Alaska’s Ecotourism 阿拉斯加的生态旅游
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月01日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:394
Discover a new way to experience Alaska’s wildness 探索体验阿拉斯加荒野的方式
After a day of drizzle, the morning sun felt good as it warmed the gray pebble beach where I sat watching three black bears amble in their never-ending searching for morsels.
The bears were roaming on the other side of a fast-flowing inlet that lets the tidewaters in and out of a lagoon at the base of Pedersen Glacier, a tongue of blue-tinged ice that curves down between the jagged peaks of the Kenai Mountains.
While gulls swirled and screeched overhead, a dozen harbor seals coasted through the inlet, diving for cover when they spotted a human.
Across the lagoon, three kayaks headed out from Kenai Fjords Glacier Lodge, which opened last summer and is the only lodging within Kenai Fjords National Park. Before, most visitors saw the 600,000-acre park’s calving glaciers, ice-capped peaks and rocky coasts by boat and by plane, the hardier backpacking or kayaking in for longer visits.
A sanctuary for wildlife 野生物庇护所
The Port Graham Corporation, a Native American group, operates the site as a private wildlife sanctuary within the national park. When the corporation sought a developer to build a lodge, it turned to Kirk Hoessle, whose Alaska Wildlife Adventures operates two lodges on the Kenai Peninsula in south-central Alaska. The company’s Kenai Backcountry Lodge has earned praise within the ecotourism industry for its light imprint in a setting within a million acres of designated wilderness.
“It’s state of the art in terms of an ecolodge, minimizing impact. It’s as if the cabins had always been here. Kayaking back through Pedersen Lagoon today, you really had to have the right angle to even see the lodge. It opens up what would have been considered the back country to visitors who normally wouldn’t have come,” superintendent of the national park Jeff Mow said.
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drizzle [ˋdrɪz!] n. 毛毛雨
pebble [ˋpɛb!] n. 小卵石
morsel [ˋmɔrs!] n.(美味)小吃;(少量)佳肴
roam [rom] v. 漫步;漫游;流浪
inlet [ˋɪn͵lɛt] n. 水湾;小湾;小港 a narrow strip of water that goes from a sea or lake into the land or between islands
tidewater [ˋtaɪd͵wɔtɚ] n. 潮水, 受海潮影响的河水
lagoon [ləˈɡun] n. 舄湖
tongue [tʌŋ] n. 舌状物; 火舌; 伸入水中的狭长陆地
tinged [tɪndʒd] adj. 有些许……色调(或痕迹)的
jagged [ˋdʒægɪd] adj. 有尖突的;有缺口的;锯齿状的
gull [gʌl] n. 鸥,海鸥
screech [skritʃ] v. 尖叫;发出尖锐刺耳的声音
coast [kost] v.(靠惯性)滑行
kayak [ˋkaɪæk] n. 独木舟; 小艇
lodge [lɑdʒ] n. 旅舍;山林小屋
lodging [ˋlɑdʒɪŋ] n. 住所,寓所
calve [kæv] v. 使(冰川)崩解 to break off, as in the case of a glacier or iceberg
hardy [ˋhɑrdɪ] adj. 能吃苦耐劳的;强壮的;坚强的
backpacking [ˋbæk͵pækɪŋ] n.(背背包作)徒步旅行
sanctuary [ˋsæŋktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n. 庇护所,避难所
peninsula [pəˋnɪnsələ] n. 半岛
imprint [ˋɪmprɪnt] n. 印痕;痕迹
state-of-the-art [ˋstetəvðiˋɑrt] adj.(科技、机电等产品)最先进的 the highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field, achieved at a particular time
ecolodge [ˋɛkolɑdʒ] n. 生态渡假屋 a type of tourist accommodation designed to have the least possible impact on the natural environment in which it is situated.
back country [ˋbæk͵kʌntrɪ] n. 偏僻的农村地区;边远地区 backcountry
superintendent [͵supərɪnˋtɛndənt] n.(机关,企业等的)主管,负责人
Building for minimal development 最低度开发的兴建方式
Construction of the $2.6 million project started in the spring of 2008. Eight feet of snow met the first crews, who set up tent camps – and began a peaceful co-existence with the local residents.
“We kept a very clean camp, all food in bear containers,” Hoessle said. “In early construction, we had a couple curious bears break into tents, kind of swatted things around inside. But they’ve been pretty …. well-behaved. At least so far.”
Getting to the lodge is half the fun. At Seward, we boarded the Weather or Knot, an enclosed aluminum catamaran that has a bow that lowers hydraulically to allow easy beach access.
“It’s about a four-hour ride to the lodge,” Hoessle said. “You can do it in less than that but we take our time, looking for wildlife, and have lunch in front of a glacier.”
We saw two humpback whales, seals sleeping on ice floes and scads of clown-faced puffins, and listened, from a safe distance, to the snap, crackle and pop of Aialik Glacier as it calved chunks of ice into the water.
