Save the Tigers 放虎到南非
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年2月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:394
Rare Chinese tigers earn their stripes in the wilds of South Africa 稀有的中国虎在南非野地终于苦尽甘来(译注:成语的stripes原指条纹状的官阶纹章,earn one’s原指付出努力而后得到升迁,但这里的stripes也用来隐喻老虎身上的条纹)
South Africa has no shortage of big wild cats. But the sleek predators prowling these dry grass plains at the edge of the Karoo plateau have one big difference: stripes.
As part of a controversial experiment to save the world’s most endangered tiger, three rare zoo-bred South China tigers are learning to hunt antelope and survive in the wild in South Africa’s grasslands while conservationists struggle to restore their nearly vanished habitat at home.
With only about 60 of the tigers left in captivity and almost none in the wild, the experiment is a last-ditch effort to pull the South China tiger back from the brink of extinction and create a viable new wild population, with roots half a world away. The project hopes to return all the tigers to China within 15 years.
“It’s an extremely risky project. Some people have written the Chinese tiger off. They argue we’re spending money on a lost cause,” said Li Quan, 44, the effort’s founder, as she wrestled a truck through the rough scrub of the tigers’ 80,000-acre reserve. “But we have to try. And what’s money compared to saving an ancient species?”
South Africa has no native tigers, an Asian species. But with its vast, well-managed game reserves, the country has a deep reservoir of expertise in wildlife management and restoring animals to rehabilitated land. That, combined with country’s abundant antelope populations and its relatively inexpensive land, are the chief reasons the tiger rescue effort is happening in Africa rather than in China.
“Expertise, abundance of prey animals and land – that’s why we chose South Africa,” said Quan, a former Chinese fashion executive who heads the nonprofit Save China’s Tigers foundation.
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stripe [straɪp] n. 条纹,斑纹
sleek [slik] adj.(动物等)养得好的,油光光的,壮健的
prowl [praʊl] v. 徘徊;潜行
plateau [plæˋto] n. 高原
antelope [ˋænt!op] n. 羚羊
captivity [kæpˋtɪvətɪ] n. 囚禁, 被关
ditch [dɪtʃ] n. 沟;壕沟
root [rut] n. 根脉; 祖籍; 血统; 根基(pl.)
lost cause 败局已定的事(或主张) a cause with no chance of success
wrestle [ˋrɛs!] v.(用力)搬动,(使劲)移动
game reserve (=game park) 野生动物保护区 a section of land that’s been set aside for the purpose of protecting and maintaining wildlife
reservoir [ˋrɛzɚ͵vɔr] n.(知识,精力等的)储藏,蓄积[(+of)]
restore [rɪˋstor] v. 使恢复; 使康复; 使复原
rehabilitate [͵rihəˋbɪlə͵tet] v. 修复, 使恢复
prey [pre] n. 被捕食的动物
head [hɛd] v. 控制;管理;指挥; (公司、组织的)负责人,领导人,首脑
Adapting from a zoo cage to the African wild has not been entirely easy for the project’s tigers. Since arriving as cubs in late 2003 and late 2004 under an arrangement with the Chinese government, the animals have suffered bouts of ringworm, been bitten by baboons, had throat and gum infections and shoulder sprains, and gotten a few porcupine quills in the nose.
Today, 3-year-old Cathay, the oldest and most experienced of the tigers, can easily down a 180-pound blesbuck, one of a herd of the chocolate-colored antelope roaming in the tigers’ reserve.
The project, which aims to breed tiger cubs for return to wild reserves in China, hit a major setback in 2005 when Hope, the male of the first pair of cubs shipped to South Africa, died after a sudden illness, just before reaching breeding age. An autopsy showed he had suffered pneumonia and heart failure.
The project has stirred intense criticism from some international big cat experts, who argue tigers should be preserved in their natural habitat, and that moving them to South Africa exposes them – and South Africa cats – to new disease risks, despite the tigers being quarantined on arrival.
Project officials say they agree the work could best be done in China, but that isn’t possible. Two new tiger reserves, funded in part by Save China’s Tigers, are in the planning stages, and South African habitat rehabilitation specialists are working with Chinese officials to restore farmland to forest, but opening the reserves will take years. In the meantime, the program in South Africa is the best option, its backers say.
“You can keep strategizing about how to save them until the day you lose the last one,” said Ronel Openshaw, a spokeswoman for the foundation. “This is the last stand.”
−by Laurie Goering
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bout [baʊt] n.(疾病等的)发作[(+of)]
ringworm [ˋrɪŋ͵wɝm] n.【医】轮癣;金钱癣 a disease caused by a fungus that leaves red rings on the skin
baboon [bæˋbun] n.【动】狒狒
gum [gʌm] n. 齿龈,牙床
sprain [spren] n. 扭伤
porcupine [ˋpɔrkjəpaɪn] n.【动】豪猪
quill [kwɪl] v.(豪猪等)用刺刺
blesbuck ['blɛsˌbɑk] n. (一种南非产面部有一斑的)大羚羊
setback [ˋsɛt͵bæk] n. 挫折;失败
autopsy [ˋɔtɑpsɪ] n.【医】尸体解剖,验尸
pneumonia [njuˋmonjə] n.【医】肺炎
backer [ˋbækɚ] n. 赞助者; 支持者
Vocabulary Focus
earn (one’s) stripes (idiom) 扬名立万; 付出努力而后得到升迁 to do something to show that you deserve a particular rank or position and have the skills needed for it
last-ditch 最后防线的;拚死抵抗的; 孤注一掷的 referring to an effort or attempt that is made at the end of a series of failure to solve a problem, and is not necessarily expected to succeed
viable [ˋvaɪəb!] adj. 有望成功的; 切实可行的 able to continue to exist
write (something) off 把...看作不存在; 放弃 to decide that something will not be successful; to give up on someone or something as a dead loss, waste of time, hopeless case, etc
scrub [skrʌb] n. 矮树丛,灌木丛 an area of land covered with short trees and bushes, growing on dry ground of low quality
quarantine [ˋkwɔrən͵tin] v. 使隔离;使受检疫 to keep an animal that might have a contagious disease away from other animals for a period of time so that the disease cannot spread
(the) last stand (idiom) 背水一战;重击防线;最后战役 a final attempt at something in the face of overwhelming odds
Li Quan.jpg
South China Tigers on the Brink of Extinction!