employees to access a cloud with one user ID but only see information relevant to their jobs. The start-up also has technology that monitors a cloud’s reliability. For instance, if one Amazon server fails, enStratus will automatically migrate a company’s data to another Amazon server.
George Reese, the cofounder and chief of technology at enStratus, says cloud computing can significantly boost entrepreneurship and innovation by leveling the playing field. “With this economy, getting access to capital is expensive. [But now] everything that used to be a huge capital expense is now an operational expense. Could computing will be able to make scale available to companies with no scale at all.”
-by Thomas Lee
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niche [nɪtʃ] n. (有自己特定的需求、目标顾客和产品的)小众市场,缝隙市场,利基市场; 商机
dive into something 一心投入某事物
compound growth rate 复合增长率
boom [bum] n.(商业等的)景气,繁荣
core [kor] adj. 核心的 central; basic
reliability [rɪ͵laɪəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 可靠性;可信赖性;可靠程度
migrate [ˋmaɪ͵gret] v. 将…转移到另一计算器系统
scale [skel] n. 大小;规模 the size of a company, that allows it to do certain things
Vocabulary Focus
deride [dɪˋraɪd] v. 嘲笑;嘲弄 to show that you think something is ridiculous or no value
stature [ˋstætʃɚ] n. 地位; 声望 reputation and importance based on admirable quality or achievements; an achieved level; status
prominent [ˋprɑmənənt] adj. 卓越的;重要的;著名的 very well known and important
model [ˋmɑd!] n. 模型; 模式 something that is an extremely good example of its type, especially when it can be copied
emerging [ɪˋmɝdʒɪŋ] adj.(用作定语)新兴的 growing and developing, especially in business
level the playing field 创造公平竞争环境 to do things in a way that is fair for everyone involved
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Amazon Web Services