The only sign of development as we approached the lodge from the Aialik Bay side was a road of gray pebbles that led through a meadow into the spruce and alder forest. A meticulous job has been done to protect the forest floor of mosses and ferns during construction.
A 10-minute walk through the woods brought us to the lodge, with 10 cabins on one and six on the other, each with two double beds, bathrooms and glacier views. All were connected by pebble paths and boardwalks, including a walkway that ended in a stunning view of the glacier reflected in the lagoon. The log lodge and cabins are simple yet sturdy, built to withstand the snow that piles on the roofs each winter.
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tent [tɛnt] n. 帐篷,帐棚
swat [swɑt] v. 猛击;拍打
well-behaved [ˋwɛlbɪˋhevd] adj. 行为端正的; 守秩序的; 听话的
half the fun …. 是乐趣的一部份 what happens before doing something is a large part of what makes that thing enjoyable; a large part of the enjoyment
catamaran [͵kætəməˋræn] n. 双体船 a sailing boat that has two parallel floating parts held together by a single flat surface
bow [baʊ] n. 船头,艄
hydraulically [haɪˋdrɔlɪk!ɪ] adv. 透过水(或液)压
take (one’s) time 不慌不忙, 慢慢来 to act slowly or at one's leisure
humpback [ˋhʌmp͵bæk] n. 座头鲸
ice floe 大片浮冰 a large area of ice floating in the sea
floe [flo] n. 浮冰(块)
puffin [ˋpʌfɪn] n. 海鹦
snap [snæp] n. 劈啪声
crackle [ˋkræk!] n. 细碎爆裂声
pop [pɑp] n. 砰的一声,啪的一声
meadow [ˋmɛdo] n. 草地,牧草地
spruce [sprus] n. 云杉木
alder [ˋɔldɚ] n.【植】赤杨
meticulous [məˋtɪkjələs] adj. 非常仔细的; 非常注意细节的
moss [mɔs] n. 苔藓;地衣
boardwalk [ˋbord͵wɔk] n. 木板路
sturdy [ˋstɝdɪ] adj. 健壮的,结实的
The wilderness beckons 野地的呼唤
The lodge’s systems run on a propane generator during the day, which charges batteries that are used at night. The walk-in food freezer in the kitchen is among the appliances turned off at night; a barrel of glacier ice helps keep the contents cold.
Returning from an afternoon kayaking adventure on the lagoon, we snatched up a chunk of floating ice and brought it back. Our evening drinks had ice cubes that were thousands of years old.
As Mow, the park superintendent, said, the lodge and cabins seem to have been dropped, with little adverse impact, into the middle of a mecca of wildlife and wilderness. The bears appear to have accepted the new company, taking daily walks around the tidewater mud flats of the lagoon, passing within yards of the cabins. You can watch the bears, plus the sea otters and harbor seals, from the comfort of the rockers on your private porch.
“The demographic has changed across the country – the National Park Service is struggling a lot with this,” Mow added. “Fewer and fewer people are interested in backpacking and camping. There’s a lack of nature in the upbringing of the next generation, a nature deficit disorder. They spend more time with computers and video games.”
“The lodge is perfect for providing a wilderness experience to a variety of visitors, to a generation uncomfortable in these undeveloped areas. They may be experiencing less nature, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need it.”
−by Tom Uhlenbrock
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propane [ˋpropen] n.【化】丙烷
walk-in [ˋwɔk͵ɪn] adj.(壁橱等)大得能走进去的
snatch [snætʃ] up 抓起 to grasp hastily or eagerly
mecca [ˋmɛkə] n.(m-)许多人想去的地方; 圣地; 胜地 a place to which many people with a certain interest are attracted
company [ˋkʌmpənɪ] n. 同伴(们); 朋友(们)
flat [flæt] n. 沼地;浅滩
otter [ˋɑtɚ] n.【动】獭,水獭
rocker [ˋrɑkɚ] n. 摇篮;摇椅
porch [portʃ] n. 阳台,走廊
upbringing [ˋʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n. 养育;教养,培养
Vocabulary Focus
amble [ˋæmb!] v. 轻松地走,从容漫步 to walk in a slow and relaxed way
cover [ˋkʌvɚ] n. 掩护(物);掩蔽处 shelter or protection, especially in a dangerous situation
hardier [ˋhɑrdɪɚ] adj. 更能吃苦耐劳的 being strong enough to bear extreme conditions or difficult situations
scads [skædz] n.【美】很多,巨额 a large number or amount
beckon [ˋbɛkn] v.(招手或点头)示意;召唤; 吸引;引诱 to attract people to something
adverse [ædˋvɝs] adj. 不利的,有害的 having a negative or harmful effect on something
demographic [͵deməˋgræfɪk] n. (某个地方或社会的)人口特征,人口统计数据; (尤指特定年龄段的)人群 the number and characteristics of the people in an area
deficit [ˋdɛfɪsɪt] n. 赤字,不足额 a lack or shortage of something
Kenai Fjords National Park
Kenai Fjords Glacier Lodge