Mind Your Manners 礼貌讲堂
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年2月17日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:308
Are college students behaving badly in the classrooms? 大学生在课堂上的行为是否已经变得恶劣无礼?
Lee Shumow doesn’t want to text her students, or be their friend on Facebook. To their chagrin, she prefers an old-fashioned way to communicate: e-mail.
The educational psychology professor appreciates when students take the time to reply. It’s an extra treat when they don’t begin their message with, “Hey, Lee.”
She and many of her colleagues believe such informality has seeped into the college classroom environment, citing student behavior that’s best described as rude or oblivious. Instructors blame technology for creating a disengaged generation whose attention is constantly diverted by laptops, phones and iPods.
“I literally cannot imagine having addressed any teacher I had in my career as ‘Hey’ and then their first name,” said Shumow, who has a doctoral degree and has taught 15 years at Northern Illinois University. “I love them. I won an award forundergraduate teaching in 2005. But man, the world has really changed from when I was a student.”
To their credit, most students are respectful and more inquisitive than ever, faculty members say.
不过,大学教职员表示,大多数学生的行为仍然相当值得赞赏(译注:to one’s credit指某人值得赞扬、认可),因为他们不但尊师重道,而且比过去的学生更好学不倦。
Yet professors also find they must devote space in the syllabus to ask students to refrain from surfing the web, texting or answering cell phones during a lecture.
For their part, students are irked by others who slurp and chew food, doze off or dominate discussion.
Some blame high schools for lowering the bar on classroom conduct, while others say the problems begin at home, when families fail to instill in children basic skills such as how to say “please” or “thank you.”
In some cases, parents are more obnoxious than their offspring. One professor reported hearing from an irate father whose child had failed a class. The father insisted he had paid enough tuition for “at least a D.”
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treat [trit] n. 难得的乐事
informality [ɪnfɔrˋmælətɪ] n. 不拘礼节
seep [sip] v. (+into) 渗出;漏 to trickle or leak out of something
cite [saɪt] v. 引用;引……为证;举出
disengaged [͵dɪsɪnˋgedʒd] adj. 漫不经心的
divert [daɪˋvɝt] v. 转移;使分心[(+from)]
address [əˋdrɛs] v. 称呼[(+as)]
doctoral [ˋdɑktərəl] adj. 博士的;博士学位的
to one’s credit 使某人增光, 是某人的荣誉, 值得赞扬 deserving of one’s praise or recognition; admirable
respectful [rɪˋspɛktfəl] adj. 恭敬的;尊敬人的,尊重人的; 礼貌的
inquisitive [ɪnˋkwɪzətɪv] adj. 好问的;好奇的
faculty [ˋfæk!tɪ] n.【主美】(大学或院,系的)全体教职员
devote [dɪˋvot] v. 投入(时间、精力等)
syllabus [ˋsɪləbəs] n. 教学大纲,课程大纲 a written plan showing the subjects or books to be studied in a particular course
refrain [rɪˋfren] v. 忍住;抑制,节制;戒除[(+from)]
for (one's) part 至于某人; 对某人来说 so far as one is concerned
slurp [slɝp] v. 出声地吃(或喝)
doze off 打(起)瞌睡(来); 打(起)盹儿(来) to fall into a light sleep
doze [doz] v. 打瞌睡,打盹;半睡
instill [ɪnˋstɔl] v. <美>逐渐使某人获得(某种可取的品质),逐步灌输
obnoxious [əbˋnɑkʃəs] adj.【文】令人非常不快的,讨厌的,可憎的
irate [ˋaɪret] adj. 发怒的;生气的
Professor or service provider? 是传道授业,还是只提供了服务?
Experts believe there is more to collegiate rudeness than perhaps a feeling of entitlement.
“The attitude often is: “I don’t need you. I have the Net,” said P.M. Forni, director of the Civility Initiative at Johns Hopkins University. These are students for whom the computers are the training wheels of their knowledge since early childhood. Many of them will think nothing of starting to text as you convey a commentary on Dante’s Divine Comedy.”
「学生常见的态度往往是:『我才不需要老师呢,我有网络就万事OK了,』」约翰霍金斯大学礼仪方案主任P.M.福尼如此表示,「这个世代的学生,往往打从幼年起,就一直依赖计算机作为吸收知识的辅助工具,所以当老师开始在课堂上教授有关但丁《神曲》的评论文章时,很多学生就会马上开始打简讯,而且认为这样根本没什么好大惊小怪的。」(译注:think nothing of指把某事视为稀松平常,认为不足为奇。)
There is a sense, Forni said, that the relationship between student and teacher is now likened to one between a client and service provider. “The prestige of the teacher and the professors as providers of knowledge and wisdom has decreased as the importance of the information technology has increased,” he said.
Setting clear boundaries 设定明确的底线
Professors should set a tone of relaxed formality and define boundaries from day one, Forni said. For instance, he begins his classes by explaining that he grew up in Italy during a different generation, where wearing caps in a classroom was considered rude. He considers it a distraction.
“I say, ‘Listen, I cannot enforce this. I am just asking you as a favor not to wear a cap in class for this reason,’” Forni said. “Nobody from that moment on wears his cap in class.”
Students usually respond well, teachers say, when they understand what is expected of them and what they can expect from the professor – including respect. The very nature of some class subjects can provoke discussion – or arguments that offend.
“I think it’s all in the way the instructor approaches the particular situation and addresses students,” said Kerry Lane, a professor who assigns reading on topics such as race and faith that can be delicate. “When we are 18, we may not be aware of how different our views are from others’.”
−by Lisa Black
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service provider 服务提供商 someone who meets the needs of others by providing something
collegiate [kəˋlidʒɪɪt] adj. 大学生的
civility [sɪˋvɪlətɪ] n. 礼貌,文明态度举止
initiative [ɪˋnɪʃətɪv] n. 倡议
training wheels (帮助脚踏车初学者保持平衡的)辅助措施 small wheels fixed to each side of the back wheel of a bicycle to prevent it from falling over when a child is learning to ride it
think nothing of doing something 把...视为平常; 看轻 to do something unusual or dangerous without worrying about it
Dante [ˋdɑnte] n. 但丁(意大利诗人)
divine [dəˋvaɪn] adj. 天赐的; 神的; 神圣的
liken [ˋlaɪkən] v. 把……比作[(+to)] to see, mention, or show as similar; compare
set a/the tone 定下基调 to establish the way that event or activity will continue, especially the mood of the people involved
formality [fɔrˋmælətɪ] n. 礼节;俗套; 形式; 仪式
distraction [dɪˋstrækʃən] n. 分散注意的事物
favor [ˋfevɚ] n. 善意的行为;恩惠
offend [əˋfɛnd] v. 冒犯;触怒;伤害……的感情
approach [əˋprotʃ] v. 着手处理,开始对付
delicate [ˋdɛləkət] adj. 需要小心处理的;微妙的;棘手的
Vocabulary Focus
chagrin [ʃəˋgrɪn] n. 失望; 苦恼; 悔恨 disappointment or anger, especially when caused by a failure or mistake
oblivious [əˋblɪvɪəs] adj. 不以为意的; 不知道的;未注意的; 未觉察的 not aware of or not noticing something, especially what is happening around you
irk [ɝk] v. 使厌倦;使苦恼; 激怒 to annoy someone
lower the bar 降低标准 to lower certain standards or expectation
entitlement [ɪnˋtaɪt!mənt] n. 应得的权利 when you have the right to do or have something
prestige [prɛsˋtiʒ] n. 名望,声望,威望 respect and admiration given to someone or something, usually because of a reputation for high quality, success, or social influence
provoke [prəˋvok] v. 诱导,导致; 激起 to elicit a response or cause a particular reaction