Turning to Tablets 投向平板电脑的怀抱
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年4月25日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年3月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:285
The tablet offers an alternative in portable technology 平板电脑为行动科技提供了另一项选择
So your laptop is getting old: Should you buy a new one or change horses and try out one of these tablet computers? That all depends on what you want to do with it.
It’s still the case that laptops and smaller netbook computers are tuned for production – word processing, e-mailing, number-crunching, more complicated tasks that often require a lot of text and switching among several windows running different applications.
Tablets, lacking a mouse or a keyboard, are better for tasks that have simpler tactile and visual elements – like paging through a photo gallery, checking online news or blogs, or reading a digital magazine. In other words, they work better for consumption, and thus can stay on for quite a few hours on one charge.
For social media addicts, tablets will be excellent for browsing through Facebook for the latest photos or links that friends have posted, or checking out Twitter to see what the digital hive mind is buzzing about at that moment.
Some tablets lagging behind 有些平板电脑的效能较为落后
The iPad in particular has become a hit for casual gaming. When it comes to more serious applications, though, tablets are likely to lag behind netbooks and laptops for the foreseeable future: The devices are not sophisticated enough to seamlessly run multiple programs at once or to allow users to find and install the endless variety of software now available for PCs.
There is a thriving community of iPad “app” developers – the device has close to 40,000 small programs created for it, by some counts. But no such group yet exists for tablets running on Google’s Android operation system, which will constitute most of the new offerings in coming months.
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number-crunching(指计算机)迅速进行大量复杂运算的 the act or process of performing mathematical operations to find a value
page [pedʒ] v. 翻阅 to turn pages (usu. fol. by through)
consumption [kənˋsʌmpʃən] n. 消费 the act or process of consuming
hive mind 集体心智;集体智能 a kind of collective knowledge
buzz [bʌz] about 闹哄哄地跑来跑去 to move quickly and busily; bustle
Tablets vs. e-readers 平板电脑对决电子书阅读器
With electronic reading devices adding more bells and whistles, including wireless connectivity, the differences between e-readers and tablet computers seem to be blurring.
But there’s one difference that might never go away.
Tablets are designed to let users interact with a range of features, from telephony and video chat to e-mail and text messaging, and from watching movies and looking at photos to browsing web pages and news sites. But e-readers are just for reading.
The simpler, the better 愈简单愈好
Most e-reader converts will tell you that the Amazon Kindle, for instance, works because it has reduced the number of built-in bells nearly to zero.
When you’re reading a book, you’re not bombarded with “You’ve got mail” sounds, “Friend” notifications or even a digital clock. All you get is the text in front of you, ready for your complete attention.
Tablet devices like the iPad or Samsung’s new Galaxy tablet afford no such digital austerity: E-mail, web browsing and Facebook are only a click away, and many readers find the temptation of the media matrix too difficult to resist.
And though tablet screens will soon offer higher resolution and brighter colors than the electronic ink still favored by most e-readers, you may find that staring at a digital display for hours can tire out your eyes (especially if you’ve already been doing it at work all day). The e-ink displays, while slower and monochrome, are all but identical to printed page.
The success of Amazon’s Kindle reader, which has become the online retailer’s bestselling product, may show that the best way you can improve on the printed book is to make it lighter and simpler.
-by David Sarno
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convert [ˋkɑnvɝt] n. 皈依宗教者; 改变信仰者 one who has been converted, especially from one religion or belief to another
matrix [ˋmetrɪks] n. 线路网 a situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained
resolution [͵rɛzəˋluʃən] n.【计算机】分辨率
tire out 使精疲力竭, 使过分劳累 to become exhausted
monochrome [ˋmɑnə͵krom] n. 单色 being or made in the shades of a single color
all but 差不多, 几乎 almost; nearly
Vocabulary Focus
change horses (idiom) 作大变动 to make a significant change to something that has already begun
tactile [ˋtæktaɪl] adj. 触觉的, 有触觉的 relating to a surface which is pleasant or attractive to touch
for the foreseeable future 在可预见的未来 as far into the future as one can imagine or plan for
seamlessly [ˋsimlɪslɪ] adv. 无空隙地;无停顿地; 顺畅地 in a smooth and continuous manner
thriving [`ɵraɪvɪŋ] adj. 欣欣向荣的; 兴旺发达的 growing, developing and successful
constitute [ˋkɑnstə͵tjut] v. 设立;制定 to form or make something
bells and whistles (idiom) 产品附加的特色; 特殊部分或性能 extra feature which make something more attractive and useful
austerity [ɔˋstɛrətɪ] n. 朴素,朴实 the quality of being plain and without decoration, comforts or anything extra
